Sophie Wachner

Nacimiento : 1879-11-05,

Muerte : 1960-09-13


Up the River
Costume Design
A group of prison inmates pass the time playing football and romancing ladies in this prison escape crime musical screwball comedy that was apparently a wacky spoof of the crime movies that were so popular in the 1930s. It seems to be completely forgotten today, except by major film buffs.
Costume Design
A stock market broker plans to liven up his boring life by taking up piracy on the high seas.
Annabelle's Affairs
Costume Design
After only 11 hours of marriage, Annabelle and her husband separate-not knowing what each other truly looks like. Annabelle is given stocks by her husband and told not to part with them. However she is an extravagant spender and is forced to give the stocks to her husband's millionaire rival.....
Six Cylinder Love
Costume Design
Los Sterling empiezan a encadenar problemas cuando compran un coche caro. . Los amigos se apuntan a paseos, ella sufre un accidente, y él ha de pedir 5.000 dólares a su jefe para pagar olos gastos.. Por fin, vende el coche al conserje,
Quick Millions
Costume Design
El conductor de camiones Bugs Raymond organiza a las asociaciones de camioneros y se hace con dinero a cambio de protección. Una vez enriquecido, decide casarse con la dama de la alta sociedad Dorothy Stone. Ella le rechaza, en favor de otro hombre, así que él planea secuestrarla el día de su boda.
The Man Who Came Back
Costume Design
A spoiled carefree rich kid gets into too much trouble for his father who sends him out on his own to prove himself capable of making a respectable man of himself.
Oh, for a Man!
Costume Design
Disenchanted opera star Carlotta Manson falls for ruffian cat burglar Barney McGann and gives up her career to marry him. But Barney grows disenchanted himself at being known as the husband of a diva and itches to get back to his life of crime and manliness.
Costume Design
Lightnin' y Mary son propietarios de un hotel en la frontera entre Nevada y California, muy utilizado para parejas que quieren divorciarse. Cuando unos gangsters quieren apoderarse del establecimiento, obligan a su mujer a divorciarse de él...
Una fantasía del porvenir
Costume Design
Un ciudadano sufre un accidente y queda dormido durante medio siglo, despertando en los años 80. En tal época se enamorará de una bella chica y viajará a Marte...
El conquistador
Costume Design
Jerry Maxton, un mercenario de una república bananera de América Central, es contratado para que acabe con Morloff, un bandido. Tom Standish, sobrino del hombre más poderoso de la ciudad, le persigue y acosa por diversión, mientras Maxton intenta hacer su trabajo.
Río arriba
Costume Design
Dos prisioneros se escapan de la cárcel para ayudar a una pareja que, tras cumplir su condena, se instaló en una pequeña localidad para que nadie conociera su oscuro pasado. Ahora la pareja ve amenazada su felicidad por un deshonesto vendedor que quiere implicar al hombre en sus fraudulentas actividades.
Soup to Nuts
Costume Design
Mr. Schmidt's costume store is bankrupt because he spends his time on Rube Goldberg-style inventions; the creditors send a young manager who falls for Schmidt's niece Louise, but she'll have none of him. Schmidt's friends Ted, Queenie, and some goofy firemen try to help out; things come to a slapstick head when Louise needs rescuing from a fire.
Costume Design
A carousel barker falls in love with a young woman. Both are fired from their jobs, and when the young woman becomes pregnant, the carousel barker tries to help pull off a robbery, which goes wrong. Because of the robbery, he dies, and after spending time in hell, is sent back to earth for one day to try to make amends.
On Your Back
Costume Design
On Your Back is a 1930 American drama film directed by Guthrie McClintic and written by Howard J. Green. The film stars Irene Rich, Raymond Hackett, H. B. Warner, Wheeler Oakman, Marion Shilling and Ilka Chase.
Common Clay
Costume Design
Young Ellen Neal gets work as a servant with the wealthy Fullerton family. She falls in love with the Fullerton's handsome young son. But he leaves her with child, and when she attempts to gain recognition for her child, the Fullerton family treats her as a blackmailer. But a surprise awaits them all.
One Mad Kiss
Costume Design
Estrada, the chief government official of the region, has put a price on the head of José Savedra for causing the local people to rebel against his tax collectors. Dancer Rosario Montes also thinks that the tax levied against her "Fandango Café" is excessive and is not inclined to pay.
Women Everywhere
Costume Design
Charles Jackson, an American sea-captain and singing soldier-of-fortune, is arrested by the French Foreign Legion for running guns to the rebel forces in Morocco fighting against the rule of the French in north Africa. He is saved by Lili La Fleur, a singer/dance in a Morocco café and, through her, eventually becomes a hero to the Foreign Legion.
So This Is London
Costume Design
Hiram Draper is an all-American self-made man who profoundly distastes everything British. Yet he must travel to London with his family. When Junior falls in love with an aristocratic girl, whose father despises Americans with equal intensity, fireworks are just about to start.
El intrépido
Costume Design
Esperando utilizar la publicidad que de ello se pueda derivar para ser reelegido, un juez condena a un conocido gangster a luchar en la guerra.
Double Cross Roads
Costume Design
Based on a novel by William R. Lipman
High Society Blues
Costume Design
After selling his business in Iowa, Eli Granger and his family move to an exclusive Scarsdale area in New York, where by chance he occupies a house adjacent to Horace Divine, a wealthy businessman with whom he made his business transaction...
Such Men Are Dangerous
Costume Designer
A wealthy and powerful industrialist changes his identity to avenge himself on the wife that spurned him on their wedding night.
City Girl
Costume Design
Primer film sonoro de Murnau (y último de ficción). Durante su producción y rodaje (en tierras americanas, donde había realizado ya la obra maestra "Sunrise"), surgieron importantes divergencias del director alemán con el dueño de la Fox, William Fox. La más importante fue la imposición de ser un film hablado (Murnau comenzó la película siendo muda), dado el fulgurante éxito del cine sonoro, así como la incapacidad del estudio por conseguir a la estrella Janet Gaynor (protagonista de "Amanecer"). Murnau, desencantado, decidió una vez acabada la película asociarse con el documentalista Robert J. Flaherty, para rodar "Tabu" sin ningún tipo de imposición de los estudios. "El pan nuestro de cada día" está basada en la obra "The Mad Turtle", de Elliott Lester, y narra la historia de un joven de Minnesota que va a Chicago y se enamora.
Sunny Side Up
Costume Design
Molly and Bee, sweet young 'working girls,' live in a cheap room over a New York grocery store. Molly's idol, wealthy Jack Cromwell, lives in a Long Island mansion but is markedly less happy, since his fiancée Jane won't discourage her other admirers. Fleeing in his car, Jack ends up in an urban block party where he meets you-know-who.
Hot for Paris
Costume Design
A romantic adventure musical film directed by Raoul Walsh....The film is believed to be lost.
South Sea Rose
Costume Design
A French girl raised in the south seas is brought to prim and proper New England by her New England born and bred sea captain husband. She wears short skirts and shocks the puritanical New Englanders in her new home with her wild candid ways...
Married in Hollywood
Costume Design
Heir to a Balkan throne, Prince Nicholai falls in love with an American vocalist who is touring with an operetta company in Europe. When he makes known his intention to renounce his heritage and marry Mary Lou, his mother has him locked up and orders Mary Lou back to the United States.
They Had to See Paris
Costume Design
Oklahoma mechanic Pike Peters finds himself part owner of an oil field. His wife Idy, hitherto content, decides the family must go to Paris to get "culture" and meet "the right kind of people." Pike and his grown son and daughter soon have flirtatious French admirers; Idy rents a chateau from an impoverished aristocrat; while Pike responds to each new development with homespun wit. In the inevitable clash, will pretentiousness and sophistication or common sense triumph?
Words and Music
Costume Design
Phil y Pete compiten por el amor de Mary, y también por escribir la mejor canción de un concurso de estudiantes.
Fox Movietone Follies of 1929
Costume Design
Lila Beaumont is an understudy in a Broadway musical. Her boyfriend, George Shelby, arrives in New York hoping to take Lila back home with him to marry.
El abanico de Lady Windermere
Costume Design
La señora Erlynne, mujer de dudosa reputación, regresa a Londres y manda llamar a Lord Windermere. Le revela que es la madre de su esposa, a quien ésta cree muerta, y exige dinero por su silencio. También solicita una invitación a la fiesta de cumpleaños de Lady Windermere, pero ésta se niega. La señora Erlynne toma la carta de rechazo por la invitación y se presenta en la fiesta, desatando los celos de Lady Windermere.
¡Y supo ser madre!
Costume Design
Stella, una chica pueblerina, se casa con Stephen Dallas, miembro de la alta sociedad, con quien no tiene nada en común. El matrimonio es un fracaso y, tras el nacimiento de una hija, Laurel, los Dallas se separan y Stephen vuelve a Nueva York. Conforme Laurel va creciendo, Stella se da cuenta de que ella no puede darle todo lo que necesita y la envía a vivir con Stephen y su nueva familia.
El que recibe el bofetón
Costume Design
Paul Beaumont, científico y humanista, después de muchos años de estudio, descubre una revolucionaria teoría, pero su protector (Marc McDermott) se la roba y, además, seduce a su esposa (Ruth King). La ofensa se sella con una bofetada que provoca las burlas de toda la comunidad científica. Beaumont huye avergonzado y se refugia en un circo, donde se hace famoso como el payaso "que recibe las bofetadas". Los caprichos del destino hacen que una noche se encuentre entre el público su pérfido benefactor, que se muestra interesado por la bella Consuelo (Norma Shearer).
Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall
Costume Design
In the year 1550, Sir George Vernon agrees to have his young daughter Dorothy betrothed to John Manners, the son of the Earl of Rutland. Sir George signs a contract, promising that the marriage will take place on Dorothy's 18th birthday, or else he will have to pay a large penalty to Rutland. But when the two children have grown older, rumors of John's wild behavior in France provoke Sir George to call off the engagement, and to pledge his daughter instead to her cousin Malcolm. Rutland now claims the forfeit from Sir George, and meanwhile, John has befriended Mary Stuart, the sworn enemy of Elizabeth, who is now Queen of England.
Three Weeks
Costume Design
A young aristocrat strikes up an affair with a mysterious woman for three weeks.
Una flor del camino
Costume Design
Millie vive con su abuelo en una remota isla de Florida, a la que su abuelo se vio obligado a ir por motivos políticos. Pero no están solos. Un prisionero fugado de la cárcel, llamado Nicholas, los está acosando debido a su interés por Millie. Por otro lado, un marinero llamado John Woolfolk, quien ha perdido a su esposa recientemente, navega con su yate para desquitarse de sus penas, y es así como llega a la isla para interceder involuntariamente en esa situación.
Tres solterones discretos
Costume Design
Tres ancianos solteros adoptan a una niña que es hija de la mujer de la que se enamoraron en su juventud.
Costume Design
After obtaining a divorce from his second wife Emily, Roy Tappan marries Dora Carson, who has just divorced her husband. Left poor with two children, Emily marries Walter Heath, a former suitor, then discovers that she cannot live with her new husband because the divorce is not legal in her home state. Tappan and his new wife soon run out of money, each having thought the other was wealthy. His aunt promises to support him in exchange for his two children. He kidnaps the children and hides them from Emily in his aunt's home. After Emily and Walter find them, they go to Yellowstone Park, where they are considered legally married. Tappan follows and is killed after a fight with Walter when a boiling geyser throws him into the air and throws him onto the rocks below.