Ivan Trojan

Ivan Trojan

Nacimiento : 1964-06-30, Praga, Repubblica Ceca


Ivan Trojan
Ivan Trojan
Ivan Trojan
Ivan Trojan
Ivan Trojan
Ivan Trojan


Gump – jsme dvojka
My Sunny Maad
Cuando Herra, una joven checa, se enamora de Nazir, un afgano, no consciente de la clase de vida que le espera en la Afganistán post-talibán, ni el tipo de familia de la que va a formar parte: un abuelo liberal, un niño adoptado con altas capacidades y Freshta, que haría cualquier cosa para escapar de la violentas garras de su marido.
Gump – pes, který naučil lidi žít
Mimořádné Ceny Neuron: Odvaha měnit budoucnost
Brouk v hlavě
Kamil Champsboisy
Jan Mikolášek
Nacido a principios del siglo XX, el herbolario Jan Mikolasek se hizo rico y famoso después de curar innumerables enfermedades con medios poco ortodoxos. Verdadero emblema de Checoslovaquia antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el curandero se hizo aún más apreciado durante la ocupación nazi y el régimen comunista. Cada régimen aprecia su habilidad y lo protege. Pero, ¿cuánto le costará mantener su estatus en un nuevo cambio político?
Ángel del Señor 2
Angel Petronel
A story that takes place during Advent, we'll meet again with your favorite pair angel Petronel and devil Urias. Their eternal wrangling causes the rare apple from the tree of the knowledge to roll on earth. And that God is really angry. Petronel with Urias find themselves in a small Czech town on the eve of the feast of St. Nicholas. And after a series of human and "divine" tests our heroes eventually find that the path to knowledge leads primarily through self discovery through the strength of friendship, love and forgiveness skills.
Svatojánský věneček
An ordinary man with an ordinary job, ordinary family and ordinary affair has an unordinary day after he signes the Charta 77.
Nowhere in Moravia
When not serving regulars at a pub in the middle of a sleepy northern Moravian village, thirtysomething Maruna spends time with hesitant Jura and naïve outsider Olin – or fighting with her imperious mother. Lightened with a touch of black humor, this laconic village drama is the directorial debut of the artistic director of Prague’s Dejvice Theater who gave the members of his ensemble a one-of-a-kind acting opportunity in film.
Čtyřlístek ve službách krále
Myšpulín (voice)
Lucky Loser
Kdokoliv / Jakub
A la sombra
Praga, 1950. Hakl, un miembro de la policía comunista, investiga un robo aparentemente mundano en la tienda de un orfebre. A pesar de todo, su deseo por la verdad, le conduce hasta una nueva prueba que indica que el caso es mucho más complicado de lo que parece. La Seguridad del Estado se hace cargo de la investigación y lo sustituye por un especialista alemán en crimen sionista, Zenke, cuya ominosa llegada parece ser mucho más que una simple coincidencia. Hakl continúa desafiante por su cuenta con su investigación, y envía a ambos hombres a un choque con los poderes del Estado más allá de lo que podrían haber sospechado.
Oldies but Goldies
A bitter-sweet comedy about two people who wish to live life to the full despite their age. Ota is a retired high-school teacher and at this point in life has various foibles that complicate life for his son and daughter-in-law. Moreover, he has a complicated and risky eye operation ahead. That is why Ota decides that this is the time to look up Jana, the retired actress who had influenced the course of his life many years ago. However, his reunion with Jana - who lives in a retirement home - works out differently to his expectations. Although disappointed at first, it is actually this zestful lady who sets Ota in the right direction again. Thanks to Jana, Ota finds the courage to set out on an exciting road-movie trip of the kind he would never have had the courage for in his youth. Their meeting and the excursion, full of unexpected turns and new impressions, give their lives a new dimension.
Černá díra
Černá díra
Alois Nebel
director of Czech Railways (voice)
A train dispatcher encounters a mute stranger who appears out of nowhere, and finds himself mysteriously involved with a murder in Poland. The end of the eighties in the twentieth century. Alois Nebel works as a dis­patcher at the small railway station in Bílý Potok, a remote village on the Czech–Polish border. He's a loner, who prefers old timetables to people, and he finds the loneliness of the station tranquil – except when the fog rolls in. Then he hallucinates, sees trains from the last hundred years pass through the station. They bring ghosts and shadows from the dark past of Central Eu­rope. Alois can’t get rid of these nightmares and eventually ends up in sanatorium. In the sanatorium, he gets to know The Mute, a man carrying an old photograph who was arrested by the police after crossing the border. No one knows why he came to Bílý Potok or who he’s looking for, but it is his past that propels Alois on his journey…
Visible World
Oliver is a lonely forty-something working as an air traffic controller. He fills his empty life by watching TV and observing the family living in the house across the street - he regards them as an ideal of happiness. At first he just watches the family, but he gradually wants to learn more about them. He soon realizes that borders of one's private life are more fragile than they seem.
Příběhy obyčejného šílenství
Dívka a kouzelník
Aventuras en el desván
skřítek Šubrt
En 'Aventuras en el desván', los héroes son valientes juguetes que emprenden un peligroso viaje a través de una vieja y misteriosa buhardilla para rescatar a su amiga, una hermosa y rubia muñeca. Cuando las cosas no están nada bien, aparecen sus amigos para brindarles ayuda y rescatarla del malvado jefe del Imperio del Mal. Sorprendentemente, los trastos viejos que se encuentran en el ático, comienzan a transformarse en cosas nuevas, bonitas y mágicas.
The Karamazov Brothers
Stary Karamazov
Dostoevsky’s latter-day opus about the siblings and their father is among the masterpieces of world literature. It asks profound questions about ethics and religion. Is there a God? Does the devil exist? Is everything allowed because we live in a world without morality? And if so, does patricide even constitute a crime? One of the most interesting adaptations of the material is The Karamazovs by Czech director Petr Zelenka. We witness a group of thesps from Prague on a trip to Krakow in Poland to stage the novel as a play in a derelict steelworks as part of the Closer to Life Festival. The project, however, is born under the bad sign, apparently doomed from the start. When they arrive, the roof is about to cave in, so that the actors are told to wear safety helmets. Their sole consistent audience is a laborer (Andrzej Mastalerz) who rather follows each dress rehearsal than watching over his seven-year-old son who has suffered a tragic accident in the factory.
Private psychologist Jakub tries to help others, but he has his own problems. Then he gets to take care of his old father which starts a lot of funny situations due to fathers starting dementia. Then this new medication appears...
Opravdová láska
Vaclav, the village loser, in his 40's bordering on autism, lives with his widowed mother on the outskirts of the village. He is seen by villagers as the local fool, nothing but a constant pain for them, but there is a skeleton in the village closet concerning his father's death.
Teddy Bear
Jirka, Roman, and Ivan have been friends since school. Today they are about 35 and, although they went into different fields, their friendship has lasted. Each of the three friends hides a secret, and their lives change radically when the secrets come out. How will the three friends stand up to the tests they are forced to face? Will their friendship survive?
Operation Silver A
František Hladěna
Based on actual events. Late 1941, Group Silver A are dropped into occupied Czechoslovakia on an SOE mission to set up a Radio communications centre for the resistance, and contact a German Army officer whom is forwarding information to the British.
Krásný čas
anděl Petronel
A screwup angel is exiled from the Heaven down to Earth, incarnated as a beggar.
Wrong Side Up
A man who deals with parcels at an airport cargo company finds that he likes planes more than people.
Můj otec a ostatní muži
One Hand Can't Clap
Jedna ruka netleska...
1940, Segunda Guerra Mundial. Checoslovaquia ha sido ocupada por los alemanes. Eliska, una estudiante de medicina, no puede completar sus estudios porque han cerrado las universidades, y trabaja como enfermera en un hospital de la ciudad. La joven también está involucrada en el movimiento de la resistencia contra los nazis, al igual que su novio, el cirujano Richard. Una noche, un hombre de las montañas es traído al hospital con serias heridas, necesitando desesperadamente una transfusión. Eliska es la única con su mismo tipo de sangre... una sangre que le salva la vida y forjará una extraordinaria relación entre la moderna, cosmopolita y educada Eliska y el rudo y bárbaro Joza, un hombre del campo con alma de niño....
Marek Šír (father)
Film about racial problems in the society, love, family, people and their relations.
A husband asks the best friend to seduce his wife in order to get divorce.
Petr Válek
Peter has a dream job. He’s a popular magician in a posh Prague nightclub, whose act draws more applause than the strippers. He’s got an eye-catching assistant who is ready and willing to cuddle his frayed nerves whenever necessary. But he’s also got Sylvia on his neck: a pert, scatterbrained sister who forgets that a toss in the hay may just be worth a wedding ring. Things take a turn for the better – or worse? – when he discovers he possesses extra - let’s say, supernatural – powers that enable him to see into the future, hear music by rubbing his finger over a CD, and God knows what. The problem? Peter can’t control anything any more like he used to – neither his magic act, nor his love life, nor his sister’s latest erotic fantasy.
Robert works for a travel agency and helps to arrange scenes from the everyday lives of "ordinary" Czech families as an attraction for Japanese tourists. He also works as a kind of matchmaker and occasionally helps to put together some of his friends. He helps to separate his friend Hanka from Peter, an announcer for an independent radio station who tries to capture "real" life by recording the moments from "reality" and playing them over the air. Vesna, came to Prague from Macedonia because it is according to her the best place for UFOs to land, but her real reason for coming is somewhat different... Hanka is followed by the crazy Ondrej, until then a respected brain surgeon, and married with two kids. Through him she meets Jacob, who uses copious amounts of weed in order to be constructive in this gloomy world. On the other hand, this destroys his short-term memory - and he forgets that he already has a girlfriend...
Poprask na laguně
Kryštof a Kristina
Klíček ke štěstí
Král a zloděj
Putování po Blažených ostrovech
Rakovina vůle
O štěstí a kráse
Perly a růže