David Barkham


Calibre 45
Production Design
Kat (Milla Jovovich) es una chica mala y atractiva con pasión por las armas y el peligro. Anclada en una vida criminal y controlada por su implacable novio Big Al (Angus Macfadyen), un traficante de drogas, Kat quiere más de lo que él le puede ofrecer, por lo que decide comenzar a realizar tratos por su cuenta...
Mandela y de Klerk
Production Design
En 1964, en Pretoria (Sudáfrica), Nelson Mandela fue encarcelado debido a su valiente lucha contra la segregación racial (apartheid). Su esposa Winnie buscó entonces el apoyo de la población negra para liberar a su marido, objetivo que alcanzó 18 años después, gracias a la colaboración del líder De Klerk.
Victima del odio
Production Design
En Sudáfrica, un hombre de raza negra investiga la verdad sobre un prisionero político torturado durante la década anterior.
Llanto por la tierra amada
Production Design
Sudáfrica, 1946. faltan dos años para que se instaure el apartheid, el racismo institucionalizado. Los destinos del sacerdote negro Stephen Kumalo y el terrateniente blanco James Jarvis se cruzan trágicamente cuando ambos deberán hacer frente a una tragedia. Drama sentimental basado en la novela de Alan Paton que cosechó buenas críticas.
The Mangler
Production Design
Una máquina de una lavandería es poseída por un demonio del infierno.
Production Design
The plot centers on students involved in the Soweto Riots, in opposition to the implementation of Afrikaans as the language of instruction in schools. The stage version presents a school uprising similar to the Soweto uprising on June 16, 1976. A narrator introduces several characters among them the school girl activist Sarafina. Things get out of control when a policeman shoots several pupils in a classroom. Nevertheless, the musical ends with a cheerful farewell show of pupils leaving school, which takes most of act two. In the movie version Sarafina feels shame at her mother's (played by Miriam Makeba in the film) acceptance of her role as domestic servant in a white household in apartheid South Africa, and inspires her peers to rise up in protest, especially after her inspirational teacher, Mary Masombuka (played by Whoopi Goldberg in the film version) is imprisoned.
To the Death
Production Design
Kickboxing champ Rick Quinn decides to retire from the ring, but his main adversary, Denard, wants him to fight again and murders Quinn's wife. Quinn suspects Denard, but can't do anything. Three month later, Quinn is jailed after a drunken bar brawl; a rich man named Le Braque bails him out and asks him to fight for him.
City of Blood
Art Direction
A medical examiner investigating a series of prostitute murders discovers that the culprit is an ancient tribal witch doctor come back to life.