Elena Altieri

Elena Altieri

Nacimiento : 1916-07-27, Stresa, Italy

Muerte : 1997-05-01


Elena Altieri was an Italian film and stage actress. She appeared in 27 films between 1937 and 1955. She was born in Stresa, the daughter of an Italian father and an English mother. She was mainly cast, both on stage and in films, in roles of haughty and aristocratic women.


Elena Altieri


Escándalo en Milán
La irresponsabilidad de la prensa sensacionalista y su capacidad para ìdestruir reputaciones y vidas constituye la base de un convencional melodrama ìcon pretensiones. Un habilidoso guión y unas notables interpretaciones no ìimpiden que su obsoleta realización malogre gran parte de sus propuestas....
The Baroness Matilde, Renato's mother
Esta noche nada nuevo
La direttrice del giornale
Maria, una prostituta, conoce a Cesare, un periodista dipsómano, en una comisaría de policía. Cesare se enamora de ella y quiere salvarla de su triste vida, pero ella se niega a recibir su ayuda.
La carroza de oro
Duchesse de Castro
América española, siglo XVIII. A una pequeña ciudad llega una compañía italiana de teatro. Camilla, la estrella del espectáculo, debe elegir entre tres hombres: el Virrey, un joven oficial y un torero. Es un homenaje a la Comedia del Arte.
Times Gone By
la moglie del maggiore
A number of different segments taken from 19th century Italian stories.
All for love
amie de Luisa
Twelve Hours to Live
la contessa
Totò le Mokò
Mobster Pepé Le Mokò dies during a shootout with the police. His gang decide that his successor will be a relative of his from Naples: Antonio Lumaconi (Totò Le Mokò), a street musician.
Ladrón de bicicletas
The Charitable Lady
En la Roma de la posguerra, un obrero sin empleo consigue un sencillo trabajo pegando carteles a condición de que posea una bicicleta. Obra maestra del neorrealismo italiano que forma junto con "Umberto D." y "Miracolo a Milano" la famosa trilogía de De Sica.
Quarta pagina
Sua moglie
Colpi di timone
Jole Precordi, sua moglie
Oro nero
Broken Love
The well off daughter of a tenor breaks up a romance with a helpful youth from a misunderstanding. But she continues to cover him with his gambling debts despite her delicate health.
Chunky shoes
In campagna è caduta una stella
La cognata di Margaret
An American starlet inflames two Italian peasants who forget about their respective fiance's. One of them even thinks of marrying her and begins to plan for the engagement banquet. When the girl decides to live the countryside harmony reigns again.
Ai vostri ordini, signora...