Dorothy Wood


Santa Fe Bound
Bridget, housekeeper
Riding toward Santa Fe, Tom Crenshaw shoots a bushwhacker who has killed Dad Bates from ambush. Discovering a money belt on Bates, Tom carries it to town, along with a letter he finds in the pocket of the killer, which offers him the means of identifying either of the dead men. In town, Tom has a run-in with gunman One-Shot Morgan and one of Morgan's henchmen sees Tom with the money belt. Tom poses as the renegade who did the killing and is accepted by Morgan and his gang. Tom's plan is working until one of the gang who knew the killer shows up and denounces him as an impostor.
The Idaho Kid
Mrs. Endicott
Idaho, returning to the area he left as a boy, gets in the middle of a range feud. He takes the side of Endicott. On the other side is Hollister who is unaware that Idaho is his long lost son.
The Golden Trail
Della Prater
Prospector Jack Remsen has hit a mother lode of hard luck: He can't pay the mortgage on his mine, and the skinflint repossessing it demands Jack's beloved horse as an additional penalty. When Jack angrily rides off on his own horse, he's branded a thief and hunted by the law. Although a wanted man, Jack remains in the territory because of his promise to look after the daughter of his late mining partner. The young beauty Jack thinks is his partner's daughter is actually the daughter of Jack's bitter enemy, the skinflint!
In the Days of Buffalo Bill
Alice Carter
Western film serial featuring Buffalo Bill
The Better Man Wins
Nell Thompson
Nell refuses Bill's aid when her rancher father can no longer work, but when her father dies, she turns to Bill for help.
The Saddle King
A broken-down cowboy applies for work at one of the Western ranches. The boss agrees to hire the wanderer provided he can ride an unmanageable horse. He consents, rides the horse and gets the job. In accomplishing this "stunt," he arouses the jealousy of the foreman, for the latter learns that the ranchman's daughter has seen the new-comer subdue the wild animal and is beginning to fall in love with him. To prevent this the villain accuses his rival of many misdeeds, but in the end is a victim of his own folly.
The Trail of the Hound
The Trail of the Hound is a 1920 silent Western.
The Man With The Punch
Mary Lane
The inaptly named Peace City is held in a grip of fear by the corrupt Sheriff Sellers. The benevolent, black-hatted 'Stranger,' who unexpectedly arrives in town, is in actuality an undercover Texas Ranger determined to restore law and order.
Fight It Out
Jane McKenna
Cowpoke Sandy Adams overhears a plot to frame rancher Duncan McKenna for a rash of cattle rustlings and methodically turns the members of the gang against each other.
Hallie Moss
The hero is affected in his daily life by petty superstitious fears, which gives the heroine an idea he is cowardly. She returns his ring, but later events prove his real mettle and she is glad when a reconciliation comes.
The Stranger
A stranger rides into a little town on his white horse, where he finds plenty of excitement and a love affair awaiting him.
The Two-Fisted Lover
The New Schoolteacher
The hero befriends a young school teacher, who adopts a child at his suggestion. The real father of the child, who neglected its mother and allowed her to die, tries to make the teacher believe the hero is its father, which brings about an interesting complication.
Double Danger
Peggy Dawson
Mr. Dawson can't pay the balance of a note owned by the villain, so the villain demands his daughter as payment.
Joyce Raymond
A cowboy's flirtations with a lady on a passing train get him into trouble with his sweetheart.
'in Wrong' Wright
Mary Brown
'in Wrong' Wright is a 1920 Western short.
The Shootin' Fool
The Shootin' Fool sometimes known as Some Shooter is a 1920 silent Western short.
One Law for All
The making of an American out of a resident of some other country.
The Grinning Granger
The Grinning Granger is a 1920 Western short
A Gamblin' Fool
A man unconsciously borrows a bandit's yellow slicker and is temporarily under suspicion as a result.
The Big Catch
The Big Catch is a 1920 silent Western
The Champion Liar
A breezy young Westerner loves to talk and tells some "whoppers" for humorous purposes. This get him into trouble with his girl, but he wins her back after she has tried vainly to fall in love with an honest but less entertaining fellow.
The Smilin' Kid
The Smilin' Kid is a 1920 silent Western short.