A night club singer who is the daughter of a small-town crook is tried and convicted of murder.
Una mujer que ha perdido a su marido cerca de los pantanos del sur, lo halla, por fin, en la mansión de la familia, pero parcialmente convertido en un cocodrilo. Para salvarlo tendrá que encontrar al científico culpable de tal metamorfosis.
En París, durante una tranquila noche de verano, los vecinos de la calle Morgue son despertados por los gritos de una mujer. Cuando llega la policía, tiene que forzar la puerta de la casa de donde han salido los gritos de auxilio.
A group of sailors invest in a musical revue.
A gangster and his wife attempt to go straight. Comedy. Remake of the 1938 film "A Slight Case of Murder".
Three friends enter military school together, but 2 of them don't know that the 3rd one is secretly married.
Las estrellas cinematográficas Ruth Roman, Doris Day y Nell Wayne están actuando en San Francisco cuando conocen a los soldados Mike Nolan y Rick Williams. Dado que a su amigo le gusta Nell, Mike dice a las chicas que pronto partirán hacia Corea, sin contarles que en realidad son simplemente miembros de la tripulación de un avión que realiza una sencilla misión de transporte. Las chicas aceptan acompañarles hasta la base de Travis, donde Nell da un beso de despedida a Rick antes de que él y Mike despeguen. Su aparición causa verdadera sensación y, animadas por el recibimiento, Ruth y Doris planean volver otra vez.
Musical que adapta una serie de narraciones costumbristas de Booth Tarkington en las que se narran las incidencias cotidianas de una familia residente en una pequeña localidad de Indiana a principios de siglo.
A documentary short film depicting the work of the motion picture director. An anonymous director is shown preparing the various aspects of a film for production, meeting with the writer and producer, approving wardrobe and set design, rehearsing scenes with the actors and camera crew, shooting the scenes, watching dailies, working with the editor and composer, and attending the first preview. Then a number of real directors are shown in archive footage (as well as a predominance of staged 'archive' footage) working with actors and crew.
A Broadway director helps the West Point cadets put on a show, aided by two lovely ladies and assorted complications.
La historia de Kip, un comediante que triunfa en televisión, contada en un largo flash-back desde que era un joven con gracia, pero a quien nadie conocía. En su trayectoria surge la tentación de robar chistes, aplastar a quien haga falta, y dejar de pasar de largo el amor. ¿Logrará nuestro hombre sobreponerse a todo esto?
Film inspirado en un número de una revista musical, cuenta la típica historia del hombre al que los oropeles de la fama le hacen desviarse del buen camino, al menos por un tiempo. Milton Berle, él mismo un actor cómico que puede entender bien a su personaje, tuvo por una vez un papel protagonista.
El hermano de John Torno, capellán del ejército, es asesinado en la habitación de un hotel. La única pista que existe son unas palabras escritas en una Biblia que ha desaparecido. John, en su afán por descubrir al criminal, sospecha del empleado de una fábrica de su propiedad al que él mismo acusó de desfalco.
El hermano de John Torno, capellán del ejército, es asesinado en la habitación de un hotel. La única pista que existe son unas palabras escritas en una Biblia que ha desaparecido. John, en su afán por descubrir al criminal, sospecha del empleado de una fábrica de su propiedad al que él mismo acusó de desfalco.
The baseball player goes from wayward youth to Boston Red Sox pitcher to New York Yankees home-run hero.
The baseball player goes from wayward youth to Boston Red Sox pitcher to New York Yankees home-run hero.
Un vagabundo neoyorquino se muda a una mansión y, por el camino, se va reuniendo con sus amigos a los que lleva a vivir con él.
Un vagabundo neoyorquino se muda a una mansión y, por el camino, se va reuniendo con sus amigos a los que lleva a vivir con él.
Comedia musical dirigida, escrita y protagonizada por diversos directores, guionistas y estrellas de la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
Honest Plush Brannon is a con-man thrown out of the Barbary Coast in San Francisco in the 1880s and headed for the gold rush region of Nevada. He discovers a real mine which lead to several complications.
Broadway producer Johnny Demming is only interested in big-name talent and scoffs that his sister, father and other small-time talent could be used in a successful show.
Un tipo adinerado se enamora de la artista de un club nocturno, que a su vez ama a un bailarín. Ante el dilema de casarse por dinero o por amor, ella opta por lo primero. Pero el millonario sufre un accidente, y sueña que se encuentra en la época de Luis XV, y que él es monarca que persigue a madame Du Barry, que, claro está, tiene el rostro de su amada. Simpática comedia musical rodada en technicolor, que combina la época actual con de la Francia cortesana. Cuenta con buenos trabajos de Lucille Ball y Gene Kelly, éste cantando los temas musicales "Do I Love You" y "Song of the Rebellion".
Anna ha sido secretaria durante 6 años en el banco del Conde Willie Palaffi, un conocido playboy de la ciudad. Ella todos los días le deja unas flores en su mesa, pero él no sabe que existe. "Whiskers" se da cuenta de que ella sería la perfecta esposa para Willie y la invita a la fiesta de cumpleaños de disfraces del jefe. La secretaria personal de Willie celosa, pues lo quiere para ella, le ayuda a conseguir un disfraz de ángel. Pero cuando llega a la fiesta disfrazada todos se ríen de ella.
Struggling performers, Sothern and Skelton's lives are thrown off gear when they are caught with a bagful of hard cash robbed by a goon. With Skelton in prison, how will Sothern prove their innocence?
Maria and Karl Lang are the singing duo of Vienna. Maria is very flirtatious and Karl very jealous. Karl decides to masquerade as a Russian guardsman and attempts to make Maria flirt with him - to test her loyalty to him - as the Russian, Karl makes a vigorous attempt to seduce Maria. For a moment she accepts then rejects. Karl is left in turmoil...
Topper vuelve a ser atormentado por un espíritu amante de la diversión... y del buen vino. Esta vez es Gail Richards, asesinada por error mientras estaba de vacaciones en casa de su rica amiga, Ann Carrington, que debía haber sido la víctima. Con la ayuda de Topper, Gail se dispone a encontrar a su asesino.
Race horse owner pays so much attention to business he winds up divorced from his wife. His alimony payments are so steep he plots with his lawyer to get her married off.
The story of a young man's discovery of his father.
La vida de Gus Edwards, famoso compositor de vodevil, actor y productor.
Trixie is a female pilot looking to win a big race to advance her career. During one race, however, her plane becomes damaged, and she needs help to repair it. She meets a Navy pilot named "Tex" Price and tries to gain his aid. Tex soon meets another pilot, Gerry, a novice who seeks to win an important upcoming race. Tex, concerned for Gerry's safety, tries to convince her not to race. But Gerry, now a rival of Trixie's, is determined to fly.
George Cabot Jr., the son of a department store owner, enrolls Kristina Nielsen, the store's sports clerk, at a university to use her as an advertisement for their fashion department. She falls for Larry Taylor, a teacher, and gets expelled.
Bandleader and manager discover skater in Norway. They become rivals as she returns with them to America.
Steve Raleight (Robert Taylor) quiere producir un "show" en Broadway y, aunque ya tiene al promotor, Herman Whipple, y a la estrella, la joven Sally Lee (Eleanor Powell), no le dejan realizar su sueño. Caroline Whipple (Binnie Barnes) quiere utilizar para el espectáculo a una estrella conocida, y no a una cualquiera. Por otro lado, Sally compra un caballo con la intención de participar en una carrera para obtener fondos con los que promocionar el show...
A new Broadway show starring Gary Blake shamelessly lampoons the rich Carraway family. To get her own back, daughter Mimi sets out to ensnare Blake, but the courtship is soon for real, to the annoyance of his co-star, hoofing chanteuese Mona Merrick.
Nora Paige (Eleanor Powell) llega a Nueva York con el propósito de conquistar Broadway cuanto antes. Es bailarina, aunque por ahora no la conoce nadie.
Una historia romántica sobre diferencia de clases que tiene lugar cuando un rico aristócrata llamado Richard Winfield se enamora de una sirvienta. La familia queda horrorizada de que la chica pueda entrar a formar parte de ella, así que hará todo lo posible por impedirlo.
A poor boy rises to power in politics.
A show troupe is engaged by Judge Culliman, who is running for Governor, to enhance his political campaign. When the inebriated Judge has to be replaced in doing his campaign speech by the troupe crooner, Eric Land, his political backers decide that they want him to run for Governor in the Judge's place. Romance, music, political corruption and the election results follow.
Bob Gordon recibe una buena oferta económica para su representación de Broadway, pero debe contar para su espectáculo con la viuda Lilian. Delicioso musical que optó al Oscar a la mejor película, en la que se habla de los entresijos del Broadway de la época, donde los artistas desean alcanzar la fama y el reconocimiento.
Alternate-language French version of Folies Bergère de Paris (1935).
An entertainer impersonates a look-alike banker, causing comic confusion for wife and girlfriend.
A musical comedy about a Brooklyn boy who inherits a fortune from his archaeologist father, but has to go to Egypt to claim it.
Bulldog Drummond finds himself immersed in another adventure when he stumbles upon a corpse in the mysterious London mansion of Prince Achmed. Enlisting the help of his old friend Algy and the beautiful Lola, Drummond uncovers a scheme to ship illegal cargo into the country. He must rely on his cunning to survive when the prince offers a reward for his capture.
Un magnate del ferrocarril es chantajeado por el novio y manager de la chica con la que comete adulterio.
An ex-gangster tries to resist his old cohorts' criminal activities after he accidentally becomes a movie star.
Butch Saunders has been transferred to Missing Persons because he was too brutal in other police work...
While waiting out World War I in a German POW camp, Captain Fred Allison discovers that his oldest and dearest friend Digby has also been captured and put into the same camp with him. Fred longs for news of his wife, Monica, but Digby speaks little of her. Digby knows a secret about Monica, a secret he must keep from his friend, and it wears at his conscience so much that he attempts a reckless escape.
Prohibition is ending so bootlegger Bugs Ahearn decides to crack California society. He leases a house from down-on-her-luck Ruth and hires her as social secretary. He rescues Polly Cass from a horsefall and goes home to meet her dad who sells him some phony stock certificates. When he learns about this he sends to Chicago for mob help.
Chandler, a con-man, and his helper Frank decide to create a clairvoyant act for the carny circuit, as a little research reveals Ameicans spent $125 million on mind-readers and astrology. The carny, renamed Chandra, falls for one of his marks, Sylvia, but their love is tested when he brings tragedy to other peoples' lives and she asks him to go straight.
Kurt Anderson is the tyrannical manager of a New York department store in financial straits. He thinks nothing of firing an employee of more than 20 years or of toying with the affections of every woman he meets. One such victim is Madeline, a beautiful young woman in need of a job. Anderson hires her as a salesgirl, but not before the two spend the night together. Madeline is ashamed, especially after she falls for Martin West, a rising young star at the store. Her biggest fear is that Martin finds out the truth about her "career move."
A New York gossip columnist feuds with a singer and enjoys the power of the press.
Overworked boxer Jim goes to a health ranch in New Mexico to recover where he falls in love with Peggy and her sickly son. Once recovered, Jim leaves to return to the ring. Can their romance survive the distance?
Overworked boxer Jim goes to a health ranch in New Mexico to recover where he falls in love with Peggy and her sickly son. Once recovered, Jim leaves to return to the ring. Can their romance survive the distance?
An ultra-efficient Plain Jane secretary blossoms when she accompanies her boss on a business trip to Paris.
Amidst a backdrop of growing violence and intimidation, independent cab drivers struggling against a consolidated juggernaut rally around hot-tempered Matt Nolan. Nolan is determined to keep competition alive on the streets, even if it means losing the woman he loves.
A circus side show performer tries to discourage her younger sister from following in her footsteps.
Un botones estafador y su novia camarera están establecidos en un hotel.
A lovely dame with dangerous lies employs the services of a private detective, who is quickly caught up in the mystery and intrigue of a statuette known as the Maltese Falcon.
A stage star finds herself torn between a wealthy older man and a handsome younger one.
George Morris constantly lies to his wife, Helen, to hide his escapades. As he is about to leave his wife, some guests arrives, including Paul Wilcox, who is in love with Helen. By the end of the party, however, George and Helen have reconciled yet again. Soon after, George meets Joan Whitley and loses a lighter which his wife has given him; Whitley drives off with it. When Helen throws a party, Joan, who is an old friend of Helen, arrives. When Helen introduces Joan to George, they pretend not to know each other. George pleads with Joan to return his lighter. She agrees to meet him later in the library and if he is nice to her she will give him back the lighter.
Two gold diggers try a French dressmaker, two Mr. Smiths and Havana.
The action takes place during the Great War in the home of the First Lord of the Admiralty.
In this mystery, a man and woman have been corresponding through a "personal" column under the names Lord Strawberries and Lady Grapefruit. When the man's neighbor is found dead upstairs, he and the lady are the prime suspects of a police inspector, who has his own very good reason for blaming them.
A man is mistaken for a champion fighter.
Three Broadway chorus girls seek rich husbands.
French General Birabeau has been sent to Morocco to root out and destroy the Riffs, a band of Arab rebels, who threaten the safety of the French outpost in the Moroccan desert. Their dashing, daredevil leader is the mysterious "Red Shadow". Margot Bonvalet, a lovely, sassy French girl, is soon to be married at the fort to Birabeau's right-hand man, Captain Fontaine. Birabeau's son Pierre, in reality the Red Shadow, loves Margot, but pretends to be a milksop to preserve his secret identity. Margot tells Pierre that she secretly yearns to be swept into the arms of some bold, dashing sheik, perhaps even the Red Shadow himself. Pierre, as the Red Shadow, kidnaps Margot and declares his love for her.
Two pilots are in love with the same girl. On a flight over the Antarctic, the plane suddenly spins out of control and crashes into a snowbank. One of the pilots is injured and the other leaves him to die, so he can have the girl all to himself. However, the injured pilot survives and when he recovers he vows vengeance on the man who left him to die--especially after he finds out that he married the girl they were both after.
A young doctor is accused by his pretty wife of paying too much attention to one of his woman patients when she makes a pass at him. Ferris, assuming that her husband is having an affair, decides to have one herself with a perfumer.
Guests at an old English manor house are stalked by a mysterious killer known only as "The Terror".
Rex Hale, a reform mayor, closes the musical comedy "Powder My Back" because he feels that it is immoral. Indignant, Fritzi Foy, star of the comedy, determines to revenge herself on Hale. Gaining entrance to his home by pretending to be injured in an automobile accident, Fritzi has Claude, her press agent, masquerade as a doctor and advise that she should not be disturbed until she has completely recovered. Hale is enraged, but his son, Jack, falls in love with Fritzi though he is already engaged to Ruth Stevens, an attractive flapper. When she sees that her plan has caused unhappiness for an innocent person, Fritzi dissuades Jack, who returns to his old sweetheart; she ends up with the mayor.
Rich girl Joan Whitney does her flirtatious best to break up the marriage of May and Ted Howard and almost succeeds, but not before May Howard has a light flirtation with a light-in-the-slippers specimen named Claude.
Fifi, a dusky, sultry Senegalese spy, uses her wiles to get information out of two American army soldiers, Ham and Eggs, in France during World War I.
The transition from horses to automobiles at the turn of the century causes problems between a father and son.
Following the Spanish-American War, a soldier is given the assignment of finding the leader of a band of rebels in the Philippines. In order to do this, he must romance Roma, a cabaret spy working for the rebels. This does not please the daughter of his commanding officer, whom he is romancing.
Department-store models Flo and Marian set their sights on wealthy young soft-drink magnate J. A. Smith. Through a misunderstanding, they pick on the wrong J. A. Smith, a fortune hunter himself who assumes that Marian is a wealthy widow. Meanwhile, Marian falls for the real Smith, never dreaming that he's the millionaire.
Beautiful Dot Walker is part of a ring of crooks in San Francisco, who use her to lure impressionable young men into a crooked card game. Young Johnny has come to the big city to sell his grandmother's hotel back in his home town, but he falls under Dot's spell, gets suckered into the game and loses all his money. He asks his newfound "friends" to come back to his hometown to buy the hotel. They accept but are actually planning to swindle Johnny's grandmother out of her hotel. It turns out that Granny isn't quite the easy mark they thought she would be.
The Man Upstairs is a lost 1926 silent film comedy directed by Roy Del Ruth and starring Monte Blue. It was produced and distributed by Warner Brothers. The film is based on a novel, The Agony Column by Earl Derr Biggers.
Lefty O'Brien, a pugilist, becomes engaged to ex-tomboy Patsy Ryan against the wishes of her father, Michael. They both live in an Irish-Jewish neighborhood on New York's East Side known as "Hogan's Alley." Lefty defeats Battling Savage for the championship, breaking his left hand and leaving his opponent close to death.
Austin Starfield has his greedy eye on a steel mill belonging to Eve Burnside. He persuades an impoverished count, Leon Molnar to marry Eve so he can then gain control of her fortune.
A cruel sea captain shanghais Jimmie to work on his ship, but Jimmie's girlfriend also stows away on board, disguised as a sailor.
The aging father of a farm lad thinks the boy is after dad's fiancée, so he banishes the lad. The young man heads to California where he drives a cab. Through a fare, he meets a lovely lassie. His work takes him to the beach, where he sees dad's fiancée with another man. The lad and his lassie follow the woman and try to prevent her from marrying yet another rich man. Will our farm boy and his sweetie stop injustice from happening again?
Mild-mannered Harry gets roughed up by a slum gang. Later he returns as a cop to see that justice is done.
A short packed with more stars and gags than most features of its day, this film delivered a gaggle of guffaws!
Shanghaied on his wedding day, Harry struggles to cope with a cruel captain while fending off a sailor who seems attracted to him.
Our hero is the town's photographer and its sheriff. He' in love with a young woman who's also pursued by the older, more devious Dudley Somerset. First our hero must do a few heroic things, saving the lass from danger. He must also not move too quickly on the romantic front. Once she's willing to marry him, he must balance the duties of groom with that of sheriff, while Dudley tries to convince the lass that our hero is untrue to her...
An itching courtship from Mack Sennett.
Asleep at the Switch is a 1923 comedy short.
The story is about a crackpot inventor who manages to get himself in a heap of trouble. Though no fault of his own, it appears that he's run off with the wife of a cop and both the policeman and the inventor's wife are in hot pursuit. What makes this interesting are the inventor's clever devices--such as a hot air balloon car!
Billy Bevan, Harry Gribbon, Kewpie Morgan and their dog engage in a poker game.
Rampaging lions are on the loose in a hunting lodge.
Keystone comedy about a garage owner pining for the girl next door, coming into money, and betting on a fixed fight.
Billy Bevan trying to escape the cops!
A 1922 comedy short.
An oil heir and the daughter of a social climbing family are set to marry.
Billy is a bit of a masher. He meets a lady on the beach and immediately gives her an expensive gift (some pearls). The problems are that she has her eyes set on the handsome lifeguard and the collection agents either want Billy to pay for this necklace or return it. Well, she naturally doesn't want to give up the pearls, so Billy decides to break in to her house to steal them (and a few other items while he's at it).
If you can't buy it... make your own! A Fox silent short subject comedy.
A farce in which the poor Lamo has to flee after he tries to rob a rich cinema operator. While on the run, he starts working for a blacksmith, who then betrays him.
Scenario Writer
A mild-mannered man's problems with his domineering wife and mother-in-law lead to complications with the law.