Vanda Hudson

Nacimiento : 1937-01-01, Villefrance, France

Muerte : 2004-04-02


Vanda Hudson is a French actress. Born as Wanda Zaleska, she made several movies, but is perhaps best known for a role in the tv series The Avengers.


A Promise of Bed
Three part comedy. A fading sex symbol attempts to win the lead in a movie by seducing the son of a film producer. A depressed middle aged loner whose suicide attempt is interrupted by the arrival of a hippy girl.An avid sex film fan and taxi driver, crashes his cab after being distracted by the leggy charms of his latest passenger.
At a reception, the guests amuse themselves with cruel games.
Father Came Too!
Nell Gwynne
When Dexter Munro and his new wife Juliet get married, they decide to escape Juliet's meddling father by buying a rundown cottage and doing it up themselves. But when the cottage proves to be more ramshackle than they thought, and the scale of the repairs needed far out of their budget, the newlyweds are forced into calling on Juliet's father after all. Before long he's employed incompetent builder Josh Wicks, and the situation goes from bad to worse.
Strip Tease Murder
The unusual death of a dancer at the Flamingo Club prompts the dancer's husband to dig deeper into the case. What he uncovers is a tangled web of blackmail, drug trafficking, and mad science.
Ticket to Paradise
Travel agent Emrys Jones and tourist Patricia Dainton fall in love in sunny Italy. Jones has led Dainton to believe that he's fabulously wealthy, and she has likewise deceived him. When the truth inevitably outs, it hardly matters, since hero and heroine now love each other for themselves rather than their bank accounts.
Circo de los horrores
Magda von Meck
Un cirujano plástico (con muy poca ética) se escapa de Inglaterra y se oculta en un circo que recorre Francia. Ahí consigue hermosas jóvenes a las que somete a operaciones de cirugía plástica. Cuando sus pacientes intentan escapar, el galeno las mata y simula accidentes.
Bottoms Up!
An incompetent boarding school headmaster, Professor Jim Edwards, devises a bizarre plot to raise the profile of his boarding school, and thus save his job, by passing off his bookie's son as a Middle Eastern prince. The headmaster's madcap scheme is further complicated when an official from the Foreign Office arrives and announces that a real prince is to be placed under Edwards supervision, not due to the schools lofty reputation, but that a gang of kidnappers are unlikely to look for the regal child there.
Jungle Street
Lucy Bell
In this crime drama, a mugger accidently kills a man during a robbery and finds himself blackmailed into cracking a nightclub safe. The mugger escapes by double crossing the blackmailer by stealing the money and his girlfriend to boot. Unfortunately the police are in hot pursuit.
Crimen al atardecer
Girl at Tulip Club
Un solitario día de invierno, la policía halla un cadáver en Hampstead Heath. Se trata de una joven y bella muchacha que ha sido apuñalada en el corazón. La única pista es un pañuelo teñido de sangre con la inicial "S". Su vestido, medias de lana y zapatillas planas corresponden al típico atuendo estudiantil. La investigación se pone en manos del superintendente Hazard y del detective inspector Learoyd.
La noche es mi enemiga
Girl in Street
Un aristócrata británico (Dirk Bogarde) que padece amnesia es acusado de asesinato, lo que desencadena una crisis entre él y su esposa (Olivia de Havilland).