Martin Thibaudeau

Martin Thibaudeau


Martin Thibaudeau


Tell Me Yes
Script Supervisor
Following separation from his boyfriend, Andy meets Dédé, an intriguing young woman who makes a real impression on her. For a day, she is all aflutter.
Steve Pouliot
At a funeral, the dark truth reveals itself as the mourning family takes a moment to reflect.
At a funeral, the dark truth reveals itself as the mourning family takes a moment to reflect.
Web para infieles
Ignorada por su marido alcohólico, Maren conoce a un hombre a través de una página web que facilita las infidelidades. Cuando encuentran al chico brutalmente asesinado en una habitación del hotel, las consecuencias morales de su engaño serán el menor de sus problemas. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Kate Logan affair
RCMP Officer #1
Una joven mujer policía psicológicamente inestable llamada Kate Logan y un francés casado se encuentran atrapados en un dramático romance.
Lucidité passagère
Véronique ne cache rien en amour. Mathieu est simplement un brin fatigué. Fred peuts'adapter à tous les genres de femmes. Rémi doit trouver ce qui l’allume dans la vie.Ce n'est que dans de brefs instants de lucidité que l'on parvient à voir le monde telqu'il est.
La ligne brisée
Serveur brasserie
Cruising Bar 2
Fifteen years later, the heroes from Cruising Bar may hardly have changed but the world around them most certainly has! For the Bull, reality is brutal. His wife of 30 years, sick of his infidelity, decides to show him the door. But the Bull, who has a positive outlook on life, isn't so easily defeated and fights for his survival. The Lion too faces a break-up when his girlfriend leaves. All alone, he's force to relearn the art of seduction. The Peacock, on the other hand, is trying to figure out his sexual identity with the help of a psychologist. As for the Earthworm, his long wait for a soulmate will, at last, be requited.
Guide de la petite vengeance
Vendeur 2
Bernard, an accountant in an upscale jewellery store, suffers from daily psychological abuse by his boss Vendôme. Thanks to his pal Robert, also victim of harassment by this cruel man, Bernard will toy with the consequence of a well-deserved retaliation at the expense of his boss. However, as not everything is perfect in this world, Bernard will also have to experience the sometimes less pleasant after effects of this ruthless act of revenge.
Bon Cop Bad Cop
Policier torontois
La aparición de un misterioso cadáver justo en la frontera entre Quebec y Ontario ocasiona que dos policías de diferentes provincias estén obligados a trabajar conjuntamente debido a una circunstancia muy especial. Uno de ellos es David Bouchard (Patrick Huard), un investigador policial franco-canadiense de la Sûrete de Quebec, y el otro es un detective anglo parlante de Ontario: Martin Ward (Colm Feore). Los problemas surgen por las grandes diferencias de ambos, no sólo en sus características personales sino también por el método de trabajo que utilizan. Mientras Martin es metódico, disciplinado y sumamente respetuoso con la ley, David interpreta las normas legales bajo su particular prisma, pasando por alto leyes y reglamentos formales para utilizar criterios poco ortodoxos.
Lies and Deception
Sam Brooks
Six years after her husband's suicide, Jean Bruckner is dumbfounded by the news that he has recently been murdered! With the help of a private investigator, she heads to Chicago to uncover the truth behind her spouse's charade. The deeper she digs, the more danger she puts herself in. The truth may be out there, but she may get killed before she finds it!
Maman Last Call
Ralph Lauren
L’incomparable Mademoiselle C.
Agent GRC, villa du P.M.
In this sequel to the popular adventures of Mademoiselle C, the strange Mademoiselle Charlotte began a new life as a postwoman in Saint-Gérard where she encounters a particularly dishonest businessman.
The Last Tunnel (El atraco del siglo)
Joel Falardeau
Marcel Talon se ve acosado por un pasado que no logra superar y se siente culpable ante los ojos de la sociedad. Para vengarse decide robar los 200 millones de dólares que se encuentran en la caja de seguridad de un banco de Montreal. Con la ayuda de un grupo muy peculiar decide excavar un túnel que llegue hasta dicha caja...
Heads or Tails
Dominique, un brillante arquitecto, con el fin de hacer dinero rápido para volver a reabrir su compañía, encuentra trabajo en un anticuario. Pero pronto se da cuenta de que la única forma de mantener su puesto de trabajo es fingiendo ser homosexual, rompiendo poco a poco su matrimonio y agitando emociones extrañas de su madre.
Three city guys in a Quebecois winter cottage are surprised by the presence of a mysterious beast in the basement. After trying their best to get rid of it, they quickly learn that those little buggers are much tougher than they appear. Who will vanquish? This cruel comedy poses a cynical view on man's hunter instincts and the duality between compassion and the desire to overcome.
Three city guys in a Quebecois winter cottage are surprised by the presence of a mysterious beast in the basement. After trying their best to get rid of it, they quickly learn that those little buggers are much tougher than they appear. Who will vanquish? This cruel comedy poses a cynical view on man's hunter instincts and the duality between compassion and the desire to overcome.