We learned that thoughts become things, and what we believe at the deepest level is what we attract into our lives. Now nearly 14 years later, we are taking your understanding of the Law of Attraction to a whole new level. To help you become empowered like never before. We have met with some the most extraordinary teachers and gained insight to the Law of Attraction.
Bestselling author of "Unsinkable" and renowned “Bounce Back” expert, Sonia Ricotti, explores the true secret to bouncing back quickly when life knocks you down. This transformational film, will take you through one of the most inspirational and life-changing journeys of your life. Get ready to be unsinkable!
This documentary is based around a vision and a mission to help everyone understand how to unlock their own potential, power and journey to abundance. We believe that we all have an unlimited wealth of potential within us, and that we just need to learn how to tap in and find it. It’s in there, because we were born with it.
The Abundance Factor Takes You On An Unprecedented Journey into The Minds of The Worlds Most Knowledgeable Experts on the Subject of Abundance and Prosperity.
Documental de ficción que gira alrededor de la supuesta revelación del gran secreto que deben seguir los seres humanos para alcanzar lo deseado. En Estados Unidos llegó a estar en el puesto nº1 de los DVD más vendidos.