Kevan Otto


Pardoned by Grace
The life of Scott Highberger, a Michigan City, Indiana pastor. Before he practiced religion he was strung out. Once an Drug addict, alcoholic, and recidivist. Now doing gods work. This is the story how Scott Highberger overcame his demons and found religion resulting in a better life.
My Brother’s Keeper
Travis Fox es un veterano que regresa luchando contra el TEPT y su fe en Dios.
Una Fe Sin Miedo
La vida de un respetado ayudante del sheriff se sale de control cuando cuestiona la voluntad de Dios después de presenciar cómo un asaltante desconocido mata a tiros a su compañero... y luego se enfrenta a una verdad asombrosa. ¿Puede la fe llevarlo a cabo?
The Prayer Box
On a mission to get God's attention in hopes that God will heal his sister from terminal cancer, a young boy begins answering the prayers left by church members in the pastor's prayer box after the pastor throws them away, jaded by his own suffering.
Una cuestión de fe
Cuando la tragedia golpea a tres familias, su destino les obliga a descubrir el amor, la gracia y la compasión de Dios, pues los desafíos del destino pueden hacer que renazcan sus creencias.
When Lieutenant Morgan (Kevin Sorbo) and his armed force arrive on the scene of a church hostage situation, James (Casey Fuller) weighs his options for an escape while Elizabeth (Jenn Gotzen) makes it her mission to save his life.
When Lieutenant Morgan (Kevin Sorbo) and his armed force arrive on the scene of a church hostage situation, James (Casey Fuller) weighs his options for an escape while Elizabeth (Jenn Gotzen) makes it her mission to save his life.
Aves del terror
El padre de Maddy desaparece durante una excursión rutinaria. Preocupada por su estado de salud, la joven pide a un compañero de la universidad que le ayude a buscarlo. Cuando llegan al rancho de un adinerado científico de la zona, se encuentran con varias criaturas gigantescas que se creían extintas desde hace varios siglos. Los pájaros muestran una actitud muy agresiva que pone en riesgo su salud y les hace temer lo peor con respecto a su desaparecido progenitor.
Grace of God
Having lost his faith many years ago, Detective Bill Broadly is called to investigate the disappearance of the local church's collection plate. As he questions its various church members, rumors swirl as more congregants learn about the theft. When one unexpected church-goer confesses to stealing the funds, the confession resurrects Broadly's views on God, and helps him see that through faith and belief there really is rebirth and redemption.
Grace of God
Having lost his faith many years ago, Detective Bill Broadly is called to investigate the disappearance of the local church's collection plate. As he questions its various church members, rumors swirl as more congregants learn about the theft. When one unexpected church-goer confesses to stealing the funds, the confession resurrects Broadly's views on God, and helps him see that through faith and belief there really is rebirth and redemption.
In The Name of God
In a time of forgiving and giving thanks, a reverend and his family take in a troubled boy named Mason after having lost a son of their own. It's a bumpy ride for Mason, butting heads with his new step-brother and the church counselor he's sentenced to see on a weekly basis. However, with and a renewed faith and a deeper understanding of Thanksgiving traditions, Mason must not only learn to forgive himself, but to understand the true meaning of family.
John w­ilde is a happi­ly married man ­who is about to­ face the bigge­st challenge of­ his life. Late­ one night, joh­n logs into a s­ocial networkin­g site and re-c­onnects with hi­s old high scho­ol flame, adria­nna. What begin­s as a harmless­ hello rapidly ­escalates into ­a rekindling of­ their past rom­ance. Torn betw­een the life he­ once envisione­d with adrianna­ and the life h­e's now buildin­g with his wife­, mary, john so­on discovers th­at there are se­rious consequen­ces to the deci­sions he has ma­de. Now john mu­st try to find ­his way back to­ god and get on­ a path to forg­iveness from ma­ry, god and him­self.
Luke Rogers was the ideal "Christian". Now in his mid-twenties, Luke has found himself far from the good Christian life he used to lead.
WWJD: What Would Jesus Do?
The citizens of a small town lose their faith day by day. Poverty and hardships have been hard on them... when all of a sudden something changes. Their faith is reborn. And a question rises inside them: "What would Jesus do?"