Ralph Richmond


Ralph Richmond is an actor, known for Phantasm (1979), Kenny & Company (1976) and Jim, the World's Greatest (1976).


Mike, un joven que acaba de perder a sus padres, observa a su hermano Jody mientras éste asiste al entierro de su mejor amigo. Mike ha seguido a su hermano sin que él lo sepa, obsesionado con la idea de que, tras el funeral, abandone la ciudad para siempre. A la salida del cementerio, Mike es testigo de una escena muy extraña: un hombre alto alza el féretro, lo introduce en un coche fúnebre y desaparece. Mike describe la escena a su hermano, quién lo toma por loco. Molesto por la incredulidad de Jody, Mike vuelve al cementerio de Morningside al anochecer, infiltrándose en la morgue donde además de descubrir una serie de extrañas criaturas espectrales, se hace con una poderosa esfera de plata que pertenece al misterioso hombre alto.
Kenny & Company
Big Doug
Several days in the life of Kenny, a typical 12-year-old, and his friends. Kenny goes through all the activities that most of us went through as kids as he and his friends prepare for Halloween. Along the way, Kenny deals with such childhood issues as bullies and his first crush on a girl.
Jim, the World's Greatest
Head Coach
One of his earlier pieces, Don Coscarelli (of Phantasm Phame) has a knack for seeing the world through the eyes and heart of a young boy. He offers a Peter Pan-esque adventure to men from the boomers to present day, with each generation being introduced to a more innocent time.
Did Baby Shoot Her Sugardaddy?
The teenage tiger that ripped off the mob and left the cops with their pants down! Only Baby could heist a million from the mob!