Emmett Lynn

Emmett Lynn

Nacimiento : 1897-02-14, Muscatine, Iowa, USA

Muerte : 1958-10-20


Emmett Lynn


A Man Called Peter
Mr. Briscoe
Based on the true story of a young Scottish lad, Peter Marshall, who dreams of only going to sea but finds out there is a different future for him when he receives a "calling" from God to be a minister. He leaves Scotland and goes to America where after a few small congregations he lands the position of pastor of the Church of the Presidents in Washington, D.C. and eventually he becomes Chaplain of the U.S. Senate.
La ley del juez Thorne
Rick Thorne es un juez que llega a un pequeño pueblo para imponer la ley ya que la población está bajo el yugo del poderoso Josiah Bannerman. La hija de Josiah, Amy, pronto se verá atraída por Rick.
Shot in the Frontier
Set in the old west, the stooges must defend their honor against the Noonan brothers, three desperadoes who want to marry the same girls the stooges are courting.
Ring of Fear
Mystery writer Mickey Spillane tries to help Clyde Beatty deal with a plot to sabotage his circus.
A man looking for his fortune in a mine decides to tempt his partner with his much younger wife. The goal? To catch them "in the act" and kill him without consequence.
Northern Patrol
Northern Patrol was the last entry in Monogram/Allied Artists' off-and-on "Northwest Mountie" series. Taking time off from his Sky King shooting schedule, Kirby Grant stars as mounted policeman Rod Webb, while second billing is bestowed upon Webb's faithful dog Chinook. In this one, Webb tries to prove that the suicide of a young trapper was actually murder. The film offers a dash of novelty value in having the principal baddie turn out to be a beautiful woman (Marion Carr). Scripted by actor Warren Douglas, Northern Patrol was directed by Rex Bailey, the former assistant to the series' original helmsman, Frank McDonald.
The Homesteaders
Old Grimer
Homesteaders Mace Corbin and Clyde Moss pick up much needed dynamite and begin a journey to transport it from an army fort to their homes, hiring a crew of ex-soldiers just released from the army prison. Mace knows he's got his work cut out for him with unstable dynamite, undisciplined hired hands and possible hostile Indians but he doesn't have the slightest hint that his trusted friend Clyde has betrayed him.
Sky Full of Moon
A cowboy seeks fame and fortune in Las Vegas where he meets a girl working in a casino.
Apache War Smoke
An outlaw murders several Apaches and flees to a stagecoach way station with the tribe in hot pursuit. A stagecoach and its passengers have just pulled into the station, as has the stationmaster's father, a former bandit named Peso, and they all find themselves besieged by the Apaches, who want them to turn over the killer to them or they'll take the station and kill everybody. The problem is that the people in the station aren't sure just who among therm is the actual killer.
Faldas a bordo
Tres señoritas se inscriben en una especie de entrenamiento en una base naval. Sin embargo, su mayor problema no son las largas marchas o varias semanas en un barco pequeño, sino su vida amorosa.
Desert Pursuit
Leatherface Bates
In 1852, two friends left the Nevada prospector region to relocate from en route he meets the beautiful Marie who decides to make a trek with two friends, but on the way he is attacked by three Arabs who installs camels, take these Arab adventurers to the Indians.
Oklahoma Annie
A spunky storekeeper is determined to clean up corruption in her small town, as well as win the heart of the new sheriff. Comedy.
Solo una bandera
Old Posse Member
Hacia el final de la Guerra Civil Norteamericana (1861-1865), un oficial del ejército Confederado se ve involucrado en los delitos de una cuadrilla de bandidos que recorren el territorio robando y asesinando.
El sendero de la muerte
Old-Timer (uncredited)
Tres forajidos roban una dilegencia y huyen. Cuando los caballos se agotan, asesinan a unos indios para conseguir caballos frescos. Esto pone a los indios en pie de guerra y tienen que refugiarse en un fuerte del Ejército para evitarlos. Los indios ofrecen paz a cambio de los tres hombres. El oficial al mando del fuerte quiere la paz pero las reglas dicen que los hombres deben ser juzgados ante un tribunal. Los indios no tendrán más remedio que atacar.
Journey Into Light
John Burrows, an ordained minister from a small village in the East, envisions himself with a larger congregation. He is mortified when his wife drunkenly interrupts a sermon, then despondent after her suicide. Burrows travels to Los Angeles for a fresh start, but takes to the bottle himself and ends up arrested for public intoxication. A skid-row con man, Gandy, finds him a bed at a flop house, while a street preacher, Doc Thorssen, and daughter Christine take him to a local mission. Christine is blind. She falls in love with Burrows, enjoying his discussions of the spirit and the soul but knowing little of his past. One day she is struck by a streetcar and knocked unconscious, causing Burrows to once again question his faith. He ultimately accepts the Lord's will and is offered a better place to live and preach. Burrows decides he is better suited to the mission, with Christine by his side.
The Tall Target
News Vendor (uncredited)
Abraham Lincoln viajará en tren a Washington con motivo de su investidura y, aprovechando la ocasión, se está tramando un complot para asesinarlo a su paso por Baltimore. El detective de Nueva York John Kennedy (Dick Powell) intenta alertar a sus superiores sobre el plan, pero sus sospechas se desestiman. Entonces decide subir al tren para intentar frustrar el asesinato él mismo. No está seguro en quién confiar, pero encuentra un aliado potencial en Ginny Beaufort (Paula Raymond), la hermana de uno de los conspiradores.
El mejor de los malvados
Jeff Clanton, un ex oficial de la Unión, persuade a un grupo de guerrilleros pro-Confederación para deponer las armas y llevar una vida honrada; mientras tanto, un hombre de Pinkerton quiere cobrar las recompensas por las cabezas de los guerrilleros. Para ese fin, encierra a Jeff por asesinato, pero Jeff conseguirá escapar y se convertirá en uno más de los guerrilleros a los que había querido volver al buen camino.
The Scarf
Jack, Waiter
A man believe to have murdered a woman, escapes from the insane asylum to find if he was the one to actually kill her using the scarf she was wearing.
Badman's Gold
Wiggins - Miner
A marshal searches for stagecoach robbers.
Rock Island Trail
Old Timer
A greedy businessman tries to block the building of a new railroad in his area.
Cowboy and the Prizefighter
Buckskin Blodgett
Red Ryder KO's a fight racket with sidekick Little Beaver (Little Brown Jug) and a new friend.
The Fighting Redhead
Red Ryder gets a telegram from his old friend Dan O'Connor asking for help in his fight against Faro Savage and his gang of rustlers. A gun dropped by Faro during a rustling raid makes Red and Sheila O'Connor, Dan's daughter, think they have ample proof against Faro but they are stymied by the law. Buckskin Blodgett and the Duchess, Red's aunt, find the body of O'Connor who was killed when Faro's men sent the sheriff out on a ruse. Sheila, discovered while rifling Faros office for evidence, escapes but not before she is recognized. Faro kills one of his own henchmen and then frames Sheila for the murder. Red and Little Beaver set out to clear Sheila and to try to find evidence against Faro and his gang. Written by Les Adams
Roll, Thunder, Roll!
Jim Bannon is back as enduring cowboy hero Red Ryder in Eagle-Lion's Roll, Thunder, Roll. As ever, Ryder's cohorts are Little Beaver and the Duchess, here played by "Little Brown Jug" (aka Don Kay Reynolds) and Marin Sais. This time, Ryder tries to prove that a series of cattle raids and ranch fires were not the handiwork of masked Mexican do-gooder El Conejo (I. Stanford Jolley).
Ride, Ryder, Ride!
Buckskin Blodgett
Riding the plains with Little Beaver and Buckskin Blodgett, Red Ryder encounters bandits trying to hold up the stagecoach carrying Libby Brooks, owner of the Devil's Hole newspaper
Grand Canyon Trail
Edward Llewelyn "Old Ed" Carruthers
Sintown is just a deserted ghost town until Vanerpool starts looking for silver. Cookie and Roy's partners put $20,000 into the business only to find that the mine is worthless and Vanerpool is bankrupt. Carol comes out to look for silver to save the company, but does not know that their engineer, named Regan, is crooked and wants all the silver for himself. But only Old Ed knows where the mother lode is located.
Sangre en la sierra
Nester (uncredited)
Acusado de asesinato, Nick Buckley debe encontrar al único hombre que le puede ayudar, mientras una jauría de perros sigue su rastro.
Trail of the Mounties
A Canadian mountie is framed for committing crimes, while investigating a gang of criminals.
El callejón de las almas perdidas
Hobo by Stan's Right Hand (uncredited)
Un ambicioso aspirante a artista de circo (Tyrone Power) está dispuesto a todo con tal de alcanzar la cima del éxito. Cuando encuentra el secreto de un truco de feria, decide montar un próspero negocio con unas ayudantes...
Abbott y Costello: Viuda sabia
Old Codger (uncredited)
Chester Wooley y Duke Egan son unos vendedores ambulantes que realizan una escala en Wagon Gap, Montana, mientras se dirigen a California. Durante la escala, un criminal famoso, Fred Hawkins, es asesinado, y los dos son acusados ​​del crimen. Rápidamente son juzgados, condenados y sentenciados a morir en la horca. El jefe del comité de ciudadanos locales, Jim Simpson, recuerda una ley por la cual el vencedor en un duelo debe asumir la responsabilidad de las deudas y la familia del difunto. La ley impide la ejecución de los dos, pero ahora Chester es responsable de la viuda Hawkins y sus siete hijos...
Rustlers of Devil's Canyon
Red Ryder returns to Sioux City, Wyoming, at the close of the Spanish-American War, settling down at the ranch of his aunt, The Duchess, with his pals Little Beaver and "Blizzard". But Red soon discovers that the country is over-run by rustlers.
Oregon Trail Scouts
Bear Trap
Red Ryder battles an unscrupulous fur thief named Hunter for the right to trap beaver and otter on the land of Chief Running Fox.
Code of the West
Doc Quinn
Knowing the railroad is coming, Carter is after the rancher's land. Bob and Chito return just in time to save Banker Stockton and his money from Carter's men. When Stockton then lends the ranchers money, Carter has them burned out. Bob knows Carter is responsible and when Carter's henchman Saunders is recognized, Bob goes into action.
Stagecoach to Denver
Lambert has the stagecoach wrecked killing the Commissioner so his phony replacement can alter Coonskin's land survey. When Red Ryder exposes the survey hoax, Lambert has his stooge Sheriff put Red in jail.
Santa Fe Uprising
Deputy Hank
The Duchess, the aunt of Red Ryder, comes to town to protect her property. Crawford, a town big-shot behind an outlaw gang, tries to prevent her from reaching her destination, but the attack is thwarted by Red. The latter is made town marshal, and when he gets too close to the truth and is making it too hot for the Crawford faction, Crawford has his henchman Luke kidnap Red's Indian friend Little Beaver.
Conquest of Cheyenne
Red Ryder and his comical sidekick take on a new batch of bad-guys in this western, the 16th in the Red Ryder series. This time the heroic duo try to save a female rancher from a greedy financier who wants her land so he can exploit the enormous oil fields lying under it.
Man from Rainbow Valley
When unscrupulous rodeo promoter Colonel Winthrop gets the idea of capturing "Outlaw" and making him a show horse, his niece Kay North tricks Monte into believing she is a writer assigned to do an article on the real horse.
The Caravan Trail
The Caravan Trail stars PRC Pictures' resident singing cowboy Eddie Dean. This time around, wagonmaster Dean is appointed sheriff of a lawless frontier territory. Immediately getting down to business, our hero goes after a band of land-grabbing outlaws who've been terrorizing the homesteaders. The film is stolen hands down by supporting play Al LaRue, who as "Lash" LaRue would eventually be awarded a western series of his own. Like most of Eddie Dean's 1946 releases, The Caravan Trail was lensed in the two-hued Cinecolor process. Read more at http://www.allmovie.com/movie/the-caravan-trail-v8165#ome2SWX8mH31k9yd.99
Romance of the West
The happy Indians live in Antelope Valley and Eddie is the new Indian Agent. Everything seems fine until the town selectmen want the valley occupied by the Indians because it contains silver. So they hire outlaw Indians and Chico to start trouble hoping that the army will forcibly remove them from the valley and they will claim it. But Father Sullivan and Eddie believe the Indians are being wronged even though they cannot convince anyone else.
Wagon Wheels Westward
Pop Dale
In this western, Red Ryder leads a wagon train of homesteaders into a ghost town and discovers that it has become an outlaw's hideout.
Song of Old Wyoming
Uncle Ezra
Old Ma Conway champions statehood for Wyoming, believing the measure would put an end to the territory's lawlessness; but the elderly woman is opposed by cattle buyer and tax assessor Lee Landow and greedy banker Dixon. When Ma offers her opinion in a newspaper article, Landow sends his henchman Ringo to put the fear of God in the woman.
Shadow Of Terror
A scientist possessing the formula for making a nuclear bomb finds himself chased by evil gangsters in this thriller that was made just after the A-bomb was dropped upon Hiroshima.
Gangster's Den
Fuzzy purchases a saloon with a large sack of gold from the mine he owns with his partner Billy. When a crooked lawyer uses underhanded methods to try taking over the saloon, Billy works to bring the lawyer and his no-good gang to justice.
Hollywood and Vine
Mortimer Barkley
A young girl arrives in Hollywood determined to become a star in the movies but finds that attaining stardom is a lot more difficult than she counted on. However, she does become a star of sorts — as the owner of a dog who DOES become a movie star.
The Big Show-Off
Franklin D. Ripbogle Jr.
A shy songwriter (Arthur Lake) pretends to be a championship wrestler known as "The Devil" in order to impress a pretty nightclub singer (Dale Evans).
J. Pancake Comstock
Jim Lucy y sus compinches roban 7000 dólares en una partida. Huyendo de la justicia llega hasta Gold Hill, pero en esta población las cosas se le complicarán todavía más.
The Town Went Wild
The Watchman
Comedy concerning two feuding fathers dealing with the shocking news that their sons were switched at birth, meaning that one of their daughters is about to marry her own brother.
Barba Azul
Un peligroso asesino, apodado Barba Azul, tiene aterrorizados a los habitantes de París. A todos menos a Lucille, una modesta costurera que, desoyendo el clamor popular, decide salir a dar un paseo nocturno por la ciudad. Gracias a ello conocerá a Gaston Morrell, un titiritero que le ofrecerá trabajo como modista en su espectáculo de marionetas. La llegada de Lucille a la compañía provocará los inevitables celos de Renee, la amante de Gaston. Lo que ninguna de las dos conoce es que Gaston posee una cara oculta que desearían no conocer jamás.
Swing Hostess
Mr. Blodgett
Swing Hostess is a 1944 American musical comedy film directed by Sam Newfield for Producers Releasing Corporation and starring Martha Tilton, Iris Adrian, Charles Collins, Betty Brodel, Cliff Nazarro and Harry Holman.
Dixie Jamboree
CaféJanitor (uncredited)
A medicine man on the last show boat on the Mississippi is mistaken by two gangsters as a bootleger, and has to envade them.
Outlaws of Santa Fe
Saloon Drunk
After bank robber Bob Hackett (Don "Red" Barry) learns that his real father was a marshal, he reforms and travels with his pal Buckshot (Wally Vernon) to Santa Fe, where his father was killed. When he stands up to rustlers working for Henry Jackson (Herbert Heyes), Hackett is made the new marshal.
The Laramie Trail
Alfred "Barfoot" Jennings
A cowbody acquires a ranch whose previous owner is believed to be dead.
Frontier Outlaws
James Ryan
Billy Carson, looking for rustlers, kills Bradley in a gun fight. Arrested, the judge finds him innocent but jails him anyway. When the rustling resumes he is released and posing as a Mexican cattle buyer he hopes to trap the culprits.
Bachelor Daze
Slim and Ezra are roommates and are wondering why they are still single. Ezra tells Slim that the local battle axe played by Minerva Urecal has a crush on him but Slim lacks the nerve to ask her to marry him.
The Return of the Rangers
Sheriff Summers
The Texas Rangers round up rustlers by masquerading as the same. Trouble ensues when while in disguise one of the Rangers is accused of a killing.
Blazing Guns
The Governor sends Ken and Hoot to clean up the town of Willow Springs.
The Law Rides Again
Eagle-Eye the Scout
When a band of American Indians breaks a treaty with the federal government, U.S. Marshals Ken Maynard and Hoot Gibson hit the trail with captured outlaw Duke Dillon (Jack La Rue) to find out what sparked the uprising. They discover clues that point to corrupt Indian agent John Hampton (Kenneth Harlan), but meanwhile, the bandit Dillon pulls a fast one on the marshals, and soon everybody's getting ready for a showdown.
Hitler's Madman
Despues de las atrocidades cometidas por los nazis en un pueblo checo, Reinhardt Heydrich, un comandante de las SS, es asesinado por unos campesinos.
Girls in Chains
Lionel Cleeter
A fired teacher finds work at a girls reform school and helps a detective on a case.
Days of Old Cheyenne
Tombstone Boggs
Clint Ross's skill at fisticuffs earns him the town marshal's job in Cheyenne. Thanks to the string-pulling of political boss Big Bill Harmon, Ross makes it all the way up to the governor's office. But when Ross figures out that Big Bill is a big crook, it's showdown time.
Carson City Cyclone
Horatio 'Tombstone' Boggs
When the night watchman at the bank is gunned down during a robbery, he fingers Barton as the trigger man. When the trial comes up in neighboring Carson City, Gil finds a witness named Shepherd who says that Barton was with him on the night of the murder. Gil gets Barton off, but Shepherd soon cashes a check from Gil at the bank and that raises questions. His father, Judge Phalen, starts an action against Gil, and when his father is shot dead, Gil is blamed for his murder.
Dead Man's Gulch
When the Pony Express disbands, riders Tennessee and Johnny head for Adobe Wells. Tennessee becomes the Deputy Marshal while Johnny joins an outlaw gang. It's not long before Tennessee catches Johny attempting murder. As Johhnny is his best friend, he gives him another chance. But to no avail as Johnny murders a man and this time Tennessee must do his duty.
The Sundown Kid
Pop Tanner
A Pinkerton agent masquerades as a criminal in order to infiltrate a gang of counterfeiters that is using wealthy widow Lucy Randall as a front. Arriving at the gang's hideout the Dawson ranch, Red discovers that the counterfeiting ring is headed by Mrs. Randall's attorney J. Richard Spencer and Dawson himself.
Queen of Broadway
There are no queens and very little Broadway (except for an opening establishing shot) in Queen of Broadway. Instead, this sentimental B-picture is the story of a gambler (Rochelle Hudson), who tries to clean up her act and adopt an orphan (Donald Mayo).
Outlaws of Pine Ridge
Jackpot McGraw
Director William Witney puts his distinctive stamp on the Don "Red" Barry western Outlaws of Pine Ridge by opening the picture with a body sailing through the plate-glass window of a frontier saloon. Barry stars as gun-slingin' Chips Barrett, who makes it his mission in life to prevent the inaccurately nicknamed Honest John Hollister (Noah Beery Sr.) from becoming territorial governor. Complicating things is the fact that Chips is in love with Honest John's daughter Ann.
City of Silent Men
Jeb Parker
The plot revolves around a group of ex-convicts who try to start life anew by relocating in a small town under assumed names. The mayor of the town welcomes the former cons with open arms, helping them re-open a dormant canning factory and encouraging them to hire other reformed criminals.
Tomorrow We Live
William "Pop" Bronson
Julie Bronson, whose father operates a desert cafe, is attracting the unwanted attention of a half-crazed gangster known as The Ghost who runs a desert night club several miles away.
Los usurpadores
Miner in Search of Lodging (uncredited)
En Alaska, durante la Fiebre del Oro, un buscador es asediado por un empresario que tiene la ley de su lado. Pronto hace su aparición una cantante de cabaret que se convierte en objetivo amoroso de ambos.
Tireman, Spare My Tires
Pop - Travel Lodge Proprietor
Harry picks up a hitchhiker who turns out to be a runaway heiress. Under threat, Harry agrees to help her hide by pretending to be husband and wife.
En el viejo California
Tom Craig (John Wayne) llega a Sacramento (California) con el fin de establecer allí una farmacia. Pero la ciudad está dominada por Britt Dawson (Albert Dekker), y muy pronto estallará la guerra entre ambos.
Westward Ho
The all-purpose title Westward Ho was applied in 1942 to this "Three Mesquiteers" western. This time, the Mesquiteers are Tucson Smith, Stony Brooke and Lullaby Joslin, here played respectively by Bob Steele, Tom Tyler and Rufe Davis. Our heroes converge on a small town to solve a series of mysterious bank robberies.
Frisco Lil
Lil becomes a dealer in a gambling casino in order to get the information she needs to clear her father of a murder charge. She also falls in love with lawyer Brewster.
Stagecoach Express
Charles Haney
Ellen has the contract for the South West Stage Line through the panhandle. Her father had the run for years and Haney, who runs the office, worked for him. But Ellen does not know that Haney is in league with Elkins and they want the stage line so they can rob the gold shipments. All they need do is stop the stage and end her contract, but that is not easy with Dave driving for Ellen.
Robbers of the Range
Railroad agents frame a landowner who wont sell out to them.
Along the Rio Grande
A trio of cowboys infiltrate a cattle rustler's gang to seek vengeance for one of their fathers' murder.
Tucson, Arizona
Phoebe (Jean Arthur) transforma ella sola un triste almacén en lo que ahora se conoce como Tucson, en Arizona, el orgullo del Oeste americano. Allí construye su rancho, que pronto será el más grande del territorio. Recién llegado de la ciudad, Peter Muncie (William Holden) comienza a trabajar en la propiedad de Phoebe entablándose entre ellos una relación que culmina con planes de boda. Pero el éxito del negocio de Phoebe no tarda en generar envidias y se cruza en su camino Jefferson Carteret (Warren William), un vecino que planea estafar a Phoebe y asesinar a Peter el día de su boda.
The Fargo Kid
The Fargo Kid is mistaken for a killer and is hired to kill another man...
Wagon Train
In his first starring Western for RKO, young Tim Holt must not only carry on his father's freight business but also hunt down his murderer. A certain Matt Gardner wants to corner the freight business to Pecos and persuades young Zack Sibley's wagon master to switch sides. Zack also earns the enmity of Gardner's son Coe, who takes umbrage to the youngster's flirtation with pretty Helen Lee. It all comes to a head during a food shortage in Pecos, a near-disaster that persuades the wagon master to switch sides once again. When the dust settles, Zack learns that old man Gardner is actually Carl Anderson, the man who murdered his father.
Pappy Hull
A Hollywood studio goofs and signs the wrong girl--a hillbilly from the Ozarks--to a movie contract. Comedy.