Ron, a young man in his late teens or early 20s, but emotionally younger, has no visible, employable assets, yet rails at his status in life -- blaming everyone for the fact that his dreams are not coming true.
A strange warning is followed by near disaster when a speedboat slices John's surfboard in half as his friends look on in horror. His curiosity aroused, John involves himself, his family, and friends in the bizarre mystery surrounding a silent trawler. But his curiosity may get him killed... when a ruthless smuggling ring, with $5,000,000 at stake, makes the situation even more dangerous!
Adaptación de una novela de Colin Thiele que plantea una situación similar a la de ""Moby Dick"", aunque con ramificaciones más vulgares. Su realización es moderadamente eficiente, pero se revela incapaz de extraer un sentido de la aventura que vaya más allá de la acción más convencional.
Mike is a lonely Australian boy living in a coastal wilderness with his reclusive father. In search of friendship he encounters an Aboriginal native loner and the two form a bond in the care of orphaned pelicans.
David Burton es un abogado australiano que vive tranquilamente con su hija y su esposa hasta que unos sueños premonitorios le revelan parte del conocimiento prohibido de los aborígenes. Un asesinato que debe investigar le pondrá en contacto con Chris, integrante de una tribu y conocedor de sus rituales.