Clifton Young

Clifton Young

Nacimiento : 1917-09-15, Schenectady, New York, USA

Muerte : 1951-09-10


Clifton Young


Trail of Robin Hood
Mitch McCall
Retired actor Jack Holt is raising Christmas trees for sale at a cost which permits every family to have one. A commercial tree company tries to drive Holt out of business. Roy saves the day, of course.
Estación Unión
Ambulance Driver (uncredited)
A Joyce Willecombe le inspiran desconfianza dos hombres que viajan con ella en el tren; llama entonces a Calhoun (Holden), el jefe de policía de la Estación Unión. Aunque éste, al principio, se muestra escéptico, todo parece indicar que los sospechosos están implicados en un caso de secuestro, razón por la cual Calhoun pide ayuda al inspector de policía Donnelly, pero los secuestradores son muy escurridizos.
The Return of Jesse James
Bob Ford
Frank James resents and tries to stop a ruthless drifter who has adopted the name of his dead brother in order to duplicate his crimes.
Salt Lake Raiders
Luke Condor
A man is sent to jail for murder escapes while being transferred, Rocky is sent to bring him in. When he catches him in a ghost town the man claims to be innocent and was trying to clear himself by finding the stolen money that was never recoveded at the time of the killing. But then they find themselves prisoners of an outlaw gang that is also after the money.
Las campanas de Coronado
Un investigador de seguros (Roy Rogers) indaga sobre el robo cometido en una base de uranio. Para ello, se rodea de un equipo de duros hombres del Oeste. Juntos, intentarán impedir que los ladrones escapen en un avión con el contenido de la mina robada. (FILMAFFINITY)
Paula Consodine comes to Los Angeles in search of her missing sister. Newspaperman Mark Sitko, investigating on Paula's behalf, discovers that the sister is dead, a supposed suicide. The whole thing seems a bit fishy to Sitko, and indeed it is: the girl's death was engineered by a black-market adoption racket, headed by one DeCola.
La verdadera historia de Calamity Jane
Sam Bass es un hombre sin rumbo que se presenta en Denton, una pequeña ciudad de Texas, en busca de trabajo. No tardará en atraer la atención de Katherine Egan, dueña del almacén local y hermana del sheriff y de la salvaje chica de la frontera Calamity Jane. Sus problemas con las mujeres y con el juego torcerán su camino y terminará convirtiéndose en un célebre forajido. Un modesto western que narra la historia de uno de los más famosos delincuentes del Oeste americano.
Illegal Entry
Billy Rafferty
Long before he became producer/director of The Tonight Show, Fred DeCordova helmed the Universal meller Illegal Entry. Howard Duff, who later worked with DeCordova on the TV series Mr. Adams and Eve, stars as Bert Powers, an undercover agent for the U.S. Department of Immigration. While attempting to bring a vicious gang of alien smugglers to justice, Powers falls in love with Anna Duvak (Marta Toren), a gang member who is Not What She Seems.
Thug Guarding Dr. Vincent
An artist follows a woman from California to New York, where he boxes for her mobster husband.
Sangre en la luna
Joe Shotten
Jim Garry, un jinete solitario, tiene un encuentro fortuito con John Lufton y sus hombres. Lufton recela de él, creyendo que es uno de los pistoleros que está reclutando Tate Riling, un desalmado especulador que codicia el ganado de Lufton. Garry y Riling son viejos colegas y efectivamente Riling pretende contratar a Garry para llevar a cabo sus planes. Riling, además, se ha encargado de manipular a Carol, una de las hijas de Lufton; la otra, en cambio, la aguerrida Amy, se enamora de Garry, quien no tardará en enfrentarse con su antiguo amigo.
So You Want to Build a House
Homer (uncredited)
In this comedic short, Joe McDoakes is evicted from his apartment and decides to build his own home. As the project progresses, his dream house turns into a nightmare.
So You Want to Be a Gambler
Homer (uncredited)
In this comedic short, Joe McDoakes experiences the pitfalls of gambling.
El tesoro de Sierra Madre
Flophouse Bum (uncredited)
Fred C. Dobbs (Humphrey Bogart) decide ir a Tampico en busca de oro con la intención de dejar atrás la miseria. Emprende el viaje en compañía de otros dos vagabundos (Walter Huston y Tim Holt), pero la codicia y la envidia que surge entre ellos les creará poco a poco más problemas que cualquier otra dificultad del camino.
So You Want an Apartment
Homer Hotbox (uncredited)
Joe McDoakes and his wife go apartment hunting.
My Wild Irish Rose
Joe Brennan
Musical biography of Irish 19th century tenor Chauncey Olcott.
Always Together
Reporter (uncredited)
An old millionaire, who believes he's dying, bequeaths his fortune to a young woman with a fanatical obsession with movie stars. But then the elderly tycoon recovers from his illness and decides he wants his money back. Comedy most notable for its numerous unbilled cameos by Warner Bros. actors.
La senda tenebrosa
Un hombre (Bogart) que ha sido injustamente encarcelado por el asesinato de su mujer escapa de la prisión con la intención de probar su inocencia. Una atractiva desconocida (Bacall) le presta ayuda, porque su padre también fue víctima de un error judicial.
So You're Going on a Vacation
Mr. Sylvester a Clerk at Hinkel's (uncredited)
Joe takes his wife on a much-needed vacation, and almost survives.
La infiel
Charlie (Voice)
Chris Hunter (Ann Sheridan) mata a un intruso que merodeaba por su casa, pero le oculta a su marido y también a su abogado que el hombre era un escultor que fue su amante mientras su marido estaba en la guerra. Para complicar más las cosas, la viuda del escultor conserva una estatua, para la cual Chris Hunter había posado desnuda.
Amor que mata
Después de ser rechazada por el ingeniero David Sutton, la enfermera Louise Howell se casa por despecho con el magnate Dean Graham, cuya mujer se ha suicidado. Louise empieza a sufrir alucinaciones y no puede soportar que su hijastra, la joven Carol Graham, se enamore de su amado David.
The Sergeant
Jeb Rand (Robert Mitchum) es un hombre atormentado por los recuerdos de su infancia. Adoptado a los cuatro años por Medora Callum (Judith Anderson), tras el asesinato de toda su familia, Jeb crece sin problemas en su nuevo hogar. Sin embargo, sus traumas infantiles vuelven una y otra vez a través de sus sueños. Y sus pesadillas se hacen realidad cuando reaparece el hombre que, después de acabar con su familia, no ha dejado de buscarlo durante años para acabar también con él.
La sentencia
Policeman arresting Truck Driver
El tranquilo y metódico doctor Talbot conoce a la cantante Nora Prentiss cuando ésta sufre un accidente en la calle que la deja ligeramente herida. A pesar de sus temores, no puede evitar enamorarse de ella, pero entonces tendrá que enfrentarse a un dilema: o dejar a Nora o divorciarse de su mujer. Así las cosas, la muerte de un paciente en su consulta, haqce que surja en su mente una tercera posibilidad.
So You Think You're a Nervous Wreck
Homer Hotbox / Saloon Gunslinger in Old West Fantasy Sequence
Joe McDoakes attempts to deal with his myriad neuroses.
Little Daddy
Farina plans a going-away party for Stymie as authorities prepare to place him in an orphanage.
Love Business
Miss Crabtree, the teacher Jackie has a crush on, rents a room at Jackie's house.
Blood and Thunder
Delivery Boy on Bicycle (uncredited)
Mickey overhears the gang rehearsing a play and thinks it's real.
Helping Grandma
Robert "Bonedust"
The kids' adopted grandma decides to sell her store, but can't decide whom to sell it to. The kids try to help her out.
Chicken Feed
Chicken Feed is a 1927 American short silent comedy film directed by Robert A. McGowan. It was the 66th Our Gang short subject released. The kids go to a magic show and decides to try a little magic of their own.
The Sting of Stings
Charley and Edna are feeling very pleased with themselves and their new car. They decide to share their good fortune and offer to take six underprivileged children out for a fun day at the carnival. Unfortunately, the children come from Juvenile Hall, and each one is more trouble than the last.
Three's a Crowd
Harry, The Odd Fellow, is a tenement worker who lives alone in a shack alongside a warehouse and longs for the companionship of a wife and children like other men. One day he spies a pretty girl in his telescope and sends her by carrier pigeon a note that, alas, is received by the wrong party. The Girl marries and, poverty-striken, leaves her husband during a snowstorm. Harry takes her in, and minutes later her child is born. He works like a slave for the mother and child, pretending they are his own. Meanwhile, the husband finds her and comes to the shack on Christmas Eve as Harry is preparing to play Santa Claus. Not realizing the unhappiness she is causing him, The Girl thanks him profusely and leaves with her husband. Overcome, Harry sits overnight on the doorstep and the next morning is found frozen stiff except for his eyes--with amusing results.
Baby Brother
Joe Cobb is a wealthy child who longs for a baby brother. His nursemaid takes him to the other side where he meets some kids his age (the rest of Our Gang) where Joe offers three dollars for a baby. Farina finds a fellow African-American neighbor woman who lets him mind her infant which he then paints white and sells to Joe. The rest of the gang has set an assembly-line system that washes, dries, rocks, and feeds male and female babies.
Love My Dog
Farina Hoskins discovers a stray dog. Joe Cobb suggests that he and Farina take the dog to the gang's dog show. In the middle of the show, the dogcatchers crack down on picking up all unlicensed strays to control a hydrophobia epidemic; the injection to control the disease costs five dollars.
Ten Years Old
Ten Years Old is a 1927 American short silent comedy film directed by Robert A. McGowan. It was the 58th Our Gang short subject released. It was remade as Birthday Blues in 1932. Nobody comes to Joe's birthday party so he goes to the rich kid's party with his own special cake.
Telling Whoppers
Farina and Joe fib to the gang that they've beaten up the neighborhood bully. Later, they hear he's been murdered and think they'll get the blame.
War Feathers
While on a cross-country train trip, the Our Gang kids drive the rest of the passengers crazy with a never-ending game of cowboys and Indians. During a stopover in the sleepy town of Red Dog, the kids disembark in hopes of savoring a taste of genuine Western life. They get more than they bargained for when a trio of bandits rides into town for a showdown with the local sherff.
The Fourth Alarm
The rascals once again, now as a plumbers.
Shivering Spooks
The kids are playing baseball when a man dressed in Middle-Eastern clothing comes out and tells them to be quiet. They join Mary, Farina, and Scooter in the gang's hide-out while Mary is reading ghost stories. While on the other side of the wall, the Arab-looking man is cheating people out of their money by staging a fake séance using state-of-the-art special effects. The cave entrance for the gang's hide-out collapses, so they light candles and dig into the wall, entering into the house. The "suckers" find out they are being cheated and run to get the cops to book the guys. The guys find out that the kids are in the house, and one dresses up in a ghost costume and chases the kids throughout the house.
Thundering Fleas
The kids from Our Gang have to attend a wedding, and they bring along their flea collection--which gets loose.