Paul Bond

Nacimiento : 1946-08-26,


Diario de un escándalo
"B" Camera Operator
Barbara es una despótica y solitaria profesora que gobierna su aula con mano de hierro en una ruinosa escuela pública de secundaria londinense. Vive sola, con su gata Portia, no tiene amigos, pero su vida experimenta un cambio radical cuando conoce a Sheba Hart, la nueva y atractiva profesora de arte de la escuela. Barbara ve en ella al alma gemela y a la leal amiga que siempre ha estado buscando. Pero, cuando descubre que Sheba mantiene una tórrida relación con uno de sus jóvenes alumnos, la incipiente amistad da un ominoso giro, pues Barbara amenaza con contárselo todo al marido de Sheba y al mundo entero.
Camera Operator
A lo largo de los tiempos, los hombres han hecho la guerra. Unos por poder, otros por gloria o por honor, y algunos por amor. En la antigua Grecia, la pasión de dos de los amantes más legendarios de la historia, Paris, príncipe de Troya (Orlando Bloom) y Helena (Diane Kruger), reina de Esparta, desencadena una guerra que asolará una civilización. El rapto de Helena por Paris, separándola de su esposo, el rey Menelao (Bren-dan Gleeson), es un insulto que El orgullo familiar establece que una afrenta a Menelao es una afrenta a su hermano Agamenón (Brian Cox), el poderoso rey de Micenas, que no tarda en reunir a todas las grandes tribus de Grecia para recuperar a Helena de manos de los troyanos y defender el honor de su hermano. La verdad es que la lucha por el honor por parte de Agamenón está corrompida por su incontenible codicia ya que necesita conquistar Troya para asumir el control del mar Egeo.
The Vanishing Man
While Nick Cameron is returning to England from the continent with mysterious cargo in the cabin section of his small aircraft, he is thrown off-course by a severe electrical storm and loses radio contact. To his surprise and horror, he is arrested upon landing and accused of being a traitor in connection with the cargo he has been carrying - which, unknown to him, contained plutonium. Although he pleads innocent, Nick is not believed and is sentenced to a long term in prison. While in prison, he is subjected to special experimentation at a mysterious laboratory - with one unnerving, and unexpected, side-effect of the experiments being intermittent invisibility. —David McAnally
The Search For Robert Johnson
Robert Johnson was one of the most legendary and mysterious Delta Bluesmiths of all time. Little is known about his life, but his music has influenced many different artists, like Eric Clapton and Keith Richards. Now, John Hammond Jr., son of legendary record producer John H. Hammond, who also organized a concert for Robert Johnson right before he died, goes to the Deep South to learn more about this amazing man, trying to find information about Johnson's birth date, place and parents, his early musical development, performances and travels, romances, his mythic "pact with the devil," his untimely murder in his late twenties, the discovery of possible offspring, and the uncertainty over where Johnson is buried. Throughout, Johnson's music is both foreground and background, from recordings of Johnson and as performed on camera by Hammond, David Honeyboy Edwards, and Johnny Shines.
Art Lives Series: Marc Chagall
Camera Operator
With lovers and violinists hovering overhead and unique colour compositions, Chagall advanced to the greatest art legend of the 20th century. Raised in a Jewish family in White Russia, painting took him out of the poverty-stricken, provincial limitations of his youth and brought him to the Parisian art world. Formed by the Jewish-Russian culture and the influence of the avant-garde in France, he was able to discover his own individual style. The film follows Chagall’s tracks from the viewpoint of an English artist. Starting in the Parisian artist colony “La Ruche”, he takes us on a voyage of discovery to Chagall’s fantastic and mysterious world.
The Beatles: Let it be
Clapper Loader
Documental sobre la legendaria banda de Liverpool. Abarca las dos semanas de la grabación del que supuso el último disco del cuarteto, "Let It Be", con la famosa actuación en la azotea del Apple Building.