Warwick Ward

Warwick Ward

Nacimiento : 1891-12-03, St. Ives, Huntingdonshire, England, UK

Muerte : 1967-12-09


Warwick Ward


The Young and the Guilty
Parents veto the romance of two high-school students, forcing them to meet in secret.
Isn't Life Wonderful!
Around the turn of the century, in England, alcoholic Uncle Willie is the bane of his family, of which his brother-in-law is the family spokesman. It is decided to let Uncle Willie buy a bicycle shop in order to impress Virginia van Stuyden, an American heiress in love with Frank. This pleases Uncle Willie's young nephew, Charles. Complications arise when stuffy lord, Sir George Probus, at whose home Virginia is staying, becomes shocked when she attends a carnival.
The Dancing Years
The episodic story of a composer of operettas, Rudi Kleiber, in in old Viennese days, and the two women in his life; Maria Zeitler, his sweetheart, later mistress, lost love, an operetta star, and his first patron, and the mother of a son he did not know he had; and of Greta, his first love and companion in later years
The Dancing Years
The episodic story of a composer of operettas, Rudi Kleiber, in in old Viennese days, and the two women in his life; Maria Zeitler, his sweetheart, later mistress, lost love, an operetta star, and his first patron, and the mother of a son he did not know he had; and of Greta, his first love and companion in later years
My Brother Jonathan
Jonathan Dakers' early ambition was to become a great surgeon and to marry Edie Martyn. But, on the death of his father, he is obliged to start work as a partner in a poor general practice in the Black Country. Edie falls in love with Jonathan's brother, Harold, who is killed in the Great War, and Jonathan marries her as planned. It is only afterwards that he realises he now loves another.
Quiet Weekend
Comedy of a family trying to spend a country weekend which is disrupted by an unpleasant friend of the son.
Quiet Weekend
Comedy of a family trying to spend a country weekend which is disrupted by an unpleasant friend of the son.
The Man from Morocco
With the ending of the Spanish Civil War, a dispirited band of volunteers from the International Brigades seeks refuge in France. But on reaching the frontier, the band is disarmed, and all are detained as political prisoners. Then come instructions from Vichy that all fit prisoners are to be sent to Morocco to work on the Sahara railway for the Germans. However, one man manages to escape to London with vital information for the Allies.
The Man from Morocco
With the ending of the Spanish Civil War, a dispirited band of volunteers from the International Brigades seeks refuge in France. But on reaching the frontier, the band is disarmed, and all are detained as political prisoners. Then come instructions from Vichy that all fit prisoners are to be sent to Morocco to work on the Sahara railway for the Germans. However, one man manages to escape to London with vital information for the Allies.
Warn That Man
At the height of World War II, the Germans discover that a certain British personage is to stay at the country house of Lord Buckley. They devise a plan whereby they will kidnap the real Lord Buckley, and send to England an actor who will masquerade, lie in wait for the visitor with a number of gunmen, and take him back to Germany.
Women Aren't Angels
Alfred Bandle and Wilmer Popday are partners in business and, somewhat timorously on Popday's part, in pleasure. When their wives join the A.T.S., the men are left unattended and dangerously bored. The trouble starts when Bandle is late for an end-of-leave party after giving a girlfriend a lift; Popday promises the wives he ll restrain his wayward friend when they return to duty, but Bandle evidently thinks otherwise.
Dead Men Are Dangerous
Unsuccessful writer Aylmer Franklyn takes the chance to change identities after he discovers a corpse. However, he soon finds himself accused of the murder of a maid at a near-by boarding house.
Night Alone
Charles and Barbara are a devoted couple who, in seven years' marriage, have never spent a night apart. When they come up to town for a family engagement, an urgent business appointment obliges Charles to let Barbara go on without him. Left alone and bored in the hotel, Charles agrees to accompany a man-about-town friend to a nightclub. He gets helplessly drunk among dubious company, and come the morning finds that a hangover is the least of his problems..!
The Last Chance
Alan Burmister leaves Devon on a secret gun-running expedition immediately after his engagement to Mary Perrin is announced; he returns at Christmas to find himself accused of the murder of Ivor Connel, a moneylender. Mary's father had always hoped that his daughter would marry John Worrall, a rising barrister. Worrall is briefed for the defence, but when he loses the case and Alan is condemned to penal servitude for life, no one but the judge realises that he has not made use of the best piece of defence evidence...
Kind, ich freu' mich auf Dein Kommen
First Officer
Urged by famous airman Ellissen the Lennartz Company puts into reality the project proposed by his friend Droste: F.P.1, a huge floating platform in the Atlantic that makes long-distance flights viable. Ellissen is in love with company heiress Claire, but when he returns from his adventures to save the endangered F.P.1 he finds out that he has lost her to Droste. English version of F.P.1 antwortet nicht with Conrad Veidt replacing Hans Albers as the jaded pilot Ellissen.
The Callbox Mystery
Leo Mount
A British crime film directed by G.B. Samuelson.
Life Goes On
Ronald St. John
A criminal hides the body of a dead financier in an effort to manipulate shares.
Man of Mayfair
Ferdinand Barclay
'Lord poses as workman to win dancer who works as waitress in her mother's tea garden.' (British Film Catalogue)
Col André de Sevigne
In the lead-up to the First World War, a French military attaché falls in love with the wife of a prominent German in Stamboul in the Ottoman Empire
Markham Savage
A murder takes place in a film studio during the shooting of a new film.
The Man at Six
A butler is found murdered in an unfurnished mansion house.
To Oblige a Lady
George Pinder
A couple rent a luxury flat and try to pass it off as their own in order to impress a wealthy relative.
Birds of Prey
Edward Laverick
At a reception given by Arthur Hilton at his Sussex home the conversation turns to the subject of danger, with Hilton recalling a case in which he was involved as a Natal police commissioner. In it there were three guilty persons, but only one of them was hanged; the other two were sentenced to long terms, vowing vengeance on Hilton. Unknown to him, the same two men are now among his guests, and are determined to have their revenge.
The Yellow Mask
Li San
A musical crime film directed by Harry Lachman.
El delator
Dan Gallagher
En Irlanda, un hombre del IRA traiciona a un asesino a la policía, pensando que es amante de su amante.
The Wonderful Lies of Nina Petrovna
Col. Beranoff
This silent-screen classic, like many others produced near the end of the silent era, was both a theatrical extravaganza boasting an original orchestral score and an item which languished in obscurity for many years. When Carlo Piccardi took what was left of the score by Maurice Jaubert and re-created it, the existing footage was restored and paired with a new orchestral performance which was shown in Paris in 1988. The film's story concerns the travails of a woman who has been living quite comfortably as the mistress of a colonel in the Tsar's army in Russia. However, she eventually encounters a penniless young lieutenant and falls madly in love with him, as he does with her. Despite her best intentions of remaining with the colonel, and his intention to avoid trouble with his fellow soldiers, they cannot forswear this relationship, and tragedy is the inevitable result. The title refers to a moving incident in the story, and translates as "the wonderful lie of Nina Petrovna."
The Woman He Scorned
A lighthouse keeper's wife shelters her fugitive lover.
Ihr dunkler Punkt
After the Verdict
Oliver Baratrie
A British-German silent drama film directed by Henrik Galeen
Die schönste Frau von Paris
The Three Kings
Frank King
Drama set around a circus at Blackpool. A clown loves a young housekeeper and saves her from a fire caused by a jealous lion tamer.
La Venenosa
A trapeze artist suffers the curse that causes her kisses to be deadly.
Looping the Loop
Andre Melton
Botto the Clown is in love with the much younger Blanche but she is in love with the handsome daredevil acrobate Andre.
The White Sheik
In the Sahara a British Riff chief weds a captured girl to save her from the tribe.
Die berühmte Frau
Eva and the Grasshopper
Jacques Vaillant
El saltamontes festea y sestea durante el verano, mientras las hormigas trabajan diligentemente en ese tiempo ahorrando para la estación fría. ¿Qué sucederá con el saltamontes cuando llegue el invierno?
The Bordellos of Algiers
Nicola Molescu
Lady Harrington
The Prude's Fall
Andre le Briquet
A French captain persuades a rich widow to become his mistress, but it is a scheme to test her love.
Un acróbata deja su familia por una joven, dedicándose a realizar ejercicios de acrobacia con ella en el trapecio. Un día, un famoso trapecista les invita a ambos a unirse a su show de Berlín.
Madame Sans-Gêne
A French washerwoman becomes a duchess and a friend of Napoleon.
Human Desires
Pierre Brandon
In Paris an actress divorces a jealous impresario and weds the officer who once saved from from suicide.
The Money Habit
A manager's mistress cons a financier into buying a dud oil claim.
Bulldog Drummond
Dr. Lakington
A captain saves a kidnapped magnate from a nursing home run by foreign agents.
The Call of the East
Arthur Burleigh
In Egypt a man fails to shoot his faithless wife and walks into a sandstorm.
Corinthian Jack
Sir Philip Tenbury
A boxer saves a girl from a noble kidnapper.
The Mayor of Casterbridge
Build Thy House
A padre, acting for a dying soldier, poses as the heir to a slum property and becomes a Labour MP.
The Call of the Road
Lord Delavel
In 1820 a disowned gambler becomes a boxer and save his noble uncle from a highway man.
Wuthering Heights
Hindley Earnshaw
The first screen adaptation of Emily Bronte's book about star cross'd lovers who demolish themselves and everyone around them with their self-destructive love.