Jean-Pierre Bergeron

Jean-Pierre Bergeron

Nacimiento : 1952-01-01, Jonquière, Quebec, Canada


Jean-Pierre Bergeron


L'Ouragan F.Y.T.
Brain Freeze
Minister of Public Security
A fertilizer used in a rich gated community becomes the source of a genetic mutation that transforms its residents into zombies. Can a teenager and his baby sister break free from the quarantined island before turning into grass?
Vote Bougon
M. Gagnon / Président SAQ
Paul Bougon ignites social media networks and public opinion after his brief participation in a television program. Having become an instant celebrity thanks to his outspokenness, he decides to go into politics and founds his own party. With the help of his devoted entourage and at the head of the PEN (Parti de l’Écœurement National) [National Disgust Party], he wins the elections and becomes Premier. The challenges of his new career place him in front of heartbreaking choices.
Life in the Alley
Le Boss
This is the story of four people: ODNEY, RAJNI, ALUKI and MUFEEDA. Four lives, four journeys that led them in a search for freedom. Together they decide to live on the fringe of society and to finally find a place where they can do things their way.
Premier ministre du Québec
In 1987, Ricardo is 17 years old. This summer, Ricardo has a busy schedule: loose his virginity, find a way to get into bars, have a car, spend time with his friends. In order to rapidly make money, Ricardo decides to use his italian inheritance and take a shortcut in the medium of crime. But things will go wrong...
Henri Henri
Le voisin
Henri was raised by religious in a convent and lived with them until the women, now elders, moved, leaving him alone. Henri fixes lamps. Since his young age, he's been replacing burned light bulbs and illuminates people's lives. After following signs, he finds himself working in a lamp company. Through his new work, he meets an old man trying to never forget his glory days and a blind woman, teller in an adult cinema, with whom he falls in love.
The 4 Soldiers
Commandant Lacoste (as Jean-Pierre Bergeron)
A climate of civil war, a fight that has made them lose everything including their youth, four soldiers aged 13 to 20 years, will meet and build friendships. In the grip of an adult conflict, which they do not understand, Matéo, Dominique, Big Max and Kevin will keep recreating, round a pond and a cabin, a family.
Alone with Mr. Carter
In 1997, the year Ellen DeGeneres comes out, John is a boy who dreams of becoming a cop. He wants to confide in his neighbor, Mr. Carter, that he is secretly in love with him. Time is of the essence as the 65-year-old heterosexual detective is moving away forever.
Alone with Mr. Carter
In 1997, the year Ellen DeGeneres comes out, John is a boy who dreams of becoming a cop. He wants to confide in his neighbor, Mr. Carter, that he is secretly in love with him. Time is of the essence as the 65-year-old heterosexual detective is moving away forever.
Alone with Mr. Carter
Executive Producer
In 1997, the year Ellen DeGeneres comes out, John is a boy who dreams of becoming a cop. He wants to confide in his neighbor, Mr. Carter, that he is secretly in love with him. Time is of the essence as the 65-year-old heterosexual detective is moving away forever.
The Circus
En el hospital, un niño quiere pasar un momento de intimidad a solas con su madre enferma, pero un grupo de visitantes, que el niño desconoce, no le va a dejar. (FILMAFFINITY)
File 13
Thomas has killing headaches, Jean-François has stage freight and Benoit's wife has left him. After countless misfortunes the three of them bag a white collar thief that has been evading justice for ten years.
Sticky Fingers
To carry out the "robbery of the century", Charles recruits the friends with whom he made the 400 blows. The night of the robbery, they get caught by police, but one of them runs away with the $2 million. Upon their release from prison, the thieves are shocked to learn that they will get their money back on two conditions and, ultimately, they must mostly have changed their ways...
Prom Queen: The Marc Hall Story
Audy Hall
Prom Queen (The Marc Hall Story) es una película canadiense de 2004, que cuenta la historia real ocurrida a Marc Hall en 2002, que llegó a los tribunales por la negativa de su instituto católico de permitirle asistir al baile de fin de curso con su novio.
No te la pierdas
Tras graduarse cum laude en la escuela de cine y aspirando a ser una leyenda en el mundo del cine Jake Barrymore se entera que su ex novia, Annie Nicole, es la programadora del festival de cine de Montreal, donde él ve la oportunidad de su vida para darse a conocer, la llama e intenta mandarle de todas todas su película para que la vea y la programe pero ella se cierra en banda y no la quiere ni ver. Jack para convencerla le dice que tiene un tumor y que le queda poco tiempo de vida, con ello le convence y se pone manos a la obra para levantar su película...¡¡¡qué peripecias les ocurrirán a los dos hermanos!!!
Sólo postres
Emile Fragonard
Marco Poloni nunca ha dejado de soñar en convertirse en un pastelero famoso, a pesar de que la pastelería familiar está a punto de ser vendida a una gran cadena. Pero el destino pone en su camino uno de los postres más perfectos que ha probado jamás, y al chef que lo ha hecho: exigente, temperamental y un genio en la cocina, la chef Grace Carpenter es justo la mujer que busca Marco.
Evil Words
Father Boudreault
One day, for no apparent reason, a cop kills 11 children. The same day, horror novelist Thomas Roy tries to commit suicide after cutting his fingers. At first glance, nothing seems to link the two events – until Dr. Paul Lacasse, a disillusioned psychiatrist, takes over the case. Prompted by his colleague Jeanne, a fan of Thomas Roy, Dr. Lacasse investigates the writer’s past. Hounded by a gossip columnist, Dr. Lacasse uncovers a series of troubling facts that bolster his convictions about the case. As he tries to reassemble the pieces of the puzzle in order to better treat the famous writer, Dr. Lacasse is dragged further and further into a series of events, with terrifying consequences.
Pseudobiografía del caudillo galo Vercingetorix (siglo I a.C.). Cuando las legiones romanas conquistaron las Galias, su padre fue secuestrado y ejecutado. Un sabio druida, Guttuart, le vaticina a Vercingetorix que liberará las Galias del poder de Roma. Ya adulto, se convertirá en un bravo y valiente guerrero que, al principio se unirá a las fuerzas del carismático general Julio César.
Winter Lily
In a remote part of New England, Clive arrives at Memory Lane, a rustic bed&breakfast. After being welcomed by the charming hostess, Agatha, he soon discovers a diary filled with mystery about the hostess' daughter, Lily. His natural curiosity turns into obsession as he desperately tries to solve the mystery surrounding the girl. Lily's presence is felt througout the house, but why is she kept out of sight? The more he seeks out the truth, the more he is caught in a whirlwind of obscurity, deception and torment and falls straight into the deadly trap set by his friendly hostess.
Bonanno. El poder de la mafia
Ésta es la historia real de Joseph Bonanno, uno de los padrinos más legendarios de la mafia americana. Su vida inspiró a Mario Puzzo para crear a Don Vito Corleone, el protagonista de su célebre novela El Padrino. Joseph es hijo de la mafia. Su propio padre, Salvatore, decide su apadrinamiento por el líder de la familia rival. De este modo, pone fin a una guerra sangrienta y sella el destino de su hijo recién nacido. Años más tarde, gracias a la ayuda de un amigo de la familia, conseguirá entrar ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos, donde empezará a hacer fortuna con el comercio ilegal de alcohol durante La Prohibición. Será entonces cuando acceda a la protección de Salvatore Maranzano, uno de los jefes de la mafia, del que se convertirá en mano derecha.
Asalta como puedas
Sorensen "el Sueco", el desalmado alcaide de una prisión de Dakota del Norte, tiene dos hijas gemelas que se quedan embarazadas de dos caraduras, Bud y Larry. Aunque el Sueco aceptará el matrimonio para preservar el honor de sus hijas, eso no le impedirá hacerle la vida imposible a sus yernos.
Matusalem II: le dernier des Beauchesne
Sergent Letendre
Policier Letendre
Fleeing from some other children who want to beat him, Olivier meets the ghost of a Pirate who every hundred years tries to find a parchment. Olivier agrees to help him. But in doing so he is captured by a bunch of pirates. The other children of the village discover a door thru time and space in an old haunted house and decide to rescue Olivier from Captain Monbars' pirates.
Prince Lazure
Four Stiffs and a Trombone
Claude Champignac
An actor works as night watchman at a film studio where a musical serial killer strikes.
Ding et Dong : Le film
Two harum-scarums who think they are good stand-up comics try to make a career in showbiz, partly for the career, partly to seduce women. They try alternatively the scene, a movie set and TV. They only succeed in making a fool of themselves
Cruising Bar
Saturday, 12 p.m. The countdown has begun for four males on the hunt for women. Massage studio, last minute shopping, bodybuilding, our men each throw themselves ardently into the ritual of appearance. Impossible to resist the ferociously burlesque character and remarkably typical behavior of these characters. We will meet Gérard known as The Bull, Patrice known as The Lion, Jean-Jacques known as The Peacock and Serge known as The Earthworm.
Le frère André
Un zoo la nuit (Fronteras de la noche)
Guard at cell
Marcel acaba de salir de la cárcel e intenta recuperar sus relaciones con su novia Julie -que ahora es prostituta- y con su padre Albert -que piensa que su hijo ha estado fuera todo este tiempo en un largo viaje fuera de Montreal-. Pero las cosas no serán fáciles, especialmente cuando es perseguido por dos policías corruptos que van detrás del dinero del tráfico de drogas que Marcel guardó antes de ir a prisión. (FILMAFFINITY)
Good Riddance
Set in a small rural town in the Quebec Laurentians, Michelle lives in an isolated house with her mentally-challenged brother Guy and her 13 year old daughter Manon. Together the three of them survive by running a small firewood business and performing other odd jobs. Michelle is frustrated with living in poverty and being the center of several people who demand her affection; her brother is like a second child who lives in his own world, his romantic obsession with their wealthy client Madame Viau-Vachon being an exercise in futility. Maurice, the local police chief, is her lover and Gaetan, a mechanic and family friend, would like to be. Most demanding of all is her daughter, who has an unhealthy emotional dependence on her. Precocious and uninterested in school, Manon is jealous of her Mother's suitors and angry at being left home to do chores and care for Guy. When an event occurs that threatens the emotional dynamic between Manon and her mother...
A Pacemaker and a Sidecar
In a poor neighborhood, teenagers plot an assassination while a party is being organized for the local usurer.
Once Upon a Time in the East
L'homme de ménage
Two women and a transvestite gay man cross paths in this French Canadian drama. The transvestite is preparing for a drag-queen beauty pageant, and has decided to present himself as Cleopatra. Of the two women, one was just fired from her waitressing job and seeks to go back to work at the nightclub where the beauty pageant is to be held. The other woman's mother has just won one million food stamps.