Susan Anspach
Nacimiento : 1942-11-23, New York City, New York, U.S.
Muerte : 2018-04-02
Susan Florence Anspach (November 23, 1942 – April 2, 2018) was an American actress.
Edna Boswell
Cape Cod, 1973. "American Primitive " cuenta la historia de Madeline adolescente , que no quiere nada más que para encajar después de mudarse a una nueva ciudad . Eso resulta ser más difícil de lo que ella piensa cuando descubre que su padre tiene un novio.
Cuando Maggie está a punto de celebrar su 25º aniversario de boda, su alegría se evapora al descubrir que su marido la ha estado engañando durante años. Desesperada, regresa a su pueblo natal, donde, treinta años antes, vivió su primer amor con Patrick Fleming. Pero, en esta ocasión, Maggie no puede evitar sentirse atraída por el hijo de Fleming, un atractivo joven al que le dobla la edad.
Deborah Nelson
1994. Cagney, now a Lieutenant, re-teams with Lacey, who has left the force, to search for a cache of missing firearms.
Narra la historia de una familia siciliana que emigró a Estados Unidos y se instaló en California para dedicarse al cultivo de la vid. Sin embargo, pronto tendrán que enfrentarse con un poderoso terrateniente (Hopper) que domina la zona. (FILMAFFINITY)
Kate Simpson
A U.S. agent saves a journalist and her son from an East German-Libyan chemical warfare plot in Africa.
Madeline Hix
Modern day western about two very different brothers, who join forces to clear their family name, from the shadow of their dead brother's blame for a bloody unsolved robbery.
Rosalind Winfield
Out of work and driving aimlessly, a man pulls into the "Wolf Lodge" and ends up with a job. When he wakes nightly to the sounds of icy voices and screams he decides he can no longer be an innocent bystander.
Dr. Judith Glass
Fred Adams ha sufrido una extraña herida. Cuando llega al hospital empieza a sufrir convulsiones y una rara criatura sale de su boca. Mientras, el detective Jim Bishop está llegando al mismo hospital con un compañero herido.
Karen McKeon
Mady McKeon, a 10-year-old girl living in a farm town, is deeply affected by the death of a schoolteacher and her grandfather. Her father sells part of the family farm to the Air Force. The Air Force starts building a missile base. Mady watches a TV show that describes the devastation of missile attacks during World War II, and she runs away from home. Her parents reconcile and find her, and the entire town is brought together.
Phyllis Daye
After the Days family witnesses a gang shooting in a Japanese restaurant, the police persuades them to testify against mobster Delgado. Detective Mitchell gets the job to hide the four until the trial. But how shall he keep two nervous adults and their two teenage kids under control?
Remake del film "Incompreso", de Luigi Comencini. Tras la muerte de su mujer, un hombre centra su atención en su trabajo y en el cuidado de su hijo pequeño, desatendiendo al mayor, un niño muy sensible al que se empeña en tratar como un adulto.
Un ex piloto de helicópteros de combate (Larry Hagman) ayuda a una exnovia viuda (Susan Anspach) a encontrar el libro que su marido guardaba y que compromete a una banda de mafiosos.
Lucy Dillon
An emotionally troubled teenage girl drops out of high school and travels with her boyfriend to San Diego, while the girl's mother enlists the help of an old U.S. Navy friend to help find her daughter.
Marilyn Jordan
Marilyn Jordan, an American, lives in Stockholm with her Swedish husband and family. Her behavior is bizarre, perhaps mad: she poisons the dog's milk and advises the dog not to drink it; she sets the sheets afire as her husband sleeps; she crawls under the dining table to sing. While detained at airport customs for carrying pruning shears, she meets a young Yugoslav woman and goes with her to a Gypsy enclave where she's fought over, takes a lover, helps with the sordid entertainment at a bar, and returns home more dangerous than before. The film also tells parallel stories of Marilyn's daughter becoming a junior homemaker as the young immigrant practices her striptease.
Jane Beardsley
Susan Anspach stars in this comedy as a news reporter who investigates a story about stolen milk causing milk and gas prices to rise. During the course of her investigation, other people become involved, culminating in a multiple car chase.
Penny Hart
Cuando Max muere en un accidente, se va directo al infierno. Pero el diablo Barney le hace una oferta: si logra conseguir que tres jóvenes inocentes le vendan sus almas en los próximos dos meses, podrá permanecer en la Tierra. Max acepta y regresa equipado con poderes especiales. Sin embargo, su tarea es más difícil de lo esperado...
Jordan West
Jordan West is a divorcée who moonlights at a professional dating service to make ends meet. But her secret job causes gossip among her neighbors and trouble at the real estate office where she works in the daytime, while her teenage daughter is the only one who remains oblivious to her mother's night job. When Jordan tries to quit her escort profession, she finds herself harassed by her boss/madam, Mrs. Kennedy, and then stalked by an unknown former client.
Michael es un ser acabado, fracasado en su profesión, en su vida familiar, en la sociedad, se encuentra con el rechazo de todos, sus hijos no le consideran, su mujer pide el divorcio, no logra trabajo... Michael reacciona, quiere demostrar a todos su fuerza interior adormecida, escondida, y opta por el sacrificio, por el esfuerzo, por la lucha. Su hazaña le devolverá la confianza y el respeto de todos.
Betty Leslie-Melville
An engaging tale of the efforts of a real-life American wildlife photographer and her safari guide husband to save the endangered Rothschild giraffe of Kenya by adopting an orphaned animal whose mother had been slain by a notorious poacher.
Lila Shay
Moisés, detective privado con dificultades para pagar la pensión a su ex mujer, no tiene el menor interés en saber quién será elegido gobernador de California. Sin embargo, tendrá que cambiar radicalmente de opinión ante la visita de Lila, una vieja amiga de su época universitaria.
Christina Sebastiani
An embittered professional wrestler, convinced that his life has no meaning outside the ring, meets a beautiful woman. Unlike most of the women he has known, she seems to be interested in him for himself rather than his fame or his money, and he finds himself becoming attracted to her.
Beverly Dresden
A couple of resourceful, free-wheeling criminal attorneys with an eye for the ladies confront a no-nonsense judge while trying to clear an heiress in the slaying of her husband, although her explanation of a mysterious intruder provides them with a rather weak case.
The true story of John Chapman, a college president who took a sabbatical and went out and got a job as a general laborer, to try to experience life outside his well-ordered but insulated college environment.
Donna Jo Martelli
A 15-year-old girl becomes pregnant by her boyfriend and decides to keep the baby and raise her on her own, instead of initially choosing abortion at the insistence of her boyfriend, or raising the baby at home with her meddling mother.
A penniless heiress, a disillusioned nun, the suicidal playwright they both love, a hapless art forger and the playwright's wife converge on the empty Long Island home of an aging matriarch and squabble among themselves about their relative success or failure.
Nina Blume
Una comedia costumbrista que resulta tan ambiciosa como discreta. Los problemas de adaptación sentimental de un recién divorciado y su incapacidad para asumir la vida que ha escogido su ex-mujer constituyen la base de un relato en el que se apunta mucho más de lo que se muestra. Es un producto estrictamente coyuntural que ha envejecido en demasía.
Allan Felix (Woody Allen) es un cinéfilo que sufre una extraña y recurrente alucinación: Humphrey Bogart le da consejos sobre cómo seducir a las mujeres. Dick y Linda (Roberts y Keaton), un matrimonio amigo suyo, le presentan a varias chicas, pero Allan tiene tan poca confianza en sí mismo que todas sus citas resultan un fracaso.
Catherine Van Oost
Robert Dupea, que fue un niño prodigio como pianista, trabaja en unas explotaciones petrolíferas. Cuando vuelve a ver a su hermana, convertida en una famosa pianista, decide volver a sus orígenes y al camino que abandonó.
Susan Enders
Elgar es un joven rico y aburrido que compra un edificio de apartamentos en un barrio humilde. Planea desalojar a los inquilinos y renovar el edificio pero, sorprendentemente, abandona la casa donde vive y decide mudarse al edificio que acaba de comprar. (FILMAFFINITY)
Herself / Actress Testing for Alice (uncredited)
In Manhattan's Central Park, a film crew directed by William Greaves is shooting a screen test with various pairs of actors. It's a confrontation between a couple: he demands to know what's wrong, she challenges his sexual orientation. Cameras shoot the exchange, and another camera records Greaves and his crew. Sometimes we watch the crew discussing this scene, its language, and the process of making a movie. Is there such a thing as natural language? Are all things related to sex? The camera records distractions - a woman rides horseback past them; a garrulous homeless vet who sleeps in the park chats them up. What's the nature of making a movie?
Miss Gruboy / Elizaveta
Dustin Hoffman stars in this television adaptation of Ivan Turgenev's tale about Dmitri Zoditch, a simple manuscript reader at a publishing house whose grand dreams don't square with his dead-end job and miserable apartment. When he's assigned to read the diary of a nobleman, he finds bitter parallels between his own pathetic existence and the wasted life described in the journal. Michael Tolan and Charlotte Rae co-star.