Director of Photography
Peregrinaje visual, emocional, musical e histórico por los lugares, los momentos y las circunstancias que Hermes Davide Faustino Croatto Martini, mejor conocido como Tony Croatto, trazó durante su trayectoria artística y de vida.
Director of Photography
Documentary about the life of Chilean journalist Carlos Weber and his healing journey after being captured and tortured by the Pinochet Regime.
Director of Photography
Rodrigo, a piano-tuner and former composer fallen on hard times, begins a love affair with the soon-to-be-married Susana. When a bomb in the city of Medellín nearly kills them, Rodrigo and Susana surrender to their attraction and fall into each other’s arms. Cocooned in her apartment above the vibrant city, Susana opens up to him every night and tells him a story of each of the different men from her past. Her stories inspire him to compose again, but his obsession makes him jealous and paranoid. When Susana finally leaves her fiancée to be with Rodrigo, he becomes obsessed with her fidelity.
Director of Photography
Cuando todos los residentes de Tokío son desalojados de sus casas, dos niños, Emiliano y Aurelia, se ven obligados a terminar su amistad. Pero antes de eso, hacen un plan para salvar la vida de un gatito que será abandonado cuando todos se vayan del vecindario. Esto parece un esquema muy simple, pero resulta ser una lección de belleza y humanidad, que emerge de ellos mismos como un acto de rebelión en un mundo lleno de destrucción.
Director of Photography
In this veterans' hospice, every patient spends their last days fighting between life and death. Veterans die alone in rooms full of memories and anecdotes about wars that they fought for a country that they barely knew.
Additional Photography
Los testimonios de algunos artistas del muralismo en Puerto Rico, así como de historiadores del arte y curadores, integrados por la perspectiva de un estudiante universitario, ofrecen una mirada de múltiples perspectivas al muralismo, en distintas áreas geográficas de la Isla.
El cimarrón is a love story about a young African couple, Marcos and Carolina, that takes place in the slavery era at the turn of the nineteen-century in a Caribbean island. After several futile escape plans, Marcos finally escaped. Now free, he returns to liberate his beloved Carolina.
Director of Photography
After a long career as a detective in the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Police of Puerto Rico, José Rafael Prado takes office work before retiring. The murder of a coworker creates a vacancy Prado quickly wants to fill in order to "retire with honor".
Alegato contra la violencia de género, basada en un caso real ocurrido en Puerto Rico.
Director of Photography
La historia de una familia que es amenazada por la expropiación. La lucha de una señora se convierte en la lucha de todo el barrio.
A festive, tropical Christmas in Puerto Rico is what Jennifer and Papotico are most looking forward to. Both young people are filled with musical talent, with dreams and hopes for the future. But their innocence, zeal for life, and special friendship are overshadowed by the social and economic issues of Puerto Rico. Full of powerful performances and based on a true story, “Bala Perdida” will leave a chilling feeling in your bones.
A night in the life of a cab driver in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Doris is a hardworking and honest woman, divorced and mother of two teenagers whom she adores but doesn’t understand. After a bad relationship with her husband, she no longer trusts men. She lives only for her children, but they’re living their own lives. One day, Doris learns that things can get better.
Director of Photography
An operator at a mobile pager company has her life turned upside down by a seemingly senseless abduction.
Director of Photography
A man shares his apartment with his elderly mother. He puts a Doris Day record, "Que sera, sera", and his life walks by in a flash.
Director of Photography
Documental sobre la emigración de la mujer dominicana a la ciudad de Nueva York.
Director of Photography
Documental basado en la vida de Luisa Capetillo, quien dedicó su vida a la lucha por la igualdad de la mujer y fue defensora de los derechos de los trabajadores y de las mujeres del siglo XIX y principios del XX.
Director of Photography
Traces the themes and characteristics present in the plastic arts of Puerto Rico, which represent a search for the Puerto Rican identity.
Director of Photography
Documental sobre la emigración de la mujer dominicana a Puerto Rico. Se ilustran las circunstancias que obligan a éstas a dejar su país para buscar mejores condiciones de vida en Puerto Rico.