Ju Jin-mo

Ju Jin-mo

Nacimiento : 1958-02-26, Seoul, South Korea


Ju Jin-mo
Ju Jin-mo


In Our Prime
Professor Oh
Hak-Sung (Choi Min-Sik) era un genio de las matemáticas en Corea del Norte. Desertó a Corea del Sur y ahora oculta su vida pasada. Trabaja como guardia de seguridad en un instituto. Allí conoce al estudiante de secundaria Ji-Woo (Kim Dong-Hwi). Ji-Woo está a punto de abandonar las matemáticas, pero las circunstancias hacen que Ji-Woo pida ayuda a Hak-Sung. Hak-Sung accede a regañadientes a enseñarle matemáticas a Ji-Woo. Pronto florece una improbable amistad, mientras que la comprensión de Ji-Woo de las matemáticas se amplía, pero los problemas se avecinan en el instituto.
A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
Mr. Hong
Un hombre cada doce horas despierta en el cuerpo de una persona distinta, pero sin ser capaz de recordar quién es y dónde está. De esta manera comienza una búsqueda desesperada de su identidad original en un mundo en el que todo le resulta extraño, incluyendo a una mujer misteriosa que le conoce y una organización secreta que le persigue sin descanso.
To acquire ancient artifacts for a private collector, a cunning grave robber and his band of ingenious thieves carry out a series of risky heists.
Tazza: One Eyed Jack
A young poker player at the top of his game joins a team led by the legendary poker player One-Eyed Jack. While successfully working on a plan to win a huge jackpot, a single mistake puts the entire team in a life-or-death situation.
Long Live the King (2019)
Jang Se Chool es el jefe de una pandilla. Ha estado enamorado de Kang So Hyun durante los últimos 3 años, a pesar de que ella lo rechaza constantemente y trata de alejarlo. Habiendo tenido suficiente, ella le dice que no puede estar con él porque quiere ser la primera dama de Corea.
Dark Figure of Crime
Song Kyeong-soo
Un thriller criminal sobre la feroz confrontación psicológica entre un detective y un asesino que confesó múltiples asesinatos.
Maravilloso Fantasma
Inspector Yang
Jang-soo is a judo instructor who is indifferent to everyone but his daughter. One day he realizes he can see Tae-jin, a ghost who used to be a devoted police officer. Tae-jin asks Jang-soo to help solve the case that took his life away from him.
The King's Case Note
Jik Je-hak
A clever king of Joseon and his brilliant chronicler hunt for the truth behind a crime that threatens the throne and the stability of the country.
A Violent Prosecutor
After a prosecution lawyer is framed and convicted for murder, he tries to catch the real murderer from jail with the help of a con artist.
Chronicle of a Blood Merchant
Sam-gwan's Uncle
Set in a village right after the Korean War, poor but good-hearted Heo Sam-gwan sets out to win the most beautiful girl in the village, Heo Ok-ran, by selling his blood to earn money. Years later, the two are happily married with three children, but their family undergoes a crisis when Sam-gwan's eldest son doesn't resemble him and rumors spread about the boy's paternity.
Kundo: Época del descontrol
Corrupt Official
La última dinastía Joseon se caracterizó por ser un periodo de agitación social y económica en Corea. Debido a las desastres naturales, las continuas malas cosechas, la pobreza, el hambre y la muerte están a la orden del día. Preocupada por su propia riqueza, la aristocracia comienza a extorsionar a las clases bajas. En medio del torbellino, una banda de luchadores se levanta contra las autoridades para perseguir a funcionarios corruptos y compartir su botín con los más desfavorecidos.
Catch Me
Guk Jang
El experimentado detective Lee anda a la caza de un conductor homicida. Cuando lo encuentra descubre que es una antigua novia de la que hace 10 años no sabe nada. Él intenetará protegerla.
New World
Officer at National Police Agency
En New World, Lee interpreta a un detective infiltrado en la mayor banda criminal del país, Choi Min-sik es su mentor, el detective Kang, y Hwang es el segundo al mando de la banda criminal. Cuando el jefe de la banda muera, su segundo tomará el mando y una lucha interna por el poder y el acoso de la policía hará que el detective infiltrado tenga que tomar una decisión final sobre donde está su lealtad y a quien traicionará.
El gran golpe
Popie y sus compinches viajan a Macao para un trabajo. Cuando llegan, descubren que el que está detrás del golpe no es otro que el antiguo socio de Popie. El plan es robar un diamante que vale una fortuna y que es conocido como la “lágrima del sol”. Lo que ninguno de ellos sabe es que cada uno tiene su propio plan.
Mr. Idol
It's hard being a Korean popstar! For every Gangnam Style, there are a hundred flameouts. K-Pop sensation Jay Park stars in this musical romp about a sassy music executive on her quest to resurrect a disgraced boy band against all odds.
The Client
Ha Jung-woo interpretará a un abogado que emprenderá una batalla feroz de ingenio y voluntad con el fiscal interpretado Park Hee-soon, para defender y demostrar la inocencia de su misterioso cliente Jang Hyuk, acusado de matar a su esposa.
Cuenta la historia de una reportera de televisión al rescate de su hermano secuestrado por una trama de contrabandistas de cuerpos, con una cabeza cortada de protagonista, sectas religiosas, policias corruptos y científicos locos.
Cuando la estudiante Na-mi cambia de centro de estudios y recibe burlas por su marcado acento, un grupo de chicas acuden en su rescate, invitándola a formar parte de su grupo, llamado “Sunny”. 25 años después, Na-mi decide reunir de nuevo a las chicas de Sunny.
Una mujer, directora de una escuela, busca un corazón para su hija, pues necesita un transplante urgente. No encuentra ningún donante, hasta que una mujer mayor en coma y con muerte cerebral podría ser una posible donante. Lamentablemente el hijo no quiere autorizar la donación.
Won Joo-bong
Kang Tae-sik is a private detective who would do anything for money. One day, he gets framed for a murder by a ruthless boss of the criminal underworld and a mysterious caller watches and controls his every move. He must use a wide array of techno-gadgetry at his disposal to clear himself and exact revenge within 24 hours given to him.
Woochi, cazador de demonios
Jeon Woo Chi es un mago taoista de la era Joseon que es acusado de un delito y es condenado “eternamente” por una maldicion. El sello de esta maldicion se romperá 500 años más tarde en la Corea contemporánea, reviviendo la clasica “Historia de Jeon Woo Chi” en los tiempos modernos como un heroe que está listo para erradicar a los monstruos de este nuevo mundo. Aunque lamentablemente Jeon Woo Chi no aprovechó del todo su nueva oportunidad como heroe, debido a que está más interesado en las mujeres y su sensibilidad poética que en la práctica de su prodigioso talento en la magia taoísta.
Heaven's Postman
Woon Jeon-soo/God
Jae-jun delivers letters to heaven from those who can't get over the loss of their loved ones. One day Ha-na, who writes to her late boyfriend, discovers Jae-jun's secret identity. He offers her a part-time job assisting him, and they set off on a 14-day journey.
Running Turtle
Jo Pil-seong, a rural detective with a gambling addiction, is on the brink of losing his job when he has his gambling winnings stolen by an escapee convict. Jo Pil-seong sets out to catch the fugitive and retain his money and dignity.
Sorry Apple
Hyun-jung's father
A woman breaks up with her boyfriend of seven years. Devastated, she throws herself into another relationship and decides to get married, only to have her exboyfriend return to her...
With hopes of reuniting with her husband, who left for the Vietnam War without telling her, a young wife joins a traveling band as the lead singer.
A Shark
A fisherman, Young-Chul, who lives on an island, arrives at a city in the hot summer to show a white shark to his friend, Joon-Goo. Joon-Goo who is busy gambling somewhere does not show up, and the shark in Young-Chul’s bag is going bad. Yoo-Soo, who Young-Chul ran into at a park is released from prison and wandering from street to street not knowing where he can find his house. A crazy woman, Eun-Suk praying for rain in the middle of the park under glaring sunshine starts to chase Young-Chul and Yoo-Soo. She thinks the stink of the rotting shark is her dead baby’s smell.
Hello, Stranger
How to find your way in a suburb of the mega-city of Seoul, that is just one of the things this North Korean refugee hasn't learnt on his citizenship course. He gets lost as soon as he is on his own. At least he speaks Korean.
Righteous Ties
Jang Nak-young
An eccentric but faithful mafia, Chi-sung is sent to prison for his part in a gang fight. But when his parents are attacked by a rival mob and his own people take no action, he realizes that a decade of loyalty towards the gang has become futile. Determined to confront his own boss, he finds a way to escape from prison with his fellow inmates. Meanwhile, his friend Joo-joong is given the task to stop Chi-sung, forcing him to choose between the bond of friendship and loyalty towards the gang.
The Bad Utterances
Three friends from the northern half of Seoul move to the more affluent southern half, but experience many troubles there.
Family Ties
A story of three families living different but similar lives. They always fight and quarrel, but love is the common denominator for their relationship, making people think about what families are for.
Hierro 3
Detective Jo
Tae-suk es un indigente que lleva una vida espectral. Ocupa temporalmente viviendas cuyos habitantes sabe que están ausentes. No roba ni ocasiona daños en los hogares de sus involuntarios anfitriones. En realidad, es una especie de fantasma que duerme en camas ajenas, come algo de las neveras de esos extraños y retribuye su forzada hospitalidad haciendo la colada o arreglando alguna que otra avería doméstica. Sun-hwa, que en tiempos fue una hermosa modelo, se ha visto convertida en una sombra viviente por un marido que la maltrata, encerrándola en una casa ostentosa. El destino cruza los caminos de Tae-suk y Sun-hwa, aunque sus existencias están abocadas a no dejar huella en el mundo. Se conocen cuando Tae-suk entra en casa de Sun-hwa, y en seguida saben que son almas gemelas. Como si estuvieran unidos por vínculos invisibles, descubren que no pueden separarse y aceptan en silencio su nuevo y extraño destino.
To Catch a Virgin Ghost
El miembro de una banda de gángsters huye con un valioso botín de diamantes terminando por casualidad en un pequeño pueblo llamado Sisily, donde pedirá ayuda a los pocos habitantes que allí viven. Pronto llegarán parte de sus antiguos compañeros, que le buscan a él y a las joyas
El Barbero del Presidente
Chief Police at Police Substation
Un barbero bienintencionado pero políticamente ingenuo es arrastrado al círculo íntimo del dictador surcoreano Park Chung-Hee, con consecuencias bastante funestas para su desventurada familia. Esta aguda sátira política cubre aproximadamente veinte años en la historia política de Corea del Sur, desde el punto de vista del hijo del barbero.
If You Were Me
Teacher (seg. 1)
Anthology film of six shorts by leading Korean directors. Park Chan-Wook, tackles racial prejudice and the economic exploitation of immigrant workers through the real-life story of a Nepalese woman in Korea. Jeong Jae-Eun, tackles the plight of a paedophile released into the community. Yeo Gyun-Dong, invites disabled actor Kim Moon-Joo to re-enact his most famous protest. Im Soon-Rye, goes for the engrained sexism of Korean men with superb wit and, Park Jin-Pyo, confronts the horror of children forced into oral surgery to improve their English-speaking ability.
Waikiki Brothers
Man selling items at rest area
Waikiki Brothers is a band going nowhere. After another depressing gig, the saxophonist quits, leaving the three remaining members to continue on the road. The band ends up at the lead singer's hometown, which was a popular hot spring resort in the '80s, but the return home is filled with reservations of previous and past disappointments, a lost love, unemployment and tragedy.
Farewell My Darling
When old Mr. Park dies, his first son Chan-Wu, a film director, and his troublesome daughter Mi-Seon hurriedly come back to their rural hometown, and third son Chan-Se comes back to Korea from America. As the quiet country village gets busy preparing funeral, the house in mourning becomes a meeting place where villagers gather to ask how they are getting along and meet old friends. The children mourn their father's death and above all Mi-Seon, who caused her parents a lot of grief, can't stop crying. Chan-Wu, the chief mourner, has a revelation about his career, and Chan-Se prepares to sing hymns for the Confucian funeral service. Old Man Park's sister sells insurance products and gradually the funeral service becomes for the living rather then the dead.