Self (archival footage)
This recently produced behind-the-scenes documentary digs into Gershwin's original work, the genesis of the cinematic adaptation, casting, the shoot, and the eventual reception of the film.
Presents testimony from Patricia King Hanson and Richard Schickel and archival input from cinematographer John Alton.
Film Noir burrows into the mind; it's disorienting, intriguing and enthralling. Noir brings us into a gritty underworld of lush morbidity, providing intimate peeks at its tough, scheming dames, mischievous misfits and flawed men - all caught in the wicked web of a twisted fate.
Self - Cinematographer (archive footage)
The history of color photography in motion pictures, in particular the Technicolor company's work.
One of the first film noir documentaries, made for British Channel Four, and including interviews with Paul Schrader, Robert Wise, John Dahl, Bryan Singer, Edward Dmytryk, Dennis Hopper, John Alton.
Director of Photography
Robert Stroud es un preso conflictivo que ha sido condenado a cumplir una pena de doce años en una celda incomunicada. Cierto día comienza a cuidar a un pájaro herido que encuentra en la ventana de su celda y, a partir de entonces, descubre que su verdadera vocación es el estudio y la cría de aves.
Director of Photography
Elmer Gantry (Burt Lancaster) es un hombre atractivo, oportunista y extremadamente inmoral. El día en el que asiste, por casualidad, a una reunión religiosa se da cuenta de lo fácil que es ganar dinero como predicador y se convierte a la religión Evangélica. Junto con la hermana Sharon Falconer (Jean Simmons), Elmer pronuncia unos estremecedores sermones que le permiten conseguir fama y dinero. Sin embargo, un periodista (Arthur Kennedy) sigue sus pasos para desenmascararlo. La situación se complica aún más cuando reaparece en su vida una antigua amiga (Shirley Jones), que hará que Gantry se tenga que enfrentar a su turbio pasado.
Director of Photography
A group of twelve international scientists are the first to land on the moon. In their exploration of the surface, they run into all kinds of trouble, including threatening messages from alien life forms residing on the moon. Just a short nine years before the historic moon landing, this film's understanding of the science of space exploration is fantastically simplistic, but this well-made science fiction film holds interest with a strong cast and intriguingly strange events, photographed with great style by John Alton. Ken Clark, Michi Kobi, Tom Conway, John Wengraf, and Robert Montgomery Jr. portray the intrepid scientists.
Director of Photography
Con ganas de conseguir una posición periodística, Adam White se va a trabajar como columnista de un periódico que da consejos. Su editor, Shrike, se dedica a intimidar a su esposa alcohólica, Florence, por su pasado adultero. Y en asignar a sus empleados trabajos periodísticos para los cuales tienen poca aptitud o interés. Shrike incita a Adam a encontrarse con una de sus corresponsales, Fay Doyle, una mujer llorosa y auto compasiva ...
Director of Photography
Drama de época que adapta la célebre novela homónima de Dostoievski, en la que se analizan los problemas de una familia rusa del siglo XIX.
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Adaptación de una obra de Broadway. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, al capitán Fisby se le encomienda la misión de enseñar los beneficios de la democracia y el comercio en la ciudad de Okinawa.
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Gregory Peck es un periodista deportivo y Lauren Bacall, una diseñadora de moda de éxito. A pesar de que pertenecen a mundos muy distintos, tras una breve y apasionada relación se casan. Poco después de la boda, la convivencia provocará conflictos que ponen de manifiesto las enormes diferencias que existen entre ellos. Divertida comedia romántica de la Metro que se benefició de un reparto estelar, de un simpático guión -ganador del Óscar- y de la siempre deliciosa dirección de Minnelli.
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Un grupo de alumnos deciden reunirse años después de acabar sus estudios. La presencia de Tom Lee (John Kerr) sorprende a sus compañeros, porque siempre fue un chico solitario, tímido y retraído cuyos gustos se apartaban bastante de los de sus compañeros. La única persona con la que se sentía a gusto era Laura Reynolds (Deborah Kerr), la mujer del profesor de deportes y ama de llaves de la residencia donde Tom se alojaba.
Director of Photography
Jane Hurley (Debbie Reynolds) anuncia a sus padres (Bette Davis y Ernest Borgnine) su próxima boda con Ralph (Rod Taylor) y su deseo de que a la ceremonia asistan sólo los más íntimos. Sin embargo, y a pesar de los escasos recursos económicos de la familia, la señora Hurley intentará por todos los medios darle a su hija la boda que se merece. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Solly Caspar es un gánster que se ocupa tranquilamente de sus negocios porque tanto el alcalde como el jefe de policía se han dejado sobornar por él. En vísperas de unas elecciones, Caspar asesina a un periodista que lo hostigaba continuamente desde las páginas de su diario. Mientras tanto, el candidato a alcalde, que es un político reformista, hace una durísima campaña contra el crimen organizado. Entonces Caspar, temiendo perder el control de las actividades locales, ordena que lo investiguen con el fin de encontrar en su pasado algo que lo descalifique.
Director of Photography
Un tahúr y un pistolero forman una pareja invencible que nadie consigue derrotar, pero llega un momento en que tendrán que enfrentarse entre sí por causa de una mujer.
Director of Photography
Tres aventureros llegan a los mares del Sur con la intención de apoderarse de unas valiosas perlas negras, pero, para conseguirlo tendrán que enfrentarse a un peligroso grupo de nativos y, sobre todo, a un pulpo gigante que custodia la cueva donde se encuentran las perlas.
Director of Photography
En la antigua Birmania dominada por los ingleses, una joven ha heredado una plantación de té en Oriente. Los problemas se le multiplican a la muchacha, pero sabe vencerlos con coraje, hasta que un peligro superior la acecha cuando un perseguido por la justicia busca cobijo en sus posesiones.
Director of Photography
Al Teniente Diamond le ordenan archivar el caso sobre el jefe de la mafia Mr. Brown, porque le está costando al departamento demasiado dinero, y los resultados son nulos. Diamond, sin embargo, no se rinde y trata de conseguir pruebas por medio de la novia de Mr. Brown, Susan Lowell. Brillante fotografía y cast para un noir injustamente subvalorado.
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Duffy, el alcaide de San Quintín, ha de enfrentarse a varias crisis consecuticas que amenazan con conducir a los reclusos a un motín.
Director of Photography
Sierra Nevada Jones es la joven e intrépida heredera de un rancho en el territorio de Montana. Tras la muerte de su padre en un enfrentamiento contra unos indios y unos blancos que pretendían apoderarse del terreno, Sierra Nevada debe luchar con todas sus fuerzas para conservar la propiedad del lugar. Por suerte para ella, contará con la inesperada ayuda de Farrell, un policía encubierto.
Director of Photography
Hacia 1800, California es el mundo de los pioneros: un mundo violento, duro y valiente. Es también el mundo de los cuatreros y de las mujeres indómitas, un mundo que crece en el esplendoroso paisaje que rodea a la pintoresca ciudad de Sonora...
Director of Photography
En la pequeña ciudad de Silver Lode, el sheriff McCart interrumpe bruscamente la boda entre Dan y Rose para detener al novio.
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Desde la ventana de su dormitorio Cheryl Draper (Barbara Stanwick) observa espantada que en el edificio de enfrente un hombre está estrangulando a una mujer. Cheryl avisa a la policía que no tarda en acudir al lugar del crimen. Allí reside el respetable Sr. Richter (George Sanders). Después de interrogarle y ante la falta de evidencias, la policía duda del testimonio de la testigo y decide cerrar el caso.
Director of Photography
La biografía del alcaide de San Quintín, Clinton T. Duffy, y su relación con un preso irreductible al que logró cambiar.
Director of Photography
Un grupo de soldados está bajo las órdenes de un estricto sargento, decidido a convertir a sus hombres en máquinas de guerra. Afortunadamente, los soldados cuentan con el apoyo de otro sargento más humano y compasivo.
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Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer in his first film adventure. Originally screened in 3D.
Director of Photography
Según las leyes, uno es inocente hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario. Sin embargo, George Braden, un trabajador temporero, es acusado de dos asesinatos, entre ellos el de su patrón, sin que existan pruebas que lo incriminen. El prestigioso abogado Doug Madison deberá demostrar a todo el pueblo que Braden es inocente, a pesar de que el tiempo corre en su contra y el verdadero culpable sigue libre.
Durante la guerra de Corea (1950-1953), la teniente Ruth McGara es destinada a un hospital militar itinerante que opera en el frente. Allí conoce al comandante Jed Webbe, uno de los cirujanos. A pesar de que es un hombre que bebe en exceso y al que sólo le interesan las relaciones superficiales, Ruth se enamora de él.
Director of Photography
An outlaw murders several Apaches and flees to a stagecoach way station with the tribe in hot pursuit. A stagecoach and its passengers have just pulled into the station, as has the stationmaster's father, a former bandit named Peso, and they all find themselves besieged by the Apaches, who want them to turn over the killer to them or they'll take the station and kill everybody. The problem is that the people in the station aren't sure just who among therm is the actual killer.
Director of Photography
A reporter (Patricia Neal) suspects the "nice guy" image of a respected Congressman (Van Johnson) is all a facade and sets out to uncover the truth.
Director of Photography
Small-town gossips rage over the arrival of a mysterious stranger.
Director of Photography
Terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Jerry Mulligan (Gene Kelly), un pintor americano, se queda en París y expone sus cuadros, que nadie compra, en Montparnasse. Un día tiene la suerte de conocer a una americana millonaria que decide promocionarlo. Al mismo tiempo, conoce a una dependienta y se enamora de ella.
Director of Photography
El abogado James Curtayne (Spencer Tracy), que está superando su adicción al alcohol y que se ha retirado del ejercicio de la abogacía, decide volver para defender a John O'Hara (Arthur Shields) de una acusación de asesinato.
Director of Photography
Después de casar a su hija Kay con Buckley Dunstan, Stanley Banks se siente libre y feliz. Los días transcurren apaciblemente hasta que se entera de que va a ser abuelo, situación que provocará una gran rivalidad entre su familia y la de su yerno.
Director of Photography
Opera singer Ina Massine tries to win back former husband Dr. Lincoln I. Bartlett.
Director of Photography
Un indio, tras haber participado en la guerra de Secesión en el bando nordista, vuelve con su tribu y se encuentra un panorama desolador: su pueblo vive en la miseria y está a punto de perder sus tierras. Así, pues, tendrá que seguir luchando, en este caso contra las injusticias a las que su pueblo se ve sometido.
Director of Photography
En una playa de Massachusetts, es hallado un cadáver que es casi un esqueléeo. Peter Morales (Montalban), un detective de Boston, lo lleva a Harvard, donde el doctor McAdoo (Bruce Bennett) determina que corresponde a una mujer que estaba embarazada y fue asesinada. Las investigaciones de Morales lo conducen a Henry Shanway (Marshall Thompson), un joven recién casado que parece no contar toda la verdad durante el interrogatorio al que se le somete.
Director of Photography
Un padre se enfrenta a uno de los momentos más naturales y temidos de su vida: la boda de su hija. Y los problemas no son sólo de índole sentimental: el abandono del hogar por parte de la chica; sino también de carácter económico: la organización de una costosa boda que lo traerá de cabeza.
Director of Photography
The title character, played by John Payne, is a ship's captain whose embittered behavior after losing his lady love seemingly leads to tragedy. Accused of deliberately scuttling his ship during a typhoon, Captain China hopes to clear himself by signing on as a common seaman on a vessel captain by his former first mate Brendensen. There's no love lost between the two men, and their mutual animosity is intensified when both fall in love with beautiful passenger.
Director of Photography
Para penetrar en una cuadrilla que explotaba a agricultores mexicanos ilegales para hacer contrabando en California (y no dejar ningún testigo vivo), el agente federal mexicano Pablo Rodriguez se presenta como un bracero ignorante.
Director of Photography
Revolución francesa, 1794. El marqués de Lafayette pide a Charles D'Aubigny que se infiltre en el Partido Jacobino para derrocar a Maximilian Robespierre, quien, tras obtener el poder supremo y establecer un reino de terror regido por la muerte, pretende ahora convertirse en dictador de Francia.
Director of Photography
Horse story with Dynamite, The Red Stallion...
Director of Photography
A war veteran suffering from amnesia, returns to Los Angeles from a San Francisco veterans hospital hoping to learn who he is and discovers his criminal past.
Director of Photography
Película rodada en estilo casi documental que relata la caza de un ladrón que asesina a sangre fría a un policía y que es perseguido por las calles de Los Ángeles. Los policías siguen su rastro hasta las mismas alcantarillas de la ciudad.
Director of Photography
Tras salir de la cárcel, John Muller (Paul Henreid), un astuto criminal con estudios en medicina y psiquiatría, sueña con el día en que logre dar "el gran golpe". Mientras tanto se ve obligado a desempeñar un aburrido trabajo de oficina. Un día, Mullerdecide llevar a cabo su sueño, robando en un conocido club de juego, propiedad del mafioso Rocky Stansyck. Tras el golpe y durante su huida, Muller será confundido con el Dr. Bartok, prestigioso psiquiatra, debido a su asombroso parecido. Muller tratará de aprovechar la ocasión para esconderse, suplantando la personalidad del doctor. Para ello, deberá auto infringirse una herida que le deja una cicatriz idéntica a la del conocido psiquiatra...
Director of Photography
On the beach one night, Christine Faber, two years a widow, thinks she hears her late husband Paul calling out of the surf...then meets a tall dark man, Alexis, who seems to know all about such things. After more ghostly manifestations, Christine and younger sister Janet become enmeshed in the eerie artifices of Alexis; but he in turn finds himself manipulated into deeper deviltry than he had in mind...
Director of Photography
Prisoners battle each other -- and the police -- when they escape the Colorado State Penitentiary.
Director of Photography
La película comienza en la carcel del condado, el convicto Joe Sullivan (O’Keefe) se reune por separado con dos mujeres muy diferentes durante las horas de visita, Ann, una delicada y dulce morena asistente del abogado de Joe que le anima a comportarse para ganarse la libertad condicional en un par de años. La otra mujer es su novia Pat, rubia de rasgos pronunciados de mirada fria, su intención de traladarle a Joe un plan de fuga diseñado para esa misma noche, el objetivo de Joe es ajustar cuentas con su antiguo amigo Rick (Raymond Burr). Un tipo despiadado con tendencias pirómanas que le debe 50 de los grandes, y lo que es peor, su traición provocó el ingreso de Joe en la trena.
Director of Photography
Dos agentes del Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos se infiltran en una red de falsificadores que han conseguido fabricar un papel excelente. En una situación de peligro constante, intentan encontrar una muestra del famoso papel y descubrir a los culpables del "caso del papel de Shanghai". El principal problema será encontrar la forma de salir de la red.
Director of Photography
A woman watches her own funeral, then sets out with her lawyer to learn who was in the casket.
Director of Photography
Una niña (Natalie Wood) vive en el bosque con su abuelo en estado casi salvaje. Cuando éste muere, se dirige al pueblo y encuentra por el camino a un perro abandonado que ha caído de un avión. El médico del pueblo los acoge en su casa. Debido a su vestimenta y a su espontaneidad, la niña será objeto de las burlas de los demás niños y chocará con la hipocresía de una sociedad convencional.
Director of Photography
Story of an investment agent who embezzles a large sum from an estate, hoping to cover his crime by marrying the estate's heiress. The girl is already engaged, so he arranges to have the fiance killed. A mix up involving the society section of the newspaper places him in the sights of his own hired gun.
Director of Photography
Small ranchers battle against a land baron trying to take their spreads.
Director of Photography
Stevie Carson, a newspaper reporter, and Danny Butler, the "morgue" manager on the same newspaper, set out to track down the killer of a colleague, a book-reviewer who was involved with a group of rare book forgers and whose sister has been convinced her editor-fiance, Bill Monroe, killed him.
Four young performers form an act and get a job in a nightclub. Before long, one of them gets the idea that the act is all about him, and his changes to the act, to reflect his own ego, causes the quartet to get fired. Later, all make good in other areas of show business...stage, radio and motion pictures.
Director of Photography
When the wealthy Mrs. Cooper passes away, she divides her estate between her sons, Henry and Wayne, and her only daughter, the tomboyish Geraldine.
Director of Photography
A serviceman returns home at the end of WWII to discover his wife has become the head of her own very successful advertising agency. Comedy.
Director of Photography
The citizens of the small town of Midburg are thrilled when one of their native sons, Dan Flannery, becomes a war hero while serving in the Merchant Marines. But before arriving he is stricken with amnesia and falls in with a gang of crooks...
Director of Photography
This drama is an updated version of Ulmer's 1944 film Bluebeard. It is set in New York and follows the exploits of an eccentric Parisian painter who has come to New York to escape a controversy surrounding his work. The trouble stems when the model he has used in all his work is found floating dead in the Seine.
Director of Photography
A playboy is reformed by his daughter and fiancee.
Director of Photography
Actress Carol Adams retires from the theater when she becomes engaged to businessman Gregory Davis, but is increasingly frustrated by Greg's unwavering devotion to his business. Tired of being ignored, Carol leaves her engagement ring with Greg's secretary, Sarah Anderson, and flies to Mexico City to repair her broken heart and visit her friends, Anita and Arturo Martinez. On the plane, Carol meets Ramon Carranza, a handsome singer and movie star who is wildly popular in Mexico.
Director of Photography
A women's prison provides the setting for this drama that centers around a naive small-town woman framed by a man whom she met in a nightclub in the big city. She is not welcomed by the inmates and immediately the prisoners are divided.
Director of Photography
A lawyer's wife walks out on him, then poses as a French nurse to spy on him.
Director of Photography
On a peaceful, pre-war winter in Czechoslovakia, the genial godfather, Jaroslav Haschek, of Vera Hascheck, presents the young girl with her first pair of ice skates. Soon, she astonished the warm-hearted people of her village with her skill, and she is acclaimed a marvel-on-ice.
Director of Photography
A nightclub star helps trap an enemy agent on the trail of an American newsman.
Director of Photography
In 1915, Atlantic City is a sleepy seaside resort, but Brad Taylor, son of a small hotel and vaudeville house proprietor, has big plans: he thinks it can be "the playground of the world." Brad's wheeling and dealing proves remarkably successful in attracting big enterprises and big shows, but brings him little success in personal relationships. Full of nostalgic songs and acts, some with the original artists. Reissued in 1950 as "Atlantic City Honeymoon".
Director of Photography
Un financiero sin escrúpulos muere en un accidente. Siguiendo sus órdenes, un científico y su ayudante mantienen con vida su cerebro artificialmente. Gradualmente, el cerebro empieza a dominar a sus guardianes.
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A sultan's lovely daughter finds herself courted by a handsome American.
Director of Photography
As sixteen year old Ann Winters begins a relationship with an older actor to further her career, lookalike fan Penelope Ryan is recruited by a group of former child stars to perform in a USO show.
Director of Photography
Promoter Ann Porter decides to start her own Ice Show despite the efforts of ex-racketeer Duke Baldwin who owns a rival show. Jeff Stewart, a rich, suave young Broadwayite, falls in love with Ann and aids her in her fight against Baldwin.
Director of Photography
Two business partners, John Bennett, Sr. and Robert Forrester, are starting to get nervous when the birthday of Victoria, Forrester's daughter, approaches. A long time ago the two men made an arrangement that they would sign over one third of their company to their oldest children when they turned twenty-one, with the condition they married each other within thirty days....
Director of Photography
A New York radio personality travels to the small town of Fernville to oversee a contest to identify retired safecracker Jimmy Valentine, believed to be living there under an assumed name. The close-knit town of upstanding citizens is understandably upset by this venture, all the moreso when some of its citizens begin to be murdered. The radio personality and the local newspaper's young daughter collaborate on solving the murders while revealing Valentine, who has become one of the suspects.
Director of Photography
Like the first entry, this one is played mostly for laughs, with Radio's Mister District Attorney. James Ellison replacing Dennis O'Keefe as feckless assistant DA P. Cadwallader Jones. The publisher of a tony fashion magazine is murdered, requiring Jones to sift through a colorful array of suspects. He is helped (?) along by snoopy girl reporter Terry Parker (Virginia Gilmore), who by default is the brightest character in the picture.
Director of Photography
Chris Waring es un investigador del gobierno que trata de reunir las pruebas necesarias para condenar a un magnate naviero.
Director of Photography
On faraway Mosaque, an American pilot finds that he is in a desperate struggle with a military officer intent on sabotaging a local fort.
Director of Photography
Dr. Christian takes an interest in a young boy, a violin prodigy, whose mother is a divorced music teacher. His interest isn't just in the boy's music career--he believes it would be best for the boy to have his parents back together, and sets out to do just that.
Director of Photography
The story concentrated on a group of test pilots, busily experimenting with a revolutionary all-plastic airplane. Ace flyboy Brad Farrell (Richard Arlen) is determined to prove the practicality of the new aircraft, designed by Professor Blake (Thomas Ross), father of Brad's sweetheart Carol (Jean Parker). Back on solid ground, Brad must vie for Carol's attentions with his own brother, engineer Doug Farrell (Don Castle).
Director of Photography
A small town doctor suspects the stranger in town is promoting an oil swindle. The fourth entry in the "Dr. Christian" series of six films.
Director of Photography
A conman arrives in town trying to sell his miracle methods of weight loss to the ladies. It's left to the good Dr. Christian to expose this fake and save a fragile young girl's life.
Director of Photography
El Dr. Braun, cirujano vienés, y su hija Leni llegan a un pequeño pueblo de Dakota del Norte como refugiados escapando de Hitler. Cuando los vientos del Dust Bowl amenazan el pueblo, John Phillips lidera a sus habitantes en su viaje a Oregon en busca de pastos más verdes. Philips se enamora de Leni, pero ella ya está comprometida con el hombre que los ayudó en su huida del Tercer Reich. Leni tendrá que optar por uno de los dos.
Director of Photography
A doctor fights an epidemic that breaks out in the poor section of town and tries to get the rest of the town to help out.
Director of Photography
A young woman travels with her uncle to the city, there she works with a singer who she will have to replace. Later, she goes blind.
Dos maestras, una buena y otra mala, en un internado de señoritas y el romance entre un joven de clase alta y una adolescente.
Director of Photography
Nina Miranda leaves jail after spending 20 years imprisoned for a murder that she insists she did not commit and recalls the time of her youth.
Nina Miranda leaves jail after spending 20 years imprisoned for a murder that she insists she did not commit and recalls the time of her youth.
A gaucho unjustly accused of murder becomes a dangerous nomad.
Director of Photography
A film star enjoys a romance with the daughter of a puppeteer, but his criminal past threatens to ruin it.
Director of Photography
Mimí, una joven costurera tuberculosa, se enamora del pobre dramaturgo Rodolfo, pero la pobreza termina afectando a su relación. Cuando Mimí queda con un acaudalado pretendiente, el vizconde Paul, para pedirle dinero, Rodolfo la abandona.
Director of Photography
Juan Pérez is a waiter in a luxurious place where the bachelor party of a man who is going to get married for convenience is done. When a dancer and singer with whom he was entangled, chases him, he uses Perez to get rid of her.
Un delincuente intenta estafar a un aficionado a las carreras de caballos mediante una mujer seductora que resulta ser policía.
A rural businessman is robbed by a corrupt partner and his cadet son and good student aspires to run the business.
Director of Photography
Un futbolista provinciano contratado por un club de Buenos Aires es suplantado por un doble.
The romance between Amalia Sáenz de Olabarrieta –a widow living in Buenos Aires– and the young Unitarian Eduardo Belgrano. Based on the novel by José Mármol.
Director of Photography
El empleado de almacén de un pueblo viaja a Buenos Aires para rescatar de una banda de delincuentes a la joven de la que está enamorado.
The exploits of two recently arrived immigrants in Argentina.
A musical film with a performance by the group that was very fashionable at the time, El Cuarteto Aguilar. It was produced in 1936 but was never released.
A famous singer in love with a woman takes the blame for a crime to save her.
Director of Photography
The story follows Jaime Lara, a passenger whose ship makes a stop in Buenos Aires for one day. Lara elopes, leaving his wife on board, and walks around the city at night, coming to meet a beautiful yet frivolous hooker, Isa.
Film directed and scripted by John Dalton at the beginning of his stay in Argentina. Alton decided to make an independent project under the name of Alton Films, and summoned Luis Sandrini to star it. The result was catastrophic and all copies of the film were destroyed, therefore it is considered to be totally lost.
Film directed and scripted by John Dalton at the beginning of his stay in Argentina. Alton decided to make an independent project under the name of Alton Films, and summoned Luis Sandrini to star it. The result was catastrophic and all copies of the film were destroyed, therefore it is considered to be totally lost.
Film directed and scripted by John Dalton at the beginning of his stay in Argentina. Alton decided to make an independent project under the name of Alton Films, and summoned Luis Sandrini to star it. The result was catastrophic and all copies of the film were destroyed, therefore it is considered to be totally lost.
Un ferretero de barrio, representante de la clase media, comprueba alarmado que su familia ha sido ganada por tres de las pasiones porteñas: el tango, el fútbol y el cine. El menor de sus hijos, un alocado y simpático muchacho, sueña obsesivamente con componer un tango. Por eso desatiende sus obligaciones en el negocio familiar. Las tres mujeres de la casa: esposa, hija y suegra, abandonan las tareas hogareñas para instalarse en las salas de cine. Otro hijo, ya lejos de los suyos, se está convirtiendo en ídolo futbolístico. El hermano mayor, arquitecto, acaba de sumarse a la legión de desocupados; además, sufre por estar enamorado. Al final, el padre también sucumbirá ante alguno de los berrines.