Keith Wayne

Keith Wayne

Nacimiento : 1945-01-16, Washington, Pennsylvania, USA

Muerte : 1995-09-09


Keith Wayne was born on January 16, 1945 in Washington, Pennsylvania, real name Ronald Keith Hartman. He was an actor known for playing Tom in Night of the Living Dead (1968).


Keith Wayne


They Came from the Attic
Tom (Archival Footage)
A teenage boy is home alone for the weekend but when nocturnal creatures living in his attic escape, he must survive.
Zombie Jamboree
A documentary on the Zombie Jamboree, the 25th Anniversary of Night of the Living Dead convention that took place in 1993. Guests included numerous cast and crew of the Romero Living Dead movies as well as cast from Russo's spin-off series, Return of the Living Dead. Other guests included horror icons Kane Hodder, Gunnar Hansen, Linnea Quigley, Brinke Stevens and Tom Savini as well as sci-fi/fantasy favorites, Adam West, Dave Prowse and Susie Owens among others. Documentary includes interviews with celebrities and fans and includes clips from events of the convention.
La noche de los muertos vivientes
Las radiaciones procedentes de un satélite provocan un fenómeno terrorífico: los muertos salen de sus tumbas y atacan a los hombres para alimentarse. La acción comienza en un cementerio de Pennsylvania, donde Barbara, después de ser atacada por un muerto viviente, huye hacia una granja. Allí también se ha refugiado Ben. Ambos construirán barricadas para defenderse de una multitud de despiadados zombies que sólo pueden ser vencidos con un golpe en la cabeza.