Gemma Bolognesi

Gemma Bolognesi

Nacimiento : 1894-11-04,

Muerte : 1983-03-26


Gemma Bolognesi


Un americano... de Roma
Lady on a diet
Nando Moriconi, es un encantador joven del barrio de Trastevere en Roma, obsesionado con todo lo americano. Nando alterna su marcado acento romano con unos americanismos inverosímiles y repite continuamente los diálogos que ha aprendido de las películas americanas. Persiguiendo su sueño de viajar a América y descubrir la sociedad más poderosa del mundo, Nando no hará más que armar una serie de innumerables líos que no le llevan a ninguna parte.
The Suitcase of Dreams
Amica baronessa
In the movie La valigia dei sogni (The Suitcase of Dreams, Italy, 1953) directed by Luigi Comencini, some sequences from Cenere are inserted. The protagonist is a former silent film actor who has saved old movies of his time from destruction, and uses them to set up recreational performances at schools. After an accidental fire and the risk of prison, he meets a rich producer who helps him to build a film museum.
Siamo tutti inquilini
Anna was the maid of a lady who inherited an apartment in a building in the center of Rome.
Processo contro ignoti
La madre di Enzo Pirani
A woman takes her ill husband's place in a smuggling ring and steals the heart of his partner.
Vogliamoci bene!
Sig.ra De Mori
Altra vicina di casa
Anything for the Woman
Il socio invisibile
Papà per una notte
Henriette Fontages
I, His Father
An ex-boxer has trained his own son and leads him on to win the middle-weight championship of Italy. But the boy falls easy prey to a woman of light morals and renounces the hard work of sport to follow her to a winter luxury resort and at a certain moment, offers to marry her but she, not wanting to give up an advantageous connection, turns him down, advising the youth to not change the nature of their relationship. Then, the boy feeling the entire baseness of his situation, returns home to his parents who welcome him back with joy and takes up again a commitment to sport.
I figli del marchese Lucera
Zelinda Tortorelli
The Cuckoo Clock
The rich banker Rosen of Livorno fear that the Bonapartist will take all his gold, so he is hiding it inside a cuckoo clock.
La mazurka di papà
Milizia territoriale
Musica in piazza