B.A. Brooks

Nacimiento : 1962-09-14, Kansas City, MO


"In my last four films, my goals have been to engage the viewer by using real news casts, editorials and historical archives, edited in a unique style which will help enable the audience members to easily see what is really going on in America and the world today. By using YouTube clips for my resources I can produce films for almost zero cost". B.A. Brooks


Sex, Drugs & Religion
Una mirada de 71 minutos al loco mundo de la religión. Dirigida a grupos de católicos a bautistas, esta película expone la idiotez asociada a la religión en general. Este es el cuarto lanzamiento de la película de B.A. Brooks está causando un gran revuelo en las comunidades religiosas de todo el mundo, y también es aclamado como una experiencia cinematográfica muy entretenida y perspicaz.
Global Eugenics: Using Medicine to Kill
"Global Eugenics - Using Medicine To Kill" - A shocking new movie that covers topics such as the swine flu, vaccines and vaccinations, martial law, medical news, water. depopulation, eugenics, Monsanto, gm seeds, agenda 21, and codex Alimentarius. A must see for all.....
The American Matrix - Age Of Deception
A shocking new 2 hour film by B.A. Brooks. This 2010 release is a follow up to "The Decline And Fall Of America" which was released in 2008. "The American Matrix - Age Of Deception" details news items that all people should be aware of such as the economic collapse of The United States and the formation of the a New World Order. See what has really been going on in America today.
The Decline And Fall Of America
A shocking 2 hour full length movie from B.A. Brooks that will change the way you look at our leadership within America's government and military today.