S.Z. Sakall

S.Z. Sakall

Nacimiento : 1884-02-02, Budapest, Austria-Hungary [now Budapest, Hungary]

Muerte : 1955-02-12


Szőke Szakáll  (February 2, 1883 – February 12, 1955), known as S.Z. Sakall, was a Hungarian film character actor. He was in many films including In the Good Old Summertime, Lullaby of Broadway, Christmas in Connecticut and Casablanca in which he played Carl, the head waiter. Chubby-jowled Sakall played numerous supporting roles in Hollywood musicals and comedies in the 1940s and 1950s. His rotund cuteness earned Sakall the nickname "Cuddles," and he was often billed as S.Z. "Cuddles" Sakall in his later films, though he was never happy with the name. He was famous for using the phrase "everything is hunky dunky." Description above from the Wikipedia article S. Z. Sakall, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


S.Z. Sakall
S.Z. Sakall
S.Z. Sakall
S.Z. Sakall
S.Z. Sakall


The Student Prince
Joseph Ruder (as S.Z. 'Cuddles' Sakall)
A prince has a romance with a barmaid before he must give up personal happiness for duty.
Una chica de pueblo
Papa Schlemmer
Rick Livingston, un rico neoyorquino, es arrestado por exceso de velocidad al cruzar la pequeña población de Duck Creek. Este hecho va a provocar un gran revuelo en la vida del tranquilo lugar. Rick no tarda en conocer a Cindy, hija del juez local. Pero surgen problemas cuando un periódico de Nueva York publica las fotos de Rick y Cindy, y una antigua amiga del joven llega hasta la localidad para reconquistarlo a él y a su dinero. (Filmaffinit)
Un gran país
Stefan Szabo
Esta pelicula dividida en ocho episodios trata sobre diferentes facetas del espíritu americano, desde la tolerancia racial y religiosa hasta los peligros del pensamiento egoísta.
Painting The Clouds With Sunshine
Uncle Felix
Tres chicas de revista deciden buscar marido en Las Vegas, y de ser posible, millonario.
Nana de Broadway
Adolph Hubbell
Una estrella del musical americano regresa a su ciudad natal de Londres para visitar a su madre. La joven no sólo tiene tiempo para cambiar el modo de vida descuidado de su progenitora, sino que también se enamora de un empresario de Broadway durante una recepción.
Don Miguel Wormser
The lawless west had never met a gun-throwing gent like...
Té para dos
J. Maxwell Bloomhaus
Basada en un espectáculo de Broadway de 1924, titulado No No Nanette, y llevado al cine en 1929, con el mismo título. Nanette Carter, una joven de familia adinerada que sueña con convertirse en una gran estrella, ofrece una inversión de 25.000 dólares a un productor de Broadway llamado Larry Blair, para el montaje de un espectáculo cuya protagonista sería ella. Su querido y rico tío Max acepta adelantar la suma a condición de que durante un día entero, Nanette conteste no a cualquier pregunta que le hagan... (FILMAFFINITY)
The Daughter of Rosie O'Grady
Miklos 'Mike' Teretzky (as Cuddles Sakall)
Ambientada al término de la Guerra de Cuba (1898), la película se centra en Dennis O'Grady, un irlandés viudo y sobreprotector, y sus tres hijas. La mayor, Katie, se reencuentra con su esposo James que viene de la guerra, con quien se ha casado en secreto y de quien está embarazada. Mientras tanto, Patricia y Maureen, actúan en un teatro de vodevil propiedad de Tony Pastor. Dennis intenta proteger a sus hijas de lo que considera es el comportamiento inmoral de la mayoría de los hombres, especialmente en el teatro. Patricia coquetea con Tony, y también le miente a su padre presentándolo como un estudiante universitario. Dennis está impresionado con el joven, hasta que su hija le cuenta la verdad antes de unirse a él en el escenario. Dennis se indigna y Patricia se escapa con Tony y se unen en el escenario y la obra se convierte en un gran éxito. Al poco tiempo Dennis se entera que una de sus hijas está esperando gemelos, y desmoralizado, se emborracha y se mete en problemas.
Papa Otto Schultz
Un criador de ovejas australiano llega a Montana en busca de pastos para su ganado, pero se encontrará con la oposición frontal de los rancheros locales y de una rica ganadera.
Oh, You Beautiful Doll
Alfred Breitenbach
Period musical about a song plugger who vows to turn an opera composer's music into popular hits.
Look for the Silver Lining
Musical biography of Marilyn Miller, who overcame heartache to become a Broadway star
En aquel viejo verano
Otto Oberkugen
Estados Unidos, principios del siglo XX. Andrew y Veronica se conocen a raíz de un accidente que desencadena entre ellos un odio que aumenta cuando obligan a Andrew a contratar a Veronica como vendedora en la tienda de música de Oberkugen. Lo que ambos ignoran es que mientras discuten y pelean constantemente durante el día, mantienen una relación inocente, romántica y completamente anónima durante la noche, a través del correo.
Mi sueño eres tú
Felix Hofer
Un cazatalentos convierte a una joven desconocida en una estrella radiofónica de la canción.
An artist follows a woman from California to New York, where he boxes for her mobster husband.
Embraceable You
Eddie, a small-time hoodlum is forced to care for Marie he accidentally hits with his car during a crime. He is broke and hits up his very displeased mob boss for cash. To make matters worse, Eddie and Marie begin to fall for each other.
Romanza en alta mar
Uncle Lazlo Lazlo
Una mujer sospecha que su marido se interesa por otras, pero él sospecha lo mismo de ella. Por culpa de sus negocios, él tiene que cancelar siempre sus vacaciones de aniversario y dejar que su mujer se vaya sola. En una ocasión, para poder espiar a su marido, ella contrata a una cantante de cabaret (Doris Day) para que viaje a América del Sur en su lugar. Mientras tanto, su esposo contrata a un detective (Jack Carson) para vigilar a su esposa durante su viaje.
April Showers
Mr. Curley
A married couple who have a song-and-dance act in vaudeville are in trouble. Their struggling act is going nowhere, they're almost broke and they have to do something to get them back on top or they'll really be in trouble. They decide to put their young son in the act in hopes of attracting some new attention. The boy turns out to be a major talent, audiences love him and the act is on its way to the top. That's when an organization whose purpose is to stop children from performing on stage shows up, and they're dead set on breaking up the act.
Prof. Rosenkrantz
Sheltered by her conservative parents, a small-town teenager finally goes out on a date.
The Time, The Place and The Girl
Ladislaus Cassel
The stuffy manager of lovely opera singer Vicki Cassel and her uncle, a classical conductor, is determined to close down the noisy nightclub next door to the Cassels' home. The club's owners--Steve, a handsome ladies' man, and Jeff, his clownish sidekick--hatch a plan to keep the club open. Steve arranges to meet--and woo--Vicki and then invite her and her uncle to the club. When Vicki's snobbish aunt and the manager discover that Vicki now favors popular music over the classics, they arrange to get the club closed. But that doesn't keep Steve and Jeff down. Instead, they decide to put on a Broadway show if they can get a backer. They find their "angel" in Vicki's uncle who agrees to finance the show only if Vicki is the leading lady. But again, Vicki's aunt and manager may be the spoiler in everyone's plans.
Nunca te alejes de mí
Willie Schmidt, Owner of Luigi's (as S.Z. 'Cuddles' Sakall)
Phil y Ellen Gayley llevan divorciados un año. Su hija de 8 años, Flip, se siente muy desgraciada porque sus padres no están juntos. Así, comienza a cartearse con un marino, enviándole una foto de su guapa madre. Cuando el marino aparece para conocerla, Ellen aprovecha la oportunidad para dar celos a su ex-marido.
Two Guys from Milwaukee
Count Oswald
Balkan Prince Henry has two wishes, to meet Lauren Bacall and see the "real" America. He befriends cabbie Buzz Williams and, without knowing the microphone is live, the two stage a debate on democracy versus monarchy broadcast back to the Prince's homeland. A plebiscite there puts Henry out of a job. Flying to Milwaukee to become a beer salesman, he meets Bacall on the seat next to his, but a tap on his shoulder means he must give up his seat (and dream) to Bogie.
Cinderella Jones
Gabriel Popik
Judy Jones can claim inheritance only if she marries a genius.
San Antonio
Sacha Bozic
Clay Hardin decide dejar su refugio en México y volver a San Antonio para investigar los frecuentes robos de ganado que se producen en Texas. El recién llegado sospecha que el jefe de la banda de ladrones es el dueño de un saloon, en el que trabaja una joven cantante de la que se enamora.
The Dolly Sisters
Uncle Latsie Dolly
Two sisters from Hungary become famous entertainers in the early 1900s. Fictionalized biography with lots of songs.
Cena de Navidad
Felix Bassenak
Elizabeth Lane es una de las columnistas más famosas del país. En sus artículos se describe a sí misma como una mujer felizmente casada, con hijos, que vive apaciblemente en una granja y cuya pasión es la cocina. Pero todo es completamente falso: es una una mujer soltera, muy ajetreada que vive en Nueva York y que jamás ha entrado en una cocina. El problema surge cuando el propietario de la revista donde trabaja la invita a su granja el día de Navidad para que prepare una comida para sus invitados.
Un hombre fenómeno
Edgar, un tímido bibliotecario es persuadido por el fantasma de su extrovertido hermano gemelo Buzzy Bellew, asesinado por un jefe mafioso, para que ocupe su lugar como showman de un nightclub y vengue su muerte
Hollywood Canteen
El "Hollywwod Canteen" era un club que la Warner Bros creó durante la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) para que los soldados que estaban de permiso pudieran divertirse con el espectáculo y codearse con los actores de moda. Dos soldados pasan tres noches en el club: uno de ellos sueña con besar a Joan Leslie, su amor imposible durante la guerra del Pacífico. John Garfield favorece el encuentro.
Shine on Harvest Moon
Poppa Carl
Biographical movie about the early 20th century broadway stars Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth.
Adorables estrellas
Dr. Schlenna
Musical en el que las estrellas de la Warner cantan una serie de canciones para animar a los soldados americanos que estaban combatiendo en la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945).
Hjalmar Ostgaard
Nora and her uncle get railroaded into spending the night at a broken-down hotel in Canada. After Nora falls for the handsome owner, she convinces her uncle to invest in the inn and modernize it. After the hotel opens, Nora's uncle faces financial ruin and her romance hit a snag in the form of pretty reporter.
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Casablanca era una ciudad a la que llegaban huyendo del nazismo gentes de todas partes: llegar era fácil, pero salir era casi imposible, especialmente si el nombre del fugitivo figuraba en las listas de la Gestapo. En esta ocasión el principal objetivo de la policía secreta alemana es el líder checo y héroe de la resistencia Victor Laszlo, cuya única esperanza es Rick Blaine, propietario del 'Rick’s Café' y antiguo amante de su mujer, Ilsa. Cuando Ilsa se ofrece a quedarse a cambio de un visado para sacar a Laszlo del país, Rick deberá elegir entre su propia felicidad o el idealismo que rigió su vida en el pasado.
Seven Sweethearts
Mr. Van Maaster, the Father
Little Delft, Michigan follows the customs of old-world Holland and is known for its Tulip Festival. The owner of the hotel insists that his seven daughters marry in order, from eldest to youngest.
Yanqui Dandy
La biografía del bailarín de vodevil George M. Cohan, creador del himno norteamericano ”Over There”, sirvió de base para este musical donde Cagney pudo demostrar sus grandes dotes para el baile. La obra, aunque se trata de una comedia, tiene un importante trasfondo de propaganda bélica ya que está realizada en plena Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Antes de iniciarse en el cine, George Raft se vio envuelto en un caso de tiroteo entre bandas rivales sucedido en el club donde trabajaba de bailarín.
Bola de fuego
Prof. Magenbruch
Gracias a la donación de un cuarto de millón de dólares, un grupo de profesores estrafalarios, todos solteros salvo uno que es viudo, trabajan en la elaboración de una enciclopedia del saber humano. Cuando el trabajo se encuentra ya en una fase bastante avanzada, la visita sorpresa de una bailarina de cabaret les hace replantearse su labor, pues caen en la cuenta de que viven de espaldas al mundo.
Aquella noche en Río
Arthur Penna
An entertainer in Rio impersonates a wealthy aristocrat. When the aristocrat's wife asks him to carry the impersonation further, complications ensue.
El diablo burlado
George (Merrick's Butler)
Un magnate se encubre para buscar agitadores en una tienda por departamentos, pero se involucra en sus vidas.
The Man Who Lost Himself
John Evans encounters his lookalike, Malcolm Scott. When Scott is killed in an accident, Evans finds himself mistaken for Scott and decides to do some good in his new role.
Spring Parade
Latislav Teschek - the Baker
In this light and lovely romantic musical, a Hungarian woman attends a Viennese fair and buys a card from a gypsy fortune teller. It says that she will meet someone important and is destined for a happy marriage. Afterward she gets a job as a baker's assistant. She then meets a handsome army drummer who secretly dreams of becoming a famous composer and conductor. Unfortunately the military forbids the young corporal to create his own music. But then Ilonka secretly sends one of the drummer's waltzes to the Austrian Emperor with his weekly order of pastries. Her act paves the way toward the tuneful and joyous fulfillment of the gypsy's prediction.
De nuevo el amor
Geza Peyer
Comedia donde una estudiante de violín con problemas económicos para seguir su aprendizaje recibe una sorpresa cuando un donante anónimo le consigue un contrato para grabar un disco.
Set against the backdrop of WWI Europe, a man and woman of different classes are brought together by their love of Lippizan horses.
It's a Date
Carl Ober
Una aspirante a actriz, que pretende participar en una película importante, descubre que su madre también esta tratando de conseguir el papel. Por si esto fuera poco, las dos se enamoran del mismo hombre.
The Lilac Domino
In this musical, an enigmatic masked woman catches the roving eye of a wily playboy gambler at a masquerade ball. If he knew that she was using her wiles as bait and was planning to reform him of his gambling womanizing ways after catching him, he may have head for different waters.
Fräulein Lilli
Prokurist Seidl
Lilli, daughter of a large family, finds job at a jewelry shop, and is taken to Montecarlo by her boss to, under a false identity, make the jewels appeal to rich customers.Only they are stolen,seemingly by the young man she has fallen for..
Tagebuch der Geliebten
Dr. Walitzky
Four and a Half Musketeers
Sattler, Schlagzeuger
A Hungarian-Austrian comedy and one of the last emigrant films made in Austria before the industry submitted to pressure from Nazi Germany and ceased to employ Jewish filmmakers.
Barátságos arcot kérek
Bretter, die die Welt bedeuten
Franz Novak
Ende schlecht, alles gut
Anton Polgar, Papierhändler
The sons of small town store owner Anton Polgar have abandoned him for the big city, until financial problems there lead him to rescue them and bring them back.
Father Knows Best
Mr. Polgár is a provincial paper dealer. His sons, Viktor and Feri, are managers in a big factory in the capital, spending their money lavishly, living their lives in a careless, irresponsible way. Viktor is to marry a baroness and feels rather too uneasy about his father's small business. He persuades his old man into selling the business he had so long cherished and to move to their place in Pest.
When You're Young, the World Belongs to You
Schmidt, Pressephotograph
Krüger, Schuldiener
Skandal in Budapest
Eva goes to Budapest to visit her friend Tini's wedding but as soon as she arrives, the husband-to-be brakes up with Tini. When Eva decides to take things into her own hand and follows him to the Hotel Atlantik.
Adventure on the Lido
The already successful tenor Mattei is discovered after he already retired into private life. Der Wiener Staatsoper place a significant part in this musical comedy drama.
Pardon, tévedtem
Mr. Strangel
Großfürstin Alexandra
Film by Thiele.
Muß man sich gleich scheiden lassen
Professor Friedrich Hornung
Es war einmal ein Musikus
Eine Frau wie Du
Theobald Roehn, Fabrikant
Her Majesty Love
Bela Török
Fred von Wellingen is a wealthy industrialist, part of a large family-owned corporation. Fred has fallen for Lia, a comely bartender in the Berlin Cabaret. He proposes to her, much to the horror of his family, which considers Lia and her unsophisticated father far below their caste. The family convinces Fred to give up the girl in exchange for increased position and income in the company. But Fred's lapse is momentary, and he again pursues Lia. But she, by this time, has learned of his erstwhile agreement and has agreed to marry someone else.
Leitner - Fabrikant aus Budapest
Eine Stadt steht kopf
Der Bürgermeister
Glück über Nacht
Ich will nicht wissen, wer Du bist
Ottokar, sein früherer Diener
Right to Happiness
Herr Hoffmann is a famous widowed singer with a young daughter to raise, aided by his faithful manager. They meet a girl and Hoffmann falls for her, reluctant to believe that in fact she is in love with a musician.
Girls to marry
Alois Novak
Three brothers lead the life of bachelors and their rent is overdue. The landlord who also happens to be a matchmaker tries to marry off the oldest brother to a rich girl.
The Unknown Guest
Leopold Kuhlmann
When the master and mistress of a household are away, and the chambermaid's father visits, she pretends to be the real mistress as he is unaware of her lowly position. Slapstick complications ensue.
The Soaring Maiden
Onkel Lampe
In this theatrical adaptation, a well meaning eccentric ( a good role for the popular actor later known as S Z Sakall) tries to patch up a rift between his niece and her fiance.
My Cousin From Warsaw
Burel, Luciennes Gatte
Meine Kusine aus Warschau (My Cousin From Warsaw) was based on a stage play by Louis Verneuil. It's a romantic farce, with the heroine posing as her own cousin to carry on two amours at once.
The Squeeker
Bill "Billy" Anerley, Direktor des "Leopard-Clubs"
The mute of Portici
I marry my husband
Waltz Paradise
Schwartz, Theateragent
Musical comedy about a famous opera star in Vienna.
The Carnival Fairy
Matthias, Diener
Film version of the operatta by Emmerich Kalman: Victor has won 10 000 Mark with his ceiling painting. In the local pub, he celebrates his triumph. Countess Alexandra happens to drop into the pub, too and is thought to be a model by the sponsor of the prize, Count Meredith. Victor soon has to save her from an embarassing misunderstanding. The two men insult each other and Victor loses his prize.
Kopfüber ins Glück
Baron Monteuil
The Jumping Jack
Herr Eickmeyer is a wealthy parfumier: well past middle age, and stout with it. His blonde wife Lissy is much younger, pretty and vivacious. Since Eickmeyer can't keep up with his young wife, he commissions a companion for her in the form of a life-sized talking clockwork man, purchased for 5,000 deutschemarks ... to be shipped to his home immediately it's assembled.
Twice Wedding
Grafenbergs Schwager
Two Hearts in Waltz Time
Der Theaterdirektor
Nicki and Vicki, two librettists who also happen to be brothers, are presently in collaboration with composer Toni. All too aware of Toni's amorous escapades, Nicki and Vicki try to keep the existence of their pretty sister Hedi a secret. Suffering from an acute case of writers' block (he has yet to find an inspiration for his next production), Toni throws a huge party, which is boycotted by his friends and associates so that he'll keep his mind on his work.
Wer wird denn weinen, wenn man auseinandergeht?
Gottgetreu, Kassierer von Harder & Co.
Pavement Butterfly
Paul Bennet
In this, her second silent film with Eichberg, Wong plays Princess Butterfly, an exotic Parisian fan dancer whose “death leap through a circle of naked swords” act goes tragically wrong. Blamed for the impalement of a fellow performer, she runs away and takes shelter with a handsome but starving painter who she brings luck.
Mary Lou
Der Jongleur
Family Gathering in the House of Prellstein
Sami Bambus
A feature-length jewish joke: The heavily indebted Sami Bambus fakes his death, so that his debts are taken over by the greedy heirs, led by the scrounger Prellstein. The putative heir also brings speculators to the scene, and the general confusion can ultimately only be reconciled by the summoned uncle Salomon and by Samis' return from the dead.
The Merry Farmer
The Merry Farmer is based on the 1907 operetta of the same name.
Heaven on Earth
Reinhold Schünzel plays the rigid representative Traugott Bellmann, who publicly condemns the low morals of the night life. Although Belmann's stance is supported by his wife, he is strongly opposed by his father-in-law, a champagne manufacturer. But when he inherits 500 000 Marks in cash and the infamous nightclub "Der Himmel auf Erden" ("Heaven on Earth") from his deceased brother, Bellmann really gets himself into trouble: In order to fulfil his brother's will - and to get hold of the money - , he has to be at the club every night at 9 pm.
The Master of Death
A aristocratic lieutenant is forced to resign his commission and give up his career in the cavalry after having defended himself against deliberate provocations by a superior officer who is competing with him for the love of the daughter of a respected privy councillor. His family bans him to New York, where he falls on hard times until a former circus performer helps him to become a world-renowned trapeze and aerial artiste.
Wenn das Herz der Jugend spricht
Dr. Hecht