Elio Pandolfi

Elio Pandolfi

Nacimiento : 1926-06-17, Rome, Lazio, Italy

Muerte : 2021-10-11


Elio Pandolfi


Metti una notte
Zio Fulvio
Martino, a young entomologist in a sentimental crisis, returns to Rome to find his beloved uncle. As soon as he arrives, his uncle asks him to babysit the daughter of some friends. Once arrived at Linda's home, the little girl, Martino finds out that along with her there is also Lulù, her eccentric and unpredictable grandmother. Everything becomes more complicated when Martino receives the phone call of Tea, an old love encountered by accident right that afternoon. The woman is in danger and asks him for help. Martino, excited about the idea of saving her, is forced to bring the grandmother and child into a series of adventures and misadventures, encounters and unforeseen events, around a nocturnal Rome, seeking a new love.
Yo-Rhad - Un amico dallo spazio
Merope (voce)
Leo the Lion
Camea (voice)
It’s a hard life for young Leo: his family just doesn’t understand why he’s a vegetarian lion. His solitude ends when he meets Avoria, the elephant queen, who has recently given birth to two calves with braided tails. Mysteriously widowed, Avoria is courted by dapper Zanco. By a series of misfortunes she is separated from her young. Leo steps in to take care of them: thus begins his search for legendary Milk Lake, during which he experiences all sorts of incredible adventures. This fable with a happy ending handles the themes of diversity and racism with engaging originality.
Demasiado amor
Después de un largo matrimonio, Maria y Jeffrey han entrado en crisis. Intentando mantener unida a la familia, ella trata de convencer a sus hijos para que asistan al cumpleaños de la anciana abuela Asunta, propietaria de la bella casa en que viven. Pero sus hijos atraviesan una mala racha. Francesco es un escritor que se siente avergonzado de haber alcanzado la fama con un libro de ínfima calidad literaria, razón por la que su esposa le ha perdido el respeto. Marco es médico y es feliz con su familia, pero su mujer está decidida a tirarlo todo por la borda con tal de hacerse actriz. Mientras tanto, Miriam, que es una joven emancipada, descubre que está embarazada, pero no sabe cuál de sus amantes es el padre.
12 Directors for 12 Cities
Narratore - Verona (voice)
Promotional omnibus film, made for the 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy, featuring portraits of 12 Italian cities.
Che casino... con Pierino!
narrator (voice)
After leaving school and failing various work experiences, Pierino decides to go to work as a helper at the bar run by his uncle Nino. He comes across different situations, sometimes involving his friend Pantera, who is able to imitate various sounds, or the girl Marisa, with whom Pierino is madly in love, until he decides to leave for a trip to Austria.
Sacerdote del amor
Pino Orioli
Pormenorizada descripción de los últimos días del controvertido escritor D. H. Lawrence. A raíz de la prohibición y quema de su novela “The Rainbow” huye de Inglaterra. La situación se agrava cuando contrae tuberculosis y se refugia en Italia, donde escribe “El amante de Lady Chatterley”.
Orazi e Curiazi 3 - 2
Re Tullo / Appia / Claudia / Ferrarella
Predictable parody of the legendary chapter of history of ancient Rome. The Orazi champions of the Central-South indolent clash with the Curiazi of Alba Longobarda, a hard-working northern city.
En tiempos en los que Roma vivía bajo la tiranía de un cruel gobernador, Rugantino cruzó con sus amigos una arriesgada apuesta: sería capaz de seducir a la bella Rosetta, casada con un hombre tan violento como celoso. El primer asalto lo acabó Rugantino con un dedo roto. El siguiente consistió en sustituir al modelo que debía posar junto a Rosetta, ambos desnudos, para un famoso escultor. A los pocos días, los dedos rotos de Rugantino eran ya dos.
Buona parte di Paolina
Paolina, hermana de Napoleón I, está casada con Camillo Borghese, un hombre flácido e impotente, por lo que la chica ansiosa se ofrece a todos los jóvenes a la vista.
Cuando los hombres usaban cachiporra y con las mujeres hacían 'ding dong'
El cavernícola Ari se gana a la encantadora virgen Listra en un concurso de captura de cerdo, pero sus intentos de "ding-dong" se ven interrumpidos por las batallas entre su tribu, los habitantes de la cueva, y sus vecinos, los habitantes del lago. Molesta porque su hombre prefiere hacer la guerra, Listra organiza a las mujeres de ambas tribus para realizar una huelga absteniéndose del "ding-dong" hasta que los hombres dejen de luchar.
Amore formula 2
La più bella coppia del mondo
Walter and Paola, presenter and godmother of the sixth Cantagiro, are involved in a misunderstanding: to dismiss a suitor, the presenter pretends to be married to Quattrini.
Addio, mamma!
Signor Tognoloni
A nightclub singer starts a relationship with a construction engineer.
El bueno, el feo y el caradura
Miguel the Mexican
Film que parodia de la "Trilogía del dólar" de Sergio Leone.
Yo, yo, yo... y los demás
Sandro, un popular periodista, prepara un reportaje sobre el egoísmo humano. Todas las personas que conoce le sirven para su investigación, incluso su propia esposa, Titta. Pero poco a poco se irá identificando con ellos, y le hará replantearse su vida...
Obiettivo ragazze
Aurelio - L'Ipnotizzatore
Four former soldiers meet and reminisce about the time they were in active service: a parachutist mistaking his sergeants house for a brothel, a hypnotized sailor who thinks he has changed his sex, two GIs captured by an African tribe.
El magnífico aventurero
Biografía del escultor florentino Benvenuto Cellini, que pasó de ser un humilde artesano a trabajar en la corte de los reyes en tiempos del Papa Clemente VII. La historia se centra la realización de su obra maestra, "El Perseo", para la cual se inspiró en el rostro de su hermano Francisco.
Noi duri
Serafino Alvarez
Lieutenant Bombardone is in Paris to wipe out a gang of drug traffickers.
La cento chilometri
Il corridore grasso
En una carrera atlética de 100 kilómetros participan diversos personajes, cuyas vidas se entrecruzarán a medida que transcurra el tiempo.
Son of the Red Corsair
Enrico di Ventimiglia, the Son of the Red Corsair, travels through the Spanish conquests of Central America in search of the stepsister he has never met.
Il borghese gentiluomo
Maestro di ballo
Totò Double or Nothing?
The penniless Duke decides to participate in "Lascia o raddoppia", a TV quiz show, in order to win five million lira. Then two gangsters bet between themselves on his success and, alas, the Duke is kidnapped.
Ridere! Ridere! Ridere!
A series of comical sketches featuring a doctor, a travelling salesman and some posh gents.
Times Gone By
The groom (segment "Pot-pourri di canzoni")
A number of different segments taken from 19th century Italian stories.