Sasha Ivanov is an ordinary man who committed suicide: on a gloomy day he fell out of the window of a high–rise building. Our nameless protagonist is an ordinary detective who is investigating this case. when he reveals the circumstances of Sasha's death, he has to interrogate neighbors, coworkers, ex-girlfriend and other people who knew him. to his surprise, the detective discovers that each witness describes Sasha as a completely different person…
Sasha, Pasha and Lesha meet at a therapy course for men traumatized by women. Yes, there are some, because in the world of strong women, many men have lost themselves. But our heroes do not want to be victims, they decide to "go on the warpath" and restore justice. One problem - they are still slobs.
Andrey, the owner of a construction company, has to turn to an official he knows for help in order to win a government tender and avoid bankruptcy. Everything is ready to meet the "dear" guest, but as soon as he crosses the threshold, everything goes awry from the very first minute.
The story of the boy Mitya, who first arrived in the Crimea and dreams of helping his grandfather save the house from being sold. To do this, he needs to reach out to the heart of his dad Eugene. With the help of a magic book, he will find himself in the land of Dreams, which was born of fantasy and now its existence is under threat. If Mitya can save the country, then his dad will remember that once he began to compose this book himself. To do this, Mitya needs to pass tests and prove that his thoughts are pure, desires are sincere, and be able to resist the company of teenagers.
Irina, the wife of Fedor
One of the deputies of a certain city, after the curse of the deprived old woman, becomes physiologically incapable of taking bribes.
Capital traffic jams and endless replacement of tiles on the sidewalks, filming of national films and absurd situations with artists, stories from the lives of neighbors and their dogs.
Cónyuges sin hijos, el escritor Andrei y la artista Olga adoptan a Ksyusha, de ocho años. La directora del orfanato donde se crió la niña es la ex novia de Andrei Iren. Todavía ama apasionadamente a Andrei y tiene la intención de devolverlo a toda costa, incluso si para esto tendrá que destruir la felicidad de su familia. Mientras tanto, Andrei está escribiendo una novela de ciencia ficción sobre el lado oscuro de Petersburgo. En las páginas de su libro, la ciudad del Neva se convierte en un mundo fantasmagórico, donde el tiempo mismo se ha detenido y las calles están habitadas por criaturas sin alma. De repente, Ksenia ingresa al mundo del "Petersburgo oscuro" de la novela de Andrey, donde conoce a un misterioso amigo, Paramon. Los héroes están esperando muchas aventuras peligrosas...
Five different stories about women - their loved ones, passion, family and what they really want in life.
This is a story about natural coincidence, the battle against time and overcoming the self for the sake of common good. In this black comedy everyone will recognise themselves.
Two heroines: Lyuba (Love) and Vera (Faith); one is 26, the other 40 years old. They met at drawing classes. For Vera the meeting is accidental, for Lyuba it is necessary. The love for the same man begins their short friendship.
Eugene is a teenage nerd who lives in a small Russian town. He sits in front of his computer all day long, playing games and surfing the Internet. He decides to run a small porn website and soon as he earns his first money from e-commerce. His life now will never be the same - he is no longer a school nerd. From now on every school boy wants to become his friends and the girls are dreaming of dating him. Developing business Eugene was caught in a dilemma: to live up to the corrupted world standards and find his place in the unideal reality or to rebel against the powerful organization risking his and his family lives.
An Orthodox priest, Father Nikolay, the brother of a Yakuza boss, is drawn into in a mob war in Japan. He escapes to the small Russian village of Glubokoe, where he finds that war has found him again.
A girl left a young handsome hockey player on the eve of the decisive match. Moreover, she did not go to anyone, but to a museum worker. To support a friend, five hockey players and a goalkeeper go to the museum to explain to the art critic that he did wrong and the woman must be returned. How could the athletes know that the museum is not just a place where statues stand and pictures are hung on the walls. That in giant vaults-storerooms, ancient as the world creatures, which our ancestors described in myths and legends, rest in frozen form. And they are supervised in the image of quiet museum workers by the same immortal humanoid entities…
Aleksey must decide what's better for him - a regular life with his fiancé Alyona or adventurous life with a famous journalist Irina.
A funny romantic comedy about a young actor Slava Belkin who works as Santa during New Year days.
A genuine satiric comedy, based on real conversations - both amusing and sad - overheard by a journalist in one of the most expensive Moscow restaurants. Hilarious and revealing, this is a film about women who choose between affection and money, film producers that don't really know what they're filming, and weary businessmen who sometimes say screw it, down a shot and leave their mother-in-laws to pay the bill. But most of all, it's about true love that favors noisy kitchen floor over gilded fine-dining halls.
Two close friends working for a provincial TV channel dream of getting rich and popular in the capital. They persuade their cute colleague Nadia to participate in a TV reality show, the participants of which must find the lost treasures of Admiral Kolchak.
A young Russian businessman is tired of the unprofessional behavior of his employees so he decides to invite a general manager from Japan in order to improve the situation in the firm.
В центре сюжета — классический любовный треугольник: супруги Андрей и Анна и ухажер Анны Егор. В результате драматических перипетий, происходящих с героями, один из них погибает…
Two sisters arrive to Moscow trying to find their father who left the family 15 years ago.
18 directors, 18 novels, 18 short stories about Moscow...
Катя - успешная писательница, выпускающая одну за другой книги по психологии семейных отношений. В предвкушении романтического ужина с мужем Алексеем, Катя находит дома бархатную коробочку с кольцом, которое, скорее всего, вечером преподнесет ей любимый. Но это не единственный сюрприз, который ожидает ее в этот праздничный день. Утром, зайдя в магазин, Катя сталкивается с Мишей, своей институтской любовью. Двадцать лет назад они расстались по глупости и упрямству, как это бывает в юности...
The film tells a story of an agent betrayed by his partner when transporting new psychic weapon. Believed to be dead, he escapes and takes new identity so he can live in peace far away. But later he is forced to return to Moscow to confront a secret organization, led by his former partner, that attempts to use the dangerous weapon in order to take control over the country. Now he is a key figure in the battle between forces of darkness and light.
Businessman Staskin need to provide to himself an alibi which should be a bride - and at any cost.
Семья распалась много лет тому назад. Не выдержав тягот жизни на Крайнем Севере, Елена с маленьким ребенком вернулась в родной город. Спустя 16 лет Сергей приезжает, чтобы поздравить с совершеннолетием дочь Юлю, с которой не виделся все эти годы. В подарок он привозит медвежью шкуру, а вместе с ней нерастраченную отцовскую любовь. Но Юля не спешит радоваться внезапному появлению в общем-то чужого для нее человека...
Став свидетелем автомобильной аварии, Виктор впадает в глубокую депрессию. Чтоб выйти из нее, он находит дочь погибшего в инциденте водителя — Леночку. У них сразу же возникает симпатия друг к другу. Но место рядом с Леночкой занято — друг и сверстник погибшего отца поддерживает девушку в горе, становясь самым близким ей человеком. Виктор деликатно отходит в сторону. Дома — тяжело больная мать, отец оставил их, не справившись с бременем вины. Виктор взваливает на свои плечи заботу о матери. И о совершенно чужом ему человеке – медсестре. Но Леночка, сама того не желая, не может забыть Виктора. Она ищет встречи.
Elena Sergeevna
Sex, alcohol and violence define the people of a city in defeat in this downbeat drama from writer and director Katya Shagalova. As a teenager, Nastia (Yulia Peresild) was the star of a popular television series, but now her career is in decline and her father, an officer in the Russian army, has kicked her out of the house.
German is handsome, rich, famous — in general, a man is a dream. He has a wife who suspects him of treason. He also has a mistress — Anzhela. She is trying to have a child from German and take him away from the family. And then there is Vera. She was unlucky for a long time in her personal life, and now, having met German, Vera realizes that he is exactly the one she needs for happiness. Very soon, women begin to guess about the existence of each other and enter into a struggle for the ideal man...
Young unmarried Zhenya and her little son Grisha are preparing for the New Year. Grisha really hopes that Santa Claus will come to visit them. Zhenya also has a dream that sooner or later she will meet a man whom she will love and who will be her son’s father. On New Year's Eve, old friends come to Zhenya — the Ogurtsov couple and the Kalinkin couple. They noisily see off the old year, after which Zhenya tries to put her son to bed. But Grisha does not want to sleep - he was determined to wait for Santa Claus. And, to mom’s great surprise, Santa Claus comes! Although no one called him ...
After her husband's death, a widow returns to Moscow with her mother-in-law, unaware that a depressed passenger is determined to blow up the train en route
Лера Изотова
Группа неудачливых артистов собирается вокруг одного человека, одержимого идеей создания нового театра. Бригада артистов едет в поездку по городам с антрепризой. В бригаде нет известных артистов, и поэтому бригадиру приходится немало потрудиться, чтобы собрать зал. В ход идет все: объявления в афише с последующим заявлением, что звезда не приехала в последний момент, готовность, в зависимости от обстоятельств и вкуса местной публики играть спектакль в любом жанре - от трагедии, до фарса, включая ужастик, детектив и т.д.
Representative of KK Sports
The story of a young girl who believes in miracles. The guys do not pay any attention to her, at work, her ideas are stolen and used, friends consider her a little strange, but the young girl does not lose heart and continues to believe in a prince on a white horse. And one day he appears. Handsome, young, he is subject to magic, and henceforth her feelings. How now not to believe in a fairy tale when she herself was in it?... The long-awaited prince will make her life truly magical.
Konservy (2007) (Tins, Russian: Консервы) is a film about a journalist who possesses information on uranium sales and is set up by his enemies and sent to prison. Initially the film was planned as a political thriller, but along the way it gained features of action with elements of mysticism and surrealism.The film is full of vivid pictures of spy and terrorist games in Moscow, modern Gulag in the Far North, gold mines, escape with elite spetsnaz in the pursuit, underground community of permanently high punks, and other quite unusual settings.
Наконец-то удача улыбнулась молодому талантливому врачу Алексею. Его — обычного провинциального доктора — пригласили работать в столицу. Он должен лечить спортсменов известной хоккейной команды. Возлюбленная Алексея — красавица Светлана — очень хотела поехать вместе с ним в столицу, но, к сожалению, ее план сорвался. Врач уехал один, а Света даже не пришла его проводить. Спустя 6 лет молодые люди встретились, и между ними вновь вспыхнуло чувство…
Ayer, Evgeni Vetrov llevaba una vida completamente distinta. Tenía dinero, una reputación perfecta, era respetado por sus colegas y, ante todo, tenía amor; aunque aparentemente también tenía enemigos. Hoy, la mujer de Vetrov ha sido asesinada, y él es el único sospechoso. Ahora lo único que puede hacer es huir y tratar de encontrar al verdadero asesino.
Vera Kirillova
Vera es una guapa y sexy presentadora de televisión cuya vida no es del todo feliz: casi siempre está triste y arrastra una obsesión por la comida. Es precisamente en un restaurante donde conoce a Timofei, un publicista que se queda prendado de ella, se acuestan esa misma noche y la noche siguiente mientras él conduce sólo por Moscú, por accidente cae encima de su coche un muchacho que estaba subido a una verja. El muchacho, Ulumji, se enamora de Timofei, y Timofei de él.
Colonel Fox is in charge of a counter terrorism group that will now have the complicated mission to help the police to prevent a dangerous Chechen terrorist organization that wants to free its leader at any cost, even if it has to destroy the whole place.
dancer at end
Anthony Santini no se acaba de desenvolver bien dentro de la mafia. Sobrino de uno de los principales capos de Nueva York, intenta una y otra vez ser un "wise guy" pero las cosas no acaban de funcionar. Toni Santini, prometió a su hermano que cuidaría de Anthony pero ya no aguanta más... Cuando Tony descubre que varios de sus hombres han sido estafados por una misteriosa chica rusa decide enviar a su problemático sobrino a Rusia para que regrese con el dinero estafado y con la chica. (FILMAFFINITY)
Steve Nichols emprende un rutinario viaje de negocios a Moscú para cerrar un acuerdo sobre la exportación de productos farmacéuticos a los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, de manera involuntaria, se ve envuelto en un peligroso asunto de contrabando de drogas. Para asegurarse su cooperación en el plan, los narcotraficantes secuestran a su hija.
Un ex investigador criminal, el mayor Korenev, con nombre de pila Fox, sale de la cárcel después de haber sido engañado por el rey de la mafía, Shaman. Cuando vuelve a la ciudad, se encuentra un nuevo mundo gobernado por clanes criminales enfrentados entre sí y un enorme caos que reina en las calles. Siendo testigo de la muerte de sus amigos, Fox decide reestablecer la ley y el orden utilizando los métodos menos ortodoxos. Asesinos a sueldo le siguen la pista y la mafia no descansará hasta dar con él en una salvaje persecución llena de violencia.