An in-depth feature length documentary of one of America's greatest and least understood authors, Nelson Algren. This never before told compelling life story reveals a unique literary voice through rare interviews, archival footage and the gritty noirish voice of Algren on Algren. Kurt Vonnegut and Studs Terkel, literary giants in their own right, sing songs of praise along with many of his old friends, which makes this film seem like a hymn from the grave. This stylishly produced film embeds us in the 1950's cold war world when Algren worked. Algren's touching love affair with Simone de Beauvoir weaves it's way through the film along with the damaging impact of FBI and CIA surveillance.
Isaih Turner didn’t want to be a hero-all he wanted was revenge. Orphaned when both his parents were cruelly murdered by the wealthy and powerful Cyrus Bloomington, the young Isaiah grew up with one air in mind: to find the man who killed his folks and take him down.
Stan y la que es su novia desde hace tiempo, Darcy, están a punto de acabar el curso y tienen previsto continuar sus estudios en buenas universidades, pero sus planes se ven alterados cuando descubren que Darcy está embarazada. La madre de la joven, debido a su propia experiencia, no quiere que nazca.
Danny y Bernie, dos jóvenes deportistas solteros, se conocen en un bar e inician una intensa relación amorosa, pero pronto se dan cuenta de que sus personalidades son incompatibles. A pesar de ello, el amor que sienten es tan fuerte que no desean romper su relación.