Agathe Hassenforder

Agathe Hassenforder


Agathe Hassenforder


Oh My Goodness!
Five nuns set their sights on winning the cash prize in a major cycling race to raise money to renovate a dilapidated hospice. The only hitch is that none of them can ride a bicycle.
La Noche del 12
En la policía judicial, todos los investigadores se topan tarde o temprano con un crimen que son incapaces de resolver y que se vuelve una obsesión. Para Yohan se trata del asesinato de Clara, una joven que fue rociada con gasolina y quemada en la calle por un desconocido. Los interrogatorios se suceden y no faltan sospechosos, pero las dudas de Yohan no dejan de crecer. Solo hay una certeza: el crimen se cometió en la noche del 12.
Home Front
Burgundy, France. Solange's 60th birthday celebrations are violently interrupted by her estranged brother, Bernard. His outburst will reawaken painful memories and reveal untold stories of the Algerian War.
Solo las bestias
Después de la desaparición de una mujer durante una tormenta de nieve, cinco desconocidos de un pueblo remoto de las montañas se verán envueltos en un misterio que trasciende los continentes y que ninguno de ellos esperaba.
Noticias de la familia Mars
Philippe Mars es un divorciado, padre de hijos adolescentes, que sueña con ser astronauta. Su vida, ordenada y conformista, cambiará cuando un amigo se escape del psiquiátrico y pida asilo en su casa. (FILMAFFINITY)
La familia Bélier
Todos los miembros de la familia Bélier son sordomudos, excepto Paula, de 16 años. Ella hace de intérprete para sus padres, especialmente en lo que respecta al funcionamiento de la granja de la familia. Un día, alentada por su profesor de música, que ha descubierto su talento para el canto, decide prepararse para la audición del Coro de Radio France, pero se trata de una elección que la obligará a distanciarse de su familia.
Playing Dead
Jean, a forty-year-old struggling, out-of-work actor has hit rock bottom. Although open to any kind of work, he can't get a break. At the unemployment office, his counselor has a rather odd proposal: he can get a job helping the police reconstruct crime scenes, by standing in for the dead victim. Jean's obsession for detail impresses the detectives, allowing him to take a leading role in a sensitive investigation in Megève ski resort, during low season, after a series of murders
Bad Seeds
Quiet 16-year-old Louis, the high school headmaster’s son, has never been in trouble. His best friend, 18-year-old Greg, however, is his polar opposite: provocative, angry, violent, he has been kicked out of school for physically threatening young English teacher Camille. When Greg asks Louis to help him take revenge on Camille, Louis accepts, fascinated...
Tata Bakhta
17 Girls
When Camille accidentally becomes pregnant, she encourages her friends and fellow high school classmates to follow suit. It's only a matter of time, before seventeen girls in the high school are pregnant and the town is thrown into a world of chaos.
Los chicos del coro
En 1948 Clément Mathieu, profesor de música desempleado, acepta un puesto como profesor vigilante en un internado de reeducación de menores. El sistema represivo aplicado por el director conmociona a Mathieu. Enseñándoles música y canto coral a estos niños tan difíciles, Mathieu transformará sus vidas cotidianas.
Quelques jours entre nous
Three siblings lose both their parents after a terrible accident, after which their lives are forever changed. Vincent, the middle child, has to assume a lot of responsibility, not the least of which is his younger sister Alice. He must also give up his architecture course in order to work for his uncle's construction firm. The two adjust, and their life goes pretty well before it is again turned upside down when their older brother Thomas, who had been in Brazil for a couple of years, returns and upsets the current order.