Eduardo Levy


Un idílico pueblecito pesquero irlandés está siendo invadido por monstruos de gigantescos tentáculos que vienen desde las profundidades del mar. Pronto descubrirán que a las criaturas no les gusta el sabor que les da a las personas el alcohol con lo que para enfrentarse a ellas y sobrevivir deberán pasarse el mayor tiempo posible borrachos.
Paula Fernandes - Live
Paula Fernandes: Live is the first live album and fifth overall in the singer's Paula Fernandes . It was released in 2011 and just over five months of release, it reached the milestone of more than one million copies sold in Brazil, according to ABPD, besides being among the 10 most sold in Brazil. In Portugal reached the top of the musical table Portuguese Phonographic Association . The CD and DVD together have sold 1 million and 250 thousand copies in Brazil.
Una familia pierde recientemente a su cabeza de familia y se trasladan a la casa de sus tíos. Allí descubrirán un secreto familiar que cambiará sus vidas para siempre.
Elis Regina: Na Batucada da Vida
Her difficult career beginning in her hometown, Porto Alegre, was not different from her friends' stories. Elis belonged to a group of people born to win. She had the talent, she knew her potential and she just needed to face the world with courage and determination. That is exactly what she did. The result is known by everybody and it is in this film, a unique register of memorable interpretations by Elis, including the song which Elis learned with Tom Jobim and entitles the film.