Khan Chittenden

Khan Chittenden

Nacimiento : 1983-01-01, New Zealand


Khan Chittenden (born 1983) is a New Zealand-born Australian actor. Chittenden was born in New Zealand and moved at age 11 to Perth, Western Australia. He graduated from WAAPA (Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts) and landed his first major part as Dean 'Edge' Edgely in the television series "Blue Water High". Khan was then a regular on several seasons of the Fox8 series "Dangerous" and was cast in the globally successful indie film "Clubland". The success of this film landed him his first US-based film role in "Endless Bummer". He has since also appeared on the stage at His Majesty's Theatre in Perth for Perth Theatre Company's production of Peter Shaffer's "Equus". [Adapted from English Wikipedia]


Khan Chittenden


Rhapsody of Love
Phil McEnjoe
Rhapsody of Love follows the lives of four couples at different stages of their relationships and how sometimes life presents love when we least expect it. Events planner Jess meets photographer Justin at the wedding of her best friend Ben. Ben and Natasha are perfect for each other, but can they both support each other’s career aspirations. Then there’s Phil, always saying the wrong thing and looking for his next date. Romance, work and life all collide when an events planner and a wedding photographer meet and ignite sparks.
Book Week
Nicholas Cutler is a smart yet self-destructive, once famous novelist who is stuck teaching English to iPhone-addicted teenagers at a working class high school. After writing a trashy zombie story he recaptures the interest of publishers who are willing to give him a second chance as long as he can prove he has cleaned up his act. However, what could have been the best week of his life spirals into chaos and he's forced to finally put others ahead of his selfish dreams.
Nulla Nulla
White Cop
Fresh out of the academy, White Cop experiences his first taste of Aboriginal community life, as Black Cop puts him to the test.
Wartime, 1942. Singapore. An Australian fighter pilot shot down in combat awakens suspended in the treetops. As night devours day, he must navigate through dangerous jungle in search of sanctuary.
Sisters of War
Sisters of War is a World War II memoir that re-creates events in New Britain during the Japanese invasion and occupation. It is a story about the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, especially Sister Berenice Twohill and her working friendship with nursing sister, Lorna Whyte. The Australians pulled out of the mission in Vunapope outside Rabaul, leaving the nurses and wounded who took refuge there. They were captured and about to be executed when Bishop Leo Scharmach MSC bluffed the Japanese by saying that he was the representative of Hitler and his people could not be executed.
Needle se centra en Ben Rutherford, un joven estudiante que hereda una antigüedad mecanizada llamada La Vaudou Mort. Ben muestra la caja a un grupo de sus amigos más íntimos, que son impresionados con ella. Pero la maquina desaparece, y al día siguiente, el hermano mayor de Ben aparece con la noticia de que el mejor amigo de Ben ha sido asesinado de manera horrible por alguna fuerza inexplicable. El profesor Banyon, profesor de arqueología de Ben, le informa que el misterioso artefacto fue construido en el siglo XVIII por un hombre conocido como Rubinstein, un brillante ingeniero pero perturbado por los poderes sobrenaturales del vudú. Poco a poco, los amigos de Ben empiezan a caer, y empezará una carrera contrarreloj por encontrar al asesino y desvelar sus motivos.
Surf Party
En la ciudad costera de Ventura, California, alguien roba la tabla de surf de J.D., un crimen que no puede quedar impune. Con la ayuda de sus amigos y del héroe local del surf, Mike Mooney, emprende un viaje a Los Angeles para recuperar la tabla y poder regresar a tiempo a Ventura para no perderse la fiesta más salvaje del verano.
In Her Skin
La historía del macabro asesinato de una niña Australiana de 15 años que desapareció de un día para otro, y más tarde se descubrió que había sido la niñeria quién la mato.
Pete and Jerry are cousins living in Sydney's Western Suburbs, where life consists of drinking, getting stoned, getting in fights and hanging out. But things change forever when Pete and Jerry both fall in love with the same girl.
Tim Maitland
The shy son of an aging comedienne tries to find a balance between his demanding home life, his new girlfriend, and his mother's second chance at fame.
The Caterpillar Wish
Joel Roberts
A young girl's view on belonging and loss.