Andreas Gutzeit


Escape to the Great Dismal Swamp
In the 1800s, southern newspapers ran ads seeking runaway slaves suspected of taking refuge in a vast wetland called the Great Dismal Swamp. For decades, scholars have sought proof that the reports were true, and now they finally have it. See how a team of archaeologists is using new discoveries and modern dating methods to piece together this lost part of American history. Then discover what life was like for these brave men and women, who chose to suffer in the swamp and keep their freedom rather than live under the conditions of slavery.
City of Lost Slaves
The Great Dismal Swamp: an uninhabitable wasteland, covering parts of Virginia and North Carolina. A treacherous den of poisonous water snakes, blood-sucking insects, spiders and predators like black bears and lynxes. But some had no other option except braving these dangers, like fugitive slaves, who needed a way to escape the cruelty of their white masters.
City of Lost Slaves
The Great Dismal Swamp: an uninhabitable wasteland, covering parts of Virginia and North Carolina. A treacherous den of poisonous water snakes, blood-sucking insects, spiders and predators like black bears and lynxes. But some had no other option except braving these dangers, like fugitive slaves, who needed a way to escape the cruelty of their white masters.
City of Lost Slaves
The Great Dismal Swamp: an uninhabitable wasteland, covering parts of Virginia and North Carolina. A treacherous den of poisonous water snakes, blood-sucking insects, spiders and predators like black bears and lynxes. But some had no other option except braving these dangers, like fugitive slaves, who needed a way to escape the cruelty of their white masters.
Hitlers Angriff aus dem All
Egypt's Lost Rival
Located between the warrior kingdom of the Hittites and the powerful empire of Egypt, the ancient city of Qatna was wiped off the face of the earth as it grew too powerful ? its role in the rise of the Egyptian empire lost in the desert sands. Qatna and its many treasures lay hidden from humanity until now. In ten years of archeological digs, the lost city has been rediscovered and a team of international scientists has excavated its long-held secrets. Egypt's Lost Rival unearths the ground breaking discoveries hidden from the world for millennia.
Universum - 2012, die Maya und das Ende der Welt
China: El Primer Emperador
Producida en China con gran lujo y un extraordinario reparto de actores chinos, "El primer emperador de China" recrea el antiguo imperio Chin y a su extraordinario líder. Esta producción histórica recrea la vida de un emperador que cambió el mundo tanto como Alejandro, Julio César o Napoleón. La impresionante trayectoria de Qin Shi Huang como líder militar y gobernador despiadado se narra con un estilo épico repleto de acción y ritmo. Expertos de China, Europa y América exploran los extraordinarios avances tecnológicos y sociales del primer imperio chino, así como la mente del Primer Emperador de China. Se trata de la historia de un hombre que creó una superpotencia militar, construyó la Gran Muralla y legó al mundo un ejército completo de soldados de terracota, que todavía custodian su imperio. En definitiva, se trata de la historia de Qin Shi Huang.
China: El Primer Emperador
Producida en China con gran lujo y un extraordinario reparto de actores chinos, "El primer emperador de China" recrea el antiguo imperio Chin y a su extraordinario líder. Esta producción histórica recrea la vida de un emperador que cambió el mundo tanto como Alejandro, Julio César o Napoleón. La impresionante trayectoria de Qin Shi Huang como líder militar y gobernador despiadado se narra con un estilo épico repleto de acción y ritmo. Expertos de China, Europa y América exploran los extraordinarios avances tecnológicos y sociales del primer imperio chino, así como la mente del Primer Emperador de China. Se trata de la historia de un hombre que creó una superpotencia militar, construyó la Gran Muralla y legó al mundo un ejército completo de soldados de terracota, que todavía custodian su imperio. En definitiva, se trata de la historia de Qin Shi Huang.