Dex Elliott Sanders

Dex Elliott Sanders


Dex Elliott Sanders


King of the Underground
Part true story, part fiction, King of the Underground is a dark comedy about a frustrated rap artist who goes on an all out murderous killing spree after years of being rejected by the music industry.
King of the Underground
Part true story, part fiction, King of the Underground is a dark comedy about a frustrated rap artist who goes on an all out murderous killing spree after years of being rejected by the music industry.
King of the Underground
Part true story, part fiction, King of the Underground is a dark comedy about a frustrated rap artist who goes on an all out murderous killing spree after years of being rejected by the music industry.
King of the Underground
Part true story, part fiction, King of the Underground is a dark comedy about a frustrated rap artist who goes on an all out murderous killing spree after years of being rejected by the music industry.
King of the Underground
Part true story, part fiction, King of the Underground is a dark comedy about a frustrated rap artist who goes on an all out murderous killing spree after years of being rejected by the music industry.
King of the Underground
Part true story, part fiction, King of the Underground is a dark comedy about a frustrated rap artist who goes on an all out murderous killing spree after years of being rejected by the music industry.
CHiPs '99
Ponch has returned to the police force, and is determined to help his friend Jon investigating various car thefts.
An heiress is kidnapped during the chaos of a riot.
Días extraños
Faltan dos días para la llegada del año 2000 y las calles de Los Ángeles están abarrotadas de gente. Lenny, que ha sido expulsado de la Brigada Antivicio, se dedica a la captación de clientes para venderles unos clips que reproducen las vivencias de otras personas.
Fast Company
Darryl Fielding
A homicide detective is assigned to solve a murder case. The trouble is that his wife, a reporter, has been assigned by her employer to cover the same case. Complications ensue.
Kangaroo Court
Oscar nominated short film from 1994. Directed by Sean Astin!
El último gran héroe
Danny Madigan es un fantasioso chico, ferviente admirador de Jack Slater, el mayor héroe del cine de acción. Nunca se pierde ninguna de sus películas, así que, ante el estreno de su última superproducción, el viejo acomodador del cine le regala al joven fan una entrada para que la vea en primicia. Gracias a esa entrada, que resulta tener poderes mágicos, Danny consigue introducirse en la pantalla y vivir trepidantes aventuras con Jack.