Fusako Shuzui


Summer Soldiers
The plight of U.S. Army deserters from Vietnam on the run in Japan, centering on the culture clash between the troubled Americans and the Japanese who try to help him.
Tiger Child
It was the time when fire got stolen by tigers so uncle tiger gets his sisters son to get back the fire but when he gets to the village he forgets what his uncle wanted and he asks all the villagers to help him but he likes the village so much and...instead of being a tiger he turns into a cat.....
Jose Torres II
This is the sequel to Jose Torres (1959), the portrayal of Puerto Rican boxer Jose Torres, who won a silver medal in the 1956 Melbourne Olympics. We follow Torres from his training in preparation to challenge world lightweight champion Willie Pastrano, to the match and Torres’ victory in 1965. The contrast between the nervous Torres before the match, filmed in painstaking detail, and the first round, filmed in one shot, is striking.
La mujer de la arena
Un entomólogo en busca de insectos en un desierto de arena se ve de repente atrapado conviviendo con una mujer que vive sola en una vieja casa, y con la que establecerá una extraña relación.
La trampa (The Pitfall)
Un minero vaga en busca de trabajo, acompañado de su hijo de corta edad. En este deambular llegará hasta un extraño pueblo fantasma, donde solo vive una mujer que regenta una pequeña tienda. Allí es atacado por un misterioso hombre de traje y guantes blancos...