Nicolas Bary

Nicolas Bary

Nacimiento : 1980-11-28, Parigi, Francia


Nicolas Bary


Quand on crie au loup
Quand on crie au loup
Original Story
Quand on crie au loup
Little Spirou
Petit Spirou, like all his family before him, has a career destiny all traced. When his mother announces that he will integrate the grooms school at the beginning of the new school year, Petit Spirou, with the help of his friends, will take advantage of his last days of class to declare his love to Suzette. And no matter how. They decide to live an extraordinary adventure.
Little Spirou
Petit Spirou, like all his family before him, has a career destiny all traced. When his mother announces that he will integrate the grooms school at the beginning of the new school year, Petit Spirou, with the help of his friends, will take advantage of his last days of class to declare his love to Suzette. And no matter how. They decide to live an extraordinary adventure.
Little Spirou
Petit Spirou, like all his family before him, has a career destiny all traced. When his mother announces that he will integrate the grooms school at the beginning of the new school year, Petit Spirou, with the help of his friends, will take advantage of his last days of class to declare his love to Suzette. And no matter how. They decide to live an extraordinary adventure.
Little Spirou
Petit Spirou, like all his family before him, has a career destiny all traced. When his mother announces that he will integrate the grooms school at the beginning of the new school year, Petit Spirou, with the help of his friends, will take advantage of his last days of class to declare his love to Suzette. And no matter how. They decide to live an extraordinary adventure.
Little Spirou
Scenario Writer
Petit Spirou, like all his family before him, has a career destiny all traced. When his mother announces that he will integrate the grooms school at the beginning of the new school year, Petit Spirou, with the help of his friends, will take advantage of his last days of class to declare his love to Suzette. And no matter how. They decide to live an extraordinary adventure.
Little Spirou
Petit Spirou, like all his family before him, has a career destiny all traced. When his mother announces that he will integrate the grooms school at the beginning of the new school year, Petit Spirou, with the help of his friends, will take advantage of his last days of class to declare his love to Suzette. And no matter how. They decide to live an extraordinary adventure.
La felicidad de los ogros
Los Malaussènne son una familia curiosa y anormal. Pero al mirarlos de cerca es la felicidad la que reina en esta familia en donde la madre va enamorándose sin parar y teniendo hijos de padres diferentes.
La felicidad de los ogros
Los Malaussènne son una familia curiosa y anormal. Pero al mirarlos de cerca es la felicidad la que reina en esta familia en donde la madre va enamorándose sin parar y teniendo hijos de padres diferentes.
Los niños de Timpelbach
Cansados de las constantes travesuras de los indisciplinados niños que no aceptan ninguna autoridad, los adultos de Timpelbach deciden abandonar la ciudad para darles una lección. ¡Una ciudad sin padres! No es una mala noticia para todo el mundo. Una vez solos, sin adultos, las dos bandas intentarán hacerse con el control de la aldea, pero se darán cuenta de que no todo es tan fácil como creían, y que cuidarse a sí mismos es más duro de lo que pensaban.
Los niños de Timpelbach
Cansados de las constantes travesuras de los indisciplinados niños que no aceptan ninguna autoridad, los adultos de Timpelbach deciden abandonar la ciudad para darles una lección. ¡Una ciudad sin padres! No es una mala noticia para todo el mundo. Una vez solos, sin adultos, las dos bandas intentarán hacerse con el control de la aldea, pero se darán cuenta de que no todo es tan fácil como creían, y que cuidarse a sí mismos es más duro de lo que pensaban.