Boss of Bosses
Parecerse a Bruce Lee puede tener sus ventajas, pero también sus inconvenientes, y esto es precisamente lo que le ocurrió a nuestro protagonista, un emigrante asiático para el que cualquier trabajo es bueno, incluso el de realizar entregas de una sospechosamente codiciada "Harina China" por todo el país, trabajo que le hará conocer a una interminable colección de disparatados personajes, y a vivir las más alocadas aventuras.
Aspiring actress Eva Duarte rises from a minor celebrity to the wife of a powerful Argentine dictator, but her all consuming fiery rage, ambition, and hatred eventually become her downfall.
The Commander
A swinging divorcée is prejudged by a police detective and accused of killing her child.
Detective Fallon
Bill y Janet Templeton tienen una hija de once años llamada Ivy que sufre terribles pesadillas. Elliot Hoover (A. Hopkins) trata, en vano, de convencerlos de que el alma de su hija Audrey Rose, muerta con su madre en un accidente de tráfico, se ha adueñado de Ivy.
Cab Driver
During a session with his psychoanalyst, Alexander Portnoy rants about everything that is bothering him. His complaints include his childhood and his family with an emphasis on his mother, his sexual fantasies and the problems that he has with women, and his obsessive feelings about his Judaism.
New York newlyweds Lou and Mary look to spend their post-nuptials at Lou’s swinging brother Tony’s pad, but anything and everything gets in the way of them actually consummating their marriage.