Sam Nelson

Nacimiento : 1896-05-11, Whttier, California, USA

Muerte : 1963-05-01


Sam Nelson was a director and assistant director who worked from the end of the silent era right up through the early 1960s. While most of his film work was in the assistant director role, he did direct over 20 films during the 1930s and 1940s, all of which were westerns. As an assistant director he worked on such notable films as Pennies from Heaven, And Then There Were None, All the King's Men, the original 3:10 to Yuma, Some Like It Hot, A Raisin in the Sun, and Spartacus. In addition he appeared in over a dozen films in small roles. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Chantaje contra una mujer
Assistant Director
Cuando Kelly Sherwood, una joven empleada de banca, regresa a su domicilio en un barrio de San Francisco, es atacada por un desconocido que le exige que robe cien mil dólares del banco donde trabaja; si no cumple sus órdenes, asesinará a su hermana Toby. Aterrorizada, la joven se pone en contacto con el FBI, pero las pistas que aporta son muy escasas.
Brotes de pasión
Assistant Director
En pocos días, el prestigioso abogado Arthur Winner comprueba apesadumbrado cómo todo a su alrededor se hunde. La gravedad de la situación le lleva a replantearse los principios que hasta el momento habían regido su vida. Durante los últimos meses ha compartido bufete con su suegro y con Julius Penrose, con cuya esposa mantiene una relacion sentimental. De repente, Winner descubre que su suegro ha cometido una estafa con el dinero de sus clientes. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un lunar en el Sol
Assistant Director
Walter Lee Younger (Sidney Poitier), un joven negro que vive en un pequeño apartamento con su mujer, su hijo, su hermana y su madre, no puede evitar sentirse como si fuera un prisionero. Pero, un día, surge en su vida una oportunidad inesperada.
The Wackiest Ship in the Army
Assistant Director
Lieutenant Rip Crandall is hoodwinked into taking command of the "Wackiest Ship in the Navy" – a real garbage scow with a crew of misfits who don't know a jib from a jigger. What none of them knows, including Crandall, is that this ship has a very important top-secret mission to complete in waters patrolled by the Japanese fleet. Their mission will save hundreds of allied lives – if only they can get there in one piece.
Estación Comanche
Assistant Director
Un hombre rescata a una mujer que ha sido secuestrada por los comanches, a continuación tendrá que luchar para que puedan volver a casa con vida.
Con faldas y a lo loco
Assistant Director
Época de la Ley Seca (1920-1933). Joe y Jerry son dos músicos del montón que se ven obligados a huir después de ser testigos de un ajuste de cuentas entre dos bandas rivales. Como no encuentran trabajo y la mafia los persigue, deciden vestirse de mujeres y tocar en una orquesta femenina. Joe para conquistar a Sugar Kane, la cantante del grupo, finge ser un magnate impotente; mientras tanto, Jerry es cortejado por un millonario que quiere casarse con él.
Un buen día para una ejecución
Assistant Director
De joven, Eddie llega al pueblo con su banda para robar el banco, pero es capturado y condenado. El sheriff Ben le ayudará a convertirse en un ciudadano honrado. Han pasado muchos años y la banda vuelve al pueblo, otra vez para robar el banco; en la lucha que se produce, matan al Sheriff y Eddie es el único que puede identificar al asesino, pero dudará entre la lealtad a sus viejos o sus nuevos amigos.
El último hurra
Assistant Director
En un mundo cambiante en el que la televisión se ha convertido en la principal fuente de información, Adam Caulfield, un joven periodista deportivo, es testigo de cómo su tío, Frank Skeffington, un veterano y honesto político, alcalde de una ciudad de Nueva Inglaterra, intenta ser reelegido mientras banqueros y empresarios conspiran en la sombra para colocar en el ayuntamiento a un candidato débil y manejable.
Assistant Director
Frank Harris, contable de un gran hotel de Chicago, conoce al millonario ganadero Tom Reece. Con la idea de hacerse cowboy, Harris aprovecha que Reece ha perdido una gran cantidad de dinero, para ofrecerle ayuda y proponerle que se haga su socio. Al día siguiente, salen para México a comprar el ganado al señor Vidal, al que Harris ha conocido en el hotel y de cuya hija, María, está enamorado. Comienza para Frank un duro aprendizaje.
Cita en Sundown
Assistant Director
Un tejano que luchó en la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865) llega a Sundown acompañado de un amigo. Su intención es vengarse de un hombre que resulta ser el terrateniente más rico de la comarca y que está a punto de casarse. (FILMAFFINITY)
El tren de las 3:10
Assistant Director
El azar obliga a un pobre campesino a sustituir al sheriff para escoltar a Ben (Glenn Ford), un peligroso delincuente, que es, además el jefe de una banda de temibles forajidos. Tras cometer un asesinato, Ben es apresado y escoltado hasta un pueblo, por donde pasa el tren que debe llevarlo a Yuma (Arizona) para ser juzgado. Mientras tanto, su banda prepara su rescate.
Los cautivos
Assistant Director
Pat Brennan es un veterano vaquero que ha decidido establecerse por su cuenta en una granja. Un día se cruza con la diligencia que conduce su amigo Ed; en ella viaja el peculiar matrimonio formado por Doretta, hija de un rico hacendado y el antipático Willard. Poco después, un grupo de bandidos ataca la diligencia. Considerada el mejor western de Boetticher.
The Man Who Turned to Stone
Assistant Director
A new social worker at a girls' reformatory discovers that her charges are being used by a group of ancient alchemists, who have insinuated themselves as the prison's chief staffers, to keep themselves alive and free from an insidious petrification, which is already afflicting one of their number.
Don't Knock The Rock
Assistant Director
Rock-and-roller Arnie Haynes returns to his hometown as a hero to the teenagers. However, the mayor and other concerned adults have banned him from performing in his hometown because they consider him and his music a negative influence on the youth. But with the help of disc jockey/publicist Alan Freed and fellow artists (including Bill Haley and the Comets and Little Richard), they hope to convince everyone that rock and roll is not as dangerous as the adults think.
Assistant Director
Frank Madden llega a Kendall, en Texas, para tomar posesión de una finca que acaba de comprar. Mientras tanto, en el saloon de la ciudad, que se ha convertido temporalmente en palacio de justicia, los tres hermanos Shipley, están siendo juzgados por asesinato, por el linchamiento de un hombre indio y una mujer.
The White Squaw
Assistant Director
A Swedish settler (David Brian) starts a war when he tries to drive Dakotas off their Wyoming reservation.
Hombres violentos
Assistant Director
Lee Wilkinson es un ganadero que poco a poco ha conseguido apoderarse de todo el valle, contando con el apoyo de su mujer Marta y de su hermano Cole. El único que se opone a sus ambiciones es el joven ganadero John Parrish. Pero Judith, la hija de Wilkinson, se enamora de Parrish y busca su ayuda cuando decide escaparse de casa.
La dama de Trinidad
Assistant Director
Steve Emery (Glenn Ford) no cree ni por un momento que su hermano se haya suicidado en Trinidad, así que intenta averiguar la verdad sobre su muerte, actitud que lo enfrenta con su cuñada Chris Emery (Hayworth), cantante en un club nocturno. Desesperado, al verla coquetear con un espía que supone que es el asesino de su hermano, Steve tendrá que actuar con rapidez si quiere impedir que Chris se convierta en la siguiente víctima...
Santa Fe
Assistant Director
Britt Canfield (Randolph Scott) y sus hermanos se vieron despojados de la plantación familiar en Virginia por culpa de unos políticos corruptos. Britt no tiene más remedio que empezar de nuevo y acepta un puesto de trabajo en el ferrocarril de Santa Fe, que están construyendo los yanquis. Como capataz contrata indios, tahúres, viudas de guerra sedientas de venganza y, lo que es peor, a sus tres hermanos, que odian a muerte a los yanquis y que no se detendrán ante nada con tal de impedir que se acaben las obras del ferrocarril, aunque ello implique enfrentarse a su hermano mayor. (FILMAFFINITY)
Amarga sombra
Assistant Director
Una mujer descubre que padece una enfermedad terminal y decide ocultárselo a su familia y hacer que los pocos meses que le quedan de vida sean los más felices para sus seres queridos.
Tell It to the Judge
Assistant Director
Marsha Meredith, an attorney-at-law, is nominated for a federal judgeship, but her nomination is opposed by a 'Good-Government' group that thinks her divorce makes her unfit for the job. This evolves into situations, happening in Florida, New England, Washington D.C., and the Adirondacks, such as the misunderstood husband trying to win back his wife, and the misunderstood wife trying to make her husband jealous, and one case of mistaken identity after another, after another.
El político
Assistant Director
Willi Stark (Broderick Crawford), un hombre honrado y valiente, sufre una transformación el día que decide entrar en política y descubre que todo es juego sucio. Tras ser elegido gobernador, olvidando sus principios, lo primero que hace es apoderarse de la prensa y la radio. Convertido en un ser corrupto hará cuanto esté en su mano para permanecer en el poder.
The Doolins of Oklahoma
Assistant Director
When the Daltons are killed at Coffeyville, gang member Bill Doolin, arriving late, escapes but kills a man. Now wanted for murder, he becomes the leader of the Doolin gang. He eventually leaves the gang and tries to start a new life under a new name, but the old gang members appear and his true identity becomes known. Once again he becomes an outlaw trying to escape from the law.
The Walking Hills
Assistant Director
A study in greed in which treasure hunters seek a shipment of gold buried in Death Valley.
La dama de Shanghai
Captain of Yacht Circe (uncredited)
Michael O'Hara (Orson Welles), un marinero irlandés, entra a trabajar en un yate a las órdenes de un inválido casado con una mujer fatal (Rita Hayworth) y queda atrapado en una maraña de intrigas y asesinatos.
La dama de Shanghai
Assistant Director
Michael O'Hara (Orson Welles), un marinero irlandés, entra a trabajar en un yate a las órdenes de un inválido casado con una mujer fatal (Rita Hayworth) y queda atrapado en una maraña de intrigas y asesinatos.
Tenías que ser tú
Assistant Director
Victoria Stafford (Ginger Rogers) es una joven de familia adinerada que ha dejado a tres novios plantados en el altar. Después de comprometerse por cuarta vez al creer haber encontrado por fin al hombre adecuado, tiene un extraño sueño que lo complicará todo.
Un paseo bajo el sol
Assistant Director
En 1943, el ejército norteamericano desembarca en Italia. Una patrulla que se ha instalado en la playa de Salerno debe atacar una granja fortificada que está en poder de los nazis. La dureza de la lucha pone al descubierto la personalidad de cada uno de los soldados.
Diez negritos
Assistant Director
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Agatha Christie. Un misterioso personaje invita a diez personas a pasar un fin de semana en una isla, pero, cuando llegan, el anfitrión no está; lo que encuentran es una cinta grabada sobre un asesinato y los posibles sospechosos.
Semilla de odio
Assistant Director
La convaleciente Evelyn (Anne Baxter), hace la vida insoportable a su familia cuando vuelve al hogar un verano, y aflora su victimismo que la convierte en una terrible tirana. Lo que demuestra que su enfermedad, más que física, es mental, y tiene como dolorosa consecuencia la de hacer padecer a los demás.
Aventuras de Jack London
Assistant Director
The adventurous and remarkable life of the US writer Jack London (1876-1916).
The Avenging Rider
Wrongfully arrested, Tim must escape and find the men who murdered his partner and stole the gold.
Sagebrush Law
Tom Weston arriving in town just as the Doctor announces his father's death a suicide, sees the gun is in the wrong hand. When the Bank Examiner announces the bank has no money and Tom's identity becomes known, the townsmen attempt to hang him. Escaping he finds the phony examiner and gets a a confession. Then he plans a trap for the murderer. -IMDB
El forajido
Assistant Director
Billy el Niño y Doc Holliday huyen del sheriff Pat Garret, que antes había sido su amigo. Los forajidos llevan consigo a la mestiza Río, que es la chica de Bill. Las peleas entre los dos amigos son constantes: cuando no es por los caballos es por Río.
Bandit Ranger
Second Unit
Rancher Clay Travers finds and brings in the body of ranger Frank Mattison, murdered on the road to Trail City, where he had been sent to deal with an outbreak of cattle rustling. Businessman Art Kenyon, who has hired gunman Ed Martin to impersonate Mattison to further his rustling schemes, quickly changes Martin's story and has Travers framed for the ranger's murder. Managing to escape, Travers must come up with proof to clear his name and bring the true killers to justice.
Justicia corsa
Assistant Director
El conde Franchi tiene dos hijos gemelos. Cuando el barón Colonna decide exterminar a la familia Franchi, el doctor Paoli escapa con los dos bebés.
Outlaws of the Panhandle
Outlaws of the Pandhandle was the last of Charles Starrett's "formula" westerns for Columbia: hereafter, Starrett would be seen only in the guise of frontier medico Steven Monroe or masked do-gooder The Durango Kid. For the moment, however, the star is cast as Jim Endicott, bound and determined to put an end to the underhanded activities of gin-mill operator Faro Jack Vaughn (Norman Willis). The villain's strategy is to get the local cowpunchers tanked up on rotgut that they'll prove to be easy pickings for a gang of rustlers-and will be unable to complete work on a railroad spur which will bypass the outlaws' hideaway.
Prairie Schooners
Wild Bill Hickok (Bill Elliott) leads a wagon train of settlers from Kansas to Colorado. Along the way, they cross a group of Indians who don't want any more settlers on their land.
Bullets for Rustlers
Steve Beaumont, an operative for the Cattleman's Protective Association, is assigned the difficult task of breaking up a murderous gang of rustlers led by Ed Brock and Strang. He takes Sheriff Webb, Judge Baxter, and rancher Ann Houston into his confidence, and works his way into the rustler stronghold and confidence by "turning rustler" himself.
Pioneers of the Frontier
The second of Columbia Pictures' four "Wild Bill Saunders" westerns, Pioneers of the Frontier features William Elliott as the title character who discovers that his uncle Mort (Lafe McKee) has been murdered by an unscrupulous ranch foreman, Matt Brawley (Dick Curtis). But before he can right Brawley's wrongs, Wild Bill is arrested for a murder he didn't commit. Sidekick Cannonball Sims (Dub Taylor) and disgruntled girl rancher Joan Darcy (Dorothy Comingore) plot to break Wild Bill out of jail but Brawley is wise to their plan.
Mandrake the Magician
Feature version of the American serial film, produced for export only, never exhibited in the USA, and believed to be a lost film.
The Stranger from Texas
Things get under way when US marshal Tom (Starrett) finds himself in the midst of a range war. The villains are a band of rustlers who play both sides of the confrontation against one another, the better to move in and claim all the livestock.
Parents on Trial
According to Hollywood, the parents were generally at fault when good kids went bad. This theory is elucidated in Columbia's Parents on Trial, wherein strict disciplinarian James Westley (Henry Kolker) fails to understand or appreciate the real needs and feelings of his teenaged daughter Susan (Jean Parker).
Konga, the Wild Stallion
A long-standing feud between a rancher and a neighboring wheat farmer only intensifies after the rancher's wild stallion causes damage to the farmer's property. Western drama.
Overland with Kit Carson
When Pegleg and his Black Raiders threaten the westward expansion of the United States, the government sends Kit Carson and David Brent to straighten things out.
The Man from Sundown
The hero, Texas Ranger Larry Whalen (Charles Starrett), is on the trail of a mysterious outlaw leader.
Western Caravans
A caravan of settlers is arriving and the ranchers intend to keep them out. It looks like a range war but Sheriff Jim gets the ranchers to accept the settlers. Kohler re-ignites the feud by making settler Winters appear to be a rustler and then by killing Winter's son. Once more the two sides appear headed for a war and Jim is caught in the middle.
Mandrake the Magician
Mandrake and his team attempt to prevent "The Wasp" from stealing and using a new Radium invention.
North of the Yukon
In this North western, a brave Canadian Mountie pursuing a gang of fur thieves finds himself drummed out of the RCMP and forced to run a gauntlet of Mountie whips. When the gang learns of this, they convince him to join them.
Texas Stampede
Sheep raisers, resentful of old injuries from the cattlemen, bar the way to water when dry ranges force the cattle ranchers to drive their herds into the lowlands.
Rio Grande
No relation to the 1950 John Ford classic of the same name, Rio Grande is yet another rubber-stamp Charles Starrett western from the Columbia assembly line.
West of the Santa Fe
US marshal Lawlor (Starrett) takes on a gang of cattle rustlers headed by Taylor (Dick Curtis). His reasons are partly personal: Conway (Edward LeSaint), the cattle-baron father of Lawlor's sweetheart Madge (Meredith), has been murdered by Taylor's minions.
Colorado Trail
In this western a traveling gun ends up in a small town and rescues an important rancher. Out of gratitude the rancher hires him to protect his land and cattle from his violent rival. It is revealed that the gunman is the son of the ruthless rival; he therefore, loses his job and finds himself entangled in the midst of a range war. He must eventually face his father when the bad guy takes over the only trail to the market.
The Great Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok
A group of "Phantom Raiders" interfere with a cattle drive from Texas to Abilene; fortunately, U.S. Marshal Wild Bill Hickok is appointed to ensure the success of the mission.
Outlaws of the Prairie
Charles Starrett plays two-fisted frontiersman Dart Collins in this slick Columbia "B" western. Collins wants to find out who's behind a series of gold-shipment robberies. So does heroine Judy Garfield (Iris Meredith), whose stage transport business faces foreclosure if the holdups continue. It comes as no surprise that the crimes are being orchestrated by the very people who want to force Judy out of business.
Pennies from Heaven
Assistant Director
Larry Poole, in prison on a false charge, promises an inmate that when he gets out he will look up and help out a family. The family turns out to be a young girl, Patsy Smith, and her elderly grandfather who need lots of help. This delays Larry from following his dream and going to Venice and becoming a gondolier. Instead, he becomes a street singer and, while singing in the street, meets a pretty welfare worker, Susan Sprague. She takes a dim view of Patsy's welfare under the guardianship of Larry and her grandfather and starts proceedings to have Patsy placed in an orphanage.
Ann Carver's Profession
Assistant Director
Newlyweds experience marital problems when the wife's highly successful job as an attorney overshadows her husband's stagnant career.
No More Orchids
Assistant Director
Despite loving another man, a young woman is talked into marrying a wealthy and boorish prince in order to help her financially-strapped father.
Washington Merry-Go-Round
Assistant Director
Button Gwinett Brown is a freshman congressman on a mission to rid Washington of corruption. He quickly runs afoul of the powerful Senator Norton...
The Menace
A man framed for murder escapes from prison in order to prove his innocence.
Volver a casa
Assistant Director
Seth Parker acoge a Robbie Turner y lo protege de su cruel padre Rube. Cuando éste desaparece, Seth trata de criar a Robbie como si fuera su propio hijo.
La mujer milagro
Assistant Director
Tras la expulsión de su padre de la iglesia donde predicó muchos años, Florence Fallon se vuelve una amargada y pierde la fe. Consciente de su facilidad de palabra, se alía con un estafador y se dedica a realizar milagros falsos pero muy lucrativos. Pero quizá el amor y la confianza de un ciego la ayuden a recuperar su fe en Dios y en el prójimo.
Pasa el circo
Assistant Director
Al morir su padre, Mary Rainey hereda un modesto circo que sólo le crea angustiosos problemas económicos. A pesar de todo, la chica tratará de vencer las dificultades y salir adelante.
Soldiers and Women
Pvt. Delehanty
Captain Clive Branch, United States Marine Corps, is stationed at a Marine base in Haiti, and is having affairs with two women, Brenda Ritchie and Helen Arnold, each of whom is married to a Marine Captain. One of the husbands is murdered, and Branch, Helen and Brenda each find themselves high on the list of suspects.
Mexicali Rose
Assistant Director
The owner of a border town gambling saloon falls in love with a promiscuous young girl. When she has an affair with another, he tosses her out of town. She gets revenge by marrying his younger brother.
The Little Savage
Once again, diminutive hero Red tries to help the adult characters in their fight against the villains.
The Vagabond Cub
Bob McDonald
Red saves his prospector sidekick Hank Robbins from the hangman.
The Circus Kid
In 'The Circus Kid', Buddy, an orphan who runs away from a a harsh orphanage, joins Cadwallader's Circus.
Breed of Courage
Alan Haliday
During a feud between remote families, a dog saves the day.
The Midnight Flyer
Assistant Director
The speed of lightning; the roar of thunder; the thrills of an earthquake; it's "The midnight flyer".