Jung Jin-young

Jung Jin-young

Nacimiento : 1964-10-16, Seoul, South Korea


Jung Jin-young (정진영) is a South Korean actor. He has starred in numerous films, including Hi! Dharma!, Bunt, and The Case of Itaewon Homicide. But Jung is best known for his frequent collaborations with director Lee Joon-ik, namely Once Upon a Time in a Battlefield and its sequel Battlefield Heroes, The Happy Life, Sunny, and particularly for his role as King Yeonsan in the hugely successful King and the Clown.


Jung Jin-young
Jung Jin-young
Jung Jin-young
Jung Jin-young


A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
Feliz Año Nuevo
A romantic comedy of a young man and woman that is told in the background of hotel 'Emross'. It has stories of people who met each other at Hotel Emross during the New Year holidays. Each one has his own memory to relate and create relationships or just going nostalgic.
The Gossip
'Jeong-seok', a public official who started a big-gaining part-time VVIP care service that costs a whopping 2 million won a week, visits a mansion in a deserted mountainous village. 'I-ppal', a senior part-timer who has the greatest idea ever, is constantly talking about it as soon as he meets him, and in the meantime, a legendary girl named 'Se-na' appears in front of him. The B-class war of the crazy people begins!
El libro de peces
En 1801 un nuevo rey decide exiliar a una isla a un erudito en la cual conoce a un joven pescador admirador del confucianismo y de gran conocimiento sobre el mar. Fascinado, el erudito decide escribir un libro sobre el mar con la ayuda del pescador.
P1H: The Beginning of a New World
Ahjussi [Future]
The story of boys who are scattered in the past, present, and future to find the star of hope in order to save the Earth which is devastated by a virus spread by a group of evil.
Me and Me
En un pequeño pueblo surcoreano, mientras investiga la muerte de dos personas en extrañas circunstancias, un policía malhumorado vivirá una experiencia sobrecogedora más allá de la realidad que ha conocido hasta ahora.
Me and Me
En un pequeño pueblo surcoreano, mientras investiga la muerte de dos personas en extrañas circunstancias, un policía malhumorado vivirá una experiencia sobrecogedora más allá de la realidad que ha conocido hasta ahora.
Svaha: The Sixth Finger
Chief Hwang
Pastor Park trabaja para exponer grupos religiosos sospechosos. Él es contratado para mirar en el grupo de culto Deer Mount. Mientras tanto, el Capitán de la Policía Hwang investiga un caso de asesinato y el principal sospechoso es un miembro del culto de Deer Mount.
Ode to the Goose
Mr. Lee
Yoon-young has been harboring feelings for Song-hyun, a friend's wife. When he finds out that she is divorced, Yoon-young and Songhyun take a trip to Gunsan on a whim. They find lodging at an inn where the middle-aged owner lives with his autistic daughter who does not leave her room. The four become star crossed lovers in the city of Gunsan.
Una historia melancólica y alegre sobre los clientes de un café cuyos dueños son fanáticos de la música clásica. Una de las clientas habituales (Kim Minhee) es una mujer que siempre se sienta en una esquina a escribir en su ordenador. Ella encuentra la inspiración en los diálogos que se suceden a su alrededor y, de alguna forma, los adapta y transforma a su gusto introduciéndose ella misma en la historia. ¿Será ella la autora real de todo lo que sucede a su alrededor?
La cámara de Claire
Director So Wan-soo
Durante un viaje de negocios al Festival de Cannes la joven Manhee (Kim Min-hee), asistente de ventas de una distribuidora, es despedida por su jefa acusada de ser deshonesta, pero en el fondo por una cuestión de celos. Por suerte, conocerá allí a una profesora llamada Claire (Isabelle Huppert), que hace fotos con su cámara Polaroid. Cada una de ellas tiene una peculiar visión de la vida, y juntas lograrán entender sus mundos.
Heung-boo: The Revolutionist
Jo Hang-ri
During a time of poverty and despair in the Joseon Dynasty of Korea, a satirical street play that pokes fun at the ruling class while giving a prophecy of ‘a new leader to save the world’ becomes immensely popular among the people. The author of the fable, Heung-boo, subsequently gains fame around the country and is sought after by both the oppressive political power and the rebellion leader who want to use his name and talent for their differing agendas.
The Swindlers
Hwang Yoo-suk
Ji-Sung (Hyun-Bin) es un estafador inteligente que solo engaña a otros estafadores. Para atrapar a Jang Doo-Chil, él idea un plan. Primero recluta al Fiscal Hee-Soo (Yoo Ji-Tae) y luego a otros estafadores Suk-Dong (Bae Sung-Woo), Choon-Ja (Nana) y Jefe Kim (An Se-Ha). Lanzan cebo a la mano derecha de Jang Doo-Chil Seung-Gun (Park Sung-Woong).
Man of Will
Go Jin-sa
Young Kim Chang-Soo is placed behind bars, charged with murdering a Japanese person who took part in Empress Myeongseong's assassination. In prison, Kim Chang-Soo sees how Koreans are persecuted and grows into a fighter for Korean independence.
A Taxi Driver: Los héroes de Gwangju
Reporter Lee
Mayo de 1980. Man-seob (SONG Kang-ho) es un taxista en Seúl que vive al dia, criando a su pequeña hija solo después de que su esposa lo abandonara, con altas facturas de hospital detrás. Un día, él escucha que hay un extranjero dispuesto a pagar mucho dinero por un viaje de ida y vuelta a la ciudad de Gwangju. Sin saber que el extranjero es un periodista alemán (Thomas Kretschmann) con una agenda oculta para investigar los rumores extraños de Gwangju, Man-seob toma el trabajo y los dos comienzan su viaje juntos.
Jae-Hyeok es un empleado de una deteriorada planta de energía nuclear en Corea que avisa al gobierno sobre las malas condiciones de su lugar de trabajo, aunque nadie le escucha. Un día, la planta se ve sacudida por un terremoto y causa numerosas explosiones. Con la ciudad en estado de pánico, Jae-Hyeok, en vez de huir con su familia, vuelve a la planta nuclear para evitar que todo el país vuele por los aires.
Grand Father
Kim Yang-don
A Vietnam War veteran, Ki Gwang is an old bus driver. One day, he faced that his son had committed suicide and met his granddaughter at the funeral. However, he founds that some friends of his son has been using as his granddaughter as their need, This was the beginning of his vengeance for the world…
Time Renegades
Detective Kang
Un maestro en 1983 y un detective en 2015 se unen a través de sus sueños para cambiar el fatídico destino de la mujer a la que aman, a pesar de hacerlo con 30 años de diferencia
Gangnam Blues
Kang Gil-soo
En los años 70, durante la cúspide de la corrupción política, Gangnam, la zona sur de Seúl, comienza a transformarse en un área desarrollada. Jong-Dae y Yong-Ki, amigos desde la infancia, luchan por sobrevivir hasta que sus casas son derribadas por grupos de matones. Desesperados por conseguir dinero, se involucran en los frecuentes enfrentamientos políticos hasta que son separados en una de las revueltas. Tres años más tarde, Jong-Dae vive como un hombre honesto junto con un antiguo líder de bandas, Kil-Su. Al mismo tiempo, Yong-Ki se ha unido a una de las mafias más poderosas, la Myeongdong-Pa.
Oda a mi padre
Yoon Jin-gyu
En diciembre de 1950, cuando comienza la guerra de Corea, un niño tiene que separarse de su padre, pero en la despedida él le promete cuidar de su familia. Pasan los años, pero nunca olvidará la promesa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Tabloid Truth
Mr. Park
Woo-gon, a passionate manager who lost everything due to stock advertisements and a specialist gets together to find out the truth behind the rumors that have shaken up the country. From precious information to distribution, this crime chasing movie surrounds the invisible truth.
Another Promise
Taxi driver Sang-gu is an ordinary father who has made a happy family. Due to their unfortunate financial circumstances, he is sorry that he cannot afford to send his daughter Yoon-mi to university like other parents. Yet, with a bright smile on her face, Yoon-mi tells her father that she will one day buy him a new car and pay college tuition fees for her younger sibling. However, less than two years after Yoon-mi begins her job at a large corporate company, she gets seriously ill and returns home. Sang-gu is heartbroken to see his young daughter in such a condition.
Milagro en la celda 7
Jang Min-hwan
Lee Yong-gu es un hombre con problemas mentales: tiene un coeficiente de inteligencia de un niño de 6 años de edad, que es casualmente la edad que tiene su hija, la inteligente Ye-sung. Ambos llevan una vida feliz, pues Yong-gu se gana la vida trabajando como encargado del aparcamiento en un supermercado local. Pero un día, cuando la hija del comisario de policía muere en un extraño accidente, Yong-gu, que es el que encuentra su cadaver, es falsamente acusado y condenado a muerte por el secuestro, asalto sexual y asesinato de una menor de edad. Ye-sung es enviada entonces a una institución de menores, y Yong-gu es encarcelado y asignado a la celda nº7, en una prisión de máxima seguridad.
Hwang Du-su
Sung-Bum (Uhm Tae-Woong) is a hot-tempered detective who relies on his intuition to crack cases. He rarely comes across a case that he cannot solve. The body of a police officer is then discovered in a burned out car near an abandoned building. Drugs are also found near the dead officer. To catch the killer the police department sets up a special investigation unit for the case. Sung-Bum takes part in the investigation. Ho-Ryong (Joo Won) is a young, confident man who works as a criminal profiler. He trained with the F.B.I. in the United States. Ho-Ryong is also assigned to the special investigation unit. Ho-Ryong relies on evidence rather than instinct. Detective Sung-Bum takes an immediate dislike for Ho-Ryong.
Crossing the Youngdo Bridge
Baek Ik Duk
The story of the conflict and reconciliation between father and daughter.
Battlefield Heroes
Kim Yu-sin
This story unfolds 8 years after 'Battle of Hwangsanbeol', which destroyed Baekjae, when Silla-Tang Dynasty union attacks Goguryeo.
The Case of Itaewon Homicide
Prosecutor Park
Basado en un caso real de un crimen sin resolver, ocurrido en una cadena de hamburgueserías en el distrito multicultural de Itaewon, en Seúl, el 3 de abril de 1997. Un inocente estudiante universitario es asesinado a puñaladas por un desconocido. El homicidio sacudió al país ese año, ya que los investigadores locales no pudieron encontrar al verdadero asesino, a pesar de tener a dos personas sospechosas detenidas...
Kim Jeong-man
With hopes of reuniting with her husband, who left for the Vietnam War without telling her, a young wife joins a traveling band as the lead singer.
The Happy Life
Sang-Woo, el líder de una banda universitaria llamada Volcano, cuando muere deja arreglada una reunión para Gi-Yeong y el resto del grupo… El antiguo bajista Seong-Wook vive una vida de pobreza trabajando en dos empleos diferentes. El baterista Hyeok-Su es en padre soltero luchando para ganarse la vida como vendedor de coches. El guitarrista Gi-Yeong, está desempleado y sueña con asumir el liderazgo de Volcano, la banda. Cuando el sugiere reformar la banda cuando los demás amigos asisten al funeral de Sang-Woo, ellos rechazan la idea. Pero Gi-Yeong persiste y consigue que acepten, preparando el escenario para rocanrolear de nuevo.
For Eternal Hearts
Un profesor de literatura alemana, Su Young, es callado, discreto y modesto, pero detrás de sus ojos se encuentra una historia inolvidable. A instancias de sus alumnos, él recuerda su primer amor surrealista durante los caóticos años ochenta. Como estudiante universitario, Su Young, se enamora de Pippi, una niña valiente y salvaje, solo para verla suicidarse frente a sus ojos. Por extraño que parezca, ella misteriosamente reaparece poco después. Sumándose a su confusión, Su Young se siente cada vez más atraído y asustado por Su Ji, una extravagante chica de instituto a la que da clases particulares.
Hur Jin-Gyu
Filling the cups of classmates with a kettle is the only work 11-year-old Dong-ku, who is mentally retarded, can do in his school life. However, even this small connection with the outside world breaks as one day a new water purifier replaces the kettle in his classroom. Disappointed badly by losing his only hope to survive in a regular school, he finds that every freshman in the junior baseball team is required to supply drinking water to other members with a kettle. Though knows nothing about baseball, Dong-ku decides to join the team while his father, Jin-kyu, is struggling to save his kid’s only shelter, their chicken bar.
If You Were Me 3
Commissioned by South Korea's National Human Rights Commission, If You Were Me is an innovative omnibus film project to promote tolerance and human rights and shed light on the hardships disadvantaged people face in Korea. The first and second anthologies in the series, released in 2003 and 2005, invited directors like Park Kwang Su, Park Chan Wook, and Jang Jin to helm short films, and this third installment continues the If You Were Me tradition. Directors Jeong Yun Cheol (Marathon), Kim Hyeon Pil (Wonderful Day), Lee Mi Yeon (L'Abri), Noh Dong Seok (Boys of Tomorrow), Hong Gi Seon (The Road Taken), and Kim Gok and Kim Sun (Capitalist Manifesto: Working Men of All Countries) participated in If You Were Me 3, creating shorts on human rights issues of their choosing, ranging from labor conditions to gay rights to discrimination.
Love Phobia
Dr. Chu
On a sunny day, a boy named Jo-kang meets Ari, a girl in a yellow raincoat, and they become friends. Jo-kang falls helplessly in love with the quirky but attractive Ari, but one day, she suddenly disappears. Ten years pass and Jo-kang, now a high school student, gets a call from Ari and meets her again in a temple. Although they have not seen each other for ten years, they have such a great time together. Then, Ari disappears again. Jo-kang is devastated. Why has she disappeared again? What will become of them?
Chulsoo and Younghee
Chulsoo es un chico punk que siempre juega malas pasadas a los demás. Un día, mientras se mete con alguien como de costumbre, conoce a Younghee, una nueva estudiante transferida, que se convierte en su compañera de clase. Empieza a gustarle. Younghee es una chica precoz e inteligente que vive sola con su abuela. Su abuela es dueña de una floristería y ella ayuda a su abuela entregando flores. Aunque Younghee se ve animada, extraña de corazón a sus padres fallecidos. Chulsoo decide preparar algo para complacer a Younghee y comienza a repartir periódicos.
Hi! Dharma 2: Showdown in Seoul
Brother Jeong-myeong
Following the last wish of an old master, three monks head to Seoul to rest his remains in the Mushim Temple. However, they discover that the heavily indebted host monk has abandoned the temple and its inhabitants. The three monks make every effort to help the temple by promoting it to the public and raising funds through donations. But just when things begin to look much brighter, a team of four gangsters reach the temple indicating their need to reclaim it for an urban redevelopment project.
Once Upon a Time in a Battlefield
Kim Yu-sin
Set in the 7th century AD during the Korean peninsula's division into three perpetually warring kingdoms, Once Upon A Time In A Battlefield focuses on the Shilla's king Kim Choon-chu efforts to conquer his rivals: Koguryo and Baekche. To achieve this goal, he allies with mainland China's Tang empire, the superpower of the era, and together the two polities plan to attack first the weakest Baekche at its main fortress of Hwangsanbul, guarding the only easy access to the mountainous interior. But the fortress commander General Kye Baek (Park Joong-hoon) will be resisting to the end...This comedy relays on clash between ancient time and modern language combined with irony and distance to the war.
Wild Card
Oh Yeong-dal
Two detectives investigate a string of horrific murders in Seoul and zero in on a sadistic gang leader who carries an actual ball and chain.
Hi! Dharma!
Monk Jeong-myeong
Laughs and thrills go hand-in-fist in this Korean action comedy, as a band of criminals fleeing a violent gang war hides out in a monastery. The monks in residence quickly tire of the goons’ distressing behavior and manufacture a series of activities to get even.
Guns and talks
Inspector Cho
Dos hermanos y dos amigos suyos forman un grupo de asesinos que han atraído la atención de una pareja de incómodos detectives, el sargento Kim y el inspector Cho.
Prison World Cup
With the new millenium, the U.N. human rights committee proposes the first Prisoner's World Cup, putting forth the slogans of Liberty, Equality, and Harmony. Corrections wardens across Korea are thrown into a dilemma over whether to let their prisoners participate or not. The Hope Team is one of the most unlikely soccer teams in the world with a total of 75 previous convictions and an average of 6 for each player. With promises of leaves and reduced sentences, the team members are motivated to the hilt. They pool their various criminal talents to play, fight, and poison their way to the finals despite a prejudiced referee and two of the team's members having been bought off by the opposing team. But when their leader, the only condemned man among them, breaks out of jail, the team is thrown into chaos and they learn some more about hope.
Namgung Jun-kwang
En la China del siglo XIV, al fin de la Dinastía Yuan, toda la región china se encontraba bajo dominio mongol. Los mongoles, los Han y los inmigrantes koryo (los antiguos coreanos) se veían envueltos en conflictos raciales y sufrían las tensiones ocasionadas por la rivalidad existente entre los nobles locales. La película se inicia con un encarnizado enfrentamiento entre soldados mongoles y guerreros Ten liderados por el imparable Jahalang. Pese a su aplastante victoria, el rostro de Jahalang parece afligido. Mientras contempla a la mujer llamada Sullie y a su hijo en la mansión de éstos, la acción retrocede hasta la primavera de 1343, en la fortaleza china Habook, en Sanmaehyun. Jinha, hijo de un inmigrante koryo, y Sullie, hija ilegítima de un comandante mongol, forjan una sólida amistad basada en una confianza total.
The Ring Virus
Choi Yeol
Una periodista se interesa por la muerte de su sobrina junto con la de tres amigos después de regresar de su viaje de vacaciones. Instintivamente se deja llevar por la creencia de que pasó algo sobrenatural, lo que es confirmado tras la autopsia que le realiza el doctor Choi. Poco después encuentra un video con imágenes ininteligibles y un texto que revela que el vea la cinta morirá en el lapso de una semana; pero que también ofrece la clave para evitarlo, si bien esa parte ha sido borrada.
A Promise
Eom Ki-tak
When she met him at the first time, he was a wounded person. However, she saw him through his clear eyes hidden in the bandage. She, Chae Hi-Ju, is a doctor and he, Kong Sang-Du, is a boss of a bandit. The pair seemed not to love each other in terms of their position, but they were closed to each other giving up their own world. However, he was not a common man...
Green Fish
Makdong's 3rd-eldest Brother
Se centra en la vida de Makdong (Han Suk-kyu) un joven que, al término de su servicio militar, aspira a una vida mejor para su familia y para sí mismo, lo cual se torna en principio imposible, pues sus buenas intenciones no son suficientes para afrontar la vida en las calles controlada por mafia. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Terrorist
A tough cop goes vigilante to rid the streets of a vicious gang boss after his friend is murdered. But along the way he discovers that his brother may also be mixed up in the hooliganry.
Opening the Closed School Gates