Fenia Cossovitsa


Las Cycladas
As teenagers, Blandine and Magalie were inseparable. Years passed and they lost sight of each other. As their paths cross again, they decide to take the trip together that they have always dreamed of. Direction Greece, its sun, its islands but also its galleys because the two former best friends now have a very different approach to holidays... and to life!
The  man with the answers
El ex-buzo de campeonato Victoras pasa sus días en la costa griega, trabajando duro en una fábrica con solo sus sueños, medallas y abuela como compañía. Cuando una llamada telefónica lo convoca a Alemania, la respuesta es un simple viaje por carretera, es decir, hasta que se cruza con el apuesto Mathias, un autoestopista de espíritu libre que tienta a Victoras a tomar el camino que no ha tomado.
Say Cheese
Executive Producer
Thierry is convinced that the best is behind him. When Claire, his wife, tired of «it was better before», announced that she is leaving him, Thierry, devastated, decided to go back to Greece where they spend their best family holidays 20 years ago. Officially, he wants to spend one last week with their children before announcing their separation. Unofficially, he hopes to win back his wife... By trying to rekindle the flame of his couple, Thierry may well set his family on fire...
Moon, 66 questions
Tras años distanciada de su familia, Artemis se ve obligada a regresar a Atenas ante el delicado estado de salud de su padre. Descubrir el secreto que tan celosamente guardó su padre durante años permitirá a Artemis entenderle de un modo que no había logrado en toda su vida.
Line Producer
Members of the Baltatzis family recount the 1922 burning of Smyrna, Greece, including the assault on vibrant Greek and Armenian communities.
La excavadora
Cuando Jonny visita a su padre Nikitas en su cabaña en el bosque después de 20 años, el ermitaño lo ignora. Pero para evitar que el suelo fangoso sea arrancado de debajo de sus pies por razones de lucro, padre e hijo deben cavar profundamente en él ...
Tailor (El sastre)
Executive Producer
Un sastre soñador, al borde de la ruina, intenta reinventar su vida y alegrar la vida a las novias de Atenas. Nikos vive en el ático de la sastrería familiar. Cuando el banco amenaza con embargar la sastrería y su padre cae enfermo, Nikos entra en acción: con una maravillosa aunque extraña sastrería sobre ruedas, consigue reinventarse a sí mismo aportando estilo y confianza a las mujeres de Atenas con preciosos vestidos.
The End of Suffering (A Proposal)
Sofia is panicky, again. The Universe decides to contact her. An other-wordly dialogue. A planet symphony for Mars, where people dream awake and fight for love.
Cosmic Candy
When a young girl's father suddenly disappears, her weirdo neighbor - an eccentric supermarket cashier - is forced to take care of her.
Still River
A Greek couple, Anna (Katia Goulioni) and Petros (Andreas Konstantinou), have recently moved to a small industrial town in Siberia. It’s a long process to adapt, especially for Anna, since Petros is quite occupied with his job. That will cause a conflict between them and inevitably the couple is distanced. Everything is escalated as for the past period there is no sexual intercourse between them. This slow-paced decay is intensified when an unexpected event occurs, changing everything between them. Balancing between trust and disbelief the haunting suspense evolves.
One year after the death of her mother, Elena, a young French woman of Greek origin, returns to her holiday home on the island of Lesbos. She is accompanied by her friends Nassim and Sekou, two young suburbanites more used to the benches of the city than the paradisiac beaches.
Letter to Theo
The filmmaker Théo Angelopoulos died on January 24th, 2012, knocked down by a motorbike on the set of his final film. In his unfinished film, he was telling the destinies of the victims of the Greek crisis. The list of victims of the crisis has only grown longer, this destitution echoing another that Théo had sensed was coming: that of the massive arrival of refugees who find themselves trapped in Greece by the closure of the borders. Yet citizen resistance is being organized and fights every day to bring those in danger of obliteration out of the shadows. Ironically, the ambulance supposed to come to his rescue broke down because budgetary restrictions had made it impossible to maintain the vehicle. The crisis itself killed Théo. This is a letter addressed to him in the form of a film.
Six-year-old Markos, aiming to find out where the sun sleeps while visiting his grandfather in isolated Vourvourou, stumbles upon the most important stages in life.
Hector Malot: The Last Day of the Year
New Year’s Eve dawns in a moon-kissed car, and Sofia has a dream that she tells no-one: while walking on a desert, she gets to know that she is sick. She pretends she does not care. Has she lost heart?
I Still Hide to Smoke
En el corazón del hamam, lejos de la mirada acusadora de los hombres, madres, amantes, vírgenes o exaltadas islamistas, confrontan sus risas, llantos, cóleras, Biblias y Coranes antes del silbido de un puñal y del silencio de Dios.
On a very hot day in Athens, Stephanos, the eldest brother, is working out while his mother is planning a day out. After another intense argument, Stephanos is left alone to take care of his two younger siblings as well as Lucy, the family's sick dog. The day is spent pleasantly between summery laziness, pizzas, teenage flirting and phone calls that remain unanswered.
Blind Sun
​Greece. A seaside resort struck by a heavy heat wave. Water is scarce and violence is ready to explode. Ashraf, a solitary immigrant, is looking after a villa while its owners are away. On a dusty road crushed by the sun, he is stopped by a police officer for an identity check...
Standing Aside, Watching
Antigone returns from Athens to her troubled hometown, determined to keep a low profile. But this is a complex, difficult woman — her name is no coincidence — and her run-ins with the town's brutish men set a dramatic series of events in motion. A moral drama with an edge.
Twice-orphaned Jace, a seven-year-old Albanian of Greek origin, witnesses a massacre that wipes out his entire foster family in Argyrokastron, and then falls in the hands of a bunch of ruthless gangsters who "export" children abroad for various profitable reasons (ranging from beggary to organ trade). Jace ends up in Athens, Greece, begging at street corners, exploring the secret horrors of brutal institutions for young offenders or, much later, serving obscure patrons, in an underworld where violent loss seems to be his only destiny. The movie follows Jace's inverted Odyssey in a dark universe of abuse, murder and fear, as he desperately (and silently) seeks for a "family" of his own or, at least, for a sense of belonging
Associate Producer
Verano del 69 en una aldea griega. Cinco adolescentes están impacientes por descubrir el amor y el mundo entero. Uranya, una hermosa mujer, vive en las afueras de la aldea en una casa junto al mar. Su casa es bien conocida por todos los varones del lugar. Los jóvenes hacen un juramento común: ahorrar bastante dinero con el fin de visitar a Uranya e iniciarse en los misterios del amor. Al mismo tiempo, Grecia está viviendo bajo la tiránica junta militar, y su opresión se siente en todos los rincones del país.
El maullido del gato
Line Producer
En noviembre de 1924, una misteriosa muerte sacude a todo Hollywood. A bordo de su yate, el magnate de la comunicación William Randolph Hearst comparte una violenta velada con su amante, la corista Marion Davies, el director y actor Charlie Chaplin, el productor Thomas Ince y la columnista de cotilleos Louella Parsons. Durante la fiesta, el poderoso Hearst asesina por error a Ince "cuyo cumpleaños era el motivo de la reunión" confundiéndolo con Chaplin, ya que estaba convencido de que su protegida Marion lo engañaba con el famoso cómico.