Felipe Guerrero


Los conductos
Pinky está huyendo. Por la noche, las calles vacías huelen a apocalipsis y la ciudad parece estar en llamas. Los narcóticos se arremolinan por las venas y el aire. Habiéndose liberado de las garras de una secta liderada por un cierto “padre” y decidido a tomar su destino en sus propias manos, ahora se encuentra encerrado en una fábrica ilegal de camisetas, rodeado de pinturas, consignas y prensas térmicas. Pinky busca la luz al final del túnel, pero los fantasmas le bajan por el cuello. Está corriendo por su vida y Colombia está en llamas. Pero Colombia está viva.
LEI and WONG clandestinely arrive to Ecuador, on their way to the port city of Guayaquil. From here LEI plans to continue her journey to New York, but CHANG, a bipolar mobster will decide her fate. WONG unwillingly gets entangled in the web of corruption that operates the encroachment of Chinese immigrants. His only objective is to bring his twelve-year-old son from China.
La fortaleza
To escape the crisis in Venezuela, and his alcoholism, Roque retreats into the Amazon jungle to renovate a cabin he built during happier times. He struggles with feverish visions caused by alcohol abstinence, and his desire for redemption becomes distorted when he joins old friends to work in an illegal gold mine controlled by Colombian guerrillas. The violence required to work in the mine plunges Roque into a cycle of self-destruction that devours his interior. He will need the fortitude to get out and start anew.
Fait Vivir
Manuk, a 4yo tells the legend of Gypsy Kumbia Orchestra, 18 gypsies between musicians, dancers, and circus actors who invented the show titled 'MAKONDO'
After a devastating earthquake, Nga, an old elephant and probably the last of its species, and Sanra, his mahout, are about to embark on a journey to find the mythical elephant’s graveyard. The group of poachers following them will die one after the other under mysterious circumstances and spells.
Sal is an odyssey whose hero has no home to return to. His is a search for transcendence in a landscape that pits him against a harsh, impervious human reality. Heraldo is a man with no identity who comes to the desert asking about his father. In this dystopian land, the last refuge of desperados who have no place in the world, he finds himself asking if maybe he is one of them when a strange couple, Don Salo and his wife, take him in.
La película infinita
Based on the remains of never-completed Argentine features from the archives of the film museum in Buenos Aires. The film is, as it were, a parallel film history: an essay like a cinematographic Frankenstein, that blows new life into images that once seemed unsuccessful and pointless.
La Soledad
Un relato vívido e íntimo de la crisis venezolana contado a través de la lucha de la vida real de un joven padre que intenta salvar a su familia de la demolición de su hogar.
Oscuro Animal
Oscuro animal tells the story of three women forced to flee their homes in a war torn region in Colombia. Each of their journeys, marked by terror, takes them on a trek from the deep jungle to the outskirts of Bogotá, where they will gather new strength to start a new life.
Oscuro Animal
Oscuro animal tells the story of three women forced to flee their homes in a war torn region in Colombia. Each of their journeys, marked by terror, takes them on a trek from the deep jungle to the outskirts of Bogotá, where they will gather new strength to start a new life.
Oscuro Animal
Oscuro animal tells the story of three women forced to flee their homes in a war torn region in Colombia. Each of their journeys, marked by terror, takes them on a trek from the deep jungle to the outskirts of Bogotá, where they will gather new strength to start a new life.
Los Hongos
Ras, un obrero que preocupa a su madre María (quien emigró a la ciudad proveniente de la selva del Pacífico), porque al quedarse sin trabajo busca a Calvin, un grafitero estudiante de bellas artes que cuida a su abuela enferma de cáncer; y con quien emprende un viaje sin retorno, contaminando su entorno de inmensa libertad
La pasión de Michelangelo
An intense religious drama set during the Pinochet regime and based on a true story.
An examination of sugar cane workers in the southwest of Colombia.
¡Volveremos a las montañas!
Durante diez años, desde diciembre de 1961 hasta noviembre de 1971, existió en Buenos Aires un lugar donde la música contemporánea de América Latina cambió para siempre. Compositores jóvenes de toda América venían becados a Buenos Aires para trabajar, durante dos años, en un laboratorio: el Centro Latinoamericano de Altos Estudios Musicales del Instituto Di Tella. Medio siglo después, vuelven a Buenos Aires, con algunas cuentas pendientes.
El páramo
Después de enviar a nueve soldados veteranos a una base militar situada en un páramo colombiano, sus jefes pierden todo contacto con ellos, por lo que temen que puedan haber sido víctimas de un ataque de la guerrilla. Cuando los soldados llegan a su destino, sólo encuentran a una joven campesina encadenada. Poco a poco, el aislamiento y la imposibilidad de comunicarse con el exterior va haciendo mella en su ánimo y alterando su cordura. En ese estado, ya no saben quién es el enemigo ni cuál es la verdadera naturaleza de la extraña mujer que han encontrado. Presos del temor, la paranoia y de un oscuro secreto que arrastran, acabarán enfrentándose entre sí para poder sobrevivir.
Alicia en el país
Alicia en el país tells the real story that took place in 2004, of a thirteen year old Bolivian girl who undertook a singular journey: to walk to the town of San Pedro de Atacama, in the Chilean altiplano, to look for work. It was 180 kilometers between desert, snow and salt flats, with the purpose of helping her family and responding to an ancient Quechua tradition, where the entrance to adulthood implies making a long journey.
A documentary examining a Brazilian ex-convict turned evangelist and his daughter, who preach to huge crowds throughout Brazil.
Hunters Since the Beginning of Time
"Along the coast of the Bering Sea a community of whale hunters are struggling to survive keeping alive a millenary tradition. Surviving one of the most extreme environments of the planet."
Aral, Fishing in an Invisible Sea
A documentary film about the three remaining generations of fishermen in the Aral Sea-- Their everyday struggle to survive in one of the most dire and inhospitable places on the planet.