Mary Adams
Toothsome Tracy Reed (remember her in Dr. Strangelove and A Shot in the Dark?) heads the cast of Deadly Females. The ladies in question are female assassins, specializing in knocking off lascivious males. Like the proverbial black widow spider, the girls lure their victims with promises of sexual favors, then strike when said victims are exhausted. Naturally, this requires plenty of exposed female flesh.
Lavinia has been yearning and trying for ten years to conceive, and finally gives birth to a live baby. However, she finds that things are not as she dreamed and envisaged, and she suffers from depression after the birth,beginning to have dangerous feelings of love towards her child.
Un prometedor guardameta del Real Madrid ve su oportunidad cuando su compañero sufre una lesión y es convocado para sustituirle. Pero la desgracia se cebará con él cuando un inoportuno accidente de coche le daña la columna y se ve obligado a renunciar al que tenía que ser el partido de su vida. Cansado de tanta mala suerte, se retira a un hotel de la costa, donde el azar le subirá a los escenarios.