Mary Anderson
Nacimiento : 1918-04-03, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Muerte : 2014-04-06
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Mary Bebe Anderson (April 3, 1918 – April 6, 2014) was an American actress, who appeared in 31 films and 22 television productions between 1939 and 1965. She was best known for her small supporting role in the film Gone With the Wind as well as one of the main characters in Alfred Hitchcock's 1944 film Lifeboat.
La historia gira alrededor de un sinfín de catastróficas situaciones que acontecen en el mismo avión. En el vuelo viajan un peligroso asesino que está siendo trasladado, un suicida que ha puesto en marcha una bomba de gas lo que provoca que los pilotos queden fuera de combate, etc.
Eileen Vickers
Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer in his first film adventure. Originally screened in 3D.
Anna Quinn
A young bride is set to begin her honeymoon aboard a luxury liner. Her happiness does not last when she finds that her husband has disappeared. Trouble is, no one else ever saw him board the ship with her and his name has mysteriously dropped from the passenger list.
Hilda Jones
El abogado Jimmy Donovan opina que un paseo en bicicleta por México es lo que más le conviene mientras espera a su cliente, pero en su camino se cruza la profesora Jean Harper, y todo se tuerce...
Mary Cannon
Bill Cannon (Dan Duryea) loses everything to alcohol: his job, his family, his self-respect. Soon after his wife and daughter leave him, he receives word his little girl has been injured in a car accident outside Chicago. His wife will call later with news, but Bill’s short the $53 he needs to keep his phone from being disconnected. Filled with anguish, he heads out onto the Los Angeles streets to find some way to come up with the cash. As his character encounters expected cruelty and unexpected kindness, Duryea takes what might have been mere melodrama and turns it into a perceptive examination of one shattered soul. The other fine star of this race-against-the-clock programmer is an unglamorous, lunch-bucket L.A. rarely captured on film.
Myra Johnson
Un grupo de pioneros de la misma religión, conducidos por un ministro pacifista, deben atravesar el desierto en busca de un lugar donde instalarse. Durante el recorrido, los peregrinos se verán obligados a compartir el camino con seis fugitivos que se unen a su caravana.
Alice McGuire / Peggy Linden
A lawyer uncovers secrets behind a 12-year-old murder case.
Swashbuckler about the adventures of pirate Jean Lafitte after he helped save New Orleans from a British invasion during the War of 1812.
Molly Rankin
Después de ser despedido del periódico donde trabaja, Mike Reese se hace socio de un pequeño periódico de provincias en donde intenta poner en práctica los métodos de la prensa de la gran ciudad. Un asesinato en el que está envuelto un magnate de la prensa será la oportunidad perfecta para sus planes.
Police Broadcaster (voice) (uncredited)
La meticulosa planificación de un atraco a una joyería por parte de una banda de delincuentes le sirve a Huston para ofrecer un poderoso relato lleno de intensidad, amén de un realista e insuperable estudio de personajes y sus motivaciones. Sin lugar a dudas, una de los mejores películas del cine negro de todos los tiempos, con el gran Hayden y una seductora y sexy Marilyn Monroe.
A lonely man and woman meet on rainy afternoon in New York.
Mary Roberts
After hearing that a famous actress is dying in a hospital after being hit by a car, a reporter goes to the hospital to interview the actress. She then tells the reporter that her wealthy fiance, who was killed in an accident several years before, was actually murdered. Before long the reporter finds herself in a web of corruption, mental illness and murder.
Corinne Piersen
Durante la I Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), una joven inglesa pasa una noche con un valiente soldado de infantería y queda embarazada. El soldado muere antes de que puedan casarse, y la joven, para evitar un escándalo, entrega su hijo a otra persona, aunque permanece siempre cerca de él.
Nora Bard
An unscrupulous private investigator with a penchant for blackmail is found dead in a car and the leading suspect is Janet Bradley, the daughter of a mayoral candidate. With the election just weeks away, shady and ruthless individuals muscle the medical officer into switching the corpse with another body. Lieutenant Sam Carson, one of the few good apples in the bunch must find a way to get to the bottom of it all.
Anne Howland
Michael Howland, a stern hanging judge, is assigned to take over a chaotic prison. There Michael imposes a strict regime of discipline on the inmates. He is similarly rigid and harsh with his own two children Tommie and Anne. However, his son Tommie Howland eventually ends up incarcerated in his father's prison.
Eleanor Wilson
Biopic sobre el presidente democráta de los Estados Unidos Woodrow Wilson. Dejó su puesto en la Universidad de Princeton para presentarse a gobernador de New Jersey, y de ahí fue ascendiendo hasta llegar a presidente (1913-1921). Durante su mandato tuvo que enfrentarse a la muerte de su esposa, además de a las hostilidades alemanas que finalmente llevaron a los Estados Unidos a entrar en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Además fue fundador de la liga de las naciones en 1919, lo que le valió el Premio Nobel de la Paz.
Alice MacKenzie
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, ocho supervivientes de un barco que ha sido torpedeado comparten un bote salvavidas. También recogerán a un nazi que está a punto de ahogarse, lo que provocará diversas tensiones entre los tripulantes.
Jeanne Abadie
Historia de Bernadette Soubirous (Jennifer Jones) y el misterio de la aparición de la Virgen en Lourdes (Francia) en 1858. Cuando a Bernadette, una niña asmática, se le aparece la Señora vestida de blanco, cambia sustancialmente la vida del pueblo de Massadiel, donde surge un manantial cuyas aguas curan a los peregrinos enfermos. Estos hechos serán exhaustivamente investigados por la Iglesia, los médicos y toda suerte de expertos.
Phyllis Michael
After accidentally sinking a borrowed motorboat, teenager Henry Aldrich scrambles to raise the replacement cash the boat's owner demands. The catch: Henry only has two days to come up with the funds, or the boat's angry owner will turn him over to the police.
Mary Ainsworth
A girl, Carol whom the audience is quickly informed "has been around," and her father arrive to take over the business management of an island in the Bahamas owned by Adrian Ainsworth, descendant of many ancestors who have handled it over the years to the satisfaction of its 250 native residents. He is married to a woman who stays away from the island because she is lonely when there. Adrian doesn't want Carol or her father there, and they don't want to be there. Romance can't be lurking far behind the beautiful sunset.
Phyllis Michael
Henry Aldrich finds himself in a heated election for high-school class president.
Edie Baird
Fresh out of reform school, a bunch of delinquent girls fall in with a gang of crooks and are put to work as "hostesses" in a number of mob-controlled bars and cafes. The girls are expected to string along male customers so that the latter will squander their money on watered-down drinks and fixed poker games. When one gullible New Yorker is clipped to the tune of $18,000 worth of diamonds, the Law closes in.
Amy Saunders
Ella Bishop is an inhibited girl whose frustrations grow as she approaches womanhood. As a women, her ambitions to teach cause her to lose her only opportunity for true love. Ella's life becomes one of missed chances and wrong choices. As she reaches old age, she reflects back and realizes she allowed the years to go by without achieving what she believes to be her true fulfillment. However, her years have not been without glory, and her moment of triumph arrives when her numerous now-famous students from over the years, return to honor their beloved Miss Bishop.
Girl with Max (uncredited)
German Julius Reuter sends 19th-century news by carrier pigeon and then by wire, founding a news agency.
Maid of Honor
Clásico del género de piratas en el que un pletórico Errol Flynn interpreta a un bucanero inglés del siglo XVI al que la reina Isabel I concede patente de corso para abordar la flota española y atacar y saquear sus ciudades en el Nuevo Mundo. Las autoridades españolas elaboran un plan para acabar con el temido pirata. El maestro Curtiz deja su sello con una perfecta narración y espectaculares batallas navales.
Rebecca Jay
París, 1840. Una institutriz mantiene una escandalosa relación con un noble. Cuando la mujer de él aparece muerta, ambos se convierten en los principales sospechosos.
Woman Mistaken for Amelia by Tony (uncredited)
Comedia donde una estudiante de violín con problemas económicos para seguir su aprendizaje recibe una sorpresa cuando un donante anónimo le consigue un contrato para grabar un disco.
Ann Rutledge
The story of Abraham Lincoln's 30-year struggle of persistence-through-failure is told to an unemployed 50 year old man.
Girl (uncredited)
Dying Joan Ames meets criminal Dan Hardesty on a luxury liner as he is being transported back to America by policeman Steve Burke to face execution. Joan and Dan fall in love, their fates unbeknownst to one another.
Maybelle Merriwether
Georgia, 1861. En la elegante mansión sureña de Tara, vive Scarlett O'Hara, la joven más bella, caprichosa y egoísta de la región. Ella suspira por el amor de Ashley, pero él está prometido con su prima, la dulce y bondadosa Melanie. Corren todavía tiempos felices en Tara, pero por poco tiempo, porque la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865) está a punto de estallar. En la última fiesta, celebrada antes del comienzo de las hostilidades entre el norte y el sur, Scarlett conoce al simpático, cínico y apuesto Rhett Butler, un vividor arrogante y aventurero, que sólo piensa en sí mismo y que no tiene ninguna intención de participar en el conflicto. Lo que él desea es hacerse rico y conquistar el corazón de la hermosa Scarlett.
Hilda (uncredited)
This short film provides a fanciful account of how Felix Mendelssohn came to compose "The Wedding March".
Young Girl (uncredited)
Un grupo de mujeres pasan la mayor parte del día entre salones de belleza y tiendas de ropa, siempre murmurando, con cotilleos y rumores. De repente, una de ellas descubre que su marido se ve a escondidas con una dependienta. Esta situación provoca un escándalo entre sus amigas, produciéndose diversas situaciones de celos, envidias y rumores. (FILMAFFINITY)