Eddie Candell escapa mientras era conducido a San Quintín, tras matar a un delincuente en defensa propia. Los gángsters que lo traicionaron se ponen en alerta, pues temen su venganza. Candell, vagando por el desierto, va a parar a una zona en la cual se realiza una prueba nuclear. La explosión lo alcanza de lleno, y lo convierte en un mutante con la fuerza del acero, que resiste el impacto de una bala.
Two 19th-century sailors jump ship only to discover their tropical paradise is a cannibal stronghold.
En una ciudad fronteriza del Oeste americano, dominada por la banda de los Newton, un agente secreto del gobierno es asesinado. Su hijo, un joven educado pero impulsivo, se traslada hasta allí para buscar a los autores del crimen y vengar la muerte de su padre. Para ello contará con la ayuda de un predicador.
Después de acumular un substancioso botín, un ladrón de bancos planea huir a México con la intención de retirarse. Para burlar la vigilancia de las autoridades fronterizas, contrata a un guía que lo lleve por las montañas. Lo malo es que el guía es el marido de la mujer que siempre ha amado y a la que no ve desde hace tiempo. (FILMAFFINITY)
A Marine officer (John Payne) goes through Korea with the bottle of Scotch that his wife (Mona Freeman) gave him in the last war.
Solly Caspar es un gánster que se ocupa tranquilamente de sus negocios porque tanto el alcalde como el jefe de policía se han dejado sobornar por él. En vísperas de unas elecciones, Caspar asesina a un periodista que lo hostigaba continuamente desde las páginas de su diario. Mientras tanto, el candidato a alcalde, que es un político reformista, hace una durísima campaña contra el crimen organizado. Entonces Caspar, temiendo perder el control de las actividades locales, ordena que lo investiguen con el fin de encontrar en su pasado algo que lo descalifique.
Un tahúr y un pistolero forman una pareja invencible que nadie consigue derrotar, pero llega un momento en que tendrán que enfrentarse entre sí por causa de una mujer.
Tres aventureros llegan a los mares del Sur con la intención de apoderarse de unas valiosas perlas negras, pero, para conseguirlo tendrán que enfrentarse a un peligroso grupo de nativos y, sobre todo, a un pulpo gigante que custodia la cueva donde se encuentran las perlas.
En la antigua Birmania dominada por los ingleses, una joven ha heredado una plantación de té en Oriente. Los problemas se le multiplican a la muchacha, pero sabe vencerlos con coraje, hasta que un peligro superior la acecha cuando un perseguido por la justicia busca cobijo en sus posesiones.
Sierra Nevada Jones es la joven e intrépida heredera de un rancho en el territorio de Montana. Tras la muerte de su padre en un enfrentamiento contra unos indios y unos blancos que pretendían apoderarse del terreno, Sierra Nevada debe luchar con todas sus fuerzas para conservar la propiedad del lugar. Por suerte para ella, contará con la inesperada ayuda de Farrell, un policía encubierto.
Hacia 1800, California es el mundo de los pioneros: un mundo violento, duro y valiente. Es también el mundo de los cuatreros y de las mujeres indómitas, un mundo que crece en el esplendoroso paisaje que rodea a la pintoresca ciudad de Sonora...
En la pequeña ciudad de Silver Lode, el sheriff McCart interrumpe bruscamente la boda entre Dan y Rose para detener al novio.
In this war drama, set during the Korean War, an Air Force nurse gets involved in a love triangle on the front lines.
Cam Ellerby brings his traveling medicine show to town and it spells glamour and excitement to young Sylvia Townsend.
Cam Ellerby brings his traveling medicine show to town and it spells glamour and excitement to young Sylvia Townsend.
Durante la Guerra de Secesión, Border City es un pueblo minero situado entre la zona unionista y la confederada, y está dirigido con mano de hierro por su alcaldesa y principal empresaria, que castiga con la horca a aquellos que no respetan su neutralidad. Sally Maris llega para visitar a su hermano Bill escoltada por la banda de Quantrill, que ha interceptado y asaltado su diligencia poco antes y pretende hacerse con plomo de las minas del lugar. La esposa de William Quantrill, Kate, era la novia de Bill antes de ser raptada por el jefe guerrillero, pero ahora le provoca y el capataz Lance Horton se ve obligado a matar a Bill en legítima defensa. Debido a las deudas de su hermano, a Sally no le queda más remedio que asumir la dirección del saloon y Lance siente el deber de erigirse en su protector.
Durante la Guerra de Secesión, Border City es un pueblo minero situado entre la zona unionista y la confederada, y está dirigido con mano de hierro por su alcaldesa y principal empresaria, que castiga con la horca a aquellos que no respetan su neutralidad. Sally Maris llega para visitar a su hermano Bill escoltada por la banda de Quantrill, que ha interceptado y asaltado su diligencia poco antes y pretende hacerse con plomo de las minas del lugar. La esposa de William Quantrill, Kate, era la novia de Bill antes de ser raptada por el jefe guerrillero, pero ahora le provoca y el capataz Lance Horton se ve obligado a matar a Bill en legítima defensa. Debido a las deudas de su hermano, a Sally no le queda más remedio que asumir la dirección del saloon y Lance siente el deber de erigirse en su protector.
Belle Star es una joven de dudosa reputación que se relaciona con un pequeño grupo de forajidos, los hermanos Dalton. Precisamente la banda está pasando por un momento de dificultades económicas, por lo que planean atracar un banco.
The life and career of famed American composer Stephen Foster.
Wendell Corey and Forrest Tucker star as a pair of World War II Army Air Corps officers. In between their battles over the affections of a beautiful nurse, Corey and Tucker prepare to fly a bombing mission in the South Pacific. Before boarding their B29 Superfortress, Tucker appears to be chickening out, but he's steadfastly at his cockpit post at takeoff time.
Upon her release from prison for a murder she didn't commit, a woman finds that her younger sister has been placed in an orphanage. Determined to do whatever it takes to get her out, she eventually becomes the proprietor of a notorious gambling establishment.
Violet Barton, a femme-fatale goal-setter, fascinates men and readily returns their affection to obtain the wealth she desires, even to the point of bigamy. She has an affair with gambler Gregg Delaney but marries his best friend, Johnny Hale, when she discovers Hale is the richest man in Texas. This loses her the respect of her sister, Janet, who loves Hale, and Delaney, who loves Violet. Meanwhile, town sheriff Bill Howard is working hard to get Delaney to confess to a murder.
Exitosa película de la productora Republic Pictures que retrata la heroica conquista de una isla del océano Pacífico por parte de las tropas americanas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
An ex-convict on his way to make his fortune in a gold mine in Arizona has his trip interrupted when the residents of a small Mexican village believe him to be a sacred religious figure.
Un agente de cobro llega a un pequeño pueblo con 1000 dólares para un granjero. Mientras espera a que el agricultor llegue, el dinero es guardado en una caja fuerte de un hotel. Sin embargo, el dinero se saca por error y solventa un serie de problemas antes de ser devuelto.
Un agente de cobro llega a un pequeño pueblo con 1000 dólares para un granjero. Mientras espera a que el agricultor llegue, el dinero es guardado en una caja fuerte de un hotel. Sin embargo, el dinero se saca por error y solventa un serie de problemas antes de ser devuelto.
Una niña (Natalie Wood) vive en el bosque con su abuelo en estado casi salvaje. Cuando éste muere, se dirige al pueblo y encuentra por el camino a un perro abandonado que ha caído de un avión. El médico del pueblo los acoge en su casa. Debido a su vestimenta y a su espontaneidad, la niña será objeto de las burlas de los demás niños y chocará con la hipocresía de una sociedad convencional.
Una niña (Natalie Wood) vive en el bosque con su abuelo en estado casi salvaje. Cuando éste muere, se dirige al pueblo y encuentra por el camino a un perro abandonado que ha caído de un avión. El médico del pueblo los acoge en su casa. Debido a su vestimenta y a su espontaneidad, la niña será objeto de las burlas de los demás niños y chocará con la hipocresía de una sociedad convencional.
US cavalry officer James Laurence (Nelson Eddy) arrives at one of the Russian colonies to pave the way for the eventual American takeover of the territory. He faces resistance in the form of Prince Nikolai Balinin (Hugo Haas), who has no intention of weakening his despotic hold over the local peasants. The plot thickens when Laurence falls in love with Natalie Alanova (Ilona Massey), the wife of disgraced nobleman Count Igor Savin (Joseph Schildkraut).
Around the turn of the century, two young men, Johnnie Bennett, a composer and Steve Adams, an artist, go to New York City to make their fortune. They both fall in love with the same girl, Patricia O'Neill. The artist paints a picture of her which outrages her father's sensibilities; but, as a result of the picture, she wins a chance to star in a Broadway play. She soon learns that the artist is just a trifler; and she turns to the composer, who loves her sincerely
A homesick American soldier stationed in England during World War II makes an unauthorized trip to see his wife and returns to England with only two people knowing he was home for a few hours. When she learns that she is pregnant, she does not disclose that her husband had paid her a visit as to not get him into trouble. The townspeople are unanimous in their condemnation of her. But, after his discharge, he enlists the aid of a nightclub singer, the only other person who knew he came home.
Dennis O'Keefe, newly married to lovely Sheila Ryan, is in a jam. O'Keefe's former girl friend, exotic dancer Marie McDonald, has in her possession an expensive, jeweled garter given to her by O'Keefe in his bachelor days. McDonald intends to show the garter to O'Keefe's suspicious wife, so Our Hero must retrieve the embarrassing accouterment without tipping off the missus.
Dennis O'Keefe, newly married to lovely Sheila Ryan, is in a jam. O'Keefe's former girl friend, exotic dancer Marie McDonald, has in her possession an expensive, jeweled garter given to her by O'Keefe in his bachelor days. McDonald intends to show the garter to O'Keefe's suspicious wife, so Our Hero must retrieve the embarrassing accouterment without tipping off the missus.
La única condición que se le impone a un joven para heredar ocho millones de dólares es que sea capaz de gastar uno en tan sólo dos meses. Esta disparatada situación provocada por el testamento de un loco millonario americano le dará al joven muchos quebraderos de cabeza.
Newly-married Gary Ainsworth (Dennis O'Keefe) once gave his former sweetheart Mabel (Gail Patrick) a sexy negligee with his initials embroidered in the lacework. It is Gary's unenviable task to retrieve the incriminating undergarment from Mabel's room before his wife Geraldine (Marjorie Reynolds) gets wise.
Biff and Jeff, two American G.I.'s on furlough in Australia during The Second World War, are enjoying their time the way most soldiers on leave do. When they meet the beautiful Joyce, however, they both fall head over heels for her, and start competing for her attentions. As their R&R time begins to run out, the schemes they each come up with to win her affection and foil the other's plans to do the same become more and more outrageous.
Bandleader Kay Kyser takes his troupe of nutty musicians, goofball comics and pretty girl singers on a tour around the world to entertain the troops during World War II.
Bandleader Kay Kyser takes his troupe of nutty musicians, goofball comics and pretty girl singers on a tour around the world to entertain the troops during World War II.
It's Fibber and Molly's 20th anniversary and they want to throw a big party. But when everyone declines their invitation, they decide to go on a second honeymoon instead. After one night at the broken down Ramble Inn, where they spent their first honeymoon, they decide to go across the lake to a swanky (and expensive) lodge, where they bump into their old friends Edgar Bergan, Charlie McCarthy, Gildersleeve, and Mrs. Uppington, so the party is on again.
It's Fibber and Molly's 20th anniversary and they want to throw a big party. But when everyone declines their invitation, they decide to go on a second honeymoon instead. After one night at the broken down Ramble Inn, where they spent their first honeymoon, they decide to go across the lake to a swanky (and expensive) lodge, where they bump into their old friends Edgar Bergan, Charlie McCarthy, Gildersleeve, and Mrs. Uppington, so the party is on again.
During World War I, two German men friends who emigrated to the US and become millionaires agree on most things, with one major difference: one has taken the US side against Germany regarding the war, while the other stays stubbornly loyal to "the old country". His stubbornness results in tragedy for his old friend and a lesson in the consequences of blind loyalty.
Fibber McGee pide ayuda a Edgar Bergen y Charlie McCarthy para convencer a un fabricante de aviones que instale una fábrica en su pueblo.
Fibber McGee pide ayuda a Edgar Bergen y Charlie McCarthy para convencer a un fabricante de aviones que instale una fábrica en su pueblo.
The college president, the head cheerleader and a gambling gangster try to keep a flunking football star in the game
A reporter goes undercover to break up an outlaw gang.
A reporter goes undercover to break up an outlaw gang.
Los padres de Wendy Ballantine deciden retirarse del negocio del espectáculo para que pueda tener una vida normal. No son bienvenidos en la pequeña ciudad hasta que una tormenta le permite a la familia mostrar sus cosas.
Sailor is going to marry his girlfriend when he returns, but she becomes foster mother to baby whose parents are accidentally killed. The baby is accidentally left on board a visiting battleship.
En la bulliciosa ciudad minera de Tombstone, Ben Carter, el dueño de un saloon, intenta deshacerse de un competidor que ha traído hermosas chicas de Chicago, contratando a un pistolero. En vista de que el sheriff se niega a enfrentarse con él, decide hacerlo Wyatt Earp, un antiguo explorador del Ejército, que acaba aceptando el puesto de sheriff y empieza a limpiar la ciudad de maleantes. Mientras tanto, mantiene una peculiar relación de amistad/rivalidad con Doc Holliday, un jugador tísico.
When an escaped circus gorilla appears to have gone on a murderous rampage, a threatened attorney calls on the detective trio of Garrity, Harrigan and Mullivan to act as bodyguards. In short order, we discover that there is more to the attorney than meets the eye, and the ape may be innocent after all. When a pretty young heiress faces peril, it's up to our heroic trio to save the day.
A parodic remake of the story of the young Gascon D'Artagnan, who arrives in Paris, his heart set on joining the king's Musketeers. He is taken under the wings of three of the most respected and feared Musketeers, Porthos, Aramis, and Athos. Together they fight to save France and the honor of a lady from the machinations of the powerful Cardinal Richelieu.
Ferdinand de Lesseps fue un joven aristócrata e ingeniero francés que proyectó la construcción del Canal de Suez (inaugurado en 1869), pero tuvo que afrontar numerosos problemas para llevar a cabo su proyecto.
Two young men try to wrest their father from the clutches of a gold digger but by mistake think the woman is a young nightclub singer with whom they both fall in love.
Rebecca (Shirley Temple) es una niña de 10 años que queda al cuidado de su tía en una granja. Un día, un promotor radiofónico descubre que la niña puede ser un talento en ese medio y, de repente, la convierte en gran estrella. Adaptación de la novela homónima de Kate Douglas Wiggin.
Cuando su tía se cansa de cuidarla, Heidi, una niña huérfana, debe ir a vivir a las montañas suizas con su arisco abuelo (Jean Hersholt), un ermitaño que pronto se encariña con ella. Pero la tía regresa para llevársela a vivir con una familia que necesita una compañera para su hija inválida (Marcia Mae Jones). A pesar de que una malvada institutriz (Mary Nash) le hace la vida imposible, Heidi consigue ganarse el cariño de todos los de la casa y no ceja en su intento de volver a reunirse con su querido abuelo.
Crooks use a man's safe-cracking skills then involve him in more crime after he spends three years in jail. He falls in love with a waitress and they go to work for a traveling salesman.
A female journalist travels to a new neighborhood after getting a (false) lead and is surprised by what she finds.
A crusading sportswriter exposes racketeers involved in paying off fighters to throw their matches.
Insurance investigator Trevor pretends to be a thief to enter a gang of jewel thieves.
Brawling cable layer Steve Reardon doesn't want to marry girlfriend Edith but he also doesn't want her to date other men.
Dos reporteros de periódicos rivales se alían para acabar con una banda de contrabandistas que introduce emigrantes ilegales en Estados Unidos con la intención de extorsionarlos.
Julia and Hap are a dance team. He drinks and gambles, she succeeds for a while with the help of producer Alan.
A Hawaiian naval nurse weds a widowed officer partly because he has a crippled daughter.
A bordo de un crucero, un jugador profesional acude en ayuda de una muchacha maltratada por un ladrón de joyas. El joven resulta ser su hijo.
A bordo de un crucero, un jugador profesional acude en ayuda de una muchacha maltratada por un ladrón de joyas. El joven resulta ser su hijo.
Two Americans in England--a wealthy playboy and an actress--join forces to stop international spies.
Schnarzan (Jimmy Durante), el héroe del cine de aventuras, está siendo cuestionado por sus falsas y ridículas peleas con animales. Cuando se entera de que el Barón de Munchausen y sus leones amaestrados andan de gira por Hollywood, el actor y el productor organizan una gran fiesta a la que invitan al barón para ver si logran convencerlo de que sus leones aparezcan en su siguiente película.
Divorce barrister Logan arrives back in London from a trip overseas to find the whole city fogbound. Unable to reach his flat, he books into the exclusive Royal Parks Hotel. Leslie sweet-talks Logan into letting her stay in his suite, and although the pair are attracted to each other, the night passes innocently. On arriving at Chambers, Logan is asked to act as counsel for Lord Rockburn, who is seeking a divorce from his wife. Logan accepts the brief, but then discovers to his horror that Lady Rockburn was a guest at the Royal Parks Hotel ball the previous night, and a cornerstone of the case is alleged impropriety after a maid observed a man leaving her room that morning......
Una tozuda joven se enamora de un novelista de tres al cuarto y consigue introducirse en su casa, para disgusto de su prometido. Éste conspira con la esposa del autor para demostrarle lo estúpida que ha sido.
La acción tiene lugar en París, cuando un preso llamado Jacques Costard (Victor McLaglen) escapa de la cárcel con el objetivo de salvar a su hija Manon(Helen Mack) de una banda de delincuentes que la ha raptado para servir en redes de prostitución. Algo que no será fácil porque no sabe adónde han llevado a la muchacha.Además, para enredar las cosas, ella cree que su padre murió como un héroe en la Primera Guerra Mundial.
La perdición –y maldad de su título– de Margot Rande no es otra que su díscolo hijo. Cuando el muchacho atraca un banco, la madre le protege disparando accidentalmente a un policía. Condenada a veinte años de prisión, la mujer es sometida a todo tipo de vejaciones por culpa de guardianas sin escrúpulos. Un abogado intentará reducir su condena, pero las cosas se complican cuando ella tiene un niño mientras está entre rejas.
Amor y muerte. Paz y guerra. Tempestad en las almas de los hombres encendida por el amor de una mujer, y tempestad de metralla en los campos desencadenada por el odio y la rivalidad de las naciones… Historia de dos hermanos enamorados de una misma muchacha, que sin quererlo destroza el afecto fraternal de aquellos, haciendo de uno el favorito de su corazón y haciendo que el otro haga el sacrificio heroico y voluntario de su vida, en las trincheras, devoradoras de vidas...
Un hijo se avergüenza de su padre porque éste cometió un crimen, pero no puede arrancar de su alma los lazos de amor filial que le unen con quien le dio el ser. Por su parte, su padre negado por su hijo no puede ahogar el sentimiento paterno que le lleva a solidarizarse con él en la desgracia. Los dos hombres que han querido sacrificarse calladamente, uno por el otro, acaban comprendiéndose y perdonándose.
El anciano marido de una joven muere y le deja cinco millones de dólares.Ella marcha a Paris, donde es perseguida por un rico playboy y el abogado que trabaja para ella.
El anciano marido de una joven muere y le deja cinco millones de dólares.Ella marcha a Paris, donde es perseguida por un rico playboy y el abogado que trabaja para ella.
A French girl raised in the south seas is brought to prim and proper New England by her New England born and bred sea captain husband. She wears short skirts and shocks the puritanical New Englanders in her new home with her wild candid ways...
A French girl raised in the south seas is brought to prim and proper New England by her New England born and bred sea captain husband. She wears short skirts and shocks the puritanical New Englanders in her new home with her wild candid ways...
Drama set in Alaska
El descubrimiento de oro en California en el año 1848 provoca un éxodo masivo a la zona, convirtiéndose en caldo de cultivo para bandidos.
Francia, siglo XVII. La Reina Ana de Austria espera el nacimiento del heredero de la corona, pero da a luz a gemelos, y uno de ellos es ocultado en España. La joven Constance, la amada de D'Artagnan, se entera por casualidad del secreto, y su vida corre peligro. Pasados los años, D'Artagnan y sus inseparables compañeros se unen para salvar al Rey y a su país de las intrigas del Cardenal Richelieu y el malvado Duque de Rochefort
Farmboy Harold se muda a la ciudad y asiste a la escuela secundaria. Pronto es muy popular, su naturaleza enérgica causó mucho entusiasmo en el campus. Se une a una fraternidad, sale al fútbol y dirige su esfuerzo teatral de clase.
John Stoval, a guard in a New York subway, thinks that Philip Hurd, who owns a concession at Coney Island, would make a good husband for his daughter Sophie. Sophie, however, has her sights set on Bill Hedges, the son of a wealthy farmer in upstate New York. Her father arranges for her to marry Hurd in exchange for a 25% interest in the concession, but matters come to a halt when John slips and falls off a subway platform and is injured.
Mad Hour is a 1928 American silent drama film directed by Joseph Boyle and starring Sally O'Neil, Alice White and Donald Reed. It was adapted from a novel by Elinor Glyn.
Philip and Cynthia Grey are a pair of recently-wed Bostonians, and Cynthia is properly back-bay no-action quiet and dowdy, and Philip resigns himself to the quietness (no action) regularity of their home. But then along comes a blonde, Peggy Nash, who adds some action and outside-regularity to Philip's life. Cynthia is somewhat upset at this turn of events, and decides to go to Paris - the Wickedest City in the World - and get a quiet divorce. Cynthia soon finds out that Paris is a really gay city, especially after Henri de Briac, shows up and offers to be her guide to the delights of Paris (primarily him). Cynthia quickly sheds some of her dowdy ways and dowdy clothes, and is having herself what was once quaintly described as a gay old time. Philip then shows up in Paris, deciding he wants Cynthia back as his wife, and Peggy shows up right behind him and, soon, it is up to Henri to make the pairing-arrangements for the foursome.
Director Allan Dwan’s excellent use of New York locations enlivens a rags-to-riches tale that fully exploits star George O’Brien’s championship boxing prowess.
Director Allan Dwan’s excellent use of New York locations enlivens a rags-to-riches tale that fully exploits star George O’Brien’s championship boxing prowess.
Though she loves one man, an ambitious Palm Beach girl marries another, whom she thinks is rich. He turns out to be a fraud who thought she was an heiress. She returns to a successful hat shop she maintains catering to socialites. Her true love turns out to be in fact, a rich man who let her think he was not to test her.
Derry Thomas is a pretty girl from a good family who earns her own living, but is disillusioned about marriage and is firmly set against ever getting married. Nothing against men, just marriage. She is drawn into the company of some rich businessmen whose wives have gone away for the summer. Parties follow in New York nightclubs, road-houses, country clubs and fashionable estates. Situations and contradictions follow.
Tin Gods is a lost 1926 silent film drama produced by Famous Players-Lasky, released by Paramount Pictures, and based on the play Tin Gods by William Anthony McGuire. Allan Dwan directed and Thomas Meighan starred.
Tin Gods is a lost 1926 silent film drama produced by Famous Players-Lasky, released by Paramount Pictures, and based on the play Tin Gods by William Anthony McGuire. Allan Dwan directed and Thomas Meighan starred.
Sea Horses is a 1926 American drama silent film directed by Allan Dwan and written by Becky Gardiner, James Shelley Hamilton and Francis Brett Young. The film stars Jack Holt, Florence Vidor, William Powell, George Bancroft, Mack Swain, Frank Campeau and Allan Simpson. The film was released on February 22, 1926, by Paramount Pictures. It is considered a lost film.
La camarera Jennie Hagen, que sueña despierta, fantasea con convertirse en una actriz famosa, mientras que en realidad ella y su novio cocinero, Orme Wilson, esperan algún día tener su propio restaurante. Aunque Orme ama a Jennie, también siente debilidad por las estrellas de teatro, así que cuando un equipo de teatro de un barco fluvial llega a su ciudad, se enamora de la actriz principal Lillian Lyons. Desesperada por quedarse con Orme, Jennie insiste en subir al escenario para superar a Lillian, pero pronto se le escapa.
La camarera Jennie Hagen, que sueña despierta, fantasea con convertirse en una actriz famosa, mientras que en realidad ella y su novio cocinero, Orme Wilson, esperan algún día tener su propio restaurante. Aunque Orme ama a Jennie, también siente debilidad por las estrellas de teatro, así que cuando un equipo de teatro de un barco fluvial llega a su ciudad, se enamora de la actriz principal Lillian Lyons. Desesperada por quedarse con Orme, Jennie insiste en subir al escenario para superar a Lillian, pero pronto se le escapa.
Shortly after his marriage, a millionaire begins an affair with another woman. His wife tries to win him back by starting an affair herself.
Silent film drama...
John Bentley hates New York City, because of an unhappy romance as a young man, but his son, Ronald, tired of living in Iowa, is determined to take up residence in Manhattan. The elder Bentley therefore conspires with his New York manager, William Workman, to involve Ronald in so much trouble that he will gladly return to the sedate life of an Iowa burgher. Arriving in Manhattan, Ronald strikes up an acquaintance with Meg, a telephone operator, whose brother, Jimmy, has come under the evil influence of Jerry. Jerry and Jimmy rob a wealthy woman, and Ronald is charged with the crime on circumstantial evidence, keeping quiet in order to protect Jimmy.
While his daughter, Consuelo, is visiting the United States, Emanuel García, the Mayor of Alcorta in the Argentine, arranges for her marriage to Juan Martin, in return for Martin's financial assistance. On her return, Consuelo, who is in love with Philip Sears, an American engineer working in Argentina, refuses Juan but gives no reason. Juan is furious with outraged pride and soon kills Rafael Cornejo, the son of a senator, when he flirts with Consuelo.
A carnival strongman and his girlfriend flee to Algiers to escape a murder charge but there they are caught again in a web of jealousy, deceit and murder.
When Princess Marie of the Balkan kingdom of Viatavia falls in love with Captain Rudi of the King's Guards, her father quickly arranges her marriage with the king of a neighboring country. Although Marie and Rudi are secretly wed by a Gypsy, the duke ignores the marriage and exiles Rudi. When a child is born to Marie, she declares to the king that it is Rudi's and is thereafter banished to a convent; however, Rudi returns and helps Marie retrieve her child from the palace, and they find happiness in another land.
Cuando su novio Jimmy se olvida de una cita por estar enfrascado en su trabajo, Tessie McGuire, dependienta de unos grandes almacenes, decide aistir sola a una fiesta en el estudio de Robert Brandt, un famoso escultor. Allí tiene un gran éxito con su talento para las imitaciones y Riccardi dueño de una tienda de modas, le ofrece un trabajo, en el cual debe hacerse pasar por una condesa rusa en su tienda, para atraer clientas. Mientras Tessie debe luchar para quitarse de encima a su legión de admiradores, Jimmy tiene éxito con uno de sus inventos, pero al regresar rechaza a Tessie por su nuevo estilo de vida, aunque se dará cuenta enseguidade cuales son sus verdaderos sentimientos...
Hector Colbert sues his wife Marjorie for a divorce after Peters, an admirer of Marjorie, deliberately compromises her. Colbert's lawyer, Daniel Farr, believing that Marjorie's behavior was wrong, gets the divorce, but he ruins the reputation of a fun-loving woman who was simply bored with her husband. Later, she and Farr meet; she plots a revenge against the lawyer but confesses her fabrication when she realizes that she loves him.
When gangster Jimmy Donovan is made guardian of Midge, the 7-year-old brother of his friend Big Ben Murray, he decides to reform and rear Midge properly. The court takes custody of Midge, but Donovan proves himself by recovering a payroll stolen by some of his ex-colleagues, thereby winning Midge and Kitty, his girl.
Zaza (Swanson) es una actriz y la favorita en un teatro al aire libre en una pequeña ciudad francesa. Cuando el diplomático Bernard Dufresne (H. Warner) llega a la aldea, se aleja por temor a que se enamore de ella. Pero durante una actuación, mientras Zaza canta en un columpio, su rival (Mary Thurmon) corta la cuerda y ella se cae. Zaza está gravemente herida y conoce a Dufresne. Un romance brota rápidamente y él la instala en una villa. Su felicidad se ve empañada, sin embargo, cuando su esposa aparece y le ruega que renuncie a Zaza para que pueda asumir un alto cargo diplomático. Zaza cree que Dufresne la ha dejado por otra mujer, y solo después de viajar a París se da cuenta de que él ya estaba casado y tenía una familia. Con el corazón roto, le da la espalda al asunto. Los años pasan, la Primera Guerra Mundial va y viene, y los antiguos amantes se reúnen una vez más. La esposa de Dufresne ha muerto, por lo que pueden reunirse.
Zaza (Swanson) es una actriz y la favorita en un teatro al aire libre en una pequeña ciudad francesa. Cuando el diplomático Bernard Dufresne (H. Warner) llega a la aldea, se aleja por temor a que se enamore de ella. Pero durante una actuación, mientras Zaza canta en un columpio, su rival (Mary Thurmon) corta la cuerda y ella se cae. Zaza está gravemente herida y conoce a Dufresne. Un romance brota rápidamente y él la instala en una villa. Su felicidad se ve empañada, sin embargo, cuando su esposa aparece y le ruega que renuncie a Zaza para que pueda asumir un alto cargo diplomático. Zaza cree que Dufresne la ha dejado por otra mujer, y solo después de viajar a París se da cuenta de que él ya estaba casado y tenía una familia. Con el corazón roto, le da la espalda al asunto. Los años pasan, la Primera Guerra Mundial va y viene, y los antiguos amantes se reúnen una vez más. La esposa de Dufresne ha muerto, por lo que pueden reunirse.
During his wife's absence, Andrew Dorsey is snared by Vivian Hepburn, owner of a crooked gambling house, and her silent partner, Guy Tarlow. Dorsey loses so much money that Vivian persuades him to give her one of his firm's checks for a large sum of money. Hearing her husband's confession, Marion Dorsey, returned from Europe, determines to retrieve the check.
The film is based upon the 1922 Edith Wharton novel The Glimpses of the Moon.
Ricardo Corazón de León (Wallace Beery), rey amado y respetado por su pueblo, decide ir a las Cruzadas al frente de su ejército, dejando temporalmente a su hermano, el príncipe Juan (Sam De Grasse), como regente del trono. En ausencia de Ricardo, el príncipe y traicionero Juan gobierna despiadadamente con mano de hierro, convirtiendo Inglaterra en un lugar donde impera la crueldad y la violencia. A está tiranía hará frente el Conde de Huntington (Douglas Fairbanks), un valiente guerrero que, informado de la situación del país, pondrá en peligro su vida y honor para oponerse al traidor. Por ello, se verá fuera de la ley, teniendo que ejercer como el forajido Robin Hood, campeón de los débiles y oprimidos, que defenderá al pueblo frente al cruel príncipe Juan y tendrá que ocultarse en el bosque de Sherwood.
Ricardo Corazón de León (Wallace Beery), rey amado y respetado por su pueblo, decide ir a las Cruzadas al frente de su ejército, dejando temporalmente a su hermano, el príncipe Juan (Sam De Grasse), como regente del trono. En ausencia de Ricardo, el príncipe y traicionero Juan gobierna despiadadamente con mano de hierro, convirtiendo Inglaterra en un lugar donde impera la crueldad y la violencia. A está tiranía hará frente el Conde de Huntington (Douglas Fairbanks), un valiente guerrero que, informado de la situación del país, pondrá en peligro su vida y honor para oponerse al traidor. Por ello, se verá fuera de la ley, teniendo que ejercer como el forajido Robin Hood, campeón de los débiles y oprimidos, que defenderá al pueblo frente al cruel príncipe Juan y tendrá que ocultarse en el bosque de Sherwood.
Ranch hand Tommy Dawes has a special bond with little Rosemary, the crippled daughter of his boss Bill Nyall. When Tommy accidentally breaks Rosemary's favorite doll one day, he borrows a $20 gold piece from the foreman's mattress to go to town and buy a new doll. However, on the way there he is ambushed and robbed by an escaped convict
Ranch hand Tommy Dawes has a special bond with little Rosemary, the crippled daughter of his boss Bill Nyall. When Tommy accidentally breaks Rosemary's favorite doll one day, he borrows a $20 gold piece from the foreman's mattress to go to town and buy a new doll. However, on the way there he is ambushed and robbed by an escaped convict
Scenario Writer
Wally Griggs is your classic meek, mild bank messenger, destined to a threadbare life of earning 63 dollars a month. At least this is what he seems to be. But when he's not working Griggs is the dashing James Brown, an adventurer and storyteller who is familiar with bank president Halliday. A publisher, fascinated by Brown's wild tales, offers him a deal. Griggs also uses his alter ego to help Mary Oliver, the girl her loves.
Wally Griggs is your classic meek, mild bank messenger, destined to a threadbare life of earning 63 dollars a month. At least this is what he seems to be. But when he's not working Griggs is the dashing James Brown, an adventurer and storyteller who is familiar with bank president Halliday. A publisher, fascinated by Brown's wild tales, offers him a deal. Griggs also uses his alter ego to help Mary Oliver, the girl her loves.
Scenario Writer
Puritanical Abel Blake is planning to marry the domestically oriented Joan when she is called away to a neighboring fishing village to care for her sick uncle. In her absence, Abel falls under the corrupting influence of some friends who take him to Ryan's, a notorious dance hall, where he meets seductress Glory Prada. Glory determines to make a conquest of Abel, who gradually falls under her spell and finally marries her. After learning of the news, Abel's mother dies of grief and Joan marries Dave, a fisherman.
Puritanical Abel Blake is planning to marry the domestically oriented Joan when she is called away to a neighboring fishing village to care for her sick uncle. In her absence, Abel falls under the corrupting influence of some friends who take him to Ryan's, a notorious dance hall, where he meets seductress Glory Prada. Glory determines to make a conquest of Abel, who gradually falls under her spell and finally marries her. After learning of the news, Abel's mother dies of grief and Joan marries Dave, a fisherman.
Karl Breitman, obsessed with the notion that he is a descendant of Napoleon, is driven to restore the monarchy in France. To accomplish this, he courts Hedda Gobert, who, he has learned, possesses Napoleon's papers. Upon winning Hedda, Breitman steals the documents, which lead him to America and the home of Admiral Killigrew where, the papers allege, the emperor's hidden wealth resides.
Dr. Stannard Wayne -- like all "good" men of the times -- is a God-fearing soul. He marries the former mistress of his friend, Dr. Arthur Richards, without knowing her past. Richards, an abortionist, resumes his affair with the woman and runs off with her. But before he leaves, he frames Wayne for one of the illegal operations he has done, and the innocent man is sent to prison for five years. When he gets out, Wayne has become angry and cynical.
Scenario Writer
William Grogan, lives in New York City and meets the outside world only through the little basement window of his plumbing shop. One day he sees and falls in love with a pretty pair of feet, belonging to Ruth Warren, a schoolteacher who is lusted after by Norton Colburton, a dissolute playboy. Ruth is about to marry Colburton, but at the last minute runs away and decides to take a Cook's tour. On the boat, she meets Grogan, who has inherited a fortune, and recognizing the feet, he falls in love with their owner.
William Grogan, lives in New York City and meets the outside world only through the little basement window of his plumbing shop. One day he sees and falls in love with a pretty pair of feet, belonging to Ruth Warren, a schoolteacher who is lusted after by Norton Colburton, a dissolute playboy. Ruth is about to marry Colburton, but at the last minute runs away and decides to take a Cook's tour. On the boat, she meets Grogan, who has inherited a fortune, and recognizing the feet, he falls in love with their owner.
Civil engineer Robert Clay is commissioned by wealthy New Yorker Mr. Langham to open iron deposits in the tiny South American republic of Olancho. General Mendoza, the unscrupulous head of the army, unsuccessfully tries to persuade President Alvarez, and then Clay, to divide the spoils of the contract.
Civil engineer Robert Clay is commissioned by wealthy New Yorker Mr. Langham to open iron deposits in the tiny South American republic of Olancho. General Mendoza, the unscrupulous head of the army, unsuccessfully tries to persuade President Alvarez, and then Clay, to divide the spoils of the contract.
A fabulous jewel known as the 'Dark Star' is stolen; a pastor's daughter gets involved, falling into the depths of a spy plot concerning war plans and fortifications...
Actress Mignon is the toast of Paris until she marries young American engineer John Stanley. He is commissioned to go to work in the Sahara desert, and Mignon accompanies him with their baby. But it isn't long before she is lonely and horribly bored. When a wealthy Russian, Baron Alexis, passes through the camp, he offers to take her away to Cairo. She goes with him, and he surrounds her in luxury. Years pass, but the situation does not bring her happiness.
Early feature from American cinema pioneer Allan Dwan, starring Marion Davies
Two gangs of crooks, living side-by-side, each mistake the other for a wealthy household and each plot to rob the other.
A lost film. An Army lieutenant at a remote post in Arizona tells a young woman that he does not love her, so she contrives to marry his commanding officer, who is also his best friend.
Jerry Martin quits his dull job as a bank clerk and falls in with a band of hobos. He takes on the guise of Bachelor, the "king of the market," and finds himself pursued by dangerous men who are after the real Bachelor. *Only fragments are known to exist.
A lost film. George Travelwell (Fairbanks), an American youth motoring in Morocco, discovers that the governor of El Harib (Frank Campeau) has seized a young American woman for his harem. Disguised as an inmate of the harem, George nearly wrecks the place while he rescues her. One thrilling incident follows upon the heels of another in their attempts to get away, and it ends with him setting one tribe against another, leaving them free to peacefully ride away.
A lost film. George Travelwell (Fairbanks), an American youth motoring in Morocco, discovers that the governor of El Harib (Frank Campeau) has seized a young American woman for his harem. Disguised as an inmate of the harem, George nearly wrecks the place while he rescues her. One thrilling incident follows upon the heels of another in their attempts to get away, and it ends with him setting one tribe against another, leaving them free to peacefully ride away.
A young man impersonates his best friend, and in doing so upsets the decorum at a stuffy family gathering and falls in love. The arrival of a gang of hoodlums further disrupts the formalities, but our hero thwarts them and saves the day.
A young man impersonates his best friend, and in doing so upsets the decorum at a stuffy family gathering and falls in love. The arrival of a gang of hoodlums further disrupts the formalities, but our hero thwarts them and saves the day.
A lost film. As described in a film magazine Exhibitors Herald on March 16, 1918: "a forest ranger known only as Headin' South (Fairbanks) goes forth in search of Spanish Joe (Campeau), a Mexican responsible for most of the treachery and outlawry along the U.S.-Mexican boarder. Headin' South gains quite a reputation as he goes along and finally believes himself worthy of joining Joe's band. in a whirlwind finish in which Joe is captured, Headin' South meets one of Joe's near victims (MacDonald) and falls in love with her."
A lost film. As described in a film magazine Exhibitors Herald on March 16, 1918: "a forest ranger known only as Headin' South (Fairbanks) goes forth in search of Spanish Joe (Campeau), a Mexican responsible for most of the treachery and outlawry along the U.S.-Mexican boarder. Headin' South gains quite a reputation as he goes along and finally believes himself worthy of joining Joe's band. in a whirlwind finish in which Joe is captured, Headin' South meets one of Joe's near victims (MacDonald) and falls in love with her."
A young man grows restless living in a small Kansas town, dreaming of the adventures of the Three Musketeers. So in hopes of becoming a modern D'Artagnan, he mounts his steed (a Model T Ford) and sets out across the West in search of excitement and adventure.
A young man grows restless living in a small Kansas town, dreaming of the adventures of the Three Musketeers. So in hopes of becoming a modern D'Artagnan, he mounts his steed (a Model T Ford) and sets out across the West in search of excitement and adventure.
A young man grows restless living in a small Kansas town, dreaming of the adventures of the Three Musketeers. So in hopes of becoming a modern D'Artagnan, he mounts his steed (a Model T Ford) and sets out across the West in search of excitement and adventure.
A woman determines to clear her imprisoned husband of false charges by entrapping the real culprit herself.
A woman sacrifices everything for her husband's career.
A woman sacrifices everything for her husband's career.
A woman sacrifices everything for her husband's career.
Naomi is a young aspiring artist known to her Bohemian friends as "The Nut." Naomi's alleged nuttiness does not in any way impede the efforts by wealthy Frederick Harmon to make the unworldly heroine his bride. When their first baby is born, Naomi becomes so obsessed with motherhood that she completely ignores poor Harmon, who, to offset his loneliness, begins squiring the vampish Helen Carew. Helen manages to convince Harmon that Naomi has been unfaithful, leading inevitably to divorce-court litigation.
Naomi is a young aspiring artist known to her Bohemian friends as "The Nut." Naomi's alleged nuttiness does not in any way impede the efforts by wealthy Frederick Harmon to make the unworldly heroine his bride. When their first baby is born, Naomi becomes so obsessed with motherhood that she completely ignores poor Harmon, who, to offset his loneliness, begins squiring the vampish Helen Carew. Helen manages to convince Harmon that Naomi has been unfaithful, leading inevitably to divorce-court litigation.
Steve O'Dare, a young New Yorker who has gone off to Wyoming to be a cowboy, returns to New York to sell some cattle. He bores his friends with tales of the exciting Western life, so they plot to trick him with a mock abduction. But although Steve falls for the gag, he ends up turning the tables on his friends.
Second Assistant Director
Clásico del cine mudo que muestra a través de varios episodios históricos las injusticias provocadas por la intolerancia religiosa y social. La idea inicial de Griffith era narrar las sangrientas huelgas de 1912 en EE.UU. (un huelguista es acusado de la muerte de su patrón), pero después decidió rodar tres episodios más: "La caída de Babilonia, "La Pasión de Cristo" y "La noche de San Bartolomé" (sangriento episodio de las luchas entre hugonotes y católicos que tuvo lugar en París en 1572). De presupuesto y recursos desmesurados para la época -una sola escena reunió a 15.000 extras y 250 carros- aún hoy sigue asombrando por su espectacularidad.
Clásico del cine mudo que muestra a través de varios episodios históricos las injusticias provocadas por la intolerancia religiosa y social. La idea inicial de Griffith era narrar las sangrientas huelgas de 1912 en EE.UU. (un huelguista es acusado de la muerte de su patrón), pero después decidió rodar tres episodios más: "La caída de Babilonia, "La Pasión de Cristo" y "La noche de San Bartolomé" (sangriento episodio de las luchas entre hugonotes y católicos que tuvo lugar en París en 1572). De presupuesto y recursos desmesurados para la época -una sola escena reunió a 15.000 extras y 250 carros- aún hoy sigue asombrando por su espectacularidad.
Lo ("Agua durmiente") Dorman es un mestizo blanco-indio que desconoce quién fue su padre, del que solo conserva una cartera, perteneciente al blanco que forzó a la india, madre del mestizo. Lo Dorman, marginado por una sociedad racista, compite por el amor de la hija del predicador con el sheriff local...
When Dorothy's Southern, aristocratic father Colonel Raleigh refuses to let her marry Forbes Stewart, a Northern gambler, the couple elopes. When Dorothy soon thereafter becomes pregnant, Forbes vows to reform, but authorities arrest him on a gambling charge, and he serves a year in prison. During that time, and just before the birth of the baby, a woman comes to Dorothy and claims to be Forbes' wife. Stunned, Dorothy returns to her father, but the colonel throws her out, and so, on her own, she has her baby, whom the community believes to be illegitimate. Convinced that she has sinned, Dorothy is about to kill herself when Forbes, just out of jail, finds her and explains that the other woman simply had been an ex-sweetheart trying to win him back.
Un fuera de la ley hace un alto en su camino delictivo para ayudar a unos niños en dificultad.
Douglas Fairbanks stars as "Sunny" Wiggins, who believes in eternal optimism and good spirits. This places Wiggins at odds with his staid, wealthy family, who decide to get even when he blithely invites a group of derelicts to his sister's coming-out party.
Douglas Fairbanks stars as "Sunny" Wiggins, who believes in eternal optimism and good spirits. This places Wiggins at odds with his staid, wealthy family, who decide to get even when he blithely invites a group of derelicts to his sister's coming-out party.
After the death of her father, Betty Lockwood goes to Graystone Gables, the estate where he had been the caretaker, to spend some time alone there. She meets David Chandler, Graystone's owner, who is attracted to her and tells her to come back whenever she wants to. Betty's mother soon remarries, but her new stepfather is not the same kind of man that her father was
A bandit reforms himself and gives up his baby into better hands. Years later, he attempts to reunite with his daughter without revealing who he is.
A bandit reforms himself and gives up his baby into better hands. Years later, he attempts to reunite with his daughter without revealing who he is.
A lost film. A girl with old-fashioned values becomes a modern sophisticate.
This 1915 film was completed in August and reviewed by trade papers, but was destroyed by fire in a studio accident. It was immediately remade with a different director and a slightly different cast and release on 2 January 1916, only 6 days after the scheduled release date for the destroyed version.
Pepita, a radiant and merry Spanish beauty, and her playful brother Jose, witness their mother, whose faded beauty led her husband to abandon her for another, plunge a dagger into her breast.
Pepita, a radiant and merry Spanish beauty, and her playful brother Jose, witness their mother, whose faded beauty led her husband to abandon her for another, plunge a dagger into her breast.
May Blossom loves Richard Ashcroft, a Southern officer, and accepts his proposal of marriage immediately after receiving one from her father's choice, a suitor named Steve Harland, who loves her madly. She sorrowfully tells him she prefers Richard, nearly breaking Steve's heart. That night, without a chance to bid May good-bye, Richard is arrested
The story of David Harum, a small-town banker, and how what he does and who he is affects the lives of everyone in his town, whether they--or he--realize it.
Assistant Director
Clásico del cine mudo que narra los acontecimientos más importantes de la creación de los Estados Unidos de América: la guerra civil, el asesinato de Lincoln, etc. Ha sido tachada de racista por su glorificación del Ku Klux Klan, pero tiene el mérito de ser la primera película que cuenta una historia de modo coherente: hasta ese momento una película era un conjunto de escenas con muy poca relación entre sí. Obtuvo un enorme éxito en su tiempo.
Known as "Wildflower," Letty Roberts meets Arnold Boyd, a wealthy man who is weary of life in the city.
Known as "Wildflower," Letty Roberts meets Arnold Boyd, a wealthy man who is weary of life in the city.
Based on a play by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Originally released in six reels, but later cut to four due to poor reviews. A lost film.
Based on a play by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Originally released in six reels, but later cut to four due to poor reviews. A lost film.
Marian Lorimer is a young affectionate woman whose husband Richard does not appreciate her. When his philandering causes her to fall in love with someone else, she leaves him a note telling him that she is running off with the man. At the last moment, thinking of her young daughter, she changes her mind, but Richard refuses to take her back and divorces her, gaining custody of their child. Marian goes West and changes her name to Mrs. Hatch, but years later returns when she sees her daughter's picture in the paper in a marriage announcement. She poses as a dressmaker to see her daughter but when she is revealed as Marian by Richard and his new wife, she is forced to leave. In the end, however, Marian and her child are reunited and Richard and his new wife finally are humbled. -From Database, powered by the AFI.
Marian Lorimer is a young affectionate woman whose husband Richard does not appreciate her. When his philandering causes her to fall in love with someone else, she leaves him a note telling him that she is running off with the man. At the last moment, thinking of her young daughter, she changes her mind, but Richard refuses to take her back and divorces her, gaining custody of their child. Marian goes West and changes her name to Mrs. Hatch, but years later returns when she sees her daughter's picture in the paper in a marriage announcement. She poses as a dressmaker to see her daughter but when she is revealed as Marian by Richard and his new wife, she is forced to leave. In the end, however, Marian and her child are reunited and Richard and his new wife finally are humbled. -From Database, powered by the AFI.
A promotional one-reel film promoting the stars of Universal Pictures.
Fulfilling a promise made to his mother on her deathbed, Dr. James Gibson finds his sister Pauline who has run away after giving birth to an illegitimate child. His sister's mind has snapped and Gibson takes his sister and his baby niece home with him. The years pass and the niece has grown into a beautiful woman, while her mother is kept locked in a room that the young woman is forbidden to enter. Gibson and his wealthy neighbor, John Morris, are both interested in hypnotism, and one night the two men conduct an experiment by hypnotizing Gibson's niece. This film is presumed lost.
American silent short movie.
Scenario Writer
The poor man, professing love for his family, drinks what he presumes to be poison in order to make a thousand dollars for them, but the drink proves to be harmless.
For fifty years the Dawsons and the Putnams have been engaged in a deadly family feud. Old Hen Dawson is now the patriarch of the Dawsons, and Jed Putnam is the leader of the Putnams.
Joy reigns in a colony of struggling artists because Old Felix, a composer, has at last sold one of his symphonies. The night of its initial hearing at the grand opera house the members of the colony turn out en masse. Too poor for orchestra seats, they gather in the gallery around the old composer. The old composer is happy almost to tears, and when the last note has died away there is a cry for the composer. Felix attempts to utter a few words of thanks, but is smothered with flowers. At his studio his friends have prepared for his welcome, and it is upon his arrival there that be feels the happiness which comes of success. However, at the other end of the hall another different drama is being enacted. A girl sits beside her stricken mother, and as the merriment in the studio reaches its height, the soul of the mother departs from the body.
The Dreamer is unhappy with his marriage and runs away. He collapses and is found by The Desert Flower, who convince him to return to his family. In various illusions he sees himself in three stories. In first is Napoleon. In the second he is a Knight. And in the third a Sultan. But in all the illusions he die. Meanwhile his wife is about to be send into the desert while refusing to remarry a Stranger. Before this could happen, the Dreamer arrives and send the Stranger into the desert. He becomes again a loved and respected member of the Town.
The Dreamer is unhappy with his marriage and runs away. He collapses and is found by The Desert Flower, who convince him to return to his family. In various illusions he sees himself in three stories. In first is Napoleon. In the second he is a Knight. And in the third a Sultan. But in all the illusions he die. Meanwhile his wife is about to be send into the desert while refusing to remarry a Stranger. Before this could happen, the Dreamer arrives and send the Stranger into the desert. He becomes again a loved and respected member of the Town.
One day, Harry, who also works at the mill and with whom Wally is living, is badly hurt. Wally in his working clothes goes to his father and explained how dangerous it is for any man to work in the mill.
The Animal, a man of great strength and brutal impulses, becomes human when he reunites a mother and her lost child.
The Animal, a man of great strength and brutal impulses, becomes human when he reunites a mother and her lost child.
Bill weds the dance hall girl he has wronged.
Neilan, an architect, young and ambitious, having graduated with honors, procures a position as assistant in the city architect's office. Although hearts are willing, his love affair with Toddles seems hopeless owing to Toddles' sense of duty as a sister to Pauline, an invalid. Neilan calls upon Toddles and presses her for a definite answer to his proposal. Toddles refuses, telling him she cannot marry while her sister lives. Pauline suffers a relapse, due to her mental agitation, and the doctor advises Toddles that the only hope of prolonging Pauline's life is the South American climate.
While a Union picket reminisces about his sweetheart and recalls leaving home to go to war, a Confederate ambushes soldier ambushes and kills him.
Three pals, Reid, Neilan and Kirkland breast the breakers of their roving life with but one condition of creed, nothing was to come between them to sever or impair the sincerity of their ties of friendship. Regardless of what extremity of life they encountered, they religiously respect their one law of sharing alike; that is, until the fall of Sumter, when the call to arms invaded homes and divided brother against brother.
Three pals, Reid, Neilan and Kirkland breast the breakers of their roving life with but one condition of creed, nothing was to come between them to sever or impair the sincerity of their ties of friendship. Regardless of what extremity of life they encountered, they religiously respect their one law of sharing alike; that is, until the fall of Sumter, when the call to arms invaded homes and divided brother against brother.
In the hills of Dixie live Jed and Sue, a country lad and lass, who are very much in love with each other. The keeper of the wayside tavern is an unscrupulous fellow who has coveted Sue for some time. He makes advances to Sue, but Jed, who suspects the man, warns him to keep away and not molest her.
During the Civil War there were two sisters living in Virginia, who had as a near neighbor a young, wealthy and patriotic man, who visited them frequently. The elder sister was plain and attractive, but possessing a patriotic spirit and sterling qualities. The younger sister was pretty and doll-like, superficial, frivolous and fond of luxury. The elder sister was capable of a deep and undying devotion, while the younger was only capable of shallow affection. Both of the sisters love the neighbor in their separate ways. He is sub-consciously attracted by the inner worth of the elder sister, but this attraction is overbalanced by the beauty of the younger.
Despite being disqualified for war service, a young man volunteers as a war correspondent and ends up performing heroically at the front anyway.
Despite being disqualified for war service, a young man volunteers as a war correspondent and ends up performing heroically at the front anyway.
Dr. Reid, a young American physician in the Philippines, risks his life in the cause of patriotism, and eventually wins the love of the girl of his choice. With the idea of developing in the natives in his community the spirit of manly citizenship, Dr. Reid requests the War Department to furnish him with a number of discarded Winchesters with which to drill the natives. His request is granted, but he runs afoul with the occupant Spanish army.
Absorbed in his painting, Robert Gainsworthy neglects his beautiful wife - not intentionally - but rather in the pre-occupied way of a man who did not want the single train of thought broken. He worked for days in his studio without ever speaking to her and the strain told on their relations for the wife brooded bitterly. Jack Sanders, a globe-trotting cousin of Robert, visited at the Gainsworthy home. He took many strolls with the heart-sick wife and found himself madly infatuated.
Bill Binks sold his ranch and came home in high glee, carrying the currency, for Bill didn't believe in banks. Bill tried to think of an unusual place to hide that currency and finally hit upon an old pair of boots, then Bill betook himself off without saying a word to his faithful helpmate.
A ranchman is best by a bully whose unwelcome attentions are resented by the ranchman's daughter. Everything seems to be in favor of the bully until the hero makes his appearance, when the tide changes and one defeat after another is the lot of the vicious bully until he is driven away in disgrace.
During the raid on an emigrant train the girl and her brother, the only survivors, are attacked by the villain who kidnaps the girl and takes her to the camp of Calamity Anne, who takes a liking to the girl and becomes her guardian angel. The girl's brother is killed and a ranger takes the locket containing the girl's picture from his neck and recognizes the girl in Calamity Anne's camp. Later, Calamity Anne holds the villain and his band at bay and the girl and the ranger make their escape. The girl and the ranger come to the spot where the girl's brother is buried and here she asks the ranger if he is going to leave her there alone. His answer is to take her into his arms.
A hunted bandit cleverly outwits the sheriff after a thrilling chase over rocks and sandhills. Reaching the Point Loma Lighthouse, he introduces himself as a revenue man to the lighthouse keeper and his daughter.
Jim Richeson was a haunted man, but he smiled carelessly as he handled the sign offering a reward for his capture, dead or alive. He smiled again as he wheeled his horse and galloped off down the road, waving a satirical adieu to the posse. A pretty mountain girl with pail in hand, stood at the pump when Jim rode up. He took the pail from her, drank deeply, and then, as an afterthought, seized her and kissed her heartily. Then he leisurely mounted his horse and galloped off. Furious at the insult, the girl rushed for a gun, only to meet her lover, just as he rounded the bunkhouse. That person at once flew into a passion and gave hot chase to the vanishing bandit, vowing to have his life. Meanwhile, the girl, at the head of a posse, followed less swiftly. A royal battle took place in the mountains. Dick and Jim, sheltered behind the great rocks, tried every expedient known to the West in an effort to kill each other.
Old Bob Langfall guarded two pretty daughters carefully. When Jim and Charley Bradley met them by accident, old Bob showed them the butt of his gun and bade them adieu. But Jim and Charley had a widowed mother, and old Bob was a widower.
The distant relative is a scheming woman who installs herself as the guardian of the two orphan girls and then tries to gain possession of their ranch. Cowboy friends of the orphan girls expose the schemer and her accomplice.
A woman suspects her husband to be a thief.
A woman suspects her husband to be a thief.
Western about a moron falling in love.
Western about a moron falling in love.
A man is supposed to become a priest. However, he has other plans.
A man is supposed to become a priest. However, he has other plans.
A man leaves town to find love.
A man leaves town to find love.
Short western featuring a witch.
Short western featuring a witch.
James Collins leaves his dear old mother and goes West, where he becomes connected with the Bar Diamond Outfit. He finds the life of a cowboy arduous and the pay meager. The possibilities of owning a herd of his own by blotting brands or branding calves, occurs to him, as it has to many others, who desire quick results from very little effort. Six months later, he is a full-fledged cattle thief, branding cattle, under his own registered brand, while ostensibly an honest cowboy in the employ of the Bar Diamond Ranch. He writes his mother of his success and she, never dreaming of the hazardous occupation her son is following, plans to join him in the West.
Mr. Joseph Close, ranch man, with his wife and daughter, visit the town for supplies. The daughter makes a hit with the storekeeper and it is with difficulty that the ranch man induces his daughter to leave. They return home, and the ranch man finds a letter in his mail box from Wm. Schrider, Attorney-at-Law, informing him that his brother is dead, and has left the sum of three million dollars to his daughter, on condition that she produce an official certificate of her marriage one month from the date of her uncle's death.
Scenario Writer
Two guys and a girl in the wild west.
Two guys and a girl in the wild west.
After the death of her husband, Mrs. Kendall found the management of the ranch, with its attendant responsibilities, a source of worry. Her daughter, recently returned from an Eastern boarding school, could not assist her and, although the cowboys in her employ were faithful, the ranch needed an executive head. John Morgan, a neighboring ranchman, had long cast envious eyes upon the widow's increasing herd of cattle, and desired to marry the daughter in order to obtain possession of her ranch. He offers to manage her affairs for her, but the widow distrusts him and refuses his offer.
After the death of her husband, Mrs. Kendall found the management of the ranch, with its attendant responsibilities, a source of worry. Her daughter, recently returned from an Eastern boarding school, could not assist her and, although the cowboys in her employ were faithful, the ranch needed an executive head. John Morgan, a neighboring ranchman, had long cast envious eyes upon the widow's increasing herd of cattle, and desired to marry the daughter in order to obtain possession of her ranch. He offers to manage her affairs for her, but the widow distrusts him and refuses his offer.
Richard Mead was a sheepherder who lived with his daughter in a hut in the mountains. He was hated by the cattlemen and was ordered to quit the range. Returning to his home he tells his daughter what has happened, and prepares to protect himself.
Lorenz Pedro, a Mexican half-breed, owns a small sheep ranch, and lives happily with his wife Marie and little daughter Lois. One exceedingly hot afternoon, Tom Flint, riding across the ranch looking for work is overcome by the heat, and Pedro, acting the part of a good Samaritan, takes him to his home, where Marie, through careful nursing, soon has him quite himself again. Pedro is out daily with his flock, leaving Marie and Flint together, offering an opportunity which Flint ungratefully takes advantage of, resulting in his completely winning Marie's love. Manuelito, Marie's father, is suspicious and comes upon them while Flint is declaring his love.
Short western about a woman working on a ranch.
Short western about a woman working on a ranch.