Edmund Mortimer

Nacimiento : 1874-08-21, New York City, New York, USA

Muerte : 1944-05-21


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Edmund Mortimer (21 August 1874 – 21 May 1944) was an American actor and film director. He appeared in 251 films between 1913 and 1945. He also directed 23 films between 1918 and 1928. He was born in New York, New York and died in Los Angeles, California.


La rubia de los cabellos de fuego
New Year's Eve Party Patron (uncredited)
La vida de la bulliciosa animadora Texas Guinan se recuerda desde su pobre infancia con un padre con mala suerte hasta su reinado como la Reina de los Clubes Nocturnos. En el camino, también encuentra el romance y la angustia.
La bella del Yukon
Saloon Patron (uncredited)
En la ciudad minera de Malemute, Yukon, el dueño del salón John Calhoun y una variedad de personajes sombríos buscan las bolsas de polvo de oro que los mineros depositan en el nuevo banco administrado por el mismo Calhoun.
Escuela de Sirenas
Faculty Member (uncredited)
Uno de los musicales “acuáticos” más famosos de la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, con Esther Williams en el papel de una estudiante enamorada de un compositor de canciones (Red Skelton) mientras ensaya en la piscina bellas coreografías de danza sincronizada. Con numerosas y espectaculares escenas de ballet acuático.
El señor Skeffington
Nightclub Extra (uncredited)
Nueva York, 1914. Para salvar a su hermano, que ha cometido un desfalco, Fanny Trellis (Bette Davis), una mujer egoísta que sólo se preocupa por su belleza, se ve obligada a casarse con Job Skeffington Claude Rains), el director del banco, un hombre poco atractivo y mucho mayor que ella, pero paciente y bondadoso. El matrimonio, concertado y sin amor, pasará por varias etapas en las que ambos verán pasar dos guerra mundiales, varios amantes, una cruel enfermedad, persecuciones nazis, la ceguera y el pánico al envejecimiento.
Weird Woman
Party Guest (uncredited)
After bringing his beautiful new wife Paula home to America from a remote island on which she was raised, Professor Norman Reed begins to feel the clash between his world of rational science and hers of bizarre dancing and freaky voodoo rituals. Norman's stuck-up friends also sense Paula's strangeness, and soon their meddling gossip and suspicious scheming push the poor woman to use her magic to defend herself and her husband – and maybe even to kill! Or is it just the power of suggestion...?
La mujer araña
Casino Patron (uncredited)
En esta nueva aventura de Holmes en la época de la II Guerra Mundial, en Inglaterra, Sherlock Holmes finge estar muerto para investigar una serie de aparentes suicidios unidos entre sí por supuestas picaduras de araña. Esto lo llevará a enfrentarse con uno de los rivales más peligrosos que haya conocido. Su sospecha pronto se centra en la atractiva pero al parecer, altamente peligrosa, Andrea Spedding.
True to Life
Porter House Guest (uncredited)
Un escritor de seriales radiofónicos anda desesperadamente falto de ideas. Hasta que se muda a un apartamento contiguo a la casa de una encantadora familia que le sirve de inspiración. El tipo pone en marcha un programa de gran éxito, pero se siente culpable de su enfoque de chanza, más cuando se enamora de la hija mayor del clan.
His Butler's Sister
Train Passenger
Aspiring singer Ann Carter visits her stepbrother in New York, hoping to make it on Broadway.
The Mad Ghoul
Man in Audience (uncredited)
Dr. Alfred Morris, a university chemistry professor, rediscovers an ancient Mayan formula for a gas which turns men into pliant, obedient, zombie-like ghouls. After medical student Ted Allison becomes a guinea pig for Morris, the professor imagines that Allison's fiancée, a beautiful concert singer Isabel Lewis, wants to break off the engagement because she prefers the professor as a more "mature" lover but in reality loves Eric, her accompanist. In order to bring Ted back from his trance-like states, Morris commands him to perform a cardiectomy on recently deceased or living bodies in order to use serum from their hearts as a temporary antidote. When the serial murders seem to coincide with Isabel's touring schedule, ace reporter "Scoop" McClure gets on the mad scientist's trail.
Swing Fever
Man in Gym (uncredited)
Un ambicioso compositor de musicales, dotado de un mal de ojo hipnótico, se ve mezclado en la promoción de un boxeador.
Crazy House
Studio Man
Ole Olsen and Chic Johnson are Broadway stars who return to Universal Studios to make another movie. The mere mention of Olsen and Johnson's names evacuates the studio and terrorizes the management and personnel. Undaunted, the comedians hire an assistant director and unknown talent, and set out to make their own movie.
Mr. Lucky
Gambler (uncredited)
Un jugador profesional suplanta la personalidad de un fallecido y se introduce en una fundación para recaudar fondos para la guerra; se propone montar una sala de juegos, para quedarse con la recaudación, pero el amor se interpondrá en sus planes.
La ninfa constante
Party Guest
Una inocente muchacha se enamora locamente de un músico que no está interesado por ella.
Tiburones de acero
Man at Hotel Registration Desk
Al teniente Ward Stewart y a su equipo les han asignado una importante misión dentro del submarino Albacore. Investigan a un pequeño barco que resulta ser un Q-ship nazi. Los miembros del Albacore consiguen escapar de la emboscada, pero cuando llegan a Nueva Londres, Stewart y el capitán del submarino se ven envueltos en un triángulo amoroso que afectará a la misión más peligrosa que jamás hayan tenido que afrontar en toda su vida.
Who's Superstitious?
Ship Owner (archive footage)
This short film examines the origins of several superstitions including crossing your fingers, knocking on wood, rabbit's feet, and breaking champagne bottles to christen ships, plus the role of superstitions in the Flying Dutchman tale.
Bailando nace el amor
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
En la acaudalada familia argentina de los Acuña la tradición exige que las hijas se casen por orden de edad. Cuando la mayor se casa, las otras dos hermanas apremian a la segunda, María, para que busque marido. Pero María todavía no ha encontrado un hombre que le guste.
El mayor y la menor
Ball Guest (uncredited)
Después de probar fortuna en Nueva York y no tener éxito, Susan Applegate decide regresar a su pueblo en Iowa. Previendo esta situación había reservado 27,50$ para el tren, pero como la tarifa ha aumentado decide disfrazarse de niña de 12 años para pagar la mitad. Los revisores del tren dudan que en realidad sea una niña y para escapar de ellos entra en el camarote de un apuesto militar, el Mayor del título, y es donde comienzan los enredos.
La llave de cristal
Man at Campaign Headquarters (uncredited)
Durante la campaña para la reelección, el político corrupto Paul Madvig decide limpiar su pasado, rechazando el apoyo del gángster Nick Varna y asociándose con el respetable político reformista Ralph Henry. Cuando el hijo de Ralph, Taylor Henry, un jugador y el amante de la hermana de Pablo Opal, es asesinado, el brazo derecho de Paul, Ed Beaumont, encuentra su cuerpo en la calle. Nick utiliza la situación financiera de The Observer para forzar al editor Clyde Matthews a utilizar el periódico para sembrar la sospecha de que Paul Madvig podría haber matado a Taylor
Mi espía favorita
Nightclub Patron
Justo antes de embarcarse en su luna de miel, el soldado Kay Kyser recibe la orden de presentarse en el cuartel general para una peligrosa misión: actuar como espía en un club nocturno donde parece ser se ha localizado a un grupo de nazis. Su esposa Terry no parece conformarse con la soledad, así que parte en busca de su nuevo marido. Esto, unido a la torpeza de Kyser y la intervención de una rubia agente secreta dará lugar a todo tipo de situaciones cómicas.
Frisco Lil
Lil becomes a dealer in a gambling casino in order to get the information she needs to clear her father of a murder charge. She also falls in love with lawyer Brewster.
El macho
Meeting Guest (uncredited)
Los miembros del Consejo Rector de la Universidad Midwestern han expulsado a tres profesores por sospechar que puedan ser comunistas. El consejero Ed Keller (Eugene Pallette) también ha amenazado con la expulsión a Tommy Turner (Henry Fonda), el profesor de literatura, que tiene previsto leer en su clase un texto que puede resultar sospechoso. Pero no es eso lo que más molesta al profesor Turner, sino el hecho de que su propia esposa, Ellen (Olivia De Havilland) también opine que no debe de leer el controvertido texto. Mientras tanto, Joe Ferguson (Jack Carson), un antiguo novio de Ellen se ha presentado a hacerles una visita durante el fin de semana, lo que ha causado cierta preocupación a Tommy...
Abbott y Costello: Duro vaquero
Bus Passenger (uncredited)
El mejor autor de novelas del oeste, Bronco Bob Mitchell, nunca ha puesto un pie en el oeste. Un artículo de prensa ha puesto de manifiesto este hecho a sus fans, y su imagen está sufriendo a causa de ello. Por ello decide lavar su imagen haciendo una aparición en un rodeo de caridad de Long Island. Mientras está montado en un caballo, un novillo se escapa y se lanza contra él. No sabiendo qué hacer, una vaquera, Anne Shaw, viene a su rescate y le salva la vida. Mientras tanto, Duke y Willoughby son vendedores de cacahuetes en el rodeo. No son muy buenos en su trabajo, y pronto causan estragos. En una de esas se esconden de su jefe en un vagón de ganado y de pronto se encuentran camino hacia el oeste...
Brooklyn Orchid
Party Guest
Two taxi-fleet operators rescue a girl and she follows them to a mountain resort.
Honolulu Lu
While in Hawaii, Velez begins the film as a risque nightclub act and due to her involvement with a group of sailors becomes a beauty queen.
Murieron con las botas puestas
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
George Custer (Errol Flynn) llega a la Academia de West Point lleno de arrogancia y vanidad. Su carácter indisciplinado le ocasionará numerosos problemas con sus superiores. A pesar de todo, y debido a la acuciante necesidad de oficiales para la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865), es enviado al frente. Terminada la guerra, se casa con Beth (Olivia de Havilland), pero pronto le asignan un nuevo destino: la guerra contra los indios. Al frente del Séptimo de Caballería, el Teniente Coronel Custer se enfrentará a los indios de Caballo Loco. La campaña termina con la famosa batalla de Little Big Horn (Montana, 1876).
Camino de Santa Fe
Extra in Washington Party (uncredited)
Como castigo por una pelea con sus compañeros días antes de graduarse en West Point, Jeb Stuart, George Armstrong Custer y cuatro amigos más, son destinados al Segundo de Caballería, estacionado en Fort Leavenworth. Durante su estancia allí, deberán participar en la captura y ejecución del abolicionista, John Brown, tras la Batalla de Harper Ferry.
Michael Shayne: Private Detective
Casino Patron
Millionaire sportsman Hiram Brighton hires gumshoe Michael Shayne to keep his spoiled daughter Phyllis away from racetrack betting windows and roulette wheels. After Phyllis slips away and continues her compulsive gambling, Shayne fakes the murder of her gambler boyfriend, who is also romancing the daughter of casino owner Benny Gordon, in order to frighten her. When the tout really ends up murdered, Shayne and Phyllis' Aunt Olivia, an avid reader of murder mysteries, both try to find the identity of the killer.
El murciélago diabólico
Martin Heath
Cuando la compañía Heath & Morton se enriquece gracias al doctor Carruthers, éste no se siente suficientemente recompensado y decide vengarse de los dueños del negocio familiar. Para ello, hará uso de un murciélago al que ha conseguido, mediante impulsos eléctricos, hacer alcanzar dimensiones gigantescas, y que guarda en su laboratorio. El murciélago ha sido entrenado para atacar cuando percibe el olor de un perfume que el propio doctor ha producido y se va encargando de suministrar a sus futuras víctimas.
El hijo de Montecristo
Officer (Uncredited)
La Gran Duquesa se dirige a París para conseguir ayuda de Napoleón. El General Gurko Lanen está intentando hacerse con el control de su país y envía a las tropas tras la Duquesa para evitar que llegue hasta él. Gurko fuerza a La Duquesa a un matrimonio de conveniencia. Ya en el altar, Edmund Dantes reaparece lanzándose sobre Gurko, al no estar de acuerdo con dicho matrimonio.
Little Nellie Kelly
Guest at Policeman's Ball (uncredited)
La joven irlandesa Nellie se enamora de Jerry, un guapo muchacho, pero sus padres se oponen a la relación. Ambos deciden casarse y mudarse a Nueva York.
El mago de la muerte
Courtroom Spectator
Un médico condenado a la pena de muerte por practicar la eutanasia recibe permiso para experimentar con un suero, utilizando la sangre de asesinos, pero se lo inyecta en secreto. Se le conmuta la pena, pero descubre que se ha convertido en Jekyll y Hyde.
Hired Wife
Restaurant Patron
Un publicista le pide a su secretaria que se case con ella, por pura conveniencia, para poder cerrar un negocio que tiene entre manos. El pacto conlleva el divorcio inmediato, una vez cerrado el asunto. El problema viene cuando ella rehúsa cumplir con su parte, quiere seguir casada con su 'maridito'.
Enviado especial
Luncheon Guest (uncredited)
Poco antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un corresponsal americano enviado a Europa se ve envuelto en la lucha contra el fascismo durante la investigación del secuestro de un diplomático holandés. Se trata de un alegato en favor de la intervención de los americanos en la guerra. Fue propuesta como candidata a seis Óscar -incluyendo mejor película-, pero no consiguó ninguno.
La pasión ciega
Extra in Courtroom (uncredited)
Joe y Paul Fabrini son dos hermanos que tratan de abrirse camino por su cuenta como camioneros. Tras unos duros comienzos, las cosas comienzan a ir bien, pero la ambición de Joe y la aparición de una mujer obsesionada con él hará que todo se complique.
De nuevo el amor
Party Guest (uncredited)
Comedia donde una estudiante de violín con problemas económicos para seguir su aprendizaje recibe una sorpresa cuando un donante anónimo le consigue un contrato para grabar un disco.
El regreso del Santo
Nightclub Patron
El Santo regresa a la acción para ayudar a un viejo amigo suyo el Inspector Fernack, acosado por un grupo de mafiosos.
Girl in 313
Extra at Fashion Show
A priceless necklace goes missing at a plush party. Police close in on the jewel thieves but is one cop getting too close to one of the crooks?
Island of Doomed Men
Parole Board Member (uncredited)
Undercover agent Mark Sheldon gets paroled to a remote tropical island with a diamond mine manned by slave labor run by sadistic Stephen Danel.
El puente de Waterloo
Club Patron (uncredited)
En vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un oficial británico de buena familia regresa a Londres y evoca sus años de juventud durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Recuerda que se enamoró de una joven bailarina, justo antes de partir hacia el frente. Primera película de Vivien Leigh tras "Lo que el viento se llevó".
Edison, el hombre
Party Guest
Mediante flashback, un Edison de 82 años narra su vida desde su llegada a Nueva York con 22 años, cuando ya empezó a hacer sus pinitos en el mundo de la invención.
Curtain Call
Dressing Room Guest
Two theatrical producers plan to get even with a demanding actress by tricking her into starring in the worst play they can find.
In Old Missouri
The Weavers are share-croppers who confront their landlord with their tale of woe only to find he is in money trouble too. He also has a wastrel son and a socialite wife who wants a divorce. He begs the Weavers to trade places with him and fix things up.
Ruta de Singapur
Chaperone's Companion (uncredited)
Josh Mallon (Crosby) es un millonario que, harto de esa vida, escapa de su dominante padre (Charles Coburn) y, junto a un vagabundo (Bob Hope), viaja hasta Singapur donde encontrará a una atractiva nativa (Dorothy Lamour) que trabaja en un cabaret para un individuo con pocos escrúpulos (Anthony Quinn).
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk
Second Man
A man involved in a crime (Nolan) kills his key witness by mistake and resigns himself to death. He changes his name so as not to harm his family. The law is not content with his explanation, however.
The Earl of Chicago
Lord (uncredited)
A behind the times Chicago bootlegger goes to England with his lawyer to claim his estate as the Earl of Gorley.
Estudiantes en Oxford
Dinner Guest (uncredited)
Tras varios intentos desesperados de buscar trabajo, Laurel y Hardy terminan trabajando de barrenderos. Sin proponérselo, detienen a un ladrón de bancos, por lo que el director, en agradecimiento, decide pagarles los estudios en la prestigiosa universidad de Oxford. Cuando llegan allí, protagonizan varios enredos y bromas.
We Are Not Alone
Courtroom Extra
A British doctor and his son's Austrian governess have an affair and are accused of killing his wife.
Caballero y ladrón
Extra at Ambassador Club
A.J. Raffles, hombre de mundo y jugador de cricket de primera, se mantiene solvente cometiendo robos atrevidos. Cuando se reencuentra con Gwen, su amor de adolescencia, vuelve a enamorarse otra vez de ella y pasa el fin de semana con sus padres, Lord y Lady Melrose. Un valioso collar supone una tentación irresistible para él, pero deberá tener cuidado con uno de los mejores agentes de Scotland Yard, que también está al acecho.
First Love
Ball Guest
In this reworking of Cinderella, orphaned Connie Harding is sent to live with her rich aunt and uncle after graduating from boarding school. She's hardly received with open arms, especially by her snobby cousin Barbara. When the entire family is invited to a major social ball, Barbara sees to it that Connie is forced to stay home. With the aid of her uncle, who acts as her fairy godfather, Connie makes it to the ball and meets her Prince Charming in Ted Drake, her cousin's boyfriend.
Una tarde en el circo
Governor (uncredited)
Los Hermanos Marx tratar de ayudar al dueño de un circo a recuperar algunos fondos robados antes de que se encuentre a él mismo sin trabajo.
Eternamente tuya
Nightclub Extra (uncredited)
Una joven de vida sencilla conoce un día a un ilusionista, El gran Arturo. Deslumbrada por su excitante personalidad, se enamora del mago y, poco después, se casa con él y abandona su pueblo natal para seguirlo en sus giras artísticas. Después de varios años de vida nómada, la mujer se da cuenta de que la felicidad para ella consiste en tener una casa, una familia y un marido a quien cuidar. Una vida que el ilusionista, más preocupado por sus trucos que por su esposa, no parece dispuesto a ofrecerle.
Man in Stage Wing with Charles (Uncredited)
Un famoso violinista, tras volver a casa después de un gira triunfal, conoce a la profesora de piano de su hija. Sus encuentros al principio instrascendentes se harán cada vez más intensos hasta que descubren que están enamorados.
The Under-Pup
Extra in audience
A young city girl from a poor family is invited to spend the summer at a camp for girls from wealthy families. At first made fun of and ridiculed because of her background, she determines to show the snooty rich girls she's just as good as they are.
Tell No Tales
Guest at Lovelake's (uncredited)
Michael Cassidy es el editor de un pequeño periódico que está a punto de ser cerrado. El nuevo propietario, Matthew Cooper, dueño de otro periódico de la ciudad, sólo lo ha comprado para deshacerse de la competencia
Sorority House
Governor Morley
A young girl begins to wonder if she really fits into the upper-class sorority she's trying to join.
Party Guest
A modest country doctor in the antebellum South has to contend with his daughter's upcoming marriage and an affectionate medicine show elephant.
They Made Her a Spy
Man with Senator in the Dome Cafe
When her brother is killed by sabotage, Irene Eaton (Sally Eilers) joins the secret service and goes undercover to unroot the culprits.
Buck Rogers
Member of War Council
Buck Rogers and Buddy Wade are in the middle of a trans-polar dirigible flight when they are caught in a blizzard and crash. Buddy then releases a special gas to keep them in suspended animation until a rescue party can arrive. However, an avalanche covers the craft and the two are in suspended animation for 500 years. When they are found, they awake to find out that the world has been taken over by the outlaw army of Killer Kane. Along with Lieutenant Wilma Deering, Buck and Buddy join in the fight to overthrow Kane and with the help of Prince Tallen of Saturn and his forces, they eventually do and Earth is free of Kane's grip.
Cumbres borrascosas
Party Guest (uncredited)
Perdido en medio de una tormenta de nieve en un rocoso páramo inglés, un extranjero se topa con Cumbres Borrascosas, la lúgubre mansión del misterioso Heathcliff, un hombre tan torturado por un amor frustrado que ha perdido el deseo de vivir. Mientras la tormenta ruge en el exterior, el fatigado caminante escucha fascinado la triste historia del desesperado amor de Heathcliff y Cathy. Cuando Heathcliff volvió a buscarla, después de una larga ausencia intentando hacer fortuna, Cathy ya se había casado con un joven de la alta sociedad. El desengaño destrozó el alma de Heathcliff, pero no logró apagar el fuego de una pasión inextinguible que arderá en sus entrañas por toda la eternidad.
La historia de Irene Castle
Vernon Castle, que se gana la vida como actor cómico de segunda fila, conoce en una playa a Irene, quien ve en él grandes aptitudes como bailarín. Ambos se enamoran y poco después se casan. Irene convence a Vernon para formar juntos una pareja de baile. Un malentendido les lleva a París, donde en realidad sólo le querían a él para interpretar un grotesco número cómico de vaudeville. La suerte, sin embargo, les sonríe de inmediato: una empresaria pone sus ojos en ellos y les hace debutar en el Café de París. Vernon e Irene triunfan por todo lo alto en el mundo de la moda. Pero estalla la guerra y Vernon siente la necesidad de alistarse.
Sergeant Madden
Doctor in Hospital
A dedicated police officer is torn between family and duty when his son turns to a life of crime.
Stephanie's Party Guest (uncredited)
Clásica "screwball comedy" (escrita por Billy Wilder y su guionista habitual, Charles Brackett) en la que una chica americana, perdida en París y sin un centavo, se hace amiga de un taxista. Éste la lleva en su taxi a una fiesta de la alta sociedad, donde se hará pasar por una dama rica y elegante.
Three Smart Girls Grow Up
Wedding Guest
Three sisters who believe life is going to be easy, now that their parents are back together, until one sister falls in love with another's fiancé, and the youngest sister plays matchmaker.
Beauty for the Asking
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Denny breaks up with his fiancée Jean to marries wealthy Flora. When Jean is fired from her job she decides to market the face cream she invented. After sending it to twelve rich woman, only Flora decides to invest in the business. As Denny has no job, the girls give him an office at the factory. The business takes off, but Jean finds that she is still in love with Denny and Denny seems to forget he is married to Flora.
A mí no me engaña nadie
Wedding Guest
El señor Whipsnade dirige un circo de mala muerte y vive abrumado por las deudas. Además, los artistas sólo le crean problemas, y sólo puede permitirse enviar a sus hijos a un colegio pésimo. Su hija Vicky rechaza a un pretendiente fastidioso pero muy rico. Sin embargo, cuando se entera de las graves dificultades económicas de su padre cambia de idea.
Torchy Blane in Chinatown
Dowager's Husband (uncredited)
Torchy Blane joins her police-detective fiance to solve a series of murders involving a set of Chinese grave tablets taken and sold to a collector and death-threats written in Chinese characters.
The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt
Masked Party Guest
En Washington, el espía Gregory secuestra al ladrón Michael Lanyard para obligarle a robar los planes de los bombardeos del Departamento de Defensa.
Going Places
Customer in Store
A sports store clerk poses as a famous jockey as an advertising stunt, but gets more than he bargained for.
Peter Goodwin es el patriarca de una familia que odia a los Dillon desde que ambos clanes se enfrentaron en la Guerra Civil; pero surge un pequeño problema cuando su sobrina Sally (Loretta Young) se enamora de Jack, el hijo de los Dillon (Richard Greene). Además, para echar más leña al fuego en este romance imposible, Jack ayuda a Sally a formarse como jinete y participar en el derby de Kentucky.
El vaquero y la dama
Dinner Party Guest (uncredited)
Gary Cooper interpreta a un cowboy rudo e implacable pero con buenos sentimientos. Aunque no tiene nada que ver con su forma de ser, acaba enamorándose de una joven adinerada de alto copete, interpretada por Merle Oberon. Con su manera decidida de actuar, el cowboy, que tiene un temperamento bastante tradicional, está decidido a calmar la ligereza de la chica. Ella no soporta que nadie le diga lo que tiene que hacer. El cowboy piensa que este tipo de chicas son como los caballos salvajes, que para adiestrarlos hay que darles un margen de confianza, a la vez que atarles corto.
A magazine reporter exposes a crooked District Attorney, resulting in his trial. Complications ensue, however, when the man is acquitted.
A Man to Remember
Medical Association Board Member (uncredited)
On the day of his funeral, a dedicated smalltown doctor is remembered by his neighbors and patients.
The Lady Objects
Mr. Broderick
A former college football hero and his college sweetheart get married. Marital turmoil ensues as her criminal law practice soars while he cannot get his career as an architect off the ground. They separate, and the man begins making extra money by singing in a nightclub. When he is unjustly accused of murder, it is up to his estranged wife to defend him in court.
That Certain Age
Dashing reporter Vincent Bullit has just returned from covering the Spanish Civil War. His boss, newspaper magnate Fullerton, has more plans to send him off to China. However, first Fullerton invites Bullit to the peace and quiet of his own home to write a series of European affair articles. When Fullerton's adolescent daughter Alice develops a crush on Bullit, her suitor, boyscout Ken Warren, doesn't seem to stand a chance. Mr. and Mrs. Fullerton, Ken Warren, and even Vincent Bullit himself do their best to sway young Alice's feelings away from the older man. It's a difficult task though, as she is at 'that certain age.'
Crashing Through Danger
Board Member
Three electrical linemen work through the hazardous conditions of the Depression Era. Sparks fly, and things become truly dangerous, when Ann comes between this band of brothers. Things get worse, after they move in together, following the death of her father, their supervisor, "Pop" Foster, from an industrial accident.
Smashing the Rackets
Angry Businessman
Jim 'Socker' Conway, former boxer and FBI hero, is maneuvered for political reasons into a do-nothing job in the district attorney's office. Meanwhile, he meets wild debutante Letty Lane, girlfriend of mob mouthpiece Steve Lawrence; and Letty's much nicer sister Susan. Now the slot machine gang brutally beats Jim's friends Franz and Otto. And Jim finds a way to use his nominal position to go into the racket- busting business. But his success puts Letty in deadly peril...
The Chaser
Bar Association Member
A sleazy lawyer gains clients by showing up at terrible accidents. His boss, determined to stop him, hires a pretty girl to cozy up and coerce the truth out of the ambulance-chaser. Unfortunately, the boss doesn't count on the romance factor and sure enough, love blossoms between the girl and the shyster.
Penrod's Double Trouble
Dinner Guest (uncredited)
When a young boy disappears, a man desperate for the offered reward money turns up with an identical child.
El sorprendente Dr. Clitterhouse
Guest (uncredited)
El eminente doctor Clitterhouse (Edward G. Robinson) llega más lejos que todos sus colegas en su afán por desentrañar el misterio que hace que un hombre se convierta en un delincuente. Propulsor de un particular método y, convencido de que él es el mejor sujeto de experimentación, decide llevar a cabo una extraña prueba que le permita concluir si el hombre cae en el delito por necesidad o por la sublimación de los sentidos.
Woman Against Woman
Guest at Senator Kingsley's Party
A newlywed unhappily discovers that her husband's scheming ex-wife still has a controlling influence in his life and home.
Locura de la marihuana
Henry Harper (uncredited)
El Dr. Alfred Carroll, director de un instituto, relata a una audiencia de padres que la marihuana puede tener efectos devastadores en los adolescentes: un proveedor de drogas atrae a varios adolescentes inquietos, Mary y Jimmy Lane, hermana y hermano, y a Bill, el novio de Mary, para que frecuenten un fumadero. Poco a poco, Bill y Jimmy se ven arrastrados a fumar droga, lo que afecta a su vida familiar.
Vivir para gozar
Bunny - Party Guest
Adaptación de una obra de Broadway. Johnny Case (Cary Grant), un hombre poco convencional, se enamora de Julia Seton (Doris Nolan), una chica de buena familia; así que debe adaptarse a la alta sociedad neoyorquina. Además, su novia quiere que trabaje en el banco de su padre, actividad incompatible con su carácter. Sólo Linda (Katharine Hepburn), la vivaz hermana de Julia, es capaz de comprender que Case desee vivir una vida diferente.
Hold That Kiss
Dog Show Attendee
Nace el amor entre un hombre y una mujer cuando ambos piensan que el otro es rico.
The Nurse from Brooklyn
Operating Surgeon
A nurse's younger brother is caught in a shootout between a criminal gang and the police, and he is shot and killed. The officer who is accused of shooting the man knows that he didn't do it, and sets out to find the real killer and clear his own name.
Arsène Lupin Returns
Man at Hotel Desk (uncredited)
A woman and a man vying for a woman's affection: the usual love trio? Not quite so since the belle in question is Lorraine de Grissac, a very wealthy and alluring society woman, while one of the two rivals is none other than Arsène Lupin, the notorious jewel thief everybody thought dead, now living under the assumed name of René Farrand. As for the other suitor he is an American, a former F.B.I. sleuth turned private eye by the name of Steve Emerson. Steve not only suspects Farrand of being Lupin but when someone attempts to steal a precious emerald necklace from Lorraine's uncle, Count de Brissac, he is persuaded Lupin is the culprit. Is Emerson right or wrong? Which of the two men will win over Lorraine's heart?
The Ship That Died
Board of Inquiry Member (uncredited)
This MGM An Historical Mystery short traces the final voyage of the Mary Celeste, a ship discovered at sea, in December 1872, devoid - for no discernible reason - of crew, passengers and captain. At "the famed nautical court of Gibraltar", investigators propose three hypotheses.
The Daredevil Drivers
Mr. Farnsworth (uncredited)
To spite his girlfriend, the owner of a successful bus company, an auto racer goes to work for her rival.
What Do You Think? (Number Three)
Party Guest / Wedding Guest (uncredited)
This short looks at the possibility that those who have passed on can communicate with us in ways we least expect.
What Do You Think? (Number Two)
This short presents the possibility that a dead person's spirit can intervene in the lives of the living.
Live, Love and Learn
Extra in Gallery (uncredited)
Un artista bohemio y una chica de la alta sociedad intentan averiguar si están hechos para casarse. Una vez casados, son pobres pero felices, hasta que él salta a las portadas de los periódicos y se convierte en la nueva sensación social.
Desayuno para dos
Man in Waiting Room
Valentine Ransome (Barbara Stanwyck), una rica heredera texana, está decidida a transformar en un hombre de provecho al joven Jonathan Blair (Herbert Marshall), último descendiente de una larga disnatía dedicada al transporte marítimo y con el negocio al borde de la ruina. Lo que 'Johnny' no sospecha es el precio que deberá pagar...
La pícara puritana
Lucy's Attorney (uncredited)
Jerry y Lucy Warriner están a punto de divorciarse y luchan por la custodia de su perro, Mr. Smith. Antes de que el divorcio se haga oficial, Jerry decide volver con Lucy, pero se entera de que ella va a casarse con un hombre que se ha hecho rico gracias al petróleo. Jerry contraataca anunciando su compromiso con la aristocrática Molly Lamont.
La quimera de Hollywood
Wedding Guest (Uncredited)
Un cantante que aspira a convertirse en compositor es acusado de un crimen y debe demostrar su inocencia. Por otro lado, los delincuentes responsables le amenazan para que no vuelva a cantar. Mientras medita sobre su futuro, Nino Maretti se enamora de la bella Jean.
Es amor lo que busco
Mr. Kane
Los célebres actores teatrales Basil Underwood y Joyce Arden son socios en escena y fuera de ella. Un gaje del oficio de Basil es que las mujeres a menudo se enamoran de él cuando sale a las tablas... y que él a veces se deja adorar. La vida de Basil y Joyce es apasionada y tempestuosa, caracterizada por disputas y simulaciones constantes, que suelen continuar en escena, mascullando por lo bajo. Tras su última pelea y reconciliación, finalmente han decidido casarse por duodécima y definitiva vez... ¿Pero será la última?
Vogues of 1938
Mr. Mortimer - a Creditor
An early Technicolor musical that concentrates on the fashions of the late 1930s, this film was reissued under the title All This and Glamour Too. The top models of the era, including several who are advertising household products, are in the cast. The plot centers around a chic boutique, whose owner, George Curson (Warner Baxter), tries hard to please his customers while keeping peace with his unhappy wife. A wealthy young woman, Wendy Van Klettering (Joan Bennett), decides to take a job as a model at the fashion house, just to amuse herself, but her presence annoys Curson, who must put together the best possible show to compete with rival fashion houses at the Seven Arts Ball. The film includes several hit songs, including the Oscar-nominated "That Old Feeling" by Sammy Fain and Lew Brown.
Kid Galahad
Nick Donati, un mánager de boxeo, descubre en un hotel a Ward, un botones que logra noquear a un peso pesado que estaba molestando a Louise, la novia de Nick. Nick le ofrece al chico entrenarlo para hacer de él un boxeador profesional. Ward acepta y se hace llamar 'Kid Galahad'. Las cosas se complicarán porque un tipo sin escrúpulos se interpondrá en los planes de Nick. Además, Louise empieza a sentirse atraída por Ward, pero éste se enamora de Marie, la hermana de Nick.
Mama Steps Out
Man at Ship's Party
A Fort Wayne, Indiana housewife (Alice Brady) drags her husband (Guy Kibbee) and daughter (Betty Furness) to Europe for culture.
Man Of The People
Party Guest (uncredited)
An Italian immigrant studying the law gets mixed up with crooks.
That Girl From Paris
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Nikki Martin (Lily Pons), a beautiful French opera star, stows away on an ocean liner in hopes of escaping her jealous fiancee. Once aboard, she joins an American swing band and falls in love with its leader, who, after hearing her sing, eventually comes to reciprocate her feelings.
El gran tipo
Party Guest (Uncredited)
Johnny Cave es nombrado inspector de pesos y medidas después de que el antiguo inspector fuese hospitalizado debido a un presunto intento de asesinato. Pronto descubre que hay muchas irregularidades y que están engañando a los compradores. Las medidas agresivas que toma al respecto le hacen objetivo de la mafia.
Una mujer difamada
Ship's Passenger (uncredited)
Cuando Loy, una diva social, calumnia al periodista Tracy, éste decide contraatacar implicando en el asunto a su prometida y al desafortunado Powell, un famosísimo pescador deportivo. El plan de Tracy incluye un matrimonio improvisado, una falsa seducción, la pesca de la trucha, puñetazos, promesas rotas...
Ship Passenger (Uncredited)
Samuel Dodsworth es un magnate de la industria del automóvil, el típico hombre de negocios que empezando desde abajo ha llegado a la cima del éxito. Él y su esposa deciden pasar una segunda luna de miel en Europa, pero durante el viaje descubre que ella le es infiel, y su mundo empieza a tambalearse. En tal circunstancia, conoce a una mujer que le devuelve la fe en el amor y lo convence de que vale la pena vivir. Gracias a ella, pondrá todos los medios a su alcance para salvar su matrimonio, pero quizá sea demasiado tarde.
Give Me Your Heart
Mr. Hayle (uncredited)
An American lawyer's wife is reunited with her child and his father, an English nobleman.
Satan Met a Lady
Extra on Dance Floor (uncredited)
In the second screen version of The Maltese Falcon, a detective is caught between a lying seductress and a lady jewel thief.
Two Against the World
Extra in Bar (uncredited)
A radio-network manager's boss makes him air a serial based on a murder, tormenting a woman involved.
The White Angel
Officer at Minister's Meeting (uncredited)
In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.
Champagne Charlie
Gambling House Patron
The story is told in flashback. Backers want a gambler to marry a rich girl for her dowry.
El secreto de vivir
Party Guest (uncredited)
Un ingenuo joven de provincias (Gary Cooper) va a Nueva York para hacerse cargo de una herencia de veinte millones de dólares. Allí se enamora de una chica encantadora (Jean Arthur), sin saber que es la periodista que lo ridiculiza en sus artículos.
Freshman Love
Henderson (uncredited)
A star rower is forced to join a good school under a pseudonym because his wealthy dad doesn't like schools that have high academic standards.
Búsquenme una novia
Howard - Member of Board of Directors (uncredited)
Jim Buchanan es un ejecutivo de capa caída cuya novia no le ama; pero un día conoce en un parque a Joan, una cocinera desempleada que está buscando un cocinero. Ambos deciden hacerse pasar por marido y mujer para un trabajo que requiere una pareja.
Broadway Hostess
Banker (uncredited)
Melodrama about the professional and romantic problems of an aspiring singer.
Frisco Kid
First Man (uncredited)
En plena fiebre del oro en San Francisco, un hombre llamado Bat Morgan acaba con la vida de un criminal que atemorizaba a toda la región. Gracias a su acción comienza a ganar importantes cuotas de poder dentro, aunque lo que verdaderamente le interesa es el amor por la joven Jean.
Ship Cafe
Patron (uncredited)
The singing stoker and the vamp.
Personal Maid's Secret
Mr. William Bentley
A longtime maid for New York socialites watches from afar as the daughter she once gave up is raised by others. Director Arthur Greville Collins' 1935 film stars Ruth Donnelly, Anita Louise, Margaret Lindsay, Warren Hull, Frank Albertson, Arthur Treacher, Ronnie Crosby, Henry O'Neill, Lillian Kemble Cooper and Gordon Elliott.
A Feather in Her Hat
Theatergoer (uncredited)
After the woman who raised him claims he's not her son, Richard searches for clues about his identity. Urged on by his mentor, Capt. Randolph Courtney, Richard focuses on Julia Trent Anders, a middle-aged actress who just might be his real mother. But soon, Richard begins to fall for Julia's stepdaughter. Amidst the upheaval, Richard schemes to return Julia to the stage -- but he's in for another big surprise.
3 Kids and a Queen
An eccentric, wealthy spinster, 'Queenie' Baxter is erroneously presumed to be kidnapped. She subsequently pretends to indeed be kidnapped, , in order to allow a reward of $50,000 to benefit an impecunious family headed by Tony Orsatti and his three sons, Blackie, Doc and Flash.
It's in the Air
Man in Lobby (uncredited)
Con men Calvin Churchill and Clip McGurk know how to fix a horse-race or boxing match. Calvin wants to go straight and win back his estranged wife, but first the men must dodge a dogged IRS agent and bilk a bunch of aviation investors out of the backing boodle for a balloon excursion into the stratosphere.
La alegre mentira
Walsdorf-Plaza Guest (uncredited)
Mirabel es una joven que gana 5.000 dólares en la lotería, lo que le permite vivir a cuerpo de rey en Nueva York. Un día conoce a Sandro, un apuesto muchacho que trabaja como botones; pero las cosas no son lo que parecen.
Page Miss Glory
Advertising Board Member (uncredited)
A country girl goes to the city and gets a job in a posh hotel, and winds up becoming an instant celebrity thanks to an ambitious photographer.
Broadway Gondolier
Man Leaving Opera / Dancer
A taxi driver travels to Venice and poses as a gondolier to land a radio singing job.
Corazones rotos
New Year's Eve Celebrant (uncredited)
El profesor Thalma presenta, en su casa, al prestigioso director de orquesta Franz Roberti (Charles Boyer) y a su alumna Constance Dane (Katharine Hepburn), la cual impresionará luego, con su belleza y su talento como compositora al notable director. Después de estar felizmente casados, comenzarán los problemas cuando, a la vida de Franz, regresa una atractiva amiga de los viejos tiempos.
Goin' to Town
Nightclub Patron
Cleo Borden grew up in a saloon, loves the men—and the men love her—but her aspirations lead her to enter into a contract to marry a wealthy man. When he dies and leaves her all of his fortune, she soon learns that although she has money, she is not yet a lady, so she embarks on a journey to become one. She has no desire to change herself, but the man she sets her sights on does—so she obliges.
Imitación de la vida
Party Guest (uncredited)
La viuda Beatrice Pullman (Claudette Colbert) empieza a obtener beneficios gracias a las recetas de repostería de su sirvienta negra Delilah Johnson (Louise Beavers). Mientras tanto, la hija de Beatrice (Rochelle Hudson) se enamora de su padrastro. Por su parte, la hija de la sirvienta (Fredi Washington) se empeña en hacerse pasar por blanca
The President Vanishes
The President Vanishes, released in the United Kingdom as Strange Conspiracy, is a 1934 American political drama film directed by William A. Wellman and produced by Walter Wanger. Starring Edward Arnold and Arthur Byron, the film is an adaptation of Rex Stout's political novel of the same name.
I Sell Anything
$300 Bidder at Antiques Auction (uncredited)
Auctioneer Spot Cash Cutler is planning the scam of a lifetime, but will he get burned?
A Lost Lady
Extra at Dance (uncredited)
A bitter woman who thinks she'll never love again marries, only to fall for a brash young man.
Second Playgoer
Un hombre conoce a la hija de su amante y se enamora de ella.
Ounce's Receptionist #2 (uncredited)
A reformer's daughter wins the lead role in a scandalous Broadway show.
Ship's Passenger (uncredited)
En este triángulo amoroso, Diane no puede decidir si le gusta Michael, a quien conoció en un viaje en barco, o Richard, el empresario casado que está tratando de olvidar.
Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back
Wedding Guest
Bulldog Drummond finds himself immersed in another adventure when he stumbles upon a corpse in the mysterious London mansion of Prince Achmed. Enlisting the help of his old friend Algy and the beautiful Lola, Drummond uncovers a scheme to ship illegal cargo into the country. He must rely on his cunning to survive when the prince offers a reward for his capture.
Change of Heart
Man Reading Paper in Brisbane's Office
Catherine and Mack and their close friends Chris and Madge graduate from a West Coast college and fly to New York City to find work.
Una mujer para dos
Theatre Patron (uncredited)
George Curtis, pintor, y Tom Chambers, autor teatral, que comparten un piso en París, conocen en el tren que se dirige a esta ciudad a Gilda Farrell, americana como ellos y dibujante publicitaria. Ambos se enamoran inmediatamente de ella y, como Gilda es incapaz de decidirse por uno, deciden vivir un menage à trois.
Mr. Skitch
Gambling House Patron
After losing their Missouri home during the Great Depression, the Skitch family pulls up stakes and heads west to California to begin life anew. Comedy, released in 1933.
Sopa de ganso
Minister (uncredited)
Un imaginario país en bancarrota requiere el apoyo económico de una acaudalada viuda (Margaret Dumont) para salir adelante. Como condición para extender el financiamiento, la acreedora exige que el excéntrico Rufus T. Firefly (Groucho Marx) tome las riendas de la nación. Deseando sacar partida de la crisis, el ambicioso embajador de una potencia vecina (Louis Calhern) hará cuanto sea posible para desprestigiar al nuevo líder y para ello echará mano de dos inusuales espías (Harpo y Chico Marx).
Board Member (Uncredited)
Alison Drake (Ruth Chatterton) administra una empresa de automóviles y mantiene una buena relación con sus empleados, en especial con los hombres, con los que suele tener fugaces relaciones sexuales. Un día, llega a su empresa el ingeniero Jim Thorne, un hombre independiente por el que se siente atraída.
Broadway Thru a Keyhole
Nightclub Dance Extra
Racketeer Frank Rocci is smitten with Joan Whelan, a dancer at Texas Guinan's famous Broadway night spot. He uses his influence to help her get a starring role in the show, hoping that it will also get Joan to fall in love with him. After scoring a hit, Joan accepts Frank's marriage proposal, more out of gratitude than love. The situation gets even stickier when she falls for a handsome band leader during a trip to Florida. Can she tell Frank she's in love with someone else?
Madres de bastidores, madres de artistas
Shipboard Extra / Audience Extra
Una estrella del vodevil anima a su hija a convertirse en una estrella del baile. Egoísmo, engaños y chantaje separan a madre e hija, pero al final se reconcilian.
The Girl in 419
Party Guest
A hospital surgeon (James Dunn) protects a mystery woman (Gloria Stuart) who knows too much about a card-game murder.
The Thrill Hunter
Dinner Guest
A blowhard cowboy talks himself into a job as a movie stunt man.
Parole Girl
Nightclub Patron
A woman convicted of fraud aims to take her revenge on the man who put her inside after being released on parole.
Noche tras noche
En plena ley seca, un ex-boxeador compra un bar de primera clase y se enamora de una muchacha de la alta sociedad, que no sabe de su pasado. Las complicaciones siguen cuando aparecen algunas ex-novias de sus días de boxeo.
The Dark Horse
Convention Delegate
The Progressive Party convention is deadlocked for governor, so both sides nominate the dark horse Zachary Hicks. Kay Russell suggests they hire Hal Blake as campaign manager; but first they have to get him out of jail for not paying alimony. Blake organizes the office and coaches Hicks to answer every question by pausing and then saying, "Well yes, but then again no." Blake will sell Hicks as dumb but honest. Russell refuses to marry Blake, while Joe keeps people away from Blake's office. Blake teaches Hicks a speech by Lincoln. At the debate when the conservative candidate Underwood recites the same speech, Blake exposes him as a plagiarist. Hicks is presented for photo opportunities and gives his yes-and-no answer to any question, including whether he expects to win.
Tuya para siempre
Party Guest (uncredited)
Un escritor alcohólico se dispone a estrenar su primera obra en Broadway, pero le conlleva tanto trabajo que le crea problemas matrimoniales...
Juventud triunfante
Dinner Dance Guest (uncredited)
El hijo de unos inmigrantes italianos consigue una beca y va a estudiar a Yale. Durante cuatro años aprenderá sobre fútbol, amor y prejuicios clasistas.
Alcohol prohibido
Dinner Guest (uncredited)
Los males del alcohol antes y durante la prohibición se hacen evidentes cuando vemos sus efectos en la familia Chilcote.
Men of Chance
Racetrack Spectator
Marthe Preston vive con apuros en París, hasta que un jugador acude en su ayuda. Agradecida, accede a seducir y contraer matrimonio con el rival del jugador, con el fin de llevarle a la ruina. (Filmaffinit)
El doctor Arrowsmith
Ship's Passenger (uncredited)
Martin Arrowsmith es un joven e idealista doctor que, tras graduarse, se ve obligado a renunciar a un puesto como investigador con el prestigioso Dr. Max Gottlieb para casarse con la enfermera Leora Tozer. Regresa a su hogar natal en el campo, estableciendo una pequeña consulta, y en su tiempo libre desarrollará un suero para detener una mortal plaga del ganado.
The Yellow Ticket
Man in Club
A young Russian girl is forced into a life of prostitution in Czarist Russia, and she and a British journalist find their lives endangered when she reveals to him information regarding the social crimes rampant in her country.
Gente viva
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Un botones estafador y su novia camarera están establecidos en un hotel.
Manos culpables
Party Guest (uncredited)
Complicada historia sobre la vivencia de un padre acusado de haber asesinado al amante de su hija.
Camarotes de lujo
Stateroom Guest
As a luxurious ocean liner makes its way across the Atlantic Ocean, the audience is made privy to the travails of several of its passengers. Edmund Lowe heads the cast as Monty Greer, a suave gambler who falls in love with Judy, the daughter of immigrant lens grinder Rudolph Kramer. In trying to recover some valuable securities stolen from banker Henry Graham, Greer finds himself in the middle of a fierce gun battle in the ship's engine room. Meanwhile, Graham, who has been cheating on his wife Kay with sexy dancer Sigrid Carline, is murdered by person or persons unknown.
Three Who Loved
Mr. Dale
A bank teller's love life falls apart when he's accused of embezzling.
Laugh and Get Rich
Mr. Bellweather - Party Guest (uncredited)
An inept inventor and his stoic wife believe an oil well investment has paid off and that they've become wealthy overnight.
A Woman's Way
Set in Paris, the story concentrates on the romantic triangle involving cabaret singer Liane, bon vivant Tony and petty crook Jean.
Satan Town
"The Wickedest Place in the World - Tourists Welcome", so says the banner across main street. Bill Scott rides into the city looking for adventure. At the Palace Hotel, the wickedest place in Satan Town, Sue of the Salvation Army strives to reach one or two of the drunks, gamblers, and prostitutes that throng the saloon. Malamute, the bouncer at the bar, never shies from a fight, and what's more, he's never lost one. Sue, to her misfortune, has gotten on his nerves.
The Man from Red Gulch
In the days of the California Gold Rush of '49, Sandy is at odds with his partner, Falloner, over the latter's heavy drinking.
The Prairie Pirate
A young woman finds herself trapped by a bandit gang. Rather than be raped by the gang, she commits suicide. When her brother finds out what happened, he turns to a life of banditry, hoping to find the gang responsible for his sister's death.
Gold and the Girl
Dan Prentiss is a special undercover agent hired by a mining company to look into a series of gold-shipment robberies.
The Desert Outlaw
A prospector is falsely accused of murder.
Against All Odds
Chick Newton's friend, Bill Warner, is arrested for murdering his uncle. However, Bill has been framed by a blackmailer who has plotted with the uncle to have him disappear in order to avoid creditors and collect insurance. Newton unmasks Tom Curtis as the culprit and rescues Warner from a hanging.
A Man's Mate
Paul Bonard an artist, loses his memory when he receives a blow on the head from one of two apaches fighting over Wildcat, a sultry stepper in a cafe. He becomes an apache himself, falls in love with Wildcat and paints her portrait--his masterpiece. Wildcat learns Paul's identity and restores him to his family, though realizing that she will lose him. Surgery restores Paul's memory, but some subconscious force guides him back to the cafe and Wildcat's love.
The Wolf Man
Gerald Stanley (John Gilbert) is an English gentleman who is engaged to Beatrice Joyce (Alma Frances). But Stanley's personality changes whenever he drinks, and his brother (who also loves Beatrice) uses this to his advantage.
The Exiles
Finding herself accused of a murder she didn't commit, Alice Carroll flees to Tangier, Morocco. District Attorney Henry Holcombe, meanwhile, has discovered that she is actually innocent and sets out to search for her. He finds her in Tanger, but she is under the influence of the shady Wilhelm von Linke, who owns a seedy gambling den. Complications ensue.
The County Fair
"The County Fair" begins with a nasty rich guy threatening to turn an old lady onto the street--unless her niece (who lives with her) marries this man's son. While she's dead set against it, the niece is a sweet thing and would do anything to help her aunt--even marry the rich jerk. However, a possible way out is presented. When a poor young man is taken in and fed, he turns out (naturally) to be a jockey and thinks he can win the $3000 prize at the fair and save the farm.
Alias Jimmy Valentine
The saga of Alias Jimmy Valentine began with the O. Henry story "A Retrieved Reformation". This surprise-ending tale was adapted into a stage play by Paul Armstrong, which subsequently was adapted to film several times
The Hushed Hour
Judge Robert Appleton (Winter Hall) has led an exemplary life. His four children, however, fell short once they grew up and had to fend for themselves. When Appleton dies, his widow (Lydia Knott) explains that his last request was that each child spend one hour of contemplation with his body. The first is the youngest daughter, Daisy (Rosemary Theby), an artist of note who was betrayed and left with a son to raise out of wedlock. Next is Luke (Milton Sills), a wild young man who ran away at 19, and even though he is now married and a father, he still can't quite settle down. The eldest son, Bob (Wilfred Lucas), is next -- he wed a wealthy woman, but the marriage has no love.
The Road Through the Dark
Gabrielle Jardee, daughter of a conservative Parisian family, is in love with an American, John Morgan, who her parents disapprove of. She is sent away from Paris to a small village, where her aunt lives with her sister and brother. The war comes and the Germans enter the town. She becomes the mistress of a German Kommandant.
A Society Sensation
A wealthy society playboy falls in love with the daughter of a poor fisherman. After Valentino shot to fame, A Society Sensation was cut down to a meek 24 minutes so the lead would be in every scene. Title cards tried to make up for the lost scenes.
The Moonstone
Neptune's Daughter
Duke Boris
The daughter of King Neptune takes on human form to avenge the death of her young sister, who was caught in a fishing net. However, she falls in love with the king, the man she holds responsible.
The Arizona Romeo
To spite her domineering father, Eastern girl Lucy Fox pursues an unsuitable suitor to a small Western hamlet where she obtains a job as a manicurist. A local rancher (Buck Jones), who has fallen for the girl, does his best to persuade her not too marry the bounder.