Petr Oukropec

Petr Oukropec

Nacimiento : 1972-04-23,


Petr Oukropec


My Sunny Maad
Cuando Herra, una joven checa, se enamora de Nazir, un afgano, no consciente de la clase de vida que le espera en la Afganistán post-talibán, ni el tipo de familia de la que va a formar parte: un abuelo liberal, un niño adoptado con altas capacidades y Freshta, que haría cualquier cosa para escapar de la violentas garras de su marido.
Martin and the Magical Forest
Young geek city boy Martin has to overcome himself and stay two weeks in the summer camp without his comforts and any technology. Here he will be challenged to help the forest creatures to save their forest from being destroyed by greedy developers.
La Iglesia Católica atraviesa un momento complicado en Checoslovaquia a principios de los años 80. El régimen comunista amenaza con destruir la institución y la somete a un estricto control, por lo que se ve obligada a aceptar ciertas restricciones relacionadas con la libertad de creencias y de expresión. El clérigo está dividido entre la "iglesia de las catacumbas", que mantiene el contacto con el Vaticano y con la prensa occidental, y la "jerarquía eclesiástica", que coopera con las fuerzas del poder y está representada por sacerdotes pertenecientes a la asociación "Pacem in Terris", cuya vida se extendió en el país desde 1971 hasta 1989. Este es el contexto en el que los jóvenes seminaristas Michal y Juraj tienen que decidir si mantenerse fieles a su vocación e idealismo o arrodillarse ante las presiones de la policía secreta.
Over the Hills
Father and son Vít and Grisha travel to Russia to visit the boy’s mother and sister. Why did their previously harmonious family split in two? A documentary road movie about the distance between two Slavic countries, the difficulties of fatherhood and puberty, and the alienation between people who should, in theory, be the closest of all.
Let There Be Light
Milan, a Slovak working in Germany as a bricklayer, returns home to celebrate Christmas with his wife and three children, one of whom appears to be involved in suspicious activities related to an extremist organization.
Ice Mother
After her husband's death, Hana lives on alone in the family villa. Her two sons visit her with their families, but these visits frequently end in quarrels. When Hana meets Brona, a hardy fellow, inured to winter swimming, a new world opens before her. Brona's team-mates absorb her into their team and Hana gradually learns to overcome her fear of icy water. Her relation with Brona grows into love.
In Your Dreams!
Only a few girls practice the art of parkour – running and somersaulting over rooftops, free-climbing up rusted scaffolding and leaping from one wall to the next. Laura takes it all in her stride. Though as she wildly races through the streets of Prague, her thoughts are running wild too. She has a crush on Luky, but he doesn‘t show much interest in her. Laura‘s parents live apart, and her mother is desperately looking for someone new. Jealousy, misunderstandings with her best friend – Laura‘s life is full of confusion. Sometimes, when she can‘t take it anymore, fantasy worlds evolve. When hope and fear push through the cracks of reality, it gets harder to keep her life in balance.
In Your Dreams!
Only a few girls practice the art of parkour – running and somersaulting over rooftops, free-climbing up rusted scaffolding and leaping from one wall to the next. Laura takes it all in her stride. Though as she wildly races through the streets of Prague, her thoughts are running wild too. She has a crush on Luky, but he doesn‘t show much interest in her. Laura‘s parents live apart, and her mother is desperately looking for someone new. Jealousy, misunderstandings with her best friend – Laura‘s life is full of confusion. Sometimes, when she can‘t take it anymore, fantasy worlds evolve. When hope and fear push through the cracks of reality, it gets harder to keep her life in balance.
Ela, de 15 años, se encuentra en una correccional. Las reclusas han tenido experiencias muy sombrías pero mantienen sus sueños y deseos.
Four Suns
Fogi is enjoying his never ending puberty. But simultaneously Fogi is also trying to live up to his family duties and bring up Véna, his son from the first marriage. He did not get married again but lives with Jana, a post office employee. Together they have little Anicka and they all live in a flat in a small town. At first, Jana is trying to tolerate Fogi's moods, but her patience is running out. Fogi loses his job. On top of that he starts to see himself in his adolescent son and realizes with horror that Véna repeats his own mistakes. The first fights, bans and mutual misunderstandings are approaching.
The Blue Tiger
Johanka and Matyáš have an unusual home. The two live among the animals and plants of an enchanted botanical garden in the middle of the city, but this idyll is under threat. To the children’s horror, the mayor wants to build a theme park on the same spot. The Blue Tiger, an animal with magic powers, comes to their aid. Only he can protect the garden, but Johanka and Matyáš must now stop the mayor from capturing their newfound friend. MODRY TYGR is a colourful, atmospheric and imaginatively told animated fairytale that inspires the viewer to reflect on natural resources and habitats.
The Blue Tiger
Johanka and Matyáš have an unusual home. The two live among the animals and plants of an enchanted botanical garden in the middle of the city, but this idyll is under threat. To the children’s horror, the mayor wants to build a theme park on the same spot. The Blue Tiger, an animal with magic powers, comes to their aid. Only he can protect the garden, but Johanka and Matyáš must now stop the mayor from capturing their newfound friend. MODRY TYGR is a colourful, atmospheric and imaginatively told animated fairytale that inspires the viewer to reflect on natural resources and habitats.
The Blue Tiger
Johanka and Matyáš have an unusual home. The two live among the animals and plants of an enchanted botanical garden in the middle of the city, but this idyll is under threat. To the children’s horror, the mayor wants to build a theme park on the same spot. The Blue Tiger, an animal with magic powers, comes to their aid. Only he can protect the garden, but Johanka and Matyáš must now stop the mayor from capturing their newfound friend. MODRY TYGR is a colourful, atmospheric and imaginatively told animated fairytale that inspires the viewer to reflect on natural resources and habitats.
Ivetka a hora
El Maestro Rural
Un joven profesor de Praga abandona la capital para dar clases de ciencias naturales en un pueblo. Allí entablará amistad con una mujer y su hijo de 17 años. Un día, el ex-novio del profesor llega al pueblo y rápidamente se da cuenta de que allí nadie sabe que el nuevo maestro es gay. Y también se da cuenta de que el profesor esconde cierto afecto por el chico
Národ sobě aneb České moře v 18 přílivech
"Situation of the Street" - An experimental study about Czech life, focusing on Prague's National Street, its businesses and the varied people who frequent it.
The Idiot Returns
Frantisek, the main character is returning to his family. Until now he's been, "successfully" avoiding all relationships. He is an ingenuous and a pure person and thus, is regarded as an idiot. He becomes involved in various love and family conflicts. It is because he hasn't experienced much of the "real" life that he is able to perceive human relationships in their genuineness.