Director of Photography
Todos los fines de semana acuden a Sunset Strip multitud de jóvenes a divertirse, reuniéndose en discotecas para bailar, pero los adultos están indignados por las costumbres que imponen los jóvenes. Entre ellos está Audy, una chica tímida y poco reacia a acudir a bailar. Un día la convencen para ir a un local vacío. Cuando están allí, acude la policía y el comisario del distrito...
Director of Photography
Después del asalto a un pueblo, dónde los hombres son apresados y tratados como esclavos, Chris Adams (Yul Brynner) agrupa a seis pistoleros para defender la zona atacada, que se ha convertido en la sede de los bandidos que operan al margen de la ley.
Director of Photography
Un "genio" inventa accidentalmente una sustancia viscosa que hace que los seres vivos crezcan rápidamente hasta alcanzar un tamaño enorme. Viendo la oportunidad de enriquecerse, unos adolescentes delincuentes roban la "sustancia viscosa" y, como resultado de un reto sofocante, la consumen ellos mismos y se convierten en seres de treinta pies de altura. A continuación, se hacen con el control del pueblo secuestrando a la hija del sheriff y bailando de forma sugerente.
Director of Photography
Joe vive acuciado por las deudas. Como detective de policía descubre el lucrativo negocio de un traficante de drogas. Cuando averigua donde guarda éste el dinero que le reporta la venta de estupefacientes, decide robarle para poner solución a sus problemas económicos.
Director of Photography
An escaped mental patient, reported to be homicidal, hides out in a woman's rural home.
Director of Photography
Calhoun, un viejo pistolero al que todos daban por muerto, llega a un pequeño pueblo tomado por forajidos. Ha regresado con el único objetivo de vengarse de sus agresores, y lo hará con la ayuda de Lauren, un joven impetuoso con el revólver.
Director of Photography
David Moore is in East Africa to get to his employer's railway construction site. He's accompanied by the owner's son Brian and they've lined up Jack Cuortemayn, reputedly the best guide available, to take them there. Cuortemayn refuses as he doesn't care for the impact the railroad will have on the local inhabitants. While Moore tries to make other arrangements, he meets Ruth Knight who has lived there for many years working with her father in a medical clinic. There will be adventures along the way but when Ruth is captured by slave traders, it's up to the others to rescue her.
Director of Photography
Un veterano de la Guerra de Corea, quien se encontraba recuperándose de una crisis nerviosa en el hospital, conoce a una enfermera con quien se casa apresuradamente. Posteriormente, la pareja decide viajar a Florida para celebrar su luna de miel.
Biografía de los hermanos Grimm a través de la creación de su obra. Intercala escenificaciones de sus cuentos más célebres: "La princesa y el leñador", "El zapatero y los enanitos" y "El hueso cantor".
Director of Photography
El malvado hechicero Lodac, ha capturado a la bella princesa Helena, y la retiene en su castillo custodiada por un feroz dragón. George, un caballero de la corte del rey Arturo, enamorado de ella, decide ir en su busca junto a 6 valerosos caballeros. Pero el camino no será fácil, pues se cruzarán con monstruos de 2 cabezas, ogros, mágia maligna y muchos peligros hasta llegar a la fortaleza. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
El tiempo en sus manos cuenta como en 1899 un científico finaliza la construcción de un vehículo que le permite viajar a través del tiempo.Poco después, inicia un alucinante viaje a través de los siglos, y es testigo entre otros acontecimientos, de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y de un holocausto atómico en 1966, del que sale ileso.Su último destino es un paradisiaco lugar, localizado en una era muy posterior a la nuestra, concretamente en el año el año 802701, donde vivirá una increíble aventura.
Director of Photography
Elliot Nash (Glenn Ford), un guionista de televisión, es chantajeado por un hombre que tiene fotografías comprometedoras de su mujer (Debbie Reynolds), una estrella de Broadway. Elliot, experto en guiones policíacos, planeará el crimen perfecto.
Director of Photography
An English colonel's daughter meets the lord of the jungle who makes her his mate.
Director of Photography
Swindlers con a lunchroom clerk into doing them a favor, supposedly on behalf of the FBI.
Director of Photography
Un piloto americano, que vive completamente entregado a la vida militar, sufre un accidente doméstico y se rompe la columna vertebral. Paralizado en una silla de ruedas, comienza una nueva vida como escritor e incluso es contratado como guionista en Hollywood. Tras el bombardeo de Pearl Harbour por los japoneses, es enviado al Pacífico como supervisor de un nuevo y revolucionario prototipo de portaaviones. Su extraordinaria fuerza de voluntad hace que poco a poco se vaya recuperando de su lesión.
Director of Photography
Guerra de Corea (1950-1953). Después de pasar dos años prisionero en un campo de concentración, el Capitán Edward Hall vuelve a los Estados Unidos y es acusado de colaborar con el enemigo.
Director of Photography
Tracy va a contraer matrimonio por segunda vez. Sin embargo, su primer marido se da cuenta de que sigue locamente enamorado de ella e intenta conseguir que vuelva a su lado. Remake de la mítica 'Historias de Filadelfia', adornada con un espléndido reparto y las canciones de Bing Crosby
Director of Photography
A bull terrier tells his life story, from the streets of the Bowery to a life of luxury.
Director of Photography
Biografía de Marjorie Lawrence, cantante de ópera de origen australiano, desde que abandonó la granja de sus padres para estudiar canto y triunfó en los escenarios de todo el mundo hasta que su carrera se vio truncada por la poliomielitis. A pesar de ello, su tenacidad le permitió superar la enfermedad e incluso volver a los escenarios.
Director of Photography
Musical acuático a mayor gloria de Esther Williams. En esta ocasión nos trasladamos a la antigua Roma, donde el conquistador Aníbal se encapricha de la bella Amytis, novia de un noble romano.
Director of Photography
Rian Mitchell (Stewart Granger) es un aventurero que ha decidido buscar esmeraldas en un país de Sudamérica, Colombia. En un monte cercano a un río encuentra una veta muy prometedora, por lo que organiza la extracción de las piedras preciosas. Al fondo del valle se encuentra la hacienda de Catherine (Grace Kelly), en la que se cultiva café. Mitchell y Catherine hacen buenas migas, pero cuando comienza a llover sin cesar y el río crece, la plantación de Catherine está en serio peligro. La única solución sería dinamitar el monte, para cambiar el curso de las aguas. Pero Mitchell no quiere perder sus minas de esmeraldas, ahora que está cerca de conseguir las piedras preciosas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Johnny Green conducts the MGM Symphony Orchestra in a performance of Tchaikovsky's "Capriccio Italien".
Director of Photography
Johnny Green conducts the MGM Symphony Orchestra in a performance of Tchaikovsky's "Capriccio Italien".
Director of Photography
Attorney's daughter falls for one of his gangster clients.
Director of Photography
After being unjustly accused of spying, a British officer tries to redeem himself in India.
Director of Photography
Three old friends reunite during Mardi Gras and try to forget their problems.
Director of Photography
A good-hearted nurse gets mixed up with a millionaire who could help her hospital.
Director of Photography
A small-town newspaper editor risks everything to expose a corrupt sheriff.
Director of Photography
Biografía de Emily Dunning, la primera mujer que ejerció la medicina en un hospital de Nueva York.
Director of Photography
Una joven reportera culpa de la racha perdedora de los Piratas de Pittsburgh al entrenador. Mientras ella intenta aprender más sobre él para su columna, él comienza a escuchar la voz de un ángel prometiéndole ayuda para el equipo si va a enmendar sus caminos. Mientras lo hace, una niña huérfana que es fanática de los Piratas y ha estado orando por el equipo comienza a notar ángeles en el campo de juego. Efectivamente, los Piratas comienzan a ganar, y McGovern intenta cambiar su vida. ¿Pero puede mantener la calma lo suficiente como para que los Piratas ganen el banderín de la Liga Nacional?
Director of Photography
Abraham Lincoln viajará en tren a Washington con motivo de su investidura y, aprovechando la ocasión, se está tramando un complot para asesinarlo a su paso por Baltimore. El detective de Nueva York John Kennedy (Dick Powell) intenta alertar a sus superiores sobre el plan, pero sus sospechas se desestiman. Entonces decide subir al tren para intentar frustrar el asesinato él mismo. No está seguro en quién confiar, pero encuentra un aliado potencial en Ginny Beaufort (Paula Raymond), la hermana de uno de los conspiradores.
Director of Photography
Un tributo al 442 Equipo estadounidense del Regimiento de combate, que fue formado en 1943 según el permiso Presidencial con voluntarios japoneses y americanos. Seguimos el enfrentamiento de un pelotón bajo el pesaroso mando del Teniente Mike Grayson que comparte los prejuicios comunes del tiempo. El 442 sirve en Italia y Francia, distinguiéndose en escaramuzas y batallas.
Director of Photography
A killer holds the customers at a bar hostage.
Director of Photography
Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), una organización mafiosa dirigida por un tal Palinov se dedica al tráfico ilegal de personas que desean entrar en los Estados Unidos. Karczag Peter, un agente de los servicios de inmigración americanos, es enviado a La Habana, donde debe hacerse pasar por húngaro y encontrar a Palinov. Durante su peligrosa investigación, se enamora de la refugiada Marianne Lorress.
Director of Photography
A finales del siglo pasado, una familia tiene dificultades para hacerse cargo de la educación de un hijo problemático y difícil, por lo que deciden mandarlo a una escuela tan rígida que al chico le costará muchísimo adaptarse al severo régimen de conducta imperante.
Director of Photography
Historia de un hombre que intenta vengar la muerte de su padre, a manos de una organización criminal conocida como "La Mano Negra".
Director of Photography
En diciembre de 1944, para detener la gran ofensiva alemana sobre Bélgica y Luxemburgo, un grupo de soldados norteamericanos de infantería combaten en la "Batalla de las Ardenas".
Director of Photography
A cop investigates the shooting of another policeman... that may have been involved in crooked activities.
Director of Photography
Short film covering a variety of topics that folks may have wondered about.
Director of Photography
In this musical short, Tex Beneke, Les Brown, and their Orchestras perform multiple numbers.
Director of Photography
Virginia O'Brien visits Martin Block as he hosts a radio show devoted to Les Brown and His Band of Renown. A few numbers are heard from the band as Block gives a brief history of how they started. O'Brien also recalls her first movie song.
Director of Photography
An off-camera narrator takes us through various scenarios of "just suppose". First we watch what would happen if a private detective behaved at home as he does in the movies; it's a ticket to a domestic disturbance. Next, a son gets to treat his father the way his father treats him. In the third episode, to a shopkeeper's chagrin, a man shops for a hat the way a woman does. In the final sketch, we suppose a household in which the man gets pregnant and has a baby, while the mom, clueless about little children, is the one with the career.
Director of Photography
This MGM John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short tells the story of how a Mauser pistol used on the battlefield by Germans during WWII makes its way into the hands of an American gangster.
Director of Photography
Steve Kenet, un veterano piloto de guerra, es ingresado en un psiquiátrico después de haber confesado el asesinato de su esposa. La doctora Ann Lorrison es la encargada de esclarecer el oscuro caso.
Director of Photography
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short takes a look at the gentlemanly life and masterful counterfeiting exploits of Everett Nordill, one of the cleverest counterfeiters who ever baffled the agents of the U.S. Treasury department.
Director of Photography
Una editora literaria (Audrey Totter) encarga al detective Phillip Marlowe (Robert Montgomery) encontrar a la misteriosa mujer de su jefe (Leon Ames), que supuestamente ha huido con un amante (Richard Simmons) y tal vez ha provocado una muerte.
Director of Photography
Documentary focusing on the contributions to the American war effort of African-American soldiers.
Director of Photography
This Pete Smith Specialty is a semihumorous look at basic first aid techniques for mishaps that often occur around the house. It was produced in cooperation with the Beverly Hills First Aid Unit of the American Red Cross Disaster Service. —David Glagovsky
Director of Photography
Medieval French monks find a freezing, ill juggler and take him in. Upon recovering, the impoverished man wishes to illustrate his tremendous gratitude. He eventually finds a way to.
Director of Photography
A code expert working for Naval Intelligence is assigned to decode enemy messages despite his desire for active duty.
Director of Photography
La rutina de un grupo de boxeadores novatos que viven en una casa de huéspedes se ve alterada cuando llega la hermosa Judy Galestrum. Están muy interesados por ella el joven estudiante Ken Burke y el fornido sueco Olaf Jensen. La rivalidad entre los dos amigos los lleva inevitablemente a enfrentarse en el ring.
Director of Photography
Un químico de la policía (Van Heflin) utiliza técnicas forenses para resolver asesinatos en una ciudad plagada de corrupción política y bandas criminales.
Director of Photography
In this Pete Smith Speciality, the audience is asked a series of multiple-choice questions on various subjects.
Director of Photography
In this classic Edgar Allan Poe story, a man commits a murder, but afterward the victim's beating heart torments the murderer's mind.
Director of Photography
This Pete Smith Specialty short focuses on the young men who have signed up for the U.S. Army. The film uses the analogy of the speed, accuracy, and teamwork of sports and how these qualities are translated into the weapons training of American soldiers. We watch target practice by Army personnel with shoulder weapons, mortars, and various artillery pieces.
This Pete Smith Specialty short focuses on the young men who have signed up for the U.S. Army. The film uses the analogy of the speed, accuracy, and teamwork of sports and how these qualities are translated into the weapons training of American soldiers. We watch target practice by Army personnel with shoulder weapons, mortars, and various artillery pieces.
Director of Photography
A group of neighborhood teenagers discover some suspicious goings-on near a naval base in San Diego, and suspect that a foreign espionage ring is at work trying to find out military secrets.
Director of Photography
In this Pete Smith Specialties short, two professional dancers beautifully demonstrate the rumba and conga while actors humorously display some incorrect techniques for those dances.
Director of Photography
This MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short features a big city crime boss's attempt to use his crime "machine" to fraudulently win reelection for the current corrupt mayor. By using several illegal tactics, and aided by voter apathy, the crime boss nearly continues his control of the city.
Director of Photography
Another in the long series of "Pete Smith" shorts from M-G-M in which William Newell meets and falls in love with Sally Payne, and begins to budget for their plans to get married. His budget, alas, does not include nor anticipate the plans of Sally and her parents. This short was reissued in June of 1950 to be shown as a trailer with 1950's "Father of the Bride" and some sources think this short was made for that express purpose and date it as a 1950 film.
Director of Photography
Part of MGM's "Crime Does Not Pay" series, this short film focuses on crimes revolving around pension scams.
Director of Photography
The story of Abraham Lincoln's 30-year struggle of persistence-through-failure is told to an unemployed 50 year old man.
This Passing Parade entry tells the story of Dr. Joseph Goldberger (1874-1929), a Hungarian immigrant who devoted his life to finding the cause of pellagra, a disease that killed hundreds of thousands in the southern United States. Although the medical community believed that the condition was caused by a virus, Goldberger proved that a healthy diet was the cure.
Director of Photography
This Pete Smith Specialty short looks at the notion that a man chases a woman till he catches her. Who's really chasing whom?
Director of Photography
This MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short tells the fictitious story of a bill counterfeiting ring and explores the government's attempt to curb counterfeiting.
Director of Photography
In this Crime Does Not Pay series entry, John Jones is an up and coming businessman who drinks too much but denies he has a problem. One day he mixes drinking and driving, and the tragic consequences hit very close to home.
Director of Photography
Two starstruck visitors to Hollywood sneak into the famous nightclub and end up in a Conga contest and get more than they expected.
Director of Photography
A down on his luck young man stumbles into a gang of robbers who all get landed in prison. Will he be reformed, or is he ensnared into a life of crime?
Director of Photography
At the Dimsdale Hall Finishing School, Assistant Dean Emily Godsall declares that any student who associates herself with swing music will be severely punished. Complications develop when she finds out that her boyfriend, a chemistry professor at the school, is also a well-known swing bandleader.
Director of Photography
The MGM crime reporter introduces Norman Kennedy, District Attorney of a large city, he who talks about the general want for money, and the extraordinary lengths some will go to to get it. The loan sharking business has that want for money on both sides. He tells the story of one such loan shark, Stephen Hanley, who tried to pass his company off as a legitimate loan business, but who charged exorbitant rates, and used extortion and fraud to get out of his customers even more than what they may have owed on paper.
Director of Photography
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short tells the story of Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite, and later established the Nobel Prize.
Two young people get married and run away, even though their parents advise them to build up their savings first. After they get settled they can barely make ends meet. When opportunity suddenly presents itself, they start on a downward spiral of crime.
Director of Photography
A look at various predictions Nostradamus made, such as the American and French Revolutions.
Director of Photography
A look at whether Napoleon Bonaparte indeed died on the island of St. Helena in 1821.
Director of Photography
A gang of 'professional torches' burn down stores for the insurance money.
Director of Photography
This dramatized short film describes the historical mystery of France's "man in the iron mask". King Louis XIV imprisoned a man who was never identified, but who was forced to wear an iron mask for the length of his captivity, which ended only in his death. Several candidates for the identity of the man are investigated.
Director of Photography
Gangsters are attempting to control the solutions (and winning) of the puzzles in a national newspapers picture puzzles contest craze.
Director of Photography
Cowardly Elmer Finch is browbeaten by his wife, daughter, fat son and the family dog. After hypnosis he is domineering. He enters a contract with a fifteen-thousand dollar payoff, so his courage can last beyond the hypnosis.