Story of the owners (Mastroianni and Schygulla) of a fancy nightclub in Budapest before and during WWII.
An office employee, pretending to be weak and crippled, reveals himself as a ruthless criminal.
An office employee, pretending to be weak and crippled, reveals himself as a ruthless criminal.
Un atormentado cazador de tiburones vive en un pueblito mexicano guardando bastantes trapos sucios bajo la cama. La llegada de viejos enemigos al lugar lo hará desviar su atención de los escualos para dedicarse a voltear villanos.
Un atormentado cazador de tiburones vive en un pueblito mexicano guardando bastantes trapos sucios bajo la cama. La llegada de viejos enemigos al lugar lo hará desviar su atención de los escualos para dedicarse a voltear villanos.
Las vidas de Bruno "Mandrake" y Armando "Pomada" giran en torno a las carreras de caballos y las apuestas. Lo que tienen en común es que siempre pierden. Mandrake recibe de parte de su novia Gabriella los nombres nombres de tres caballos para apostar; pero como piensa que no ganará, le pasa el dato a su amigo Pomada...
Deep South Italian seventies. The performing and penniless sales representative "Tano" Avallone, fell in love with the beautiful Mariangela, sixteen-year-old daughter of the widowed lawyer "Totonno" Fortis Pantaleo. In order to approach the girl, he enters the graces of the professional, posing as his childhood friend and saying he is willing to eliminate the elderly Donna Mercedes, mother of these, so that he can inherit the substances. Guest of the family, Tano finds himself involved in a whirlwind of feminine attentions, including the free-range governess Immaculate, unnecessarily coveted by the lawyer, and the servant Sisina, desired by the parish priest.
Marcello, the scion of a noble and rich family, is morbidly obsessed with his mother, Countess Elisabetta di Tarcento. When she dies, things go haywire as people around him reveal their true identity and he gets a new motherly companion.
Marcello, the scion of a noble and rich family, is morbidly obsessed with his mother, Countess Elisabetta di Tarcento. When she dies, things go haywire as people around him reveal their true identity and he gets a new motherly companion.
Rome, 1870. Opponents of the church power are being sent to prison. Some of the exhausted prisoners are asking for the mercy of Pope. Others, like Augusto Parenti, prefer to fight for their rights until the end. His wife, Teresa is a simple woman, who gets involved with the rebels.
Rome, 1870. Opponents of the church power are being sent to prison. Some of the exhausted prisoners are asking for the mercy of Pope. Others, like Augusto Parenti, prefer to fight for their rights until the end. His wife, Teresa is a simple woman, who gets involved with the rebels.
Rome, 1870. Opponents of the church power are being sent to prison. Some of the exhausted prisoners are asking for the mercy of Pope. Others, like Augusto Parenti, prefer to fight for their rights until the end. His wife, Teresa is a simple woman, who gets involved with the rebels.
An ex-prostitute, feeling an emptiness in her life, decides to fill it by buying a car.
An ex-prostitute, feeling an emptiness in her life, decides to fill it by buying a car.
An ex-prostitute, feeling an emptiness in her life, decides to fill it by buying a car.
This vehicle for the great actress Anna Magnani was one of the four made for Italian television and shown in 1971-1972 at the end of her career. The other three were "La sciantosa," "Correva l'anno di grazia 1870," and "L'automobile" and were all directed by Alfredo Giannetti.
This vehicle for the great actress Anna Magnani was one of the four made for Italian television and shown in 1971-1972 at the end of her career. The other three were "La sciantosa," "Correva l'anno di grazia 1870," and "L'automobile" and were all directed by Alfredo Giannetti.
La Sciantosa is part of a project created by writer/director Alfredo Gianetti for the Italian TV. The objective was to portrait a hundred years of Italian history through three movies, all of them with Anna Magnani. The other two are "1943: un incontro" and "L'autmobile". In this first movie, La Magnani is Flora Torres, a "sciantosa" (kind of a small stage diva) who is forgotten during the WWI, living only to remember her past glory. One day she receives a letter to present herself to the high command. There, Flora is called to go to the front and entertain the troops. Along with her maid Cristina, Flora goes to the front. There they are welcomed by the young private Tonino (Massimo Ranieri). Flora starts to act like a prima donna, making absurd demands to everyone. But when she is about to present herself, the vision of the wounded soldiers makes her change her way
La Sciantosa is part of a project created by writer/director Alfredo Gianetti for the Italian TV. The objective was to portrait a hundred years of Italian history through three movies, all of them with Anna Magnani. The other two are "1943: un incontro" and "L'autmobile". In this first movie, La Magnani is Flora Torres, a "sciantosa" (kind of a small stage diva) who is forgotten during the WWI, living only to remember her past glory. One day she receives a letter to present herself to the high command. There, Flora is called to go to the front and entertain the troops. Along with her maid Cristina, Flora goes to the front. There they are welcomed by the young private Tonino (Massimo Ranieri). Flora starts to act like a prima donna, making absurd demands to everyone. But when she is about to present herself, the vision of the wounded soldiers makes her change her way
Serafino, a young and innocent shepherd, inherits a huge fortune. He immediately starts spending the entire sum on presents for his friends, causing the envy of his family.
Un siciliano asegura la virginidad de su hija al haber sido arruinado y tener que entregar a su hija como pago de una deuda.
Sergio Masini, de profesión violinista, va a ser padre por sexta vez. Con su mujer tiene tres hijos, con su amante dos, y este sexto con una tercera amante. La triple vida de Sergio le origina múltiples quebraderos de cabeza.
Sergio Masini, de profesión violinista, va a ser padre por sexta vez. Con su mujer tiene tres hijos, con su amante dos, y este sexto con una tercera amante. La triple vida de Sergio le origina múltiples quebraderos de cabeza.
In this romance, a middle-aged playboy finds himself running his father's fur business after his father's death. He continues to allow his papa's mistress to run the business. The playboy's fiancee gets pregnant and he refuses to marry her. She dumps him in favor of his best friend. Soon the selfish man finds himself deserted by all his friends. He winds up involved with his father's patiently waiting lover.
In this romance, a middle-aged playboy finds himself running his father's fur business after his father's death. He continues to allow his papa's mistress to run the business. The playboy's fiancee gets pregnant and he refuses to marry her. She dumps him in favor of his best friend. Soon the selfish man finds himself deserted by all his friends. He winds up involved with his father's patiently waiting lover.
Three episodes of varying pitch and quality. In the first a maid plans the elimination of her lover's wife with him, but she doesn't enjoy the fruits of victory. In the second (The patrol) a soldier of the Foreign Legion neglects his duties for running after a prostitute. The third segment has as its protagonist a general of the belle époque that goes on a date.
Three episodes of varying pitch and quality. In the first a maid plans the elimination of her lover's wife with him, but she doesn't enjoy the fruits of victory. In the second (The patrol) a soldier of the Foreign Legion neglects his duties for running after a prostitute. The third segment has as its protagonist a general of the belle époque that goes on a date.
Un barón siciliano, después de doce años casado con Rosalia, se ha enamorado locamente de Angela, su sobrina, una linda joven de dieciséis años. Cuando descubre que Angela le corresponde, empieza a pensar en el método más seguro para deshacerse de su mujer. Decide entonces inducirla a la infidelidad y después matarla. En aquella época, las leyes italianas castigaban los llamados "delitos de honor" con penas mínimas. Como Rosalia es una mujer decente, el plan no funciona, hasta que regresa al pueblo Carmelino, un antiguo admirador suyo.
Un barón siciliano, después de doce años casado con Rosalia, se ha enamorado locamente de Angela, su sobrina, una linda joven de dieciséis años. Cuando descubre que Angela le corresponde, empieza a pensar en el método más seguro para deshacerse de su mujer. Decide entonces inducirla a la infidelidad y después matarla. En aquella época, las leyes italianas castigaban los llamados "delitos de honor" con penas mínimas. Como Rosalia es una mujer decente, el plan no funciona, hasta que regresa al pueblo Carmelino, un antiguo admirador suyo.
September the 8th 1943, Rome, day of the armistice. Danilo escapes the fascist enlist, while Michele succeeded to leave his administration moving from Rome. On the way to come back Rome the two meets Gino and all together will try to pass trough the Gothic Line.
September the 8th 1943, Rome, day of the armistice. Danilo escapes the fascist enlist, while Michele succeeded to leave his administration moving from Rome. On the way to come back Rome the two meets Gino and all together will try to pass trough the Gothic Line.
September the 8th 1943, Rome, day of the armistice. Danilo escapes the fascist enlist, while Michele succeeded to leave his administration moving from Rome. On the way to come back Rome the two meets Gino and all together will try to pass trough the Gothic Line.
En dos pisos de un mismo edificio se producen un robo y un asesinato. El comisario Ingraballo se encarga del caso e irá desvelando las miserias de todos los que están en mayor o menor grado involucrados, entre ellos la bella Claudia Cardinale y su novio electricista. Basada en la novela "Quel pasticciaccio brutto di via Merulana", de Carlo Emilio Gadda.
En dos pisos de un mismo edificio se producen un robo y un asesinato. El comisario Ingraballo se encarga del caso e irá desvelando las miserias de todos los que están en mayor o menor grado involucrados, entre ellos la bella Claudia Cardinale y su novio electricista. Basada en la novela "Quel pasticciaccio brutto di via Merulana", de Carlo Emilio Gadda.
Una joven pareja de actores de una compañía de segunda se separan cuando él se va a Roma para triunfar en el cine.
Un hombre casado concilia la rutina de la vida conyugal con una aventura amorosa con una adolescente.
Un hombre casado concilia la rutina de la vida conyugal con una aventura amorosa con una adolescente.
Stefano, a singer struggling for success, falls for Maria who, however, is pregnant with a child from another guy. Stefano leaves her but when he becomes a star, he looks for her and marries her.
Stefano, a singer struggling for success, falls for Maria who, however, is pregnant with a child from another guy. Stefano leaves her but when he becomes a star, he looks for her and marries her.
Andrea, maquinista de ferrocarril desde hace treinta años, tiene problemas familiares: por una parte, su hijo no tiene trabajo y, por otra, su hija, que está embarazada, no sabe si casarse o no con su novio. Al mismo tiempo que su vida familiar parece desmoronarse, un asunto relacionado con el ferrocarril le afectará gravemente.
Andrea, maquinista de ferrocarril desde hace treinta años, tiene problemas familiares: por una parte, su hijo no tiene trabajo y, por otra, su hija, que está embarazada, no sabe si casarse o no con su novio. Al mismo tiempo que su vida familiar parece desmoronarse, un asunto relacionado con el ferrocarril le afectará gravemente.
Maruzzella is in love with Salvatore, who in turn is infatuated with Donna Carmela, Maruzzella's stepmother. As if that were not enough, Carmela deprives Maruzzella of her inheritance. When Salvatore comes to visit Renato, his old poor and needy schoolmate, the situation takes a strange development.
Maruzzella is in love with Salvatore, who in turn is infatuated with Donna Carmela, Maruzzella's stepmother. As if that were not enough, Carmela deprives Maruzzella of her inheritance. When Salvatore comes to visit Renato, his old poor and needy schoolmate, the situation takes a strange development.
An unworthy nephew, with the help of a girl who seduces the young guardian, robs the aunt of the family jewels. He also manages to put the blame for the theft on the caretaker, engaged to a young woman who is actually the woman's natural daughter. The thief also tries to blackmail his aunt by threatening to reveal the truth after so many years, but a commissioner manages to prove the innocence of the suspect and the guilt of his nephew.
El sueño de la incontenible Anna Zaccheo de contraer un buen matrimonio le acarreará varias experiencias trágicas tratando de conseguir una dote para casarse con Andrea, un marinero del cual se ha enamorado.
El sueño de la incontenible Anna Zaccheo de contraer un buen matrimonio le acarreará varias experiencias trágicas tratando de conseguir una dote para casarse con Andrea, un marinero del cual se ha enamorado.