Mark Garbett


Music Score Producer
My dog has dreams and he tells me about them. I made a movie about those dreams. This is that movie.
Un grupo de actores se reunen en un a ciudad del remoto noreste para ensayar una misteriosa producción teatral. Pronto se verán envueltos en un mundo infernal donde sus vidas reales reflejan la espeluznante historia de la obra. John (Robert Englund), un notorio icono de las películas de terror que ha caído en desgracia, es testigo del asesinato de un miembro del reparto. Pero cuando advierte al grupo nadie le cree y cuanto más se ve empujado a persuadirles, más inestable se muestra. Mientras John lucha por mantener su cordura, entre él y el misterioso director, Nicholas, empieza un juego del gato y el ratón. A medida que las representaciones de teatro continúan y los actores se sumergen más en sus papeles, más se eleva el número de muertos.
The Seamstress
The Seamstress was brought into being by the desperate curse of an innocent woman being tortured to death by a vigilante mob. Voracious for blood, the hideously-mutilated specter hunts a small group of friends who become trapped on the island where she died.
The Seamstress
The Seamstress was brought into being by the desperate curse of an innocent woman being tortured to death by a vigilante mob. Voracious for blood, the hideously-mutilated specter hunts a small group of friends who become trapped on the island where she died.
Midnight Movie
A rarely seen slasher flick gets a midnight screening at a run-down movie theater. The film's director was supposedly driven insane by it, but that doesn't deter horror fans, including Bridget and her boyfriend, Josh, from attending the showing. When the lights dim and the movie starts, they'd better prepare themselves for the scare of their lives. That's because they're not just going to be watching this bloodbath -- they're going to be starring in it.
When Carol looks into a mirror -- any mirror -- she sees images that horrify and repulse her. She's not a Medium, she's not a Ghost Whisperer, she's a frightened young woman on the edge of madness. Will the handsome stranger who offers to help turn out to be her salvation, or her final vision of terror?