Germain McMicking


Man on Earth
Bob is a 65 year old Jewish New Yorker who went to Woodstock at 15, designed bathrooms for Elton John and Janet Jackson and is funny and full of life. He also only has one week to live. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s, Bob has decided to end his own life using Death with Dignity laws and MAN ON EARTH is the inspiring, surprisingly funny and heartbreaking portrait of Bob's last week on earth. With unflinching intimacy and incredibly unique access, our film follows Bob as he tries to make peace with his family, the love of his life and himself, right up until he takes his last breath. Deeply compassionate, MAN ON EARTH is a meditation on time and mortality, asking the big questions, “How do we face death when it comes?” and “What does it mean to live a complete life?” Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Amiel Courtin- Wilson with sound design by Academy Award Winner Robert Mackenzie, MAN ON EARTH is a cinematic journey with an unforgettable human being. Bob will stay with you forever.
Director of Photography
Nitram vive con sus padres en los suburbios de Australia a mediados de los noventa. Vive una vida de aislamiento y frustración por no encajar nunca. A medida que crece su ira, comienza un lento descenso hacia una pesadilla que culmina en los actos más atroces.
Mortal Kombat
Director of Photography
Un boxeador fracasado descubre un secreto familiar que lo lleva a un torneo místico llamado Mortal Kombat donde se encuentra con un grupo de guerreros que luchan hasta la muerte para salvar los reinos del malvado hechicero Shang Tsung.
Eden Eden Eden
Director of Photography
A new moving image work by Amiel Courtin-Wilson in response to Pierre Guyotat's text EDEN EDEN EDEN.
Acute Misfortune
Director of Photography
The film adaptation of Erik Jensen's award-winning biography of Adam Cullen is the story of the biographer and his subject, as it descends into a dependent and abusive relationship.
El síndrome de Berlín
Director of Photography
Clare es una fotógrafa australiana que se encuentra de vacaciones en Berlín. Allí conoce a Andi, un joven carismático que pronto se gana la atención de la chica. La atracción entre ambos es instantánea y terminan pasando la noche juntos. Sin embargo, Clare se despierta a la mañana siguiente sola y atrapada en el apartamento de Andi.
Holding the Man
Director of Photography
Tim y John son dos jóvenes que se enamoraron en su adolescencia, mientras asistía al instituto solo para chicos. John tenía una vida llena de éxitos, siendo el capitán del equipo de fútbol, mientras que Tim luchaba por su sueño: ser actor, que consigue un pequeño papel en Romeo y Julieta. Su historia de amor duró 15 años, que les sirvió para ver todos los obstáculos que marcaron sus vidas: las rupturas, las discusiones, la discriminación, las tentaciones, los celos y las pérdidas. Parece que son una pareja indestructible, hasta que el único problema que no puede resolver el amor, se interpondrá en sus caminos.
A young man who goes door to door in search of an automotive apprenticeship spends his free time kicking up dust doing donuts with his buddies on the outskirts of Melbourne.
Director of Photography
Alexander es como cualquier otro niño: juguetón, curioso e ingenuo. También es un asesino entrenado. Criado en un paraíso escondido, Alexander ha crecido viendo el mundo filtrado a través de su padre, Gregori. Cuando Alexander comienza a pensar por sí mismo, sus miedos toman forma, y el mundo idílico de Gregori se desenreda
Director of Photography
Jack is utterly fed up with living at home. He longs for love, freedom and the music by KISS.
The Turning
Director of Photography
Película dividida en episodios que adapta historias del escritor australiano Tom Winton. The Turning explora el impacto del pasado en la actualidad, cómo los incidentes aparentemente aleatorios que cambian y nos dan forma no se pueden escapar o dejar de lado. Todas las historias están unidas entre sí por temas recurrentes; el paso del tiempo, el arrepentimiento, la adicción y la obsesión.
An Accidental Soldier
Director of Photography
An unexpected love story set in WW1 France between a young Australian baker who has deserted the front line, and a grieving French woman, who puts her own life at risk by sheltering him from the authorities.
Dead Europe
Director of Photography
Australia /// Un joven fotógrafo que lleva las cenizas de su padre de Australia a Grecia se entera de que algo siniestro ocurrió en su familia en relación con un joven judío. A pesar de esforzarse para distraerse mediante sexo y drogas, Isaac se dará cuenta que no puede escapar de los fantasmas del pasado
Fresh from a Melbourne jail, Dan is reunited with the love of his life, Leanne. A fierce, passionate and tender couple who have learnt to appreciate the simplest pleasures in life, Dan and Leanne celebrate, and when surrounded by friends he announces he has resolved to go straight.
Executive Producer
Fresh from a Melbourne jail, Dan is reunited with the love of his life, Leanne. A fierce, passionate and tender couple who have learnt to appreciate the simplest pleasures in life, Dan and Leanne celebrate, and when surrounded by friends he announces he has resolved to go straight.
Director of Photography
Fresh from a Melbourne jail, Dan is reunited with the love of his life, Leanne. A fierce, passionate and tender couple who have learnt to appreciate the simplest pleasures in life, Dan and Leanne celebrate, and when surrounded by friends he announces he has resolved to go straight.
Jedis & Juggalos: Your Census Guide
The once-every-five-years Australian Census is upon us (Census night is August 9, 2011). Which means the vexed 'What is your religion?' question will raise its head. This, in turn means thousands of pranksters will write down Jedi, Matrixist or Metal Head. Over the years John Safran has heard claims that far from being a joke, young people were combining spirituality with popular culture. Safran wants to hunt down these spiritual innovators. "I thought I'd potter off around the world and try to find people who sincerely and unsarcastically synchronise spirituality with popular culture. Is it good, is it trivialising, is it even spiritually dangerous?"
Not Quite Hollywood: The Wild, Untold Story of Ozploitation!
Director of Photography
Invitado en calidad de fan, el mismísimo Tarantino no duda en amenazarnos con el peor de los infiernos si no acabamos encantados con este documental consagrado al cine de exploitation australiano. Su entusiasmo, y el del resto de excepcionales invitados, al glosar los méritos de un puñado de artistas que convirtieron la Australia de los años 70 y 80 en un paraíso de cine de género, es tan elocuente como extremadamente contagioso. Not quite Hollywood radiografía a mil por hora una época repleta de desnudos frontales, explosiones, casquería, monumentales carreras de coches y sustos de primera y, sobre todo, de mucha ilusión, humor e ingenio.
Director of Photography
Cicada is the immersive story of a five-year-old child who witnessed a murder. Daniel P Jones confronts a traumatic memory in an incendiary, visceral monologue.
On the Other Ocean
Director of Photography
You there. It's late. Imagine yourself with the lid coming down. The hymns and requiems. The sense of movement as you're borne along to the next place.
Love Me
Director of Photography
A love story between a satellite and a buoy.