Stephen Philipson

Stephen Philipson

Nacimiento : 1977-12-10, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Stephen Philipson is a Canadian editor for film and television productions, such as television series' "American Gods," "Hannibal," and "Orphan Black", and such feature films as "The Wild Hunt" and "Grown Up Movie Star". He's a graduate of the Canadian Film Centre and the Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


Stephen Philipson
Stephen Philipson


Faith Heist
Cuando un predicador carismático encuentra a su iglesia en la ruina financiera después de ser estafado por un asesor financiero turbio, reúne a los miembros de su congregación para llevar a cabo un atraco para recuperar su dinero y salvar la iglesia antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Anne Darling
Tonight, a lonely writer, a mother and a dreamer will try to escape sadness by partying, romancing and having sex with strangers.
Cory Morgan, su esposa y su hijo de 7 años Liam deciden pasar unas vacaciones tranquilas solos en familia en una casa de campo. Pero cuando Sarah empieza a ver cosas extrañas alrededor de la casa, se darán cuenta de que tienen unos huéspedes indeseados.
Molly Maxwell
En una colegio progresista de Phoenix, donde todo el mundo trata de superar a los otros con la expresión creativa, Molly Maxwell (Lola Tash) de 16 años de edad, prefiere ser invisible que ariesgarse a revelarse como alguien completamente ordinario. Cuando su joven, guapo y desilusionado profesor de Inglés (Charlie Carrick) entra en la escena y permite que ella se exprese tal como es, Molly de pronto florece. A medida que su vínculo alumno profesor se convierte más íntimo, ella se mantiene firme, de manera inesperada y continua persiguiendo lo que quiere. Pero con cada paso que dá se acerca a un romanticismo imposible. Molly podría alejarse del todo el mundo que ama.
Two lovers, Yoga and Parvathi, meet on the battlefield of the Sri Lankan civil war. As the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam attack the Sri Lankan army and tighten their grip on the Tamil people, Yoga and Parvathi struggle with feelings for each other and their own commitments to the LTTE. Parvathi's family is relocated to a concentration camp and Yoga is sent on a mission to Colombo by a jealous LTTE commander. But they soon meet again in battle and Parvathi becomes pregnant with Yoga's child. In the final days of the war, the Sri Lankan army closes in on the LTTE and rescues the Tamil refugees, and the lovers desperately flee the army and the LTTE for the sake of their baby.
Running Mates
When the beloved mayor of Shoulder announces his retirement, ambitious Archie Fenton returns to his quirky hometown to run for office. Unfortunately, tow truck driver Reg also wants the job, pitting the former childhood friends against each other.
Grown Up Movie Star
The story of Ruby, 13, determined to grow up fast after her mother runs away to become a movie star, leaving Ruby with her hopelessly rural father.
Congratulations Daisy Graham
Seventy-year-old Daisy Graham is having a hard day. No one in her small town wants to let her forget about the big ceremony tomorrow, a ceremony at the local high school in her honour. But Daisy has more important things to think about than some ceremony - she's dug out her rifle, now all she needs is a box of bullets.